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Configuration Management & Release History

Centralpoint’s configuration management process ensures a robust and systematic approach to deploying updates while maintaining stability across all environments. Before any update is released, Centralpoint undergoes multiple quality control steps to ensure that new functionalities and improvements meet the highest standards. This involves rigorous testing to identify and resolve any issues before updates are made available to clients. Updates are delivered as pull updates, allowing the client to retrieve updates remotely from Oxcyon's servers to the server where Centralpoint is installed. These updates can be automated by the client to run at predefined intervals or manually initiated as per the client’s preference, offering flexibility in managing the timing of updates. Please see our High Level Diagram of Centralpoint here.

Even after the server update is completed, Centralpoint's systematic process ensures further incremental, cascading updates across different environments. This process moves through three key stages:

1. Development Site: The initial stage where updates are first applied, allowing clients to test and adjust new features in a controlled environment.   
2. Quality Control or Staging Site: After the development phase, updates are applied to a staging site, which acts as a replica of the production environment. This stage allows for further testing and validation, minimizing the risk of issues during the final rollout.
3. Live Production Site: Once updates have passed through the development and staging phases, they are applied to the live environment, ensuring that the final deployment is stable and seamless.

In addition, Centralpoint's local server provides rollback functionality, enabling clients to revert any aspect of the software back to a previous state if necessary. This rollback feature covers all environments, including the client’s server, development, staging, and live production environments. It ensures that any issues encountered during an update can be quickly addressed by reverting to a prior stable version, minimizing downtime and disruption to operations.

This methodical approach allows Centralpoint to introduce new functionalities with a default setting of 'off', giving clients the flexibility to review and enable new features from the gallery without disrupting their current configuration. It allows organizations to adopt new capabilities at their own pace, ensuring continuity and minimizing risks associated with updates.

Additionally, Centralpoint supports localized development, enabling clients to customize their Centralpoint environment independently from Oxcyon’s bi-weekly updates. Developers can modify and add their custom code within the MY MODULES folder, ensuring that these customized elements remain untouched during Oxcyon’s updates. This ensures that clients retain full control over their tailored features, while Oxcyon’s updates enhance the rest of the platform. This balance between systematic updates, rollback capabilities, and localized customization makes Centralpoint a highly adaptable solution that evolves with clients' needs while ensuring stability and control.  Please click here to see our future roadmap of updates coming from development.

Centralpoint Update 8.11.101

Standardized Database Access and System QueriesAll system queries have been updated to use parameterized execution and optimized for better efficiency. These changes improve security and performance throughout the application. No action is required, but please report any unexpected behavior or performance issues if discovered.

Mon, Feb 24, 2025

Centralpoint Update 8.11.100

Paged Select Stored Procedures UpgradeMinor bug fixes were implemented for the Phase 2 Paged Select Stored Procedures upgrade. These fixes address issues discovered after the initial deployment while maintaining all security enhancements and performance improvements introduced in the update. The system continues to leverage SQL Server 2012+ optimized paging capabilities with no additional action required. We're monitoring for any further issues - please report any unexpected behavior you encounter.

Mon, Feb 10, 2025

Centralpoint Update 8.11.99

Forms > Processing > Education Questions SubmissionThis feature provides console administrators the ability to assign questions from one course to another. This is particularly useful when duplicating a course, as it ensures the new copy is automatically linked to all the same questions as the original course.
Forms > Processing > Copy RecordThis method has been extended with a new attribute named "Copy DataId". This is used to set the DataId of the newly created copy. This attribute is useful if you want to share the DataId by creating a link to the copied record in an email or on the Thank You page.
Script Generator > AutoCompleteThe plugin has been extended with new configuration properties and callback methods. This provides the ability to customize the UI of the autocomplete menu and insert snippets of content if desired. Additionally, a new web-service is available that can be used with the plugin to prioritize results with search criteria in the Title instead of words found in any attribute. Please read the help file for instruction and setup assistance.
Paged Select Stored Procedures Upgrade - Phase 2We have deployed the second phase of updates to our paged select stored procedures across all paged queries. These changes primarily affect module and web site searches and include enhanced security measures to address vulnerabilities, performance improvements leveraging SQL Server 2012+ optimized paging capabilities, and a modernized code base for better maintainability. No immediate action is required, but please report any unexpected behavior.

Mon, Jan 20, 2025

Centralpoint Update 8.11.98

MD-Staff Data Transfer Source add token authentication supportSite property contains a switch between password and token authentication.
Paged Select Stored Procedures Upgrade - Phase 1We have deployed the first phase of updates to our paged select stored procedures across all system modules. These changes primarily affect console views and include enhanced security measures to address vulnerabilities, performance improvements leveraging SQL Server 2012+ optimized paging capabilities, and a modernized code base for better maintainability. This is the first of two planned phases to upgrade all paged select stored procedures. No immediate action is required, but please report any unexpected behavior in console views.
Compression Service UpgradeA new compression service has been implemented using System.IO.Compression. This change requires updating any custom code that references the previous compression library. Please refactor any dependent code to use the new compression service.
Admin > Properties > Site Search AutoComplete > Match PriorityThe autocomplete supports a new attribute named "Match Priority". When enabled this feature will prioritize records with matches in the Title over matches in the Keywords column. Please read the instructions found on the header text for details.
CpScript AddToCalendarA new property named "Attributes" is supported. This allows console admins to enter a comma separated list of attributes that will be used from the Event record to generate the email body. Prior to this update this feature only supported the "BodyCopy" attribute.
CpScript ColumnTaxonomyAdded a FilterType property that contains the options of Manual or Automatic. The Manual option is the initial release where the filter was managed by a SQL WHERE clause. The Automatic option is new and contains additional attributes when selected. This feature will programmatically create the SQL filter which makes the script more user-friendly. Please see the script builder help file for details and clarity on this update.

Mon, Jan 6, 2025

Centralpoint Update 8.11.97

Retention Policies > Storage PathsAdded Taxonomy Filter, Audiences Filter, and Roles Filter filtration attributes when Source = "Standard Module".

Mon, Dec 9, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.96

Excel ViewerIssues have been reported where Excel sheets containing large quantities of rows are causing the excel viewer page to crash. The system will now limit the amount of rows displayed to a maximum of 5,000 rows per sheet. When sheets are loaded with this limitation, a notification is presented to the user informing them that the sheet is displaying "5,000 of N rows" and to download the file to view the full data set.
Admin > Properties > Header Tags > Enable Embedder (beta)A new beta feature that enables JavaScript generation capabilities across Centralpoint. When you enable the Embedder feature under Admin > Properties > Header Tags, you can now generate embeddable JavaScript code derived from your Centralpoint content and site search functionality. This enhancement allows for seamless integration of Centralpoint elements into external websites. Upon activation, you'll find a new Site Search JavaScript property in your site settings, which connects to an intuitive JavaScript builder tool. We've also extended this functionality to the Forms, Surveys, and Data Sources modules, each receiving their own JavaScript attributes for enhanced portability and integration options.

Mon, Nov 25, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.95

Data Transform > Data TransferTwo new count attributes have been introduced to track data transfer metrics. Total Count maintains a running tally of all transferred rows, though this resets when destination rows are deleted. Recent Count specifically tracks the number of rows processed during the latest execution, providing visibility into the most current transfer activity.

Mon, Nov 11, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.94

Web.config: Assembly Binding Updates and Script/Style BundlingAssembly binding redirects will be added to the runtime section of all master, web site, and console web.config files for WebGrease (redirecting to version 1.6.5135.21930), Aspose.Imaging (redirecting to version, and Newtonsoft.Json (redirecting to version These dependentAssembly elements will only be added if they do not already exist in the configuration files for the specified assembly names. A new appSetting "Enable.Bundling" will be supported, which is enabled by default in console applications when the setting does not exist. If script and style bundling issues are encountered in the consoles, bundling can be disabled by adding the appSetting with a value of "0" and removing the runtime element.
Telerik RTF EditorsAn issue was reported when users copy and paste within the Design View of the system's RTF Editors. Relative URL paths were automatically converted into absolute paths using the domain from the browser. This was creating issues in client environments that use a staging site. Content in the production site was rendering absolute URLs back to staging. This also could create similar issues in applications that host multiple sites with different domains. This update is applied automatically and resolves the issue in all Telerik RTF Editors used throughout Centralpoint (editors in the client console and website form editor controls).
Admin > Properties: Select2 Integration for ListBox ControlsFor Forms Management, two new beta properties (Enable FormPagedListBox as FormSelect2 and Enable FormDataListBox as FormSelect2) enable automatic rendering of FormPagedListBox and FormDataListBox as Select2 controls. When enabled, these implementations will use string columns for item text display, though some original list box properties will be ignored. Both features can be individually overridden using the UseSelect2 parameter in their respective scripts. For custom and system attributes, two similar beta properties (Enable CpPagedListBox as CpSelect2 and Enable CpDataListBox as CpSelect2) enable automatic rendering of CpPagedListBox and CpDataListBox as Select2 attributes. These implementations follow the same pattern, using string columns for item text and allowing individual override via the UseSelect2 parameter in their respective attributes. All four properties are disabled by default and can be toggled between No/Yes options.
PdfViewer CpScript.htm and .html file extensions will generate a PDF version of the source file and the converted PDF will render through the viewer. This update is applied automatically and no console configuration changes are required.
MediaToImage CpScriptThis script will now generate thumbnails for the following file formats: .msg, .htm. and .html. This update is applied automatically and no console configuration changes are required.
FormSelect2 CpScriptLeverages the Select2 jQuery plugin to enhance an HTML select element, providing advanced features like search and dynamic data loading. A corresponding CpSelect2 control has been added for use in CMS and custom attributes.

Sun, Oct 27, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.93

New Aliases Keyword ListsThis keyword list gives you the ability to add new alias terms that can be aliased. Notes: Creating a keyword does not necessarily mean that term will be automatically aliased and some terms may need to be programmatically implemented.
New Data Transfer Aliases Destination This data transfer lets you import data into the aliases module.
NLS & AI > Script GeneratorA new Search Results Limit attribute has been added to the Algolia Autocomplete script.
Module Searches: Taxonomy Filter OptionWhen using the taxonomy query string search, results are returned based on records matching "Any" of the defined Taxonomy. A new query string variable named "taxmatch" is supported that will apply a taxonomy filter ensuring records match all Taxonomy values within the taxonomy query string. The "taxmatch" query string variable must have a value of 1 to enable the "match all" filter. An example of this is the following: ?taxonomy=a9844f99-35fc-480c-9159-37f5d12e5f25,d90e5854-f757-416d-a6dc-2674cf9c10b9&taxmatch=1

Mon, Oct 14, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.92

Taxonomy Pre-Import Utility.Now collects SearchKeywords, PartialTaxonomy, and IsRegularExpression columns for Data Cleaner and automatic generation of the FullTaxonomyIds and UniqueId column
CpScript PdfViewerWord documents that are converted to PDF through the Aspose file handler will begin rendering a bookmark "Table of Contents" panel within the PDF if a table of contents in the Word document has proper TOC formatting. This update is inherited automatically and improves the PDF by making navigation within the PDF document much more user friendly. Please note that this CpScript reuses converted PDF files to optimize website performance by leveraging an actual PDF file converted one time; instead of dynamically converting different file extensions on each request. This feature will be applied to newly generated PDF files moving forward.
Education: Ordering & Matching ValidatorsComparison validators have been applied to text inputs used in Ordering & Matching question types. This prevents users from entering duplicate values which would make their answer incorrect. The range validators bound to the text inputs are now sized per the number of inputs used within the question. Previously, they always validated a range between 1 and 20. Now it will be between 1 and the number of options within the question. This update will be applied automatically when the Education module designer record is resubmitted.
CpScript FormNumericSpinnerA new attribute named "FormNumericSpinner" is supported. This script generates a form textbox and provides a user-friendly interface for entering numbers, including up and down arrows for incrementing and decrementing the value.
CpScript PdfIconA new attribute named "PdfPageOrientation" is supported. This sets the orientation of the downloaded PDF. Portrait is the default standard option which is taller than it is wide. Landscape is wider than it is tall.
Excel Viewer.xlsb file extensions will be supported and render in the viewer.
Design > Dynamic Tab DisplayA new attribute named "Body CSS Class" is available for the jQuery Tab Type that use the iframe content option. This sets a value in the class attribute of the body tag within the iframe and is intended to assist with applying a different UI to content rendered within the tabs. Please read the header text on the attribute for direction and an example of how it is used.
Data Sources: GamificationPages using a Gamification Data Source CpScript now support startDate and endDate query string filters. When these query strings are applied to the page and contain a valid date, the Gamification dataset is filtered within the date range. Please review the header text of the Date Filter attribute in Gamification records for more direction and an example.
Add HTML5 input type number support for textboxAdd Display Number Field property to textbox control. If enabled, this element creates an input field that allows the user to enter a number. This type of input field provides built-in validation to ensure that the entered value is a number, and it also provides a user-friendly interface for entering numbers, including up and down arrows for incrementing and decrementing the value.
NLS & AIA new NLS & AI console navigation category is available containing copies of Advertising > Search Suggestions, Data Transform > Interstitials, and Design > Script Generator.

Sun, Sep 29, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.91

New Force Secure Connection Module Property in Authorizations ModuleIf "No" (the default option) is selected, we let the code decide whether to use HTTP or HTTPS. If "Yes" is selected, we force a secure connection (HTTPS).
CpScript FormZipFileToDirectoryAn error was reported and resolved where the method was throwing the following error: Compressed size mismatch between central header(30664) and local header(0). The issue is from a method used in a third-party library that works with .zip files and occurs when used against newer .zip files created from Windows file explorer. This component has been replaced throughout the system. This update contains minimal risk and was heavily tested in all places, but please forward issues to Oxcyon Programming if unexpected behavior occurs in any Centralpoint feature that works with a .zip file.
GenericEnhanced > Module Properties > Document Content AttributesAn issue with this feature was reported where heading tags within the Word document were being extracted as a list in HTML. This issue is caused by the heading tags within the Word document actually containing list formatting, although they still look like a heading in the Word document. A method was added to ensure list formatting is stripped from heading tags during the HTML extraction process which resolves this issue. This update will be applied automatically and no console configuration changes are required.
Column CpScriptWhen retrieving data from a NLS source, the SystemName of each DataCurrentInDataCurrent attribute is now stored as an individual property of the Attributes column. This allows the Column CpScript to access delimited list of GUIDs for this attribute using the standard cpsys_Attributes:AttributeSystemName syntax within the name property of the CpScript.

Sun, Sep 15, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.90

Master ApplicationsA help file icon will be visible in modules within the master application where applicable.
Data Transfer NotificationsAdd TotalRowCount support to the Notification Body
Aspose IntegrationCentralpoint's integration with Aspose has been upgraded to the current Aspose.Total license. There were no breaking changes from this upgrade in Centralpoint's use of Aspose libraries, so the risk of problems related to this are minimal. If a site contains custom code that uses Aspose there is a risk of it breaking. Please create tickets in Oxcyon's Issue Manager and assign them to the Programming team if a website experiences any issues.
DataTransfer CpScript FileActionA new property named "hasCleanPathNames" is supported. This will replace problem characters in folder and file names with an underscore of the destination path. This feature was released to resolve issues reported where special characters in file names create issues when downloaded in browsers. Please see the script builder help file for setup assistance.
CpScript TaxonomyColumnThis is a new CpScript that can be used as an alternate to the preview option to return Taxonomy names. The CpScript supports retrieving data from Context or Cache, and also supports a whereClause property that allows the previewed Taxonomy to meet certain conditions rather than the entire Taxonomy dataset. Please read the help file for detailed explanations on these features.

Mon, Sep 2, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.89

Excel ViewerContains updates that extract HTML from cells including images, as well as other significant style and formatting changes. Centralpoint's web version of excel will look much more similar to how files appear in Microsoft's Excel app.
Data Transfer JSON sourceAdd support for basic and bearer token authentication.
Design > Data SourcesA new Amazon Kendra Snapshots data source option has been added. For more information about the metrics you can view, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kendra/latest/dg/search-analytics.html.
Advertising > Search SuggestionsA bug was released in v8.11.88 that caused the cpsys_Audience replacements to stop working in new or modified records. This issue has been resolved.
Scheduled Task Create Resource From ZipUpdate task to support the creation of resources from the zip files
Data Broadcast For Source > Current Web Site and Source > Connection String Added Ability To: -Modify NewMessage to accept optional htmlBody parameter. -Update SendMessage to handle multiple email addresses.

Sun, Aug 18, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.88

jQuery & jQuery UI VersionsAdmin > Properties > Header Tags > jQuery & jQuery UI Versions has been updated making the previously Stable version Legacy and the previously Beta version Stable. If your sites are still using any Legacy version you should not install this update. If you discover problems after the update is installed, you can switch to Legacy giving you time to resolve the problem then change back to Stable. If you are using the Design > jQuery UI Themes module it is recommended that you regenerate your themes on the latest version by following the instructions under the Theme attribute of each record.
Design > Script GeneratorAn issue related to a recent library update made by Algolia has been resolved.
Advertising > Search SuggestionsA new Autocomplete Target attribute was added. Select Blank to open a new tab when the search suggestion is selected within the autocomplete drop down.
Admin > Natural Language SearchA new Amazon Kendra Matching Type attributes has been added to control how the query text is modified before being passed to Amazon Kendra.
Data Transform > Data TransferA new Excel option has been added to Source & Destination > Destination.
Design > Script GeneratorA new Preview column has been added to the grid view.

Sun, Aug 4, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.87

New JsonSource for DataTransfer Create JsonSource for DataTransfer which will read basic JSON ONLY.
New JsonSource for DataSourcesCreate JsonSource for DataSources which will read basic JSON ONLY.
CAD Files ModuleThe AutoDesk vendor ended support for the authentication endpoint integrated in Centralpoint. This caused errors when loading 3D files in the viewer page and prevented new records with 3D files attached from storing necessary data. Centralpoint has integrated with the vendor's new authentication endpoint and these errors are resolved. This is applied automatically and does not require console or configuration changes after the sync.
jQuery & jQuery UI VersionsAdmin > Properties > Header Tags > jQuery & jQuery UI Versions now allows testing of the Beta (next) version before its Stable release. After updating, switch to Beta to test all custom jQuery and jQuery UI features, then revert to Stable. Users of the Design > jQuery UI Themes module may need to create new themes for testing and switch back afterward.

Sun, Jul 21, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.86

Advertising > Search Redirect (Search Suggestions)A new attribute named "Set Title in Search Keywords Attribute?" has been added to the module properties. Enabling this feature will process the Title to the Search Keywords attribute. This is using the same trigger method as the Additional Keywords attribute. If records have a value in Additional Keywords, both the Title and the Additional Keywords value will be appended in the CpHiddenKeywords tag.
Admin > Properties > Site Search Auto Complete > Search Title Matching TypeThe new "Search Title Matching Type" attribute allows console admins to change the filter used over the Title column when the search criteria contains multiple words. Please read the header text for details on the filter options.
Excel ViewerContains updates to remove system inline styles produced from certain settings in Design > Styles records that distort the intended viewer UI. Contains a label for the sheets menu. Contains a patch for a null reference error produced by Aspose method in Excel files with empty rows. Contains a patch for issues in sheets with complex merges. If these problems persist after the sync, please delete the files in this directory /Temp/AsposeExcelViewer/
Word ViewerContains updates to remove system inline styles produced from certain settings in Design > Styles records that distort the intended viewer UI. Implemented HTML extraction strategies to resolve errors produced from Aspose method.
History View for Module DesignerCreated a history view and the ability to restore historical records
Design > Script Generator > Algolia AutocompleteThe Algolia Index attribute has been renamed Index and now supports Amazon Kendra indexes.

Sun, Jul 7, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.85

Advertising > Search Redirect (Search Suggestions)A new attribute named "Additional Keywords" has been added to the module. This attribute will process searchable values to the Search Keywords attribute with a new system trigger method. The intent is for autocomplete features using the Has Content in Results? feature enabled. The Additional Keywords will not be displayed in the results.
Admin > Natural Language SearchA new Type has been added for Amazon Kendra.

Sun, Jun 23, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.84

CpControl ModulePageOverridesThe ResultsWhere property now replaces UserInfo constants. Please read the script builder help file for replacement direction.
New FormBadWordsFilerValidatorUse this control to ensure the user has not entered bad words in a form field. It detects bad words, swear words, and profanity in a given text.
Replace the file associated with this resourceAdd the ability to replace the file associated with this resource
Forms > Processing > File Creation > TemplateBy default, FormState values that hold a file path to an image will attempt to insert the image into the template document. Updates have been made to the dynamic file generation that allow the template document to skip inserting the image and use the file path value instead. Please read the directions on how to accomplish this on the "Template Form Fields" attribute.
CpScript FormListBoxA new property named "Labeled By Id" is supported. This places an aria-labelledby attribute on the select HTML tag. This may assist with ADA Compliance if the label is not visible.
CpScript FormLabelA new property named "Label Id" is supported. This places an id attribute on the label HTML tag. This may assist with ADA Compliance if the label is not visible.

Sun, Jun 9, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.83

Admin > Properties > Site Search AutoComplete > Is highlighting search criteria in results?The autocomplete supports a new attribute named "Is highlighting search criteria in results?". Enabling this feature will highlight text within each search result that is part of the search criteria from the text input. This requires CSS in the page for the highlighting to render and example CSS is provided in the header text of the attribute. Please read the instruction in the header text for further instruction.
Admin > Properties > Site Search AutoComplete > Has Content in Results?The autocomplete supports a new attribute named "Has Content in Results?". This allows each result to return text from the Search Keywords attribute which displays under the Title. This feature uses a snippeting method to return a portion of the content where search criteria is found in the value. There are several additional properties available when this is enabled to control the amount of text returned. One of the attributes available when this is enabled is named "Action HTML" which is intended to render an action icon next to each result. Please read the instructions found on the header text for details.
Admin > Properties > Site Search AutoComplete > Maximum ResultsThe autocomplete supports a new attribute named "Maximum Results" which allows console admins to adjust the maximum number of results returned per search.
Script Generator > Algolia AutoCompleteA new attribute labeled "Title anchor tag has title attribute?" is available. Set this to "Yes" to set the title attribute in the HTML tag of the linked title. This creates a tooltip that renders the record title when a user hovers over the link.
Script Generator > Algolia AutoCompleteA new attribute labeled "Action Button Title Attribute" is available. This allows console admins to customize the title attribute on the arrow icon to the right of each result, which is the text rendered to users as they hover over the icon.

Mon, May 27, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.82

Admin > Properties > Aspose File Name MethodA new site property named "Aspose File Name Method" is available. This is used for files extracted from Word documents for HTML purposes with Aspose.Words. The default method may present issues with browser cache or when files are moved from one site to another. Using the hashed method will prevent these problems due to unique names per file.
Form Workflow SystemPagethis page will let you load the form and populate fields using a fid query string.
Script Generator > Algolia AutoCompleteA new attribute labeled "Description Has Results Url?" is available. By default, when the description within results is clicked, it sends users to the Search URL. Set this to Yes to have the description share the same URL has the results link; which by default is the Details View URL of the record.
Web API > Upsert Data From Site on Same ServerA new system API is available that is intended for use between two sites on the same server that are supposed to be the same. The most common use case would be for a Staging site that moves data to a Production site. The API will move Attributes data from records and also files referenced within the data. The API searches the document content for files referenced in the /Uploads/ directory and the system's resources module, /Resource.ashx. It will only move files found within the records sent in the request. There is detailed documentation on API parameters when setting up a Web API record that uses this new method.

Sun, May 12, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.81

Data Sources: Excel File OutputThe page generating excel files will now write detailed messages when setup problems are encountered. Prior to this update, only a blank page rendered when an excel file could not be generated. This will assist with preventing and resolving issues quickly if encountered in a site.
FormConditionBuilder CpScriptUpdated to render drop down list boxes for Taxonomy, Audiences, and Roles.
GoogleStaticMaps CpScriptA new GoogleStaticMaps CpScript is available that integrates with Google's Static Maps API. This returns static images of maps using address values from the Centralpoint database. Please read the script builder help file for instruction and setup assistance.

Sun, Apr 28, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.80

Data Transfer > Searches (Destination Type)A method has been written that allows Data Transfer to write to the cpsys_Searches tables. The cpsys_Searches.Criteria has increased to NVARCHAR(1024) and a new TINYINT column cpsys_Searches.Type has been added. The purpose of this enhancement is for sites with custom pages that require specific reporting and do not automatically write to cpsys_Searches. The system manages these tables from default system search pages, so please consult with your Oxcyon point of contact before using this tool.
FormCondtionBuilder CpScriptThis new script generates SQL which can be processed into any module that accepts it. SQL should be written or reviewed by qualified professionals. This dynamically generated SQL may not perform well and could cause problems for the entire site or even other sites on the same server.
Scheduled Tasks > Most Popular In Data CurrentA new system table named cpsys_MostPopularInDataCurrent will be released to website databases, along with a scheduled task from the master application to manage this table. The purpose of this is for console admins to be able to produce efficient queries with cpsys_MostPopularInDataCurrent for UIs that need to render "Most Popular" content; which is content most viewed via cpsys_ClicksLog or cpsys_Leads.
Admin > Hospital Price TransparencyThis module has been extended to support dynamic /sitemap.xml files per domain.  The XML file will render different content per domain based on the records setup in this module.  "Hospital Price Transparency" files was the first problem use-case this module addressed. If using this module for multiple purposes or only /sitemap.xml files, it is recommended to alias the module accordingly within the console. The system name for this module is "Routing Handlers".  Please read the help file prior to using this module as it requires a change to the site's web.config file.

Sun, Apr 14, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.79

GenericEnhanced > Module Properties > Document Content Attributes: Remove Non-Letter Prefixes From Headings?This feature has been extended to optionally allow headings to keep the non-letter prefix if it is an integer. If this module property is enabled, a new property labeled "Remove Integer Prefix From Headings?" will be displayed. It has a default selection of "Yes" to maintain backward compatibility. Set this to "No" to allow integer prefixes and another attribute provides the ability to apply the rule to specific heading tags.
CpScript ExtAutoCompleteRedirectA bug was reported and resolved where auto complete suggestions were not returning when search criteria contains an apostrophe.
New Scheduled Task CreateResourceFromZipFileThis task will look for a zip file in a specified directory unzip the file and create a new resource from each file inside of the zip folder.
CpScript FileReadAllTextAn issue was reported where this script returns an error stating "Invalid font name". This means the PDF contains a font that is not installed on the server PC's operating system. The method has been extended to handle this error and extract text from the PDF in this problem case.

Sun, Mar 31, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.78

CpControl TaxonomySelectorA new property named "OnlyShowChildTaxonomies" is supported. This is used to restrict menu items to only children of the selected parent taxonomy. By default, the menu shows all descendants of the parent taxonomy. Please see the help file for setup assistance.
Admin > Properties > AjaxSiteSearchDataTablesResultsPerformance issues were reported when this feature is enabled. The CpScript required to use this feature SystemPageAjaxDataTableSearchButton and all of its dependencies have been rewritten to resolve the performance issues. This update does not require console configuration changes.
DataTransfer > Taxonomy Script.Added pipe as a delimiter. This will parce taxonomy values in the column if values are separated by a pipe. Will parce French|Russian, Korean | Japanese in addition to previously parsed comma-separated values like English, Spanish or Turkish,Polish
Authentication Sources > Module Property > Authentication Failed Error MessageAdd module property to AuthenticationSources(Global Login) module. this property lets you update an error message the user sees when Authentication returns the error.
Data Transfer > Error Notification Add the ability to set Error Notification Email and create a report of successful or failed runs of the data transfers
CpEditor > Media ManagerThe media manager icon that uploads files to /Uploads/Public/Media/ now allows .vtt file extensions.
Admin > Properties > Aspose: Word Documents Extract Embedded Objects?.xlsm file extensions will now be extracted when this site property is enabled. The request for this enhancement was for .csv files to be extracted.  However, when a .csv file is inserted into Word, it's actually being opened and displayed by Excel, and is embedded as an .xlsm file within Word. The following is the full list of supported extensions: .xml, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .txt, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .zip, .yaml, .tar, .json, .xlsm. The embedded file types within Word documents are extracted automatically when using this feature.

Sun, Mar 17, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.77

CpScript FileViewerThe system now has an in-house Excel Viewer page which can be accessed through this CpScript. The CpScript now has a "Viewer Types" property that includes Excel as an option. This new property is required for the script to begin outputting links to the Excel Viewer. Please use the CpScript Builder help file when setting this up.
Master > Content > Scheduled TasksA beta forecasting view can be accessed by clicking on the clock icon next to the new button on the grid view. It estimates and displays the execution times and durations of all tasks for the next month.
Data Broadcast download and replaced Base64 images.Add handling of base64 images for data broadcast. Code will download and replace the base64 image with a locally downloaded copy of the image
CpScript DataUpdateStartDateThis script has access to the Data Update Start Date Attribute.
CpScript ExtTextInputSearchableHtmlA new property named ClearInputHtml is available. Using this property will render a control after the text input that will clear the input value.
CpScript FontAwesomeCentralpoint is now integrated with the free version of FontAwesome Web Fonts (Version 6). This script will register FontAwesome files into the site. Do not use this script if the site is running on a paid version like Pro or Pro Max. If the site has a free version implemented, you will need to remove the file references before using this CpScript to prevent conflicts. The Centralpoint integration begins with FontAwesome Version 6 and we intend to update our integration upon new major releases; the next being Version 7.
Select Resource in Resource Upload There is a new Resource Upload View List Site Property. This property controls the visibility of the "View List" button within the Resource upload window. When you click on the button, users can access a filtered view of existing resources. Authenticated users will see resources filtered according to their assigned roles. For those not authenticated, the view will display resources accessible to everyone and the public, for ancestor admins there is no filter. In this new view, we only support the selection of the resource it doesn't have all the functionality of a similar view in the client console.

Mon, Mar 4, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.76

Sequential IDsAll references to Guid.NewGuid() have been replaced with a new method that generates a GUID in a similar manner to NEWSEQUENTIALID() to improve the performance of system wide database inserts. This will result in IDs that are more predictable and sequential.
Data Transform > Data TriggersResolve an issue with conversion of dates from UTC on the log tab.
Admin > Natural Language SearchAn issue with remote index deletes has been resolved. In some cases, this issue led to missing updates because the items to be deleted were stuck in the queue.

Mon, Feb 19, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.75

CpScript ColumnAudiencesThis CpScript is used to return Audience data from records in results views. At this time only names are supported. The audiences returned can be filtered based on whether the result uses the Audience for website or console filtration.
Data Transform > Data TriggersDesigned to automate actions in response to specified events occurring within selected modules.
Console Utilities > NLS User TokenThis utility converts userToken property values from Algolia Events to a UserId or enter a UserId to convert to the token.
Module Properties > Content Block ExtractorA new module property named "Content Block Extractor Headings" is available. The tool was released to search for the following heading tags: <h1>, <h2>, <h3>. This module property supports heading tags from h1 through h6 and allows console admins to select the headings they want to search for to create split content.
Tools > NLS Queue DeletionsThis is a new console utility that will find all data in the NLS indexes that does not exist in the Centralpoint database and queue this data for removal. A Natural Language Search scheduled task is required to execute after to complete the removal from the NLS data storage.

Mon, Feb 5, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.74

Master > Scheduled Tasks > Data ArchiveThis update applies to sites using the Admin > Natural Language Search module. When records are archived from the Data Archive scheduled task, records that exist in an NLS index will be queued for removal. A Natural Language Search scheduled task is required to execute after to complete the removal from the NLS data storage. This update is automatic and does not require any configuration changes.
Admin > Hospital Price TransparencyA new module is available to satisfy the hospital price transparency requirement for public facing hospital sites. This module provides a solution by loading a /cms-hpt.txt file from any domain hosted by the Centralpoint application. The text file will render different content per domain based on the records setup in this module. Please read the help file prior to using this module as it requires a change to the site's web.config file.
CpControl DateSelectorThis CpScript was designed for the Calendar View on Events modules. The Script Builder help file now has an option labeled: Is Excluding Months Without Events?. Set this to "Yes" to remove months that do not have events.
Script Generator > Algolia AutocompleteThe plugin now supports a custom JavaScript callback function to manipulate the URL when results are selected. The function documentation is in the Custom Scripts attribute of these records.
CpScript ReverseHyperLinkThe ReverseHyperLink script now supports a new property named InsertObjectIdElement. This is used for content stored in a Natural Language Search index. The ObjectId element allows the page to load at the position of the element with a #oid fragment identifier on the URL.

Mon, Jan 22, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.73

Remove Microsoft Word Meta DataRemove Word System Property in the following scripts. FileAction, FileDownload, CreateResorce
Search all ModulesAbility to enable a full-text index on cpsys_DataCurrent table to optimize the search of all modules.
Admin > Properties > ExtDatePicker: Is Focus Maintained After Calendar Used?The ExtDatePicker CpScript is bound to the jQuery UI datepicker plugin. The plugin's native settings cause the text input to lose focus when the calendar is used to set the input value. Setting this property to "Yes" will focus back into the text input after the calendar is used. This allows users to maintain their input position and continue tabbing through form elements to improve accessibility. This setting is global and applied to every ExtDatePicker CpScript in the site.
CpScript CurrentDateThis CpScript has been updated to support execution within AJAX modules.
Script Generator > Algolia AutocompleteThis script now supports Custom Filter attributes. This feature appends the custom filter to the Algolia Autocomplete results. Filters are not applied to query suggestions.
Admin > Properties > Telerik Editor SkinThis site property allows console admins to change the Telerik Editor's skin on the front-end of the website for editor controls rendered through the FormEditor CpScript.

Mon, Jan 8, 2024

Centralpoint Update 8.11.72

ColumnFriendlyUrl CpScriptThis script now supports multiple modules by excluding the SystemName parameter. It is much more efficient when the SystemName is provided.
CpScript ToUnixTimeStampThis CpScript returns the current date or current Utc date formatted as a UnixTime.
Data Transfer Access DestinationAdd support to generate destination table in Access database.
Admin > Natural Language SearchThe oid query string variable now supports #oid to jump you to that location in the body of the page. The Algolia source also now supports Insights. Objects clicked after a search are automatically recorded when the oid and pos query string variables are present, and object views on details views are automatically recorded when Natural Language Search is enabled in the Results View of the module designer.

Mon, Dec 11, 2023

Centralpoint Update 8.11.71

Design > Script Generator > Algolia AutocompleteA new script was added to leverage Algolia Autocomplete and query suggestions.
Design > Styles > Misc (tab)The Misc tab contains attributes designed to style HTML output from the ExtTable CpScript. The attributes are prefixed with "ExtTable" and have options for fonts and colors. These attributes do not apply changes automatically and require CSS rules in the site that use DesignInfo scripts that retrieve the attribute values.
CpScript ModulePageInfoThis CpScript returns information relating to the current module page. The following properties are supported: LoweredViewType, ModuleId, RelationSystemName, and RelationTableName.
CpScript FileViewerThis CpScript returns a link to in-house online file viewers. At this time the system only supports a Word document viewer for .doc & .docx extensions.

Mon, Nov 13, 2023

Centralpoint Update 8.11.70

CpScript FormEditorThe Telerik editor is unable to size itself appropriately when loaded on the page within hidden elements. This CpScript has an update to monitor when an editor has this problem and will will resize/repaint the control when the user makes it visible on the page. This will happen automatically and does not require configuration changes.
OfficeDocumentMetaData Data Transfer ScriptThis method retrieved system and custom document properties for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
PdfMetaData Data Transfer ScriptThis method retrieved the FileInfo of the PDF document
Admin > Natural Language SearchAttribute highlighting and snippets are now fully supported by Natural Language Search. You must rebuild and repopulate all existing indexes after installing this version.

Sun, Oct 29, 2023

Centralpoint Update 8.11.69

CpScript FormZipFileToDirectoryThe FormZipFileToDirectory CpScript adds a preprocessor to the form which targets a different control on the page that is supposed to contain a .zip file. If the targeted control on the page holds a valid .zip file, it will extract the .zip contents into a new sub-directory under \Root\Uploads\FormZipFileToDirectory\. The directory path is set in the FormState when this tool extracts files within a .zip file. Please read the help file to review all functionality and setup assistance.
Education > Certificates ViewThis view has been updated to support Attribute CpScripting. The view is controlled from "Education > Configuration > Certificate (attribute)". Please read the help text on the attribute to render and execute other CpScripts besides the original placeholders scripts.
CpScript FormTaxonomyA new property named "IsTranslating" is supported. When enabled this will attempt to replace the Taxonomy names rendered in the control with a match from the Translations module.
Script Generator > Script > Module ResultsThis script has been updated to execute Natural Language searches. Please read the CpScript help file for documentation and setup assistance.
Admin > Natural Language Search (Split Model)The split model contains a new optional property named "IsMatchRemovedFromValue". If set to true, it will remove the match found with the RegEx Pattern from the attributes.{propName} value stored in the Algolia record. For setup assistance and further details please read the module help file.
Admin > Natural Language Search (Split Model)When records in Algolia are created from the Attribute Splitting model, the text matched from the RegEx Pattern will be stored in an attribute named "CpNlsSplitMatchText". If the RegEx Pattern looks for HTML markup, the HTML is stripped. This will occur by default and does not require changes to the console configuration.
Admin > Natural Language SearchAdded support for NLS searches in Site Architecture > System Pages > Search. Attribute highlighting is now fully supported by Natural Language Search.
Data Transfer SQLite destinationAdd support to generate destination table in SQLite database.
Admin > Properties > Aspose: Word Documents Extract Embedded Objects?.json file extensions will now be extracted when this site property is enabled. The following is the full list of supported extensions: .xml, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .txt, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .zip, .yaml, .tar, .json. The embedded file types within Word documents are extracted automatically when using this feature.
Aspose IntegrationCentralpoint's integration with Aspose has been upgraded to the current Aspose.Total license. This required changes throughout all Centralpoint code that use Aspose components. If a site contains custom code that uses Aspose there is a risk of it breaking. Please create tickets in Oxcyon's Issue Manager and assign them to the Programming team if a website experiences any issues.
Data Transfer SQLite sourceAdd support to read source files from the SQLite database.

Sun, Oct 1, 2023

Centralpoint Update 8.11.68

Admin > Natural Language SearchAn early and only partially documented release of the new natural language search module. It is has been tested with Algolia and Custom search services. Once indexes have been created and populated it can be set up in Data Sources and Module Designers: Generic, Generic Plus, Generic Enhanced, Template, and Template AJAX. Web site searches (System Pages > Search) will be released next. A new Natural Language Search scheduled task has also been released to keep the remote indexes in sync. Before beginning you must create an Algolia account and configure the Application ID and App Keys in the Natural Language Search module properties. Normal module submissions should be reflected in the remote index within 15 minutes, but larger updates like data transfers occur overnight using the scheduled task.
Procedure Manuals > PoliciesThe Content Block Extractor module property from generic enhanced has been added.
All Generic Enhanced ModulesThe recently released Generate Synonyms module property has been removed. Server-side automation of Office was discovered to cause unpredictable server behavior. If this feature was previously enabled, it will no longer generate synonyms.
Module Configuration > Grid Searchable FieldsThis attribute now allows the grid view to support Roles searches which can be leveraged from PagedListBox controls that use the module view. A listItem tag as shown here is required: <listItem value="Roles:{Name OR RoleId}:{tableName}.DataId">Roles Search</listItem> The parameter variables are shown in {} notation. The search will return records which are assigned to the Roles attribute which manages the system's cpsys_DataCurrentInRoles table.
PdfViewer CpScriptThe DFlip JavaScript plugin that is used with this CpScript has been upgraded from version 1.2.7 to version 1.7.35. This resolved issues with the plugin rendering problematic PDF files.

Mon, Sep 4, 2023

Centralpoint Update 8.11.67

DataTransfer ShortGuid script. This method takes GUID (DataId or UserId) and generates a Base64 string which is more readable. GUID: c18736de-d8e2-4f8a-8fe8-faf287a90815 Base64 String: 3jaHweLYik-P6Pryh6kIFQ
Module Properties > Resource ContentThe purpose of this feature is to extract the text from files within defined attributes and insert the file text into a system attribute named ResourceContent. This allows the file text to be indexed in the site's Full-Text Index searches. We've found it is common that the same attribute is defined in the "Word Document Content Attributes" module property. When this case occurs, the problem is that the system was extracting the contents of the file twice, inserting the same contents in two attributes, and bloating the Attributes XML. The change made to this feature is that the system will prevent the dupe file text in Resource Content when the same attribute system name is defined in the Document Content Attributes and holds a supported file extension between both methods.
CpScript ColumnSearchCriteriaInValueA new property named IsExecutingCpScripts is supported. When enabled, the following CpScripts found within the content are replaced: AudienceInfo, UserInfo. All other CpScripts will be replaced with an empty string. The supported scripts listed above are safe from creating errors and performance issues. Please use the help file to apply to the site and review additional notes on this feature.
SystemPage Search Suggestions Results scriptSystemPageSearchSuggestionsSearchResults script lets's Admin record a search result based on the URL of the page in the Search Suggestions module

Sun, Aug 20, 2023

Centralpoint Update 8.11.66

Console Data Transfer Try Abort process in the Pop up In the console Try the Abort link in the Data transfer Pop up to Abort Data Transfer Process
CpScript FormAutoSaveThis method has been rewritten. It should be entirely backward compatible. If there are issues that this behaves differently, please report them immediately to the Oxcyon programming team. Afterwards add the property isLegacyMode="true" to the CpScript to use the old version. The purpose of these changes is to allow console administrators with working JavaScript skills a means to call the web-service a single time without the checkbox. We've identified custom setups with this CpScript that are executing unnecessary database writes.
Module Properties > Content Block ExtractorPerformance enhancements have been made to this feature to only update the source document's blocks when attributes in the block have changed. Additionally, a custom attribute named "IsContentBlockExtractorDisabled" can be added to your module. When a record is submitted with this attribute holding a value of "1", the content block extractor will not execute at all. Detailed instructions on how to add the attribute have been added in the header text of module properties.
CpScript PdfViewerMany errors are recorded from the PDF Handler which is the code that manages this CpScript. The errors are from corrupt files and often state "Incorrect file format" or "This file's format is not supported or you don't specify a correct format.". There is no programmatic solution to resolve these problems. The PDF Handler will now return a valid PDF document in these instances informing the user that there was an error and to notify the website administrator. The PDF will show the path to the problem source file and include the error message.
Search Suggestions Report was createdTo display on the website create Navigation with Page Type = URL. Enter /Pages/SearchSuggestions.aspx into the URL attribute. It will only be available for the administrators.

Sun, Aug 6, 2023

Centralpoint Update 8.11.65

CpScript ColumnModuleAliasThis CpScript is used to return the module alias. When a module alias does not exist, it will return the system's name from the cpsys_Modules.[Name] table. This script must be executed in a method that evaluates DataTable rows. The table must contain a ModuleId column that contains a GUID/UNIQUEIDENTIFER data type. This script was written to be used in the "Excel" option within "Search Results Output". It will also work in results views or any Data Source that contains a ModuleId column.
Module Properties > Content Block ExtractorThe Content Block Extractor trigger method is creating performance issues in sites when a document contains a significant amount of headings. The system now restricts the amount of records created or updated to 100 by default. If problems persist, console admins may lower this number with a new module property named "Content Block Extractor Max Upserts".
Data Transform > Search Results OutputThis is a new configuration module that is used to convert search results into various file formats. It is currently supported at System Pages > Search (tab) > Search Results Output Controls. This allows users to execute a search and download the search results into the output of the selected configuration record. Please review the help file for more details and setup assistance.
Data Transfer ReadXmlAdd support to read source files from the URL in addition to the file system.

Sun, Jul 23, 2023

Centralpoint Update 8.11.64

SamlAttribute add support for FormatValuesDataType, emptyValue, removeMarkup,replaceText, replaceWith, ...
New DataTrasfer ReadXml SourceReadXml will convert the XML file into the dataset
DataTransfer ReadXmlTable script. This script will look up values in the related table of the dataset.

Sun, Jul 9, 2023

Centralpoint Update 8.11.63

SiteMap ModuleThe following attributes now support CpScripting: Styles, Scripts, StartupScripts
PdfViewer CpScriptWhen using the Watermark feature, two new properties are available to control the Watermark's alignment: WatermarkHorizontalAlignment & WatermarkVerticalAlignment. Please apply and review these options within the script builder help file.
CpScript ColumnSearchCriteriaInValueThis script will now execute in UIs that are generated from AJAX methods. Additionally, a new hasTruncateOverride property is supported. When this is enabled, console admins may define the number of characters that show before and after the first found word that exists in the page's search criteria. If search criteria does not exist or is not found in the value, the "Truncate" value is used to determine the length of the text returned.
Ecommerce > CartInfo > CartDiscountNew property CartDiscount added to calculate the total Cart Discount.

Sun, Jun 25, 2023

Centralpoint Update 8.11.62

All Generic Enhanced ModulesA new Generate Synonyms module property has been added. When enabled it will generate synonyms for all key phrases upon document submission. Do not enable if the semantic search feature has not been manually installed in your database by a server administrator. An error message will be written to the trace if the semantic search is not enabled. Do not enable if Microsoft Office is not installed on the web server. You will receive the following error when submitting records in the client console if Office is not installed. Could not load file or assembly 'office, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. Here are some considerations for server-side automation of Office. This feature may cause inserts and updates to take much longer depending upon the number of key phrases generated.
Script Generator > Script > Data DiffsThe client-side cpDataDiffs.init object now supports a hasDefaultControls property which is set to a value of false. This property can be set to true which will allow users to generate a custom UI by creating their own controls and event handlers. A new web-service method is available to be called from cpDataDiffs.getDiffHtmlFromDiffIds(sourceDiffId, compareDiffId) which allows comparison of two cpsys_DataDiff records that are not in sequence. Please read the help file for more information on and guidance on plugin properties and available methods.
Script Generator > Script > AutoCompleteThis CpScript outputs JS which binds a text input HTML element to a plugin. The plugin calls a method that returns Full-Text Index search results from the system's cprel_WebSiteSearch table. It then renders the results through jQueryUi's Autocomplete Widget. The plugin has several callback functions which are used to pass data to the web-services. The callback functions are configurable to work with specific result sets and produce various UIs.

Sun, Jun 11, 2023

Centralpoint Update 8.11.61

Site Architecture > System PagesA new Login > Multifactor Authentication attribute has been added. It supports Email, Text Message, and TOTP Authenticator Apps.
CpScript ExtAccordionSupports an 'accessible' value in the event property. The accessible event will toggle accordion sections on the following conditions: when clicked, or when a user has focused onto the element & hits the enter or spacebar key.
Script Generator > Script > Module ResultsThis CpScript outputs HTML bound to a JS plugin. The plugin can call two web-services. One method that returns results form cprel_WebSiteSearch and another that creates rows in cpsys_Logging. The plugin has several callback functions which are used to pass data to the web-services. The callback functions are completely configurable to work with and produce various UIs.

Sun, May 21, 2023

Centralpoint Update 8.11.60

Module Properties > Document Content Attributes.txt file extensions are now supported. .txt extensions are inserted as plain text only. They must be UTF-8 encoded to prevent problems with unreadable characters.

Sun, May 7, 2023

Centralpoint Update 8.11.59

CpScript ExtTextInputSearchableHtmlA new CpScript is available that will bind text inputs to a plugin that searches text within HTML elements. The behavior mimics the browser's ctrl+F search functionality.
Admin > Global LoginA new Protect Users attribute has been added. It allows you to prevent fields or properties from being overwritten each time the external user authenticates.
Admin > Global Login UsersThis new module shows all external users authenticated via Global Login. It also allows you to create, modify, or delete users. New users will match external users via the Integration Id attribute. Keep in mind that the users' attributes will be overwritten each time they authenticate unless they are protected.
PdfViewer CpScript.msg file extensions will generate a PDF version of the source file and the converted PDF will render through the viewer.
Script Generator > Script > DataDiffsThe client-side cpDataDiffs.diffHistory property now holds attribute values stored for each record. This property can be accessed and used in the Startup Script's callback functions. For example, changing the option text in the history menu.
Script Generator > Script > File Output (Results Download)A "File Output (Results Download)" script type is now available. This renders a UI that is tied to a "File Output" record. Users will select checkboxes in the results view and those selections are passed to Data Sources which render them in the downloaded template. Please read the attribute header text for instructions when implementing this feature into your site.

Sun, Apr 23, 2023

Centralpoint Update 8.11.58

System Pages > SearchA new attribute labeled "Is Search Reading Form POST Data?" is available. The intent of this feature is to eliminate query strings from the site search page as clients reported it causes problems in their analytics tools. Please ensure to read the help file in the header text of the "Search POST Data Form Controls Map" attribute prior to implementing in your site.
Admin > PropertiesA new Client Console SSO (preview) attribute has been added. This feature is in development, and not yet ready for production.
ReverseHyperlink CpScriptA new FilterElements parameter has been added.
ExtHighlightKeywords CpScriptTwo new parameters have been added: QueryStringVariableName and ScrollTop.
CpScriptingAll CpScripts support two new Advanced parameters: IsInTaxonomy and IsNotInTaxonomy. These parameters are not supported in AJAX modules.

Sun, Apr 9, 2023

Centralpoint Update 8.11.57

Physician Directory > Module PropertiesThe Physician Directory module now supports module properties & module triggers that exist in the Enhanced modules for Data Cleaner features.
Data Sources > CarouselWhen the "Formatting Options" attribute is set to "Carousel", a new attribute named "Image Column Has Non-Image Extensions?" is available. When set to "Yes", this will convert non-image files to images. Additional width and height attributes are available to control the size of the converted images.
Dynamic Scripts > CarouselWhen the "Formatting Options" attribute is set to "Carousel", a new attribute named "Image Column Has Non-Image Extensions?" is available. When set to "Yes", this will convert non-image files to images. Additional width and height attributes are available to control the size of the converted images.
System Pages > SearchA new attribute named "Search Taxonomy Filter Options Visible" is available. When enabled, a radio-button control is output to the search pages. This allows a user to select "Search Any" or "Search All" and it will append different taxonomy filters to ensure results either match any or all selected items in the taxonomy control.
Caching EnhancementsA few minor system caching performance and memory consumption enhancements.

Sun, Mar 26, 2023

Centralpoint Update 8.11.56

Education > Courses > Module PropertiesThe CeCourses module now supports module properties & module triggers that exist in the Enhanced modules for Word/PDF file Apose methods and Data Cleaner.
UserId AttributesA new UserId Attributes module configuration has been added to all modules. It can be used to configure the system to populate a new lookup table (cpsys_UsersInDataCurrentAttributes) to improve the performance of module, custom and data source filters over attributes containing a comma separate list of UserIds (data list boxes). All system functions and features (data sync, data transfer, forms management, client console, etc.) have been updated to automatically maintain this table.
ReverseHyperlink CpScriptSupports a new SearchType parameter. When set to '1' the script will search the attribute for a given Pattern and replace it with a PatternUrl. If you set the PatternUrl to a module search and include `gotofirst=1` in the query string it will link directly to the first search result.

Sun, Mar 12, 2023

Centralpoint Update 8.11.55

Retention Policies > Storage PathsA new Move attribute is available when Source = File System.
Retention Policies > PoliciesA new Move option has been added to Scan & Action > Action.
Retention Policies > Policies: RepositoryInfo CpScriptSupports attributesystemname='Length' which will return the size of a file. This is only supported by file system storage paths. All other types will return an empty string.
All Generic Enhanced ModulesThe Document Content Attributes module property will now convert a PDF to Word when you add .docx to the end of the destination attribute: FileUpload1=FileUpload2.docx.
All Generic Enhanced ModulesA new "Document Content Attributes: Insert PDFs as HTML?" module property has been added.
Data Transfer FileAction CpScriptA new Convert PDF to Word action was added.
Data Transfer FileReadAllHtml CpScriptNow supports PDF files.
Data Transfer FileReadAllText CpScriptThe PreferHtml parameter is now supported with PDF files.
Column CpScriptWhen using the preview property against a Roles attribute, system & non-data RoleIds will be converted to their Role names.

Mon, Feb 27, 2023

Centralpoint Update 8.11.54

CpScript > ExtCalculationChanges were made to the integrated 3rd-party JavaScript plugin file to prevent errors in sites that use GA4 (Google Analytics w/ gtag.js).
Preview & Caching EnhancementsThe third phase of report builder preview and general system caching performance and memory consumption enhancements.
Admin > Properties > LoggingThis update applies to websites recording user click data to the system's cpsys_Logging table through the console settings at Admin > Properties > Logging and has the "Other Requests" Logging Type enabled. This will record the URLs redirected from the "Error Messages/Redirects" module that are set as a 404 Redirect type. The Logging table will begin recording the 404 redirects automatically if the Admin > Properties settings are set as described above.
New Generic Enhanced Modules > Module Property > Attribute Generator EnabledThis property will disable the execution of the Attribute Generator. The default value is on
Admin > PropertiesA new Web Site Script Preview attribute has been added. It is recommended that you set this property to Disabled (secure) to prevent unauthorized script access.

Mon, Feb 13, 2023

Centralpoint Update 8.11.53

Data Sources > TimelineConsole administrators may now change the default content border color with a new attribute named "Content Border Color".
Data Sources > TimelineA new attribute named "Truncate Content?" is available. If this attribute is set to a value greater than 0, the content output will be truncated to the number of characters defined.
Data Sources > TimelineA new attribute named "Link Image?" is available. If using the feature to link the title to the record, the image will be linked to the record if this new attribute is set to "Yes".
Preview & Caching EnhancementsThe second phase of report builder preview and general system caching performance and memory consumption enhancements.
Data Sources > TimelineA new attribute named "Image Column Has Non-Image Extensions?" is available. When set to "Yes", this will convert non-image files to images. Additional width and height attributes are available to control the size of the converted images.
System Pages > SearchA new attribute named "Search Date Columns Filter Control" is available. When enabled, a radio-button control is output to the search pages. This allows a user to change which date columns are filtered if they are using the option that contains both StartDate & ModifyDate.
Education > ProgramsA new CMS attribute with the SystemName of "IsTriggerDisabled" has been added to the Programs module. If the attribute is set to "Yes", the trigger methods will not execute. By default, this attribute value is set to "No". If the site is experiencing performance problems when Program records are submitted, set this attribute to "Yes" when saving records in the module.

Mon, Jan 30, 2023

Centralpoint Update 8.11.52

Preview & Caching EnhancementsThe first phase of report builder preview and general system caching performance and memory consumption enhancements.
System Pages > Search > Results Item ContentTwo constants are supported if literal curly braces are needed in the HTML output of search results item content: cpsys_LCurlyBrace & cpsys_RCurlyBrace . These would be used in the attribute itself or in the format='' property of column CpScripts.
CpScript PdfViewerIf using the watermark feature, the WaterMarkText='' property now supports a UserInfo: constant. This allows the watermark to be created with values from the logged-in user.
Dynamic RolesUpdates to Rad Filter Configuration to support for `LIKE` OR `NOT LIKE`

Tue, Jan 17, 2023

Centralpoint Update 8.11.51

Design > Script Generator > Script > Data DiffsA "Data Diffs" script type is now available. This creates a UI for attribute differences in content that is utilizing the "Is Data Diffs Relation Enabled?" module property. Please read the attribute header text for instructions when altering the default setup.
GenericEnhanced > Module Properties > Is Data Diffs Relation Enabled?This module property enables a feature which records differences in attribute values over the lifecycle of a record. Please ensure to read the "help file" link in the header text of this attribute prior to implementing the in the module. When enabled, another module property is released named "Data Diffs Attributes" where the attributes tracking changes are defined.
MailSupport for other root folders has been added, and repairs have been made to attachments saved to modules.
LoggingLogging has been enhanced to track more information about long running processes.
RSS (Quirks Mode)way more forgiving option which checks if the required XML Element doesn't exist but still lets you consume that feed

Tue, Jan 3, 2023

Centralpoint Update 8.11.50

CpScript PdfViewerThe script now supports the ability to add watermarks to the pages within the PDF file output. Please use the CpScript Builder when enabling this feature. There is a primary HasWatermark='' property which releases several others that allow the console administrator to set the following watermark properties: text, color, font style, font size, opacity, and rotate angle.
Admin > Properties > Aspose: Word Documents Extract Embedded Objects?The following file extensions will now be extracted when this site property is enabled: .xml, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .txt, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .zip, .yaml, .tar. The embedded file types within Word documents are extracted automatically when using this feature.
GenericEnhanced > Module Properties > Document Content Attributes: Replace Style With Heading Tag?This feature replaces styles found in the Word Document with heading tags. When enabled six textarea attributes are rendered where users may define Word document styles that get converted to heading tags; <h1> through <h6>. This option applies only to the extracted HTML inserted into the attribute and does not alter the source document.
Admin > SAML MetaDataAbility to backup Saml.config file and view current backups.
CpScript FormTrackChangesAn issue was reported that this script flags differences in images; even when the image has not been changed. This issue will be resolved as records continue to be processed to the system with front-end forms processing submissions and this script is utilized in the processing tab. This update does not require console administrators to make any changes.

Mon, Dec 19, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.49

Education > AssignmentsA new CMS attribute with the SystemName of "IsTriggerDisabled" has been added to the Assignments module. If the attribute is set to "Yes", the trigger methods will not execute. By default, this attribute value is set to "No". If the site is experiencing performance problems when Assignment records are submitted, set this attribute to "Yes" when saving records in the module.
Data Transform > Data CleanerA new Searched Attributes attribute has been added when Type is Keyword Generator, Taxonomy Generator, or Attribute Generator. When populated with a comma separated list of attribute system names the data cleaner will only search those attributes.
Md-Staff Data Transfer SourceUpdated error reporting
CAD Files Module .dgn file extensions are now supported.dgn file extension support in CAD module

Mon, Dec 5, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.48

Design > Script GeneratorA new 'Hide Blocks Before Searching' attribute will be added when Type = Document Creation.
CpScript TaxonomyTreeWhen this script has the accordion output enabled, multiple new properties are supported. The is a HasToggleAllItemsButton='' property which allows users to show/hide all elements in the taxonomy tree when enabled. Properties to change the button text are available as well. A HasAccordionAnimations='' property has been added. By default, accordion animations are used. They can be disabled with this new property to help improve browser performance. Please ensure to read the script builder help file when implementing for additional details on these features.
CpScript UserSubscriptionsA HasConfirmDialog property is now supported. If set to Yes, users will be prompted with a dialog when clicking elements to confirm they would like to remove their relation to the record. Please use the Script Builder help file during implementation. When the property is enabled, there are other attributes released which allow customization within the dialog.
Data Cleaner > Automated Taxonomy: Exclude Individual RecordsPlease read the help file within the "Data Transform > Data Cleaner" module when implementing. This feature allows individual records within a module that uses automated Taxonomy generation to be managed manually. It prevents the TaxonomyGenerator & AttributeGenerator triggers from setting the Taxonomy attribute when the record is submitted.

Mon, Nov 21, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.47

Feature Summary
Module Results Views: CpControl OrderBy The OrderBy CpControl for module results views supports the ModifyDate column to order the results. The options='' property accepts the following values: ModifyDateAsc, ModifyDateDesc. The script builder help file contains documentation on other properties to change the labels rendered on the screen. These options may also be selected in the defaultOrder='' property.
CAD Files Module .nwd file extensions are now supported
Master > Deployment > Synchronize The index optimization process has been removed from the sync to improve performance. It is still included in the Clean Up process when not run as part of the sync.
MccMailAttribute CpScript When attachments are inserted into a module it will automatically store the user's UserId in TextBox1. A new SaveAttachmentsUserIdAttribute parameter is available if you'd like to store it in a different attribute.

Mon, Nov 7, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.46

Feature Summary
Admin > Properties > Keywords Matching Type Websites using the "Site Search Auto Complete" feature that have the "Search Redirect Types" set to "Title Or Keywords" or "Keywords" may alter how the "Search Keywords" attribute determines a match. Records are returned with SQL LIKE filters. This means partial word matches are returned. Each explanation below is based on a user entering the following search criteria: Fox Dog. The default functionality is a partial word match via the LIKE filter. The record is returned if the Search Keywords attribute contains something like: Foxbourough Commons has dogwood trees. The "Whole Word Match" option returns the suggestion with exact word matching. In this case the record is returned if the Search Keywords attribute contains something like: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. If Whole Word Match is enabled. This feature begins working when a user is searching multiple words. A single word search uses the LIKE filter.
Admin > SAML MetaData New Validate Saml.config utility. This utility will validate Saml.config and display errors if they exist.
Development > Webhooks A webhook is also called a web callback or HTTP push. It delivers information to integrated applications when events occur in Centralpoint modules.

Sun, Oct 23, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.45

Feature Summary
Admin > Properties > Inaccessible Resources add a new property that controls resource redirect instead of returning 404
Admin > Properties > Search Keywords Filter Option Websites using the "Site Search Auto Complete" feature that have the "Search Redirect Types" set to "Title Or Keywords" may now control how they "Search Keywords" attribute is searched. The explanations below is based on a user entering the following search criteria: Hello World. By default, the search criteria is an OR search. The records are returned in the suggestion list if the "Search Keywords" attribute contained either "Hello" OR "World". This new property provides an option for "Contains All Words" which produces an AND search. Meaning each word, "Hello" AND "World", must exist somewhere in the "Searched Keywords" attribute. There is also a "Contains Whole Phrase" option which requires the "Search Keywords" attribute contains the entire search criteria string in-sequence. Meaning the string "Hello World" would have to exist in the "Search Keywords" attribute.
Md-Staff Data Transfer Source New Md-Staff Data Transfer Source was created
Admin > Properties > Search ORDER BY Websites using the "Site Search Auto Complete" feature may now adjust the ORDER BY of the results returned by the autocomplete menu. The attribute contains detailed instructions. Please review them in-detail if applying this feature to your website.

Sun, Oct 9, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.44

Feature Summary
Source Code Editor Control This note should've been in the last update 😬. Most system attributes using standard text areas to manage CSS, JavaScript, and SQL source code have been updated to use a new source code editor. It adds auto-complete and syntax colorization when editing source code. This change does not affect RTF editors. A bug related to source code editor resizing has been fixed in this update.
CpScript ReverseHyperLink A TargetOverride='' property is now supported. This property is used to set the target="" attribute within the links created by the ReverseHyperLink script. The default setting will use the target attribute value from the records with matching Titles. TargetOverride='_blank' opens all links in a new tab. TargetOverride='_self' opens all links in the same tab. Any other value will use the default setting. Please use the script builder for assistance.

Sun, Sep 25, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.43

Feature Summary
Telerik Integration Upgrade The Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX integration has been upgraded to version 2022.2.622. This upgrade will primarily affect the RTF Editor, ColorPicker, Filter controls found throughout Centralpoint.

Mon, Sep 5, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.42

Feature Summary
Admin > Properties > Aspose: Word Documents Extract Embedded Objects? Generic Enhanced module properties support HTML extraction from an uploaded Word Document and transfer the HTML to a module attribute. Set this to Enabled to extract embedded objects within the Word Document. This will save to the embedded object to the file system and link the object within the HTML to the file. This option applies only to the extracted HTML inserted into the attribute and does not alter the source document. Upon release, .xml extensions are the only supported object file type. Additional extensions will be researched upon request.
CpScript FormUniqueFieldValidator Supports a TargetDataIdControlToIgnore='' property. The value of this property expects the ID of the form control holding the DataId value passed in the processing tab. Use this property to allow the existing record to use the unique value. For example, if the record being modified is allowed to contain the unique value, you would use this field so a user does not get stuck on the validator.

Sun, Aug 14, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.41

Feature Summary
FileSynchronization Scheduled Task Now supports the ability to delete files that are in the destination but not in the source.

Sun, Jul 31, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.40

Feature Summary
Admin > Template Gallery New template records have been created to allow client makeovers to be much easier.

Sun, Jun 26, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.39

Feature Summary
GenericEnhanced > Module Properties > Document Content Attributes: Remove Non-Letter Prefixes From Headings? Removes non-letter prefixes found within each heading tag of the Word Document. This applies to <h1></h1> through <h6></h6>. The intent is to remove headings prefixed with numbers. For example, "1.1 Related Documentation" would become "Related Documentation". Also "#2.02 Overall Process" would become "Overall Process". This option applies only to the extracted HTML inserted into the attribute and does not alter the source document.
GenericEnhanced > Module Properties > Document Content Attributes: Remove Sections? Please read the help file available via a link in the header text of this attribute when implementing. This feature removes sections of the Word Document identified through a CpAsposeWordsDocumentSectionsToRemove attribute in the record being saved. This option applies only to the extracted HTML inserted into the attribute and does not alter the source document.
GenericEnhanced > Module Properties > Document Content Attributes: Remove Table of Contents? Removes every Table of Contents found within the Word Document. This option applies only to the extracted HTML inserted into the attribute and does not alter the source document.
GenericEnhanced > Module Properties > Document Content Attributes: Remove Footers? Removes footers found within each page of Word Document. This option applies only to the extracted HTML inserted into the attribute and does not alter the source documen
GenericEnhanced > Module Properties > Document Content Attributes: Remove Headers? Removes headers found within each page of Word Document. This option applies only to the extracted HTML inserted into the attribute and does not alter the source document.
jQuery & jQuery UI Versions Admin > Properties > Header Tags > jQuery & jQuery UI Versions has been updated making the previously Stable version Legacy and the previously Beta version Stable. If your sites are still using the Legacy version you should not install this update. If you discover problems after the update is installed you can switch to Legacy giving you time to resolve the problem then change back to Stable. If you are using the Design > jQuery UI Themes module it is recommended that you regenerate your themes on the latest version by following the instructions under the Theme attribute of each record.

Sun, Jun 12, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.38

Feature Summary
FormTextBox CpScript Add ReadOnly attribute. When present, it specifies that an input field is read-only. A read-only input field cannot be modified
jQuery & jQuery UI Versions Admin > Properties > Header Tags > jQuery & jQuery UI Versions has been updated so that you can test the Beta (next) version before it is released as the Stable version in a future update. Please test all custom jQuery and jQuery UI features by switching to Beta after installing this update then switch back to Stable once testing has been completed. If you are using the Design > jQuery UI Themes module you may have to create new themes for testing and switch back afterward.
Module Configuration > Grid Searchable Fields This attribute now allows the grid view to support DataCurrentInDataCurrent searches which can be leveraged from PagedListBox controls that use the module view. A listItem tag as shown here is required: <listItem value="DataCurrentInDataCurrent:{AttributeSystemName}:{Title OR DataId}:{tableName}.DataId">TenantsA</listItem> The parameters are shown in {}. The search will return records which are assigned to attributes passed into the system's cpsys_DataCurrentInDataCurrent table.

Mon, May 30, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.37

Feature Summary
SAML Utilities Get Certificate Information and Generate X.509 from .pfx Utilities. Certificate Information will let you see if the SAML Signature Method can support SHA-256.
CpScript FormUpload This script now supports the following three properties: uploadButtonText='', removeButtonText='', isTranslatingButtonText=''. These allow console admins to customize the control button values (text) and/or attempt to translate the values with matching records in the site's Translations module.
Admin > Properties The system has been updated to protect against a vulnerability where public file uploads use predicable file paths. A new "File Upload Allows Unsafe Dialogs" attribute has been added if you wish to disable this proctection.
Cpscript SamlAttribute Support for Tenants Lookup. if you enter the system name value of the tenants' module into TenantsModuleSystemName property we assume that the script returns intergationId's of the tenants. We will look up and replace those values with Tenants Dataid's

Sun, May 15, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.36

Feature Summary
Design > Data Tables The related script supports a global 'dataTablePageInformation' JavaScript variable which can be used to pass information to the API.

Sun, May 1, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.35

Feature Summary
Console > RTF Editor The "Maximum Media Size" has been increased from 250,000,000 bytes to 750,000,000 bytes. Please consider the following prior to setting attributes to the maximum upload sizes. If the large file uploads still do not work, a developer may have to customize your web.config file to increase the maxRequestLength and executionTimeout limits for your site. These limits are used to prevent denial of service attacks which are caused, for example, by users posting large files to the server. Increasing these limits allows large file uploads and increases your risk. Uploading and downloading larger files will also increase bandwidth usage on the server and the client. They may load slowly and cause other pages to load slowly for the duration of the upload and download. This kind of performance problem will be sporadic making it difficult to diagnose and resolve.
CpScript: MobileDecreaseTextSize Supports a format='' property allowing console administrators to customize the output with an encoded HTML string.
CpScript: MobileIncreaseTextSize Supports a format='' property allowing console administrators to customize the output with an encoded HTML string.
CpScript: MobilePrintPage Supports a format='' property allowing console administrators to customize the output with an encoded HTML string.
CpScript: MobileEmailThisPage Supports a format='' property allowing console administrators to customize the output with an encoded HTML string.

Sun, Apr 17, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.34

Feature Summary
Master > Content > Scheduled Tasks A new Merge Clicks job is available. It can be used to merge clicks that vary only on insignificant query string variables.
Add support for .dotx file extensions Authenticated users will be able to upload .dotx files which are template files created by Microsoft Word
WebAPI UpsertUsers This API will create or update user(s). See get URL below.
CpScript NewGuid This script is for the website which returns a new GUID.

Sun, Apr 3, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.33

Feature Summary
Admin > Properties > Logging This update applies to websites recording user click data to the system's cpsys_Logging table through the console settings at Admin > Properties > Logging and has the "Site Map Items" Logging Type enabled. Records in the site using an "Alternative URL" were not recording due to redirection to the alternate URL value. System data using "Alternative URL" attribute will begin recording automatically if the Admin > Properties settings are set as described above.
Mail > Configuration The mail module now supports multiple insert buttons by adding multiple navigation elements to the Mail Insert Field Map attribute in the module designer and targeting them with `data-mcc-insertmessage-navigationsystemnames="[SYSTEM_NAME]"` attributes in the insert button HTML. See the Mail Insert Field Map footer text for more information.

Sun, Mar 20, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.32

Feature Summary
Design > Script Generator This new module was created to generate and configure scripts that require parameter values containing complex HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and CpScripts. It was created initially with one option: Document Creation. This script was developed to create a user interface for creating new documents from blocks of content stored in another module.

Mon, Feb 28, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.31

Feature Summary
CpScript ReportQuestionsRelatedByTaxonomy A CpScript is available which works when a site has the "Questions In Reports Relation Enabled" module property enabled within Education > Reports. This script has many options and will return data from the site which relate to CeQuestions by taxonomy matches between the question and website data. A practical use case would be to direct users to website data that may help them with questions they answered incorrectly. This CpScript is supported by any page that uses a report ID query string. It is also functional in the email attributes within Education > Configuration records if there is a need to email the related website data to users after they submit a test.
Education > Reports > Module Properties There is a module property named "Questions In Reports Relation Enabled". Enable this property to create a relationship from report records to the questions the user answered when taking their test. This feature provides a means to generate reports showing how users answered questions. For example, reports that show which questions were within the users test when they took it and if the questions were answered correctly or incorrectly. When the attribute is enabled, there is another data point that is optionally enabled. This is controlled by the "QuestionData Column Enabled" module property. The QuestionData column holds JSON with additional details of the question at the time the user took the test. It will provide details of the question type, question options, and how the user answered the question. There is no system functionality associated to this column. Its benefits are for debugging or for use within a custom project.
Content > Generic Enhanced A new Content Block Extractor module property has been added to all generic enhanced modules.
Data Sources: Charts (Advanced) The Vertical Bar, Horizontal Bar, and Line chart types now support multiple data sets for each axis rendered in the chart.

Mon, Feb 14, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.30

Feature Summary
Data Transform > Data Transfer A new Source Filter option has been added when Source = "SharePoint". It provides a new option to filter source rows to only include rows modified since the last execution of the transfer.

Mon, Jan 31, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.29

Feature Summary
FileReadAllText CpScript When the FileReadAllText CpScript is executed over a .dwg file extension, the method will attempt to read the text from the .dwg and insert it into the attribute defined in the user's Data Transfer record.
GenericEnhanced Modules > Module Properties > Resource Content Attributes .dwg files held within attributes in this module property are now supported. The system will attempt to extract the text from the .dwg file and insert it into the record's "Resource Content" attribute.
Data Transform > Data Transfer A new Source End Point attribute is now available under the Office 365 source. This allows you execute either an Initial (Bulk) import or a Delta (Changes) import. The Delta import picks up changes since the last import and is designed to executed as frequently as every 5 minutes. It can also be used to propagate deletions.

Mon, Jan 17, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.28

Feature Summary
CpControl TestLink An optional verifyCourseHasQuestions='true' property is now supported. If this property is enabled, the CpScript will check to ensure the course has eligible questions for the user. If no questions are found, the link is not returned to the page.
CpScript EducationTestLink An optional verifyCourseHasQuestions='true' property is now supported. If this property is enabled, the CpScript will check to ensure the course has eligible questions for the user. If no questions are found, the link is not returned to the page.
Data Transform > Data Cleaner A new Value Type attribute has been added when Type = "Attribute Generator". It allows you to enter plain text or select taxonomy.

Mon, Jan 3, 2022

Centralpoint Update 8.11.27

Feature Summary
Mail > Configuration A new Mail > Mail Insert Field Map attribute has been added to the module designer. The Message Item Content defaults also include a new Insert button which inserts the mail message into the module configured using the field map.

Mon, Dec 20, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.26

Feature Summary
TaxonomyTree CpScript When this script is used on the module results view, searched taxonomy links will be output in the HTML with a class of cpsty_TaxonomyTreeSearchedItem. Console admins may style this class to their liking with a CSS rule similar to: .cpsty_TaxonomyTreeSearchedItem {padding: 3px; background: yellow} Additionally, a new property IsRenderingSearchedTaxonomyOnLoad property is available. If the CpScript is on a module results view and this property is enabled, it will force searched Taxonomy items to be visible when the page loads.
Mail > Configuration A new Outlook 365 service has been added.

Mon, Dec 6, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.25

Feature Summary
Site Architecture > Administrators A new Group ID attribute was added to Members and Administrators. Like Integration ID, this attribute is intended for custom reports and features.

Mon, Nov 22, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.24

Feature Summary
FormAudience CpScript When loading a FormAudience control with TaxonomyInfo, the defaultValue property now supports the taxonomy's Audiences. defaultValue='cpsys_Constant:TaxonomyInfo:Audiences'

Mon, Nov 8, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.23

Feature Summary
Design > Data Sources A new PDF Generation Accessibility module property has been added which allows you to disable pdf generation completely or enable it for internal pages only.
PdfViewer CpScript .eml file extensions will generate a PDF version of the source file and the converted PDF will render through the viewer.
Admin > Properties > Aspose Base Image URL Aspose generated documents have the ability to download images into the file through HTML markup like the example tag to the right. <img src="/relative/path/to/image.jpg"> Aspose requires an absolute URL to the image path which the component uses to download the image. The system attempts to make relative paths absolute using the website's protocol and domain. If images are not loading in Aspose generated files, your website is likely using a service provider to secure and transfer requests. Aspose is unable to reach the image in these instances. Use this attribute to provide Aspose a direction connection to the website. We found a direct IP address resolves the issue. Do not use a trailing slash.

Sun, Oct 24, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.22

Feature Summary
Module Configuration > Grid Searchable Fields This attribute now allows the grid view to support Taxonomy searches which can be leveraged from PagedListBox controls that use the module view. A listItem tag as shown here is required: <listItem value="Taxonomy:{cpsys_Taxonomy.Name OR cpsys_Taxonomy.TaxonomyId}:{tableName}.DataId:{ancestorTaxonomyId}">Taxonomy.Name Subset</listItem> The parameters are shown in {}. The last parameter of {ancestorTaxonomyId} is optional. Leaving this parameter off will search all taxonomy. Using the ancestorTaxonomyId will behave like a TaxonomySubset search where the filtration is looking for Taxonomy matches under the root AncestorTaxonomyId.

Sun, Oct 10, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.21

Feature Summary
FormTaxonomy CpScript The FormTaxonomy CpScript supports a "TaxonomyHiddenItems" property. This accepts a comma separated list of TaxonomyIds that will be excluded from rendering in the form control. Selecting parent taxonomy items will hide all of their descendants.

Sun, Sep 26, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.20

Feature Summary
PdfViewer CpScript Files with the following extensions will generate a PDF version of the source file and the converted PDF will render through the viewer: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif
AJAX Site Search A "Search Ajax Execution Type" attribute has been added to the System Pages module. This provides an option to change the search behavior of the AJAX site search page. The default option, as it has always been, is the search will execute when a control value changes. There is a "Button Click" option in this attribute that will prevent the search from executing until a user clicks a search button. In addition to this primary feature there are two other attributes: Search Ajax JavaScript Callback and Search Button Title. "Search Button Title" adds a title attribute to the search button HTML. The "Search Ajax JavaScript Callback" attribute allows custom JavaScript to execute after the search page is loaded. The intent is to use this to alter the search controls or other UI elements which are not accessible in the client console.

Sun, Sep 12, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.19

ReverseHyperlink CpScriptThis update includes performance enhancements which will be transparent and automatically applied.
PdfViewer CpScriptFiles with the following extensions will generate a PDF version of the source file and the converted PDF will render through the viewer: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .vsd, .vsdx, .ppt, .pptx
Personal Dashboard: SettingsAn attribute named "Settings Gadgets Order By" is now available in the "Settings" tab of the module designer record. It includes an option to sort the Gadgets on this view by "Name" in addition to the default sort.

Sun, Aug 29, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.18

Feature Summary
FormRadioButtonList CpScript The Filter='' property now supports UserInfo constants. The syntax supported to insert values from the current user is: cpsys_Constant:UserInfo:{attributeSystemName}

Sun, Aug 15, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.17

Feature Summary
Master Logging A new Master > Admin > Properties > Logging attribute has been added. The cpsys_Logging table contains no user interface but can be used for debugging and tracing at the database level.
CpCaching The internal caching system has been updated with automatic expiration of unused items, intelligent priority selection, and enhanced synchronization using concurrent collections.
Data Cleaner > Taxonomy Generator Now supports Case Sensitive match.

Sun, Aug 1, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.16

Feature Summary
Data Transfer > Data Transform A new SharePoint destination has been added.

Sun, Jul 18, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.15

Feature Summary
System Pages > Search > Search Modules Hidden Items A "Search Modules Hidden Items" control has been added in the client console @ System Pages > Search > Search Modules Hidden Items. Selected items will be removed from both the Modules control on the page and the search results. Selected items will override the Include In Site Search option from SiteMap records. Please review the modules available in the modules control on the website search page prior to making selections in this attribute. There is no need to exclude modules that do not appear in the site search module control. Also if you accidentally exclude all of the modules available in the site, the site search will return results for all modules by default.
System Pages > Search > Search Order By Option Text A "Search Order By Option Text" control has been added in the client console @ System Pages > Search > Search Order By Option Text. When set to "Yes", a text input for each ORDER BY option will display. These new attributes allow console administrators to customize the text of the ORDER BY options in the select menu of the website search.
CpScript QueryString The QueryString CpScript now supports a IsDefaultValueHtmlEncoded property. If the DefaultValue property needs to hold encoded HTML, set this to "Yes" to output the desired HTML to the page
System Pages > Search > Taxonomy Hidden Items A "Taxonomy Hidden Items" control has been added in the client console @ System Pages > Search > Taxonomy Hidden Items. Selecting taxonomy items in this attribute will exclude them from rendering in the taxonomy control on the system's website search page. Selecting parent taxonomy items will hide all of their descendants.

Mon, Jul 5, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.14

Feature Summary
Development > Web API New Get User and Get Users methods have been added.

Mon, May 31, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.13

Feature Summary
Master > Modules > CMS A new Office 365 Picker control has been created. It can be added to custom attributes with `<control id="CpOneDrivePicker" type="Centralpoint.Web.UI.Controls.CpOneDrivePicker" />`.
Admin > Authorizations This new module can be used to authorize Centralpoint to access 3rd party APIs.
Data Transform > Data Transfer A new Office 365 source has been added to move files from a One Drive folder.
Data Transfer FileReadAllText CpScript Updated to support the Office 365 source when FilePath='@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl'.
Data Transfer FileDownload CpScript Updated to support the Office 365 source when NameColumn='name' and UrlColumn='@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl'.
FormOneDrivePicker CpScript This new script works in coordination with the CpOneDrivePicker control to select files from within one drive (Office 365). The selected files can be displayed with the OneDriveFile script.
OneDriveFile CpScript This new script works in coordination with the Office 365 data transfer source or the FormOneDrivePicker script to display links and thumbnails to one drive (office 365) files.
Tools > Remove Archived Records This new utility will remove Archived, Deleted, or All records from cpsys_DataArchived table.
Design > Dynamic Tab Display > jQuery Tab The "Styles" attribute supports CpScripting. This feature is meant to provide a means to change the tab styles or hide tabs for certain users with the HTMLOuput CpScript using the role='' property.

Sun, May 16, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.12

Feature Summary
Data Transform > Data Cleaner A new Data Triage option has been added to Type. When selected it works in coordination with Data Triage records in Data Transfer to conditionally import source records into different modules.
Data Transform > Data Transfer A new Data Triage option has been added to Source & Destination > Destination. When selected it works in coordination with Data Triage records in the Data Cleaner module to conditionally import source records into different modules.

Sun, May 2, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.11

Feature Summary
ZipFilesDownloadButton CpScript This script now supports a new property labeled "Is Recording Downloaded Files?". Set to "Yes" to create records in the system's Clicks tables. This will track the files contained within each .zip download. The IntegrationId of the ClicksLog will have a value of: "ZipFilesDownloadButton_{GUID}". The GUID is unique to each .zip file downloaded.
DownloadCheckBoxColumn CpScript The new script will target a column value that is expected to hold a document. If the value found is a file path, a checkbox with the value of the file path is returned.
DocumentIconColumn CpScript The new script will target a column value that is expected to hold a document. The script will look in the Document Icons module for an icon that matches the file extension and return the image associated to the file type.
System Pages > Search An option to ORDER BY Start Date ASC is now supported. A new attribute labeled "Is Results Item Content Using Attributes?" has been added. If the site search results item content is using CpScripts with a "cpsys_Attributes:" prefix, set this to "Yes" for best performance. If not, leave the default value of "No" selected.
Data Transform > Data Cleaner A new Replacement Type attribute has been added so that HTML Cleaner records can replace with partial HTML.

Sun, Apr 18, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.10

Feature Summary
Custom User Account Creation Email Template When users are created the in the client console, the system now provides the ability to customize the email sent to the new user. This is located at Forms > Forms > Module Properties > Custom User Account Creation Email Template?. Set the attribute to "Yes", and update the fields displayed to modify the new user account email which the system will send.
Custom User Password Reset Email Template When user passwords are updated from the client console, the system now provides the ability to customize the email sent to the user whose password was changed. This is located at Forms > Forms > Module Properties > Custom User Password Reset Email Template?. Set the attribute to "Yes", and update the fields displayed to modify the new user account email which the system will send.

Sun, Apr 4, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.9

Feature Summary
Education > Configuration A new attribute named "Administrator Email Subject Line" is now supported. When courses are submitted on the site; administrators have the option to receive an email notification. The new attribute allows the administrator email to create a custom subject line. Previously the subject line always read "New Test Completed: {Course Title}".

Sun, Mar 21, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.8

Feature Summary
ReverseHyperLink CpScript The CpScript now supports a MaxContentLength='' property. If the length of the attribute value exceeds this number the system will not execute hyperlink replacements over the data. Use this to improve performance by skipping execution over large amounts of data.
FileGetHtmlBetweenTags Data Transfer CpScript This new script retrieves value between the beginning and end of the string

Mon, Mar 1, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.7

Feature Summary
GetValue Data Transfer CpScript This new script will get a value from an attribute in CpCollection XML or a cell in an Excel file.
DataSourceExportButton CpScript Two new properties are supported, FileName and DataSourceDataId. FileName='' allows users to control the filename of the downloaded export. DataSourceDataId='' allows users to target a specific Data Source on the page which the exported file will be generated from. The Data Source being targeted must exist on the page.
Data Transform > Data Cleaner The "Replace With" attribute has been changed from a text box to an RTF Editor.

Mon, Feb 15, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.6

Feature Summary
Column CpScript Split, Index, and Separator were added to create an array of substrings by splitting the input string based on one delimiter.
Select Command Builder The command builder will automatically insert the SqlColumnBackgroundColorIndicatingNewOrModifiedContentToUser in your query when "Styles" = "Grid View". The Item Content will contain the corresponding column CpScript in the opening table-row tag.
SqlColumnBackgroundColorIndicatingNewOrModifiedContentToUser CpScript This CpScript is designed to be used within the Select Command of a Data Source. The query will output a column named BackgroundColorIndicatingNewOrModifiedContentToUser. The column value will output an inline CSS rule: background: {color};. The background color will change depending if the content has not been viewed by the user or if the content has been modified since the user has last seen it. In the Item Content of the Data Source place the Column CpScript below in a style="" attribute to render the background color of the desired HTML element.

Mon, Feb 1, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.5

Feature Summary
FormDataListBox & FormPagedListBox CpScripts Setting whereclause='cpsys_Constant:SystemFilter:All' will dynamically include all system filters.

Mon, Jan 25, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.4

Feature Summary
Security Enhancements System changes have been made to reduce the risk of Cross-site scripting attacks.

Mon, Jan 4, 2021

Centralpoint Update 8.11.3

Feature Summary
SVG File Support .svg file extensions are valid to upload through the Image Manager tool within the Telerik RTF Editor. System file upload controls will render the .svg upload with an image preview.

Mon, Dec 7, 2020

Centralpoint Update 8.11.2

Feature Summary
Data Transfer > Data Transform A new SharePoint source has been added. The FileDownload and FileReadAllText data transfer scripts have also been updated to work with the FileRef column of the SharePoint source.

Sun, Oct 25, 2020

Centralpoint Update 8.11.1

Feature Summary
Design > Data Tables The related Web API record now contains the ability for detached data tables to format columns using advanced format.
Admin > Global Login A new "Enable Audience in Lookup" module property has been added. When enabled it will retrieve SAML callback page audience and use it when selecting the current global login record. This is only necessary when global login records share the same SAML Name and requires that global logins have the appropriate CDA audience selected.
FormPagedListBox CpScript A new property named "isDefaultValueGuid" is supported. If the default value is supposed to be one or multiple selections of GUID data, please set to "Yes" to prevent errors.

Sun, Oct 11, 2020

Centralpoint Update 8.11.0

Feature Summary
Windows Server 2019 and SQL Server 2019 Centralpoint now supports installations on the following server configurations: Windows Server 2012 & SQL Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 & SQL Server 2014, Windows Server 2016 & SQL Server 2016, Windows Server 2016 & SQL Server 2017, and Windows Server 2019 and SQL Server 2019.

Sun, Sep 27, 2020

Centralpoint Update 8.10.3

Feature Summary
News > Module Properties The News module now contains the following module properties that function with the Data Cleaner module: Keyword Generator, Taxonomy Generator, and Html Cleaner.
Admin > Properties A new Console Page State Persistence site property has been added with options for View State and Session State.

Sun, Sep 13, 2020

Centralpoint Update 8.10.2

Feature Summary
Windows Server 2019 and SQL Server 2019 Prepares Centralpoint to support installations on Windows Server 2019 and SQL Server 2019. Official support will be released in version 8.11.0.
Design > Data Tables Managed Web API records can now JOIN to relation tables to support sortable related columns.

Sun, Aug 30, 2020

Centralpoint Update 8.10.1

Feature Summary
Education > Questions The "Connecting Lists" question type now has a console validator that prevents users from creating questions not supported by the UI and/or cannot be answered correctly by a user. A new "Video Upload" essay question is also now supported. This allows users to upload a video which is manually graded by website administrators.
Design > Data Tables A new Auto Complete search attribute has been added. It can be used to use a button to trigger a search instead of auto complete.

Sun, Aug 16, 2020

Centralpoint Update 8.10.0

Feature Summary
Web Sites: /Modules/DataSource/ZipFiles.aspx This page now accepts a 'separator' query string variable. Valid options are options are cpsys_Pipe and cpsys_Tilde.
.NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") Version 2.0.1 This compiler platform provides support for C# 7.3 and VB.NET 15.5 language features for developers. This update will include the Roslyn compilers in each application's Bin folder and will update the web.config files to utilize the new compilers.
.NET Framework 4.8 All Centralpoint sites have been updated to utilize the .NET Framework 4.8. The .NET Framework 4.8 must be installed on your server manually before this update can be installed. The installation of this framework may create "aspnet_client" folders in the Master/Root and cpweb_SystemName/Root folders on the server. These directories should be manually deleted to prevent problems with the sync. My Module developers will also be required to change their projects to target the .NET Framework 4.8. Right click the project and select Property Pages. Then select Build in the left navigation and change the Target Framework to .NET Framework 4.8. Click OK to apply your changes, save the Visual Studio project and restart Visual Studio. You may also choose to delete and recreate your Visual Studio project and it should automatically default to the appropriate version of the .NET Framework. If you have added any of your own components we suggest you install this update and test your components in your Development site before syncing the changes your other sites. https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework/net48
Development > Import Utilities A new Test Console and Cda Utilities attribute has been added to test Utilities.asmx web services which can no longer be loaded directly in a browser.

Sun, Jul 26, 2020

Centralpoint Update 8.9.50

Feature Summary
Admin > Properties > Logging This feature is enabled only when the site needs to optimize performance for recording clicks. We recommend that "Admin > Properties > Stats > Clicks" is set to "Disabled" when Logging is enabled. We also recommend that all hardcoded URLs to click.aspx, InsertClick CpScripts, and ExtClickTracking CpScripts are completely removed from the website. However, we have found that some projects contain a significant amount of hardcoded URLs through the click.aspx page. Therefore, when Logging is enabled, we have disabled database writes from click.aspx if it is still active. This means links pointing to click.aspx will still redirect to the proper page. Additionally, the InsertClick & ExtClickTracking CpScripts will not be functional when Logging is enabled.
.NET Framework 4.8 & C# 7.3 Centralpoint will be updated to utilize the .NET Framework 4.8 early next month with the release of version 8.10.0. It is a highly compatible, in-place update to the .NET Framework 4 which delivers better performance and security. The .NET Framework 4.8 must be installed on the web server manually before Centralpoint version 8.10.0 will install. Install the framework anytime after installing and syncing this update. The installation of this framework may create "aspnet_client" folders in the Master/Root and WebSites/cpweb_/Root folders on the server. These directories should be manually deleted to prevent problems with future updates and syncs. My Module developers may also need to install the .NET Framework 4.8 Developer Pack locally. Version 8.10.0 will also update the Roslyn compilers in each application's Bin folder and will update the web.config files to utilize the latest compilers. https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework/net48
Education > Questions A new connecting lists question type has been developed. The question allows users to drag and connect answers to their term. Term attributes are not moved by the user and is where users connect the answer to. Answer attributes are moved by the user and are draggable elements the user connects to a term.

Sun, Jul 5, 2020

Centralpoint Update 8.9.49

Feature Summary
ReverseHyperlink CpScript An "OrderBySystemNamesOrder" property is now supported. If you are hyperlinking from multiple modules, you may set this to "Yes" to prioritize how the results link. Results from the module of the first system name in the "ReverseHyperlinkSiteMapSystemNames" will be linked first, the second system name second, and so on. This will help prevent unexpected results when records from different modules contain the same or share words within their titles. You will need to manually adjust the comma separated list in the "ReverseHyperlinkSiteMapSystemNames" property.
Forms > Forms A new Processing > Taxonomy Submission attribute has been added.
Education > Questions A new image area question type has been developed. The question allows console admins to upload an image and assign an area within the image that is the correct answer. Users must place the question's icon within the correct portion of the image to receive credit.
Admin > Properties A new Header Tags > Enable Dynamic CSS File Generation attribute has been added and set to Yes by default.

Mon, Jun 22, 2020

Centralpoint Update 8.9.48

Feature Summary
Web Service Vulnerabilities All ASMX web services have been reviewed and updated to eliminate blind SQL injection vulnerabilities. Due to these changes the Development > Errors modules will no longer work until you update to version 8.9.48.

Sun, Jun 7, 2020

Centralpoint Update 8.9.47

Feature Summary
Admin > Organization Chart The "Sunburst Zoomable Chart" type now renders a "Content" radio-button option which will resize the chart based on the amount of content assigned to each audience.
Design > Data Tables Added the ability to override the default sort order.

Mon, May 25, 2020

Centralpoint Update 8.9.46

Feature Summary
Mail > Configuration A new IMAP service has been added.

Sun, May 10, 2020

Centralpoint Update 8.9.45

Feature Summary
Design > Data Tables This new module was created to design and deploy dynamic tables containing custom content. It will initialize the jQuery DataTable plugin using it to transform an HTML table into a more advance table with pagination, search and ordering.
Surveys > Questions (Google Charts) When using Google Charts to render survey results, issues have been reported that the chart labels are not rendered in full. Survey Questions now support "\n" characters which will force a line-break in the chart label which helps prevent the text from not rendering in full. The other option available is to reduce the "Chart Font Size" located in the "Survey" record until all text becomes visible.

Sun, Apr 26, 2020

Centralpoint Update 8.9.44

Feature Summary
Personalized Dashboard A "Settings Confirmation Dialog" option has been implemented. When enabled, the user will be prompted with a confirmation dialog when updating their dashboard settings.
EditModeVisualEditor CpScript A new parameter named "Remove Module Name From Console Links" has been added. When enabled, the link will only display the title of the console record.

Sun, Apr 12, 2020

Centralpoint Update 8.9.43

Feature Summary
Data Transfer > Data Transform A new Clicks destination has been added.

Sun, Mar 29, 2020

Centralpoint Update 8.9.42

Feature Summary
Admin > Properties > Logging A new Logging attribute has been added, but is not yet ready for production. When enabled the system will log information to a new system table. This table should never be used for reporting. Additional tools must be created to periodically move data required for reporting from the system log to other tables designed for this purpose.
jQueryAccordion CpScript The "Active Tabs" attribute now accepts a value of -1 which keeps all tabs closed by default. The attribute settings are managed within the corresponding Dynamic Tabs record.

Sun, Mar 15, 2020

Centralpoint Update 8.9.41

Feature Summary
ColumnsValidInFieldsSearch CpControl A new control for module searches is available which only allows specified table columns to be searched with the "?fields=FieldName|FieldValue" query string parameter. The intent of this script is to suppress website errors reported when invalid columns are searched.

Mon, Mar 2, 2020

Centralpoint Update 8.9.40

Feature Summary
ModuleSearchAccordionMenu CpScript Added placeholder='' property which displays text in the input field before the user enters a value.
AJAX Site Search Taxonomy selections render in "Searched Terms" element
Custom Errors New module property Filter By Start and End Date was added.

Mon, Feb 17, 2020

Centralpoint Update 8.9.39

Feature Summary
Data Transform > Data Cleaner The Html Cleaner Attribute module property in generic enhanced modules has been updated to support a comma separated list of attribute system names. This will allow you to execute Data Cleaner records with Type = HTML Cleaner on multiple attributes.
Data Transform > Data Cleaner A new Type = "Attribute HTML Cleaner" was added. It can be used to clean values in specified attributes and modules.
ParseWebpageContent Data Transfer CpScript A new option SourceEncoding parameter has been added. When included the system will use that encoding instead of automatically detecting the type of encoding.
Broadcasts > Broadcasts A new Message > PreHeader/Summary attribute was added. Email preheader text is a small line of text that appears after the subject line in an email inbox. Email preheaders give a short summary of the contents of an email, and may appear differently on mobile and web email clients.
GenericEnhancedGG - GenericEnhancedZZ Twenty "Generic Enhanced" modules have been added to the system.
Data Transform > Data Cleaner A new Overwrite (Yes/No) attribute was added when Type = "Attribute Generator". Selecting No will append to existing values instead of overwrite them. Please review the footer text for warnings before selecting Overwrite = No.
AJAX Site Search When using /Pages/AjaxSearch.aspx for your site search AND the "Search Remember Visible" attribute is enabled in system pages, all remembered search terms are highlighted and capable of being displayed in the UI.

Mon, Feb 3, 2020

Centralpoint Update 8.9.38

Feature Summary
TaxonomyTagCloud CpScript Now supports a "useCurrentModulePageSystemName" property. When this property is enabled and the CpScript executes on a module page, the current page's "System Name" will be used instead of the hard-coded "Navigation System Name".
DataRow CpScript This new script renders a table row of columns in a result set. It can be useful in a data source when the columns are unknown at design time.
Design > Data Sources A new Excel option has been added.

Mon, Jan 20, 2020

Centralpoint Update 8.9.37

Feature Summary
Chrome SameSite Cookie Change Chrome version 80, which is scheduled for release in February 2020, includes a change that may impact SAML SSO. In most versions of the SAML library, a cookie is used to maintain SAML session state in support of the SAML protocol. This cookie must have a SameSite mode of None. In earlier releases of Chrome, the SameSite mode defaulted to None. The update defaults the SameSite mode to Lax. Furthermore, if a SameSite mode of None is specified, Chrome requires the Secure attribute to be specified for the cookie. http://www.oxcyon.com/Integrations/Centralpoint/Articles/Article.aspx?id=9458dffa-0fdb-41f4-a422-912c2203ce15
Data Transform > Data Cleaner A new Type = "Attribute Generator" was added. It can be used to generate values in specified attributes and modules.

Mon, Jan 6, 2020

Centralpoint Update 8.9.36

Feature Summary
UserSubscriptions CpScript The "SelectedText" and "OnSelectedText" properties now support and evaluate HTML markup.
AddToSharePointButton CpScript This new script takes a file path and SharePoint list title and adds the Centralpoint file to the SharePoint list when clicked.

Mon, Dec 9, 2019

Centralpoint Update 8.9.35

Feature Summary
Forms > Forms Wizard When creating a form, the "Text Boxes" and "Text Areas" sections now support a "Placeholder Text" field. Placeholder text specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of an input field (e.g. a sample value or a short description of the expected format). The short hint is displayed in the input field before the user enters a value.
ModuleDragTree CpScript The output items from this script are capable of being dragged into text inputs and text areas produced by the FormTextBox CpScript. Previously the only support was against the FormEditor control. HTML formatting is stripped when dragged into text inputs and text areas to prevent server-side errors.
ModuleDragAccordionSearch CpScript The results of this search are capable of being dragged into text inputs and text areas produced by the FormTextBox CpScript. Previously the only support was against the FormEditor control. HTML formatting is stripped when dragged into text inputs and text areas to prevent server-side errors.

Mon, Nov 18, 2019

Centralpoint Update 8.9.34

Feature Summary
Master > Development > Process Monitor Data Broadcast processes will now display a Try link in the Abort column while executing. Clicking this link will attempt to abort the process by intentionally throwing an exception. This may result in partial process execution which can lead to unexpected results.
Admin > Properties > Search Redirect Types A new Keywords Only option has been added. Advertising > Search Suggestions records with Type = Title will never be suggested when Keywords Only is selected.
ExtTable CpScript A "drawCallbackJS" property is now supported. This will execute JavaScript on every "draw" event, and allows you to dynamically modify any aspect you want about the created DOM.

Mon, Nov 4, 2019

Centralpoint Update 8.9.33

Feature Summary
Data Transform > Data Cleaner A new "Multiple" option was added to the Regular Expression Type attribute. It supports multiple regular expression patterns in the Search For attribute separated by " AND " or " AND NOT ". The Search For attribute may also begin with "NOT ". The spaces and casing are important in these words.
ReverseHyperLink CpScript A new property named "AvoidLinkingMatchesThatBreakHtml" is now supported. The text of a matched title is capable of being a HTML element, text within a HTML attribute, or text that is already linked. If you are experiencing issues with broken html, please turn this on. This will negatively impact performance and may cause a page with many reverse hyperlinks to load noticeably slower than it did previously.

Sun, Oct 20, 2019

Centralpoint Update 8.9.32

Feature Summary
ActiveDirectoryProperty CpScript A "lowercase" property is supported which will return a lowercased value of the attribute.
UserInfo CpScript A "lowercase" property is supported which will return a lowercased value of the attribute.
Education > Programs A new Site Architecture > Module Designer > Program Details View > Enable UserId (uid) Query String? attribute has been added. When the query string contains a valid user ID, the report columns will filter data to courses taken by that user. The default setting filters report data to the logged-in user. This update requires an "Enable UserId (uid) Query String?" to be set to "Yes" under the "Program Details View" tab of the module designer record.

Sun, Oct 6, 2019

Centralpoint Update 8.9.31

Feature Summary
AudienceMenu CpScript An "Is Web Accessibility Friendly" property is now available. When set to "Yes", the menu will have an adjacent button next to it. The button must be clicked for the user to be redirected to the audience. The default is a "jump menu" which redirects the user on the menu's change event. The default behavior might be convenient to regular users, but fails accessibility tests for impaired users.
AttributeValue CpScript This new script will retrieve a record by it's DataId, AutoNumber and ModuleSystemName, or IntegrationId and ModuleSystemName. Then retrieve an attribute's value from that record. This script may cause performance problems if used repeatedly with different records on the same page.

Sun, Sep 15, 2019

Centralpoint Update 8.9.30

Feature Summary
FileDownload DataTransfer CpScript This script will download a file from a URL to the web server.
FileReadAllText DataTransfer CpScript This script now supports URLs in the FilePath parameter.
Admin > Global Login A new Enable SAML Test Page module property has been added which provides traces and error messages to help during the initial setup.

Mon, Sep 2, 2019

Centralpoint Update 8.9.29

Feature Summary
SearchTermsCloud & ModuleTagCloud CpScripts These CpScripts now support an OrderBy property which lets you sort the results by Name ASC/DESC, Count ASC/DESC, or Random.
Website Search: Order By Centralpoint Ratings An "Order By Ratings" option is now available in the System Page's "Search Order By" attribute. This will order search results based on highest ratings within the system.

Sun, Aug 11, 2019

Centralpoint Update 8.9.28

Feature Summary
FormatTitleRecordForUrl CpScript This new script is intended for use in the Admin > Syndication > Formatting > Custom Feed Item Content attribute. It generates the title/autonumber portion of the URL similar to the ColumnFriendlyUrl script.
FileReadAllText Data Transfer CpScript This script will now extract text from XAML and MSG files.

Sun, Jul 21, 2019

Centralpoint Update 8.9.27

Feature Summary
ReverseHyperlink CpScript A new UseTooltip parameter has been added and is enabled by default. Reverse hyperlink tooltips display the record's Summary attribute. Summary attributes can be automatically populated from any attribute in the module using the Summary Attribute module configuration. HTML is automatically removed and the text is truncated to 512 characters or less. Changes to the Summary Attribute module property require that you resubmit records for the summaries to change.
Advertising > Search Suggestions The web site search auto complete will now suggest Titles of records when any of the keywords entered match any portion of the Search Keywords attribute. This feature is enabled by setting Admin > Properties > Search Redirect Types to "Title & Keywords".
System Pages > Search (tab) > Results Item Content Two new variables are available for use. {4} = URL Path (This is the href attribute value in plain text. There is no HTML formatting and no system query strings are applied.) {5} = URL Target (This is the target attribute value in plain text. This is useful if you're linking elements yourself with the {4} variable.)
Procedure Manuals > Policies > Prevent Download if Locked Add support for Prevent Download if Locked module property. If Prevent Download property is ON and document is locked the Handler will return 404 (File Not Found).

Sun, Jul 7, 2019

Centralpoint Update 8.9.26

Feature Summary
ScreenCapture Data Transfer CpScript This new script takes a screen capture of a publicly accessible URL and returns the path to the file.
TaxonomyTagCloud CpScript A 'Taxonomy Order' option and a 'Data Filter' option have been introduced. 'Taxonomy Order' allows the user to render the taxonomy names by name ascending/descending, count (size) ascending/descending, or random order. The `Data Filter` option will render only the taxonomy which are tied to eligible records in the module the CpScript points to.

Sun, Jun 23, 2019

Centralpoint Update 8.9.25

Feature Summary
ExtAutoComplete & ExtAutoCompleteRedirect CpScripts A new SQL Like option has been added to the Lookup Type parameter (LookupType='SqlLike'). This option works in a similar manner to Lookup Type = Contains Text, but is more efficient when the searched fields contain a large amount of data.

Sun, Jun 9, 2019

Centralpoint Update 8.9.24

Feature Summary
Retention Policies > Expired Records A new Flags attribute has been added.

Sun, May 19, 2019

Centralpoint Update 8.9.23

Feature Summary
Data Transfer > Data Transform A new RelativeDirectoryName column has been added to the File System data transfer source. It is intended for use with the Taxonomy CpScript's new action='generate' parameter to generate taxonomy that matches the directory structure.
Taxonomy Data Transfer CpScript A new action='generate' option has been added. It will automatically generate taxonomy by Integration Id when the transfer destination is a standard module. It can also split the provided value on a delimiter to generate a hierarchy of taxonomy and select the last item.

Sun, Apr 28, 2019

Centralpoint Update 8.9.22

Feature Summary
WebSiteSearchTable CpScript Generate a full text search table against the search query string variable for use as the TABLE in data sources.
Admin > SAML MetaData The "Consume IdP MetaData" feature has been completed which generates Admin > Global Login records.
DataTransfer Column Script A new Split parameter has been added to break a string into parts and take one part by it's zero based index.
LoginStatus Script Add Support for cpsys_Audience constant in loginUrl and logoutUrl parameters

Sun, Apr 7, 2019

Centralpoint Update 8.9.21

Feature Summary
Retention Policies > Policies A new Scan & Action > Action Interval Basis attribute has been added.

Sun, Mar 17, 2019

Centralpoint Update 8.9.20

Feature Summary
Generic Enhanced Module Properties: Word Document Content Attributes The "Word Document Content Attributes" field will now map the text within PDF files to the attribute. PDF files support plain-text only and do not generate HTML like the other supported file types. The attribute has been renamed to `Document Content Attributes` and the header text has been updated to explain this update.
Retention Policies Create and manage document storage paths and enforce policies regarding the retention of documents within those storage paths.

Mon, Mar 4, 2019

Centralpoint Update 8.9.19

Feature Summary
Admin > Deep Links A new SAML Attribute Casing attribute has been added.

Mon, Feb 18, 2019

Centralpoint Update 8.9.18

Feature Summary
Data Transform > Data Transfer A new Interactive Tool Url attribute has been added when Source = ADAM. This was added to support a new ADAM content format, and is used to build an iFrame to display multimedia content.

Mon, Feb 4, 2019

Centralpoint Update 8.9.17

Feature Summary
DetailsViewNextPreviousButtons CpScript This new script can be used to generate next and previous links on a module Details View (#3). These links will take the user to the next and previous module records based on the current document's StartDate.
Admin > Global Login A new SAML Ignored URLs module property is displayed when SAML Service Provider = Enabled. It takes a comma separated list of URLs which will not be automatically authenticated. Please note that these ignored URLs could cause SSO issues if accessed by a normal user. They are intended to allow web service and similar calls to get to the site without SSO initialization (anonymously).
Global Login ActiveDirectoryGetTenants CpScript This new script only works in Global Login during authentication. It takes a module system name and uses it to translate IntegrationIds retrieved from the authentication source into DataIds.

Mon, Jan 21, 2019

Centralpoint Update 8.9.16

Feature Summary
Education Module Suite View Types have been added for the Ordering and Matching question types. There is now Standard, Drop Down Lists, and Drag And Drop. There is also new module properties in the Courses module in order to style them.

Mon, Jan 7, 2019

Centralpoint Update 8.9.15

Feature Summary
Admin > Properties A new Tiny Png property has been added. If it's enabled you need to enter a API key
FacebookSharePage CpScript This new script allows end users to share the site's current page to their Facebook wall.
Development > Web API A new Result attribute was added allowing you to control how the result of the web method is returned.
Admin > Properties A new Maximum Historical Versions Fallback property has been added. It is used to determine the number of historical versions to keep when documents are updated from source code without a related console navigation item making the module property inaccessible. Some examples of this are Attribute Changer, Module Backups, Import Utilities, Template Records, Tag Cloud. Enter -1 if you would like to fallback to unlimited versions

Mon, Dec 17, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.9.14

Feature Summary
FormMoveRecordsToAnotherModule CpScript This CpScript creates a field map to map attributes from a selected DataIds to another module.
Forms > Forms A new Display Cancel Button attribute was added.
Site Architecture > Taxonomy An Order column was added to the module grid view.
Site Architecture > System Pages > Search A new Ajax Search page has been developed. To use it, please create a Navigation record that has the Url set to /Pages/AjaxSearch.aspx
Password Security The process and algorithm used to hash and store passwords has been updated. The changes have been documented in the Password Security help file located in the Centralpoint Q & A section of your master console's home page. Do not install this update if you do not plan to sync the changes to all sites on the server. If some sites are on an older version Ancestor Admins will not be able to log into web sites until they are updated. Contact us before installing this update if you have written custom code that references the Password or PasswordSalt columns in the database or stored procedures that take these as parameters.
Design > Dynamic Tab Display iFrame Tab Contents is now available for the option jQuery Accordion.
ModuleSearchAccordionMenu CpScript A new property called InsertClick has been added. Set to yes in order to Insert a Click in the cpsys_Clicks table by using the accordion. This will only work if Site Map System Name is chosen.

Mon, Dec 3, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.9.13

Feature Summary
ExtAutoComplete CpScript This extender script was updated to support a FullText Lookup Type.

Mon, Nov 19, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.9.12

Feature Summary
SystemFilter CpScript You can now set audiences='allaccessibleaudiences' to filter records using the current members accessible audiences and the accessible audiences of all of their selected roles. Anonymous users will filter by the current audience, and admins will not get an audience filter.
Tableau Charts This module will automatically do trusted authentication and build graphs using these three functions: The Chart CpControl, the Tableau Chart CpScript and the Tableau Method Links CpScript.
Admin > Properties > Web Site Accessible Audiences Security A new Web Site Accessible Audiences Security attribute has been added. When enabled a 403 (Forbidden) error will be returned if an authenticated user attempts to access any page in an audience that has not been selected in their Accessible Audiences attribute or in the Accessible Audiences of one of their selected Roles. Security applies to all Centralpoint pages (ASPX), resources, AJAX module requests, and Web API requests. It may not apply to custom pages or features. All audiences will be accessible to anonymous users, ancestor admins, and members of the Admins role. Module designer abstracts related to inaccessible audiences will not work because the module home and results views will not be accessible.
ModuleSearchAccordionMenu CpScript The full text option for this script has been updated to use Centralpoint's web site search functionality. You also can build a clicks link in the HeaderFormat property with this option using {Url}, {DataId}, and {ModuleId}. The full text option will save search criteria if you enable it in the Module Properties.
Forms Select Command Builder Includes commented out CpScripts that filter form results submitted by the logged-in user, and/or filter results submitted within the current Audience being viewed.

Mon, Nov 5, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.9.11

Feature Summary
Data Transfer FileReadAllHtml & FileReadAllText CpScripts A new Phone pattern has been added and the ability to retrieve multiple regular expression matches and return them in a delimited list.
jQuery & jQuery UI Versions Admin > Properties > Header Tags > jQuery & jQuery UI Versions has been updated making the previously Stable version Legacy and the previously Beta version Stable. If your sites are still using the Legacy version you should not install this update. If you discover problems after the update is installed you can switch to Legacy giving you time to resolve the problem then change back to Stable. If you are using the Design > jQuery UI Themes module it is recommended that you regenerate your themes on the latest version by following the instructions under the Theme attribute of each record.
Data Transform > File Output A new Orientation attribute has been added when Template File Type = Word (doc/docx/docm) .

Sun, Oct 21, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.9.10

Feature Summary
Publishing > Articles The module now supports three new taxonomy subset fields (TaxonomySubset4, TaxonomySubset5, TaxonomySubset6).
Education > Configuration Send Email To User After Test, Send Admin Email After Test, and Use Report Triggers attributes have been added. They can be used to bypass emails and time consuming functionality in tests. You must resubmit the related module designer record before these changes will apply.
Admin > Deep Links This module now overrides the NameID when it is passed in the SAML Response Attributes. It will also allow you to define the format of the NameID element passed in the SAML response.
Select Command Builder & Forms Select Command Builder A new "Include Select All Checkboxes" option has been added. It will add a checkbox to each row in some HTML table outputs and include functionality to select or deselect all.
Data Transfer FileReadAllHtml & FileReadAllText CpScripts New RegExPrefix and RegExSuffix parameters have been added to enter a string suffix and prefix instead of a regular expression and have the RegEx value generated on your behalf.

Sun, Oct 7, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.9.9

Feature Summary
Design > Data Sources A new `Tag Cloud` option has been added under Formatting > Formatting Options to output a HTML tag cloud with custom SQL.
Data Transform > Data Transfer A new Taxonomy Root attribute has been added under Source & Destination > Source = Taxonomy.
ModuleSearchAccordionMenu CpScript A new IsFullTextSearch parameter has been added to return results via a full-text search.
Data Transform > Interstitials New fields have been added to provide more control of the UI sent to the referring page. Enhanced functionality that matches module records to the referring page has also been released.
Admin > Roles A new Option Order attribute has been added. The Roles attribute in standard modules will sort roles by Option Group, Option Order, and Name ascending. Option Order serves no purpose other than ordering the options within the attribute.
Data Transfer GetFilePath CpScript This new script will take a fully qualified file path and return a root relative file path.

Sun, Sep 23, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.9.8

Feature Summary
OCR Data Transfer CpScript This new script will use optical character recognition to convert an image into text. The support is very limited and output is based on the quality of the image.
ParseWebpageContent CpScript This script has been updated to support a 'cpsys_Column' constant in the TargetValue parameter to dynamically retrieve the id of the elements on the page.
AudienceInfo CpScript A DefaultValue parameter is now supported. When the Audience attribute is empty or does not exist this value will be used instead.
ExtAutoComplete CpScript A new 'cpsys_Users' can be used to query users instead of using a module system name. This only supports a single Relation Field Name, and does not support Split Field Values or Filter Is Full Text Indexed.
Procedure Manuals > Policies New Keyword Generator and Taxonomy Generator module properties have been added to integrate this module with Data Transform > Data Cleaner.
Development > Interstitials A new module is available that allows 3rd-party websites to lookup records in this module based on the URL path or query string from the referring page. When a record is found, Centralpoint returns a UI to the referring page that holds an iframe of the value in the "URL" attribute.

Mon, Sep 3, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.9.7

Feature Summary
jQuery & jQuery UI Versions Admin > Properties > Header Tags > jQuery & jQuery UI Versions has been updated so that you can test the Beta (next) version before it is released as the Stable version in a future update. Please test all custom jQuery and jQuery UI features by switching to Beta after installing this update then switch back to Stable once testing has been completed. If you are using the Design > jQuery UI Themes module you may have to create new themes for testing and switch back afterward.
Telerik Integration Upgrade The Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX integration has been upgraded to version 2018.2.710 from July 10, 2018. This upgrade will primarily affect the RTF Editor and File Upload controls found throughout Centralpoint.

Sun, Aug 19, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.9.6

Feature Summary
Results View (#2) > GoogleMaps CpControl & Design > Data Sources > Formatting > Formatting Options = Google Maps A new UseMarkerClustering parameter has been added which enables two additional sub parameters. UseMarkerClusteringAverageCenter determines whether the center of each cluster should be the average of all markers in the cluster, and MarkerClusteringGridSize determines the grid size of a cluster in pixels.
Content > Events B & C Additional copies of the Events modules have been added to the system: Events B, Event Registration B, Events C, and Event Registration C.
Data Transfer GenerateGeoCodes CpScript This script has been enhanced to support and require a new GoogleApiKey parameter. Since data transfers execute in your master console, not your web site, the key must be passed manually to this script. Typically it can be copied from your site's Admin > Properties > Google Maps API Key. This is in response to Google no longer supporting keyless access. Centralpoint will no longer generate Geocodes if you do not have an API key, do not have billing enabled, are restricting your master's internal IP addresss, or have not enabled the Geocoding API. More information is available in the "Is Google Maps Platform Charging Now in Centralpoint?" article under "Centralpoint Q & A" on your client console home page.
Admin > Properties > Google Maps API Key All server side Geocode generation has been updated to utilize the Google Maps API Key. This is in response to Google no longer supporting keyless access. Centralpoint will no longer generate Geocodes if you do not have an API key, do not have billing enabled, are restricting your sites domains or internal IP address, or have not enabled the Geocoding API. More information is available in the "Is Google Maps Platform Charging Now in Centralpoint?" article under "Centralpoint Q & A" on your client console home page.
WebApi add support for Raw Result.If set to yes will return unmodified JSON. Commonly used for custom methods when developer control JSON format

Sun, Aug 5, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.9.5

Feature Summary
EmailForm CpControl The "Email a Friend" form which is found on the Details View of most standard modules has been updated to support Google's ReCaptcha.
FormButton CpScript A new DisableButton parameter has been added. When enabled the button will disable itself after it is clicked to prevent multiple submissions.
Data Transfer Audiences/Roles CpScripts These scripts have been updated to support ReplaceText and ReplaceWith parameters.
Admin > Roles A new Option Group keyword list attribute has been added. Keywords can be added to the list using Development > Keyword Lists (Role Option Groups). It is recommended that the value and text of keywords in this list are kept the same. The Roles attribute in standard modules will display roles with option groups after roles without and grouped by their selected option group. Option groups themselves are not select-able in Roles attributes, and server no purpose other than grouping the options within the attribute.
ModuleDragTree CpScript A new ReplaceCpScripts parameter has been added to execute scripts when the tree is rendered as opposed to the default behavior which allows scripts to be dropped into documents for execution when the document renders.
PreviewRtfEditor CpScript A new CssClass parameter has been added which will be applied to the surrounding HTML element.
Admin > Properties > Web Site Audience Filtration & Security A new Web Site Audience Filtration & Security attribute has been added to support Custom and Multi-tenant Audiences. It works in coordination with new Site Architecture > Tenants A & B modules, Members > Contact > Tenants A, and Site Architecture > Audiences > Company > Tenants B by default. It requires custom attributes and can be configured to work with any number of generic modules and user/audience properties. Hard coded audience filters in data sources or custom code will not consider this attribute unless they utilize a SystemFilter script or method. This attribute only applies to audiences as they are used to filter and secure front-end content.

Sun, Jul 22, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.9.4

Feature Summary
Design > Media Files All CpScripts produced by the Media Files module will output images with the ALT attribute populated as shown here: [Title-of-Record] ([#] of [TotalNumberOfImages]).
Education > Courses The Time Limit attribute now displays a timer which will count down until time runs out. An issue was also addressed that restarted the timer when validation occurred. A new Timer Style module property has been added in Education > Courses to style to countdown timer.

Sun, Jul 8, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.9.3

Feature Summary
Content > Video Library A new ThumbnailAltText field as been added to the module's relation. Images produced by the 'ExtendedVideo' and 'Video' CpControls will have an ALT attribute which is populated with Thumbnail Alt Text or the Title of the record if empty. IFRAME elements generated through these controls will also contain a TITLE attribute which is populated with the Title of the record.
Education > Reports A new Program Test Completed Date module property has been added. This will use the Course CeReport TestCompletedDate to set the Program CeReport record if not set to default.
Centralpoint Installer A new "Allow Centralpoint to Restore Database Backups" attribute has been added to the activation process after installing on Windows Server 2012 and newer. When set to No the system will provide instructions for a database administrator to manually restore backups during activation and deployment. When manually restoring backups on Windows server 2012 you must immediately update to version 8.9.3 or later before using Master > Deployment > Web Sites.

Sun, Jun 24, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.9.2

Feature Summary
Forms > Forms The Field Map Builder displayed under Processing > Field Map has been updated to provide the ability to copy commonly used scripts.
ExtLightbox CpScript Support for HTTPS has been added to the YouTube option.
Broadcasts > Broadcasts A new Message > Enable Click Tracking attribute has been added which is enabled by default.
Forms > Forms Wizard There is a now a link in the fields setup tab that allows you to view all user fields and properties.
Admin > Properties > Search Full Text Parsing Algorithm A new Custom option has been added. It provides flexibility for a website to customize their search criteria parsing with custom code.
Content > Forms Library This new module has been created to pull in forms so they can be searched from the front end.
Admin > Organization Chart A new User Filter attribute has been added. When set to "Yes" the chart will filter by the current user's audiences and roles.
TaxonomyFileExplorerView CpScript A new DataFilter parameter has been added. When set to 'true' it will filter the taxonomy to only include items that have been selected from content in the current module. It is possible that a parent taxonomy item may not return results if it has a descendant taxonomy item assigned to a module record.

Sun, Jun 10, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.9.1

Feature Summary
Admin > Organization Chart A new User Filter attribute has been added. When set to "Yes" the chart will filter by the current user's audiences and roles.
Development > Web API A new Field Mapper utility is linked from the header text of the Method = "Upsert Data" > UpsertData Request attribute. It can be used to generate a sample JSON string.
Admin > Properties > Web Site Role Filtration & Security A new Web Site Role Filtration & Security attribute has been added. Selecting the new "All (FISMA Compliant)" will cause all system filtration and security to require that the user is in all of the records' roles. Hard coded role filters in data sources or custom code will not consider this attribute unless they utilize a SystemFilter script or method. This attribute only applies to roles as they are used to filter and secure front-end content. It does not apply to Console Navigation and Accessible Audiences selected within a Role.
Data Transfer DateTimeFormat CpScript A new AddDays parameter has been added to add a negative or positive number of days to a date. The DateTimeFormat script can be used as an alternative to the UTCNow script.
Custom Attributes The XmlListBox control has been updated to sort listItems stored in an external XML file numerically by index instead of alphabetically.
NavigationTier & HtmlNavigation CpScripts A new UseTranslations parameter has been added these scripts. When set to 'true' the Title of each Navigation item will be translated by filtering records in the Site Architecture > Translations module by the current audience.
Physician Directory A new "Email" column has been added to the relation of cprel_PhysicianDirectory.
Select Command Builder The "Grid View Email" option now reads "Grid View HTML", and is styled to look like the ExtTable plugin.
Admin > Properties > Site Crawler Errors This new site property allows you to change the default behavior that occurs when a user or site crawler accesses a record in a module that does not exist. By default the system will rout the user or site crawler to the module's results view. You can now choose to return 404 (not found) or 410 (gone) error instead which is recommended by Google.
ExtClickTracking CpScript An issue was repaired when using the ExtLightbox CpScript on the same page with the ExtClickTracking CpScript. A new PreventClickTrackingSelector parameter has also been addedwhich will allow a user to exclude specific links from receiving the /click.aspx?url= prefix.

Mon, May 28, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.9.0

Feature Summary
Tableau Charts This new module has been created with attributes like Generic Enhanced modules.
Centralpoint Installer Centralpoint now supports installations on the following server configurations: Windows Server 2012 & SQL Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 & SQL Server 2014, Windows Server 2016 & SQL Server 2016, and Windows Server 2016 & SQL Server 2017.
Members > Dashboards CpScripting is now supported in all text based attributes in the module designers' Dashboard and Settings tabs.
Data Transform > File Output A new Add Document Properties attribute was added when Convert File Type = DOCX to dynamically generate the following Word document properties: Author, Category, Comments, Company, ContentStatus, CreatedTime, Keywords, LastPrinted, LastSavedBy, LastSavedTime, Manager, NameOfApplication, RevisionNumber, Subject, Template, Title, and TotalEditingTime.
PdfIcon CpScript An issue was addressed where splash pages were being shown instead of the content.
Console/Web.Config Changes This update will add a location element for Backups.aspx to extend the execution timeout.

Sun, May 13, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.8.3

Feature Summary
Data Transfer Column CpScript This script has has been updated to support the cpsys_NewGuid constant when the column data type is GUID.
Data Transform > Staging This new Generic Enhanced style module was created for data staging.
Ecommerce > Shipping The FedEx shipping component has been updated to the latest version which requires additional credentials. Contact your FedEx account representative for details.
Forms > Forms A new Add Script Tags attribute has been added when General > Does your Thank You page need to include Third Party Tracking Scripts? = Yes. This attribute allows you to manually include the HTML script tags as needed.
ExtLightbox CpScript This extender script has been updated to support HTTPS with Vimeo videos.
Education > Programs A new Remove Roles Upon Program Completion attribute has been added. When enabled a User Remove Roles attribute will be displayed informing the system to automatically remove a users roles when the program is completed.
Admin > Error Messages/Redirects A new Custom Error Pre-Processor attribute has been added to the Module Properties. Enabling this feature allows you enter the path to a custom method that will execute before error processing.
Data Transform > Data Transfer Taxonomy, Audiences, and Roles attributes on the Fields tab now include a dynamic selector when the Text option is selected.

Sun, Apr 29, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.8.2

Feature Summary
Master > Content > Scheduled Tasks When Job is set to Continued Education ReCertification a new Custom Filter attribute will be available.
Forms > Forms A new Workflow > Reply To attribute has been added. When a value is provided it will be used when end users reply to emails generated during form confirmation and approval.
Standard Modules (ViewAll) Two new parameters have been added to the ModulePageOverrides CpScript and two new attributes have been added to AJAX Module Designer records. They are named "IsViewAllEnabled" and "ViewAllMax", and serve the same purpose between both module types. When "IsViewAllEnabled" is set to "Yes", a ?all=1 query string parameter will set the page size to 1000 by default or the value set in "ViewAllMax". The original design and intention of these features was to provide users the ability to provide Google's Data Highlighter tool a single page where Google may index all URLs within a given module.
ParentAudienceInfo CpScript This new script renders audience information from the parent of the current audience.
FormEmailDomainValidator CpScript This new validation script will validate the value entered in a form control to ensure that a it contains a valid domain.
SearchTerm CpControl A new GetRoleName parameter has been added which allows the control to translate a RoleIds to role names. A new MultipleSelectionMode=Enhanced option has been added which allows the control to convert IDs to legible names or titles from Audiences, Roles, or DataCurrent. Previously, the control could only target and translate ID values from one system module at a time. The functionality for GetRoleName is only available when MultipleSelectionMode=Enhanced.
Procedure Manuals > Policies New Taxonomy Subset 4, and 6 module properties have been added. They are hidden by default, but may require you to hide them manually if you are using custom module configuration in that module.

Sun, Apr 15, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.8.1

Feature Summary
Admin > Settings The Email Server setting now supports secure communication with SMTP. To enable this feature add " EnableSmtp" after the server name (example: "localhost EnableSSL"). This feature is documented in the Admin > Settings help file.
Data Transform > Data Transfer New Skip and Limit attributes have been added to the bottom of the Source & Destination tab. They work with all sources and destinations to apply the concepts of paging to transfers allowing you to break up large transfers into smaller pieces.
Design > Dynamic Tab Display New Preloader attributes have been added when Tab Type = jQuery Accordion. The preloader will begin after the server side request completes. It displays as the accordion is loading on the client and disappears after the whole accordion loads on the screen.
FormTaxonomy CpScript The DataFilter parameter has been repaired. When enabled the selector will only include items with data associated to itself or a descendant taxonomy item.

Mon, Apr 2, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.8.0

Feature Summary
FormDataTransferExecuteNowProgressPopup CpScript This new script will display a progress popup like the Data Transfer module's Execute Now option. It is intended for use when triggering data transfers from form processing.
Site Architecture > System Pages A new Login > Enable Password Rules Validation attribute has been added. When enabled a Password Validation Expression is provided and used to validate the password entered in the login. This can be used to prevent users from logging in with old passwords.
ExtAutoCompleteRedirect CpScript A new Filter parameter has been added when LookupType='FullText'.
.NET Compiler Platform (Latest) This compiler platform provides developers with support for C# 7.2 and VB.NET 15.5 language features. The update will update the Roslyn compilers in each application's Bin folder and will modify the web.config files to utilize the latest versions.
.NET Framework 4.7 All Centralpoint sites have been updated to utilize the .NET Framework 4.7.1. The .NET Framework 4.7.1 must be installed on your server manually before this update can be installed. The installation of this framework may create "aspnet_client" folders in the Master/Root and cpweb_SystemName/Root folders on the server. These directories should be manually deleted to prevent problems with the sync. My Module developers may also need to delete and recreate your Visual Studio project and it should automatically default to the appropriate version of the .NET Framework. If you have added any of your own components we suggest you install this update and test your components in your Development site before syncing the changes your other sites. .NET Framework 4.7.1 Developer Pack: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=56119, .NET Framework 4.7.1 (Web Installer): https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=56115, .NET Framework 4.7.1 (Offline Installer): https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=56116
ContextListFilter CpScript This script has been updated to support a new TableName property and to generate an appropriate taxonomy filter when the TableName is set to 'cpsys_Taxonomy'.

Sun, Mar 18, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.7.24

Feature Summary
Content > Generic Enhanced A - FF A new Taxonomy Generator module property has been added which works in coordination with Data Transform > Data Cleaner records with Type = Taxonomy Generator. It can be used to generate taxonomy based upon the number of occurrences of provided words in the records other attributes. It will append to the existing Taxonomy upon each submission unless the Taxonomy Generator Overwrite module property is Enabled.
Admin > Properties A new Modify File Name attribute appears when Properties > File Upload Type = File Explorer. Setting this property to Yes will automatically modify uploaded file names to replace spaces which don't render well on web sites.
Design > Media Files A new Zip File Extraction option has been added to the Type attribute. It can be used to extract an uploaded zip files contents to a specified directory.
SearchTermsCloud CpScript A new UserIdFilter parameter has been added to filter by the currently logged user.
.NET Framework 4.7 & Latest Compilers Centralpoint will be updated to utilize the .NET Framework 4.7 early next month with the release of version 8.8.0. It is a highly compatible, in-place update to the .NET Framework 4 which delivers better performance and security. The .NET Framework 4.7.1 must be installed on the web server manually before Centralpoint version 8.8.0 will install. Install the framework anytime after installing and syncing this update. The installation of this framework may create "aspnet_client" folders in the Master/Root and WebSites/cpweb_/Root folders on the server. These directories should be manually deleted to prevent problems with future updates and syncs. My Module developers may also need to install the .NET Framework 4.7.1 Developer Pack locally. Version 8.8.0 will also update the Roslyn compilers in each application's Bin folder and will update the web.config files to utilize the latest compilers. .NET Framework 4.7.1 Developer Pack: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=56119, .NET Framework 4.7.1 (Web Installer): https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=56115, .NET Framework 4.7.1 (Offline Installer): https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=56116
EventOrderByMultiDayFirst CpScript This new script has been created for use in the Calendar Month View > Order By attribute of Events module designers. It will order multi-day events first in the month view. Multi-day event HTML elements also now have a new 'cpsty_CalendarMultiDay' CSS class.

Tue, Mar 6, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.7.23

Feature Summary
Select Command Builder & Forms Select Command Builder Significant changes have been applied to the "Item Content" output and overall usability of these tools.
Advertising > Search Redirect A new Type attribute has been added to support a new Search Keywords feature. When the searched keywords match keywords in one of these records the results page will automatically redirect the user to the provided URL. Importing a large number of records into this module may negatively impact the performance of the site search.
SystemFilter CpScript This script now supports new filtering options: audience='OnlyUserAudience' (ignores records tagged to "All Audiences"), date='PendingOrArchived' (displays records with a start date in the future or an end date in the past), and role='OnlyUserRoles' (excludes Everyone, Public, Private).
Data Transform > Data Transfer A new Destination Use Console Utilities attribute is available when Destination = Standard Module and Destination Method = Incremental (Insert/Update). Enabling this option typically causes each insert and update to take at least 3 times longer to complete. When enabled the console utilities web service will be executed to update or insert records which includes all triggers executed during normal module submission. This will eliminate the need to re-submit existing records or include data transfer scripts to simulate trigger execution.
ProgressBar CpScript The default styles have changed.
Master > Development > Process Monitor A new Abort column has been added to the grid displayed when processes are running. Data Transfer processes will display a Try link in this column while executing. Clicking this link will attempt to abort the process by intentionally throwing an exception. This may result in partial process execution which can lead to unexpected results.
UserInfo CpScript The script has been updated to return values from any attribute under the Personalization tab.
Content > Generic Enhanced A - FF A new Keyword Generator module property has been added which works in coordination with Data Transform > Data Cleaner records with Type = Keyword Generator . It can be used to generate keywords based upon the number of occurrences of provided words in the records other attributes. It will overwrite the value of the Keyword Generator Attribute upon each submission even if no keywords are generated.
FormAudience and FormTaxonomy CpScripts These scripts have been updated to fully support the Width parameter.
Design > Data Sources The Formatting > Formatting Options = Carousel > Make Images Links attribute now has a third option called Module which will allow you to automatically link the image to its details view.

Mon, Feb 19, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.7.22

Feature Summary
Design > Data Sources The "Select Command Builder" and "Forms Select Command Builder" tools accessible from the header text of the Select Command attribute have been updated. This includes formatting changes to the Select Command field which has SQL columns and clauses breaking into new lines. The "Select Command Builder" also has the following updates: the 'QueryStringTaxonomyFilter' is automatically included in the Select Command with the "Grid View" option containing the required HTML, and the "Create Filter" now includes a "Taxonomy Match Option" (Any/All).
ChangeRequestForm CpControl This control now supports the Procedure Manuals > Email Templates module. It is typically used in the Version View of the Policies module designer. New Approved With Edits Subject and Approve With Edits Body attributes have been added to the Email Templates module to support this feature.
Forms > Forms A new Approval Email Template module property has been added which formats the email sent when Workflow > Approval Email = Yes. A Format parameter has been added to the Form script automatically inserted in the General > Script parameter. A new General > On Submit Use Loading Dialog attribute has also been added.
QueryStringTaxonomyFilter CpScript This new script will generate a SQL taxonomy filter out of front-end query string values that contain a comma separated string of taxonomy system names. It is intended to be used in Data Sources > Select Command.
System Name Generation All modules with system name attributes have been updated to prevent the word 'Blank' from being inserted into the System Name attribute when you click away from the Title or Name attribute without entering a value.
ExtAutoCompleteRedirect CpScript A new Full Text Search option has been added to the Lookup Type parameter. When selected the drop down list will be populated with the results of a full text search over all attributes in the current module and sorted by rank to provide more relevant results. This option will take longer to produce results and they may not contain the entered keywords in the drop down itself. A new IsAjaxModule parameter has also been added. It should be set to True on when the script is placed in the static content of an AJAX module to use partial instead of full page loads.

Mon, Feb 5, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.7.21

Feature Summary
CheckInButton CpScript This script now works with multiple buttons on a page and may update separate attributes if needed.
Broadcasts > Broadcasts A new Recipients > Enable Email Cleaner attribute has been added. Setting this attribute to Yes provides you with a series of options to ensure that verify recipient email addresses before messages are sent.
Site Architecture > Navigation The Parent Item attribute has been updated to prevent administrators from selecting the current navigation item or one of it's descendants as it's parent.

Mon, Jan 22, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.7.20

Feature Summary
FormUniqueFieldValidator CpScript The ItemToCompare parameter has been extended to allow users to compare against custom XML attributes: ItemToCompare='Attributes:attribute_systemname'.
Site Architecture > System Pages A new Search > Search Taxonomy Visible attribute has been added. When enabled the front end advanced search will contain a taxonomy selector. Additional Search Taxonomy Label, Search Root Taxonomy, and Search Search Show Taxonomy Root Node attributes were also added to control the presentation of the new taxonomy selector.
CheckInButton CpScript A new SuccessJavascript parameter has been added. The provided JavaScript will be executed on each successful AJAX post.
My Logs > Logs The front end UI has been updated to automatically redirect to the chart after Log entries have been saved.
Content > Events A role="presentation" attribute has been added to calendar view table. The related module designer record must be submitted for this change to take affect.
Admin > Search All Modules Taxonomy, Audience and Roles selectors have been added under More Actions... > Change Attributes. The appear when clicking the word "Select" above the attribute's text area after selecting a Module.
Design > Mobile Navigation A new Alt Text has been added. This attribute is used to populate the image alternative text when Type = Image.

Mon, Jan 8, 2018

Centralpoint Update 8.7.19

Feature Summary
Design > Styles A new Bottom > Back to Top attribute has been added as a place to store and manage a back to top image.
StructuredDataOrganization CpScript This new script will create a script tag in JSON-LD format that contains information about your organization. This information will propagate to the Knowledge Panel of Google's search engine results. It is important to note that it can be difficult to get information into your businesses' Knowledge Panel. It may also take several months for the information to present. Review the Structured Data help file for more information: http://dev.xodev15.com/Console/Integrations/Centralpoint/Articles/Article.aspx?id=5c04961c-93e0-42aa-9319-ff980594b97c.
MediaToImage CpScript This script will now generate thumbnails for the following Visio file formats: .vsdx, .vsd, and .vdx.
Tools > Add/Remove Audiences This new utility will let you add or remove audience selections from all records in one or more modules.
Design > Data Sources A new Alt Tag Column attribute has been added under Formatting > Formatting Options = "Timeline". It allows you to utilize a column value as the alternative text of the images within the timeline.
Admin > Properties A new External URL Protection attribute has been added to prevent accidental utilization of external URLs typically passed in the query string. This attribute is enabled by default, but can be disabled entirely or selectively if necessary.

Mon, Dec 18, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.7.18

Feature Summary
Procedure Manuals > Policies A new Show Resource Upload Difference module property has been added. It shows the difference between the Resource Upload files in the Email Changes attribute instead of just showing the file if there is a difference.
FormCompareValidator CpScript All operators are now supported when Type='Date'.
Standard Modules (Compare Versions) A new Compare Versions feature has been added to the top of the form view of all standard modules in the client console. When a record has at least one historical version a link will appear at the top of the form view. This allows you to view the differences between each attribute of any two versions of the current document. Detecting and highlighting the difference between two attributes is not a perfect science. The goal of this feature is to point you in the right direction, but the difference displayed may not always be exactly what you expect. In some cases the difference engine may struggle with markup or white space, and in other cases an RTF Editor or other tool may make changes to your content that you didn't know about.
Development > Web API A new Access Tokens Require Secure Connection (HTTPS) module property has been added. This property can be set to no when a proxy server or load balancer translates HTTPS requests to HTTP requests behind the firewall. It should be set to "Yes" in all typical production environments.

Mon, Dec 4, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.7.17

Feature Summary
StructuredDataWebsite CpScript This new script will automatically generate web site structured data (JSON-LD) in the page header. It has the ability to suggest a search box in Google′s search results which will search your website directly from Google′s results page. This script should only be placed on the site's homepage. Google considers these elements domain specific. If using the same domain for multiple audiences, we advise placing this script only on the primary homepage based on Google′s rules.
Admin > Properties The User Properties, Audience Properties, Taxonomy Properties, and Resource Properties attributes have been updated to maintain the default controls when merging. This prevents a problem that occurred when the default attributes were changed to support new functionality and the change could not be deployed to sites with custom properties.
BreadCrumbTrail CpScript A new StructuredData parameter has been added. When set to true the system will automatically generate the breadcrumb trail structured data (JSON-LD) in the page header. This data is used by search engines to enhance search results.
EducationTestLink CpScript An issue with the LinkText parameter has been addressed.
EventBriteRegisterButton CpScript A new SelectorFormat parameter has been added to content around the date selector that is removed when the selector is removed.

Mon, Nov 20, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.7.16

Feature Summary
Forms > Forms The Processing > Module Submission = Yes > Field Map attribute supports new isDraft="false" and auditTrailNotes="NOTES" attributes in navigation elements. The isDraft="false" setting can be used to insert and update historical versions, and auditTrailNotes can be used to add notes to the audit trail.
Master > Web Sites Enabling new items in the Navigation tab now automatically enables the same items in the Main audience client console. You can verify this in the related sites and Site Architecture > Audiences (Main) > Details > Console Navigation attribute, and disable the items manually if desired.
Admin > Properties The Web Site System Name Replacement feature has been updated to prevent delimiters at the end of the system name, and automatically lower characters when using the underscore of dash replacement. This only applies to new system names generated after this update is installed.
Site Architecture > Audiences The Company > Search All Audiences attribute has been renamed Searched Audiences and now contains the following options: Current, Current & Children, Current & Descendants, All, and Selected. This attribute controls the audiences included in site searches. It does not apply to module searches or the modules themselves.
BackToTop CpScript A new script was created that generates a button that will scroll the user back to the top of the page when clicked.
Development > Web API A new ChangeUserPassword (Sailpoint) option has been added to the Method attribute. It can be used to integrate with systems like Sailpoint, and propagate member password changes.
EventBriteRegisterButton CpScript This new CpScript is designed to work with an EventBrite events integration. It can be placed on an event details view to render a selector of dates in a series and change the target of a Register button depending upon which date is selected.
Tools > Generate Custom Attributes From Excel This new utility will generate custom attribute XML files by merging a modules existing attributes with attributes in an Excel file.
Design > Dynamic Tab Display If you have a dynamic tabs record with Tab Type = "jQuery Tab" and iFrame Tab Contents = Yes you can now manage the styles for the content pages (iframes) in Design > Styles > iFrame Styles.

Mon, Nov 6, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.7.15

Feature Summary
Select Command Builder A new Custom filter text box has been added when System Filters = "Create".
Data Transfer ParseHtmlContent and ParseWebpageContent CpScripts These scripts have been updated to parse the contents of keywords and description meta tags from HTML content.
Attribute, AudienceInfo, CartInfo, Column, FormState, HtmlLabel, & UserInfo CpScripts A new DateTimeLocal option has been added to the DataType parameter. Setting DataType='DateTimeLocal' will allow the date to be formatted without converting from UTC. Please note that all DateTime fields in Centralpoint are stored in UTC. This is intended for use with plain text (TextBox) attribute typically when dates were imported from other systems.
Data Transfer FtpFiles CPcript This new CpScript can be used in data transfer to move generated files to an FTP server.
FormDataListBox & FormPagedListBox CpScripts A new Enabled parameter has been added. Set enabled='false' to disable the radio or checkbox elements within the control.
CAD Files (Web.Config Changes) This update will add a MIME types for the CGR auto-desk extension to all Root/Web.Config files (Master and WebSites) and update these elements if they already exist. Support for this extension has also been added to the CAD Files module suite.
GoogleMaps Results CpControl Attribute3SystemName, Attribute3Format, Attribute4SystemName, Attribute4Format, Attribute5SystemName, and Attribute5Format parameters have been added.
Forms > Forms Processing > Module Submission = "Yes" now supports a new useVersionInfo="true" attribute in the navigation elements of the Field Map. It will load all attributes from the current version of the document before overwriting attributes with values from the form.
Unicode Character Searches All integrated searches have been updated to support Unicode searches. In some cases full-text searches may require changes in SQL Server to implement specific foreign language word breakers.
Standard Modules (Deleted Versions) New Deleted Drafts and Deleted History options have been added to the Display (Dates) selector on the grid view of all standard modules in the client console. When a draft or historical version of a document is deleted it will remain in these views for 30 days before being permanently deleted by the system. These new views can be used to restore these document versions before they are permanently deleted. The Maximum Historical Versions attribute under More Actions... > Module Properties now supports two new values: 0 and -1 for unlimited versions. A new Job has also been added to Master > Content > Scheduled tasks to delete historical versions based on date, module, type, etc.

Sun, Oct 22, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.7.14

Feature Summary
FormKeywordManager CpScript This new script creates a form control used to select keywords from keyword lists. It utilizes a custom dialog that also allows keywords to be added to keyword list from the form itself.
AudienceInfo CpScript The AttributeSystemName parameter now supports the values Latitude and Longitude.
Design > Data Sources New Epic Department Wait Times and Epic ER Wait Times options have been added to the Data Source attribute. You must have configured an account with Epic and been provided with a Service URL to utilize these sources.
Site Architecture > Site Wizard The Site Wizard will now save Audience information into the Locations module. There is also a new Website attribute in the Content > Locations module.

Sun, Oct 8, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.7.13

Feature Summary
Education > Reports A new Tag Ancestor Audiences module property has been added to automatically tag all ancestors of the current audience while saving the record.
Content > Template This module has been update to support AJAX (dynamic) rendering. When it is selected from a new module designer an "AJAX Available!" attribute will appear. Clicking the link under this attribute will initialize the Code Path attribute to render an updated module designer. The new "/Modules/TemplateAjax/Default.aspx" code path can also be entered manually for new generic modules designers and modified to match the fields and attributes in that module. Native AJAX support for other modules is coming soon.
FormTrackChanges CpScript A new CompareFormElement parameter has been added to compare two form elements instead of a FormInfo attribute system name and a form element.
ProgressBar CpScript This new script renders a static progress bar using a numeric value between 0 and 100. Customization options exist for the bar color, text color, background color, bar height, styles, and an option to show to hide the exact percentage on the top of the bar. Use cpsys_Column:ColumnName in the value to retrieve it from the current row in a data set.
Web.Config Changes This update will add a MIME types for the SKP, SLDASM, SLDPRT, STP, DWG, and GP4 auto-desk extensions to all Root/Web.Config files (Master and WebSites) and update these elements if they already exist.
CAD Files A new module suite has been added to view 3D and 2D AutoCAD drawings on the web. It allows you to add Files to Projects and group your CAD files into one or many projects.
Content > Events The TaxonomySelector CpControl used in the module designers Calendar Month View has been updated to support new DataFilter and DataFilterModuleId parameters. They allow the taxonomy selector to automatically be filtered to exclude taxonomies which are not currently being tagged in any of the module's records. By default the DataFilterModuleId parameter uses the Events ModuleId.
Surveys > Surveys A link to survey results is now provided in the error message when Options > "Users can vote multiple times on this survey" is not checked, "Users can view the survey results after voting" is checked, and the user returns to a survey they have already voted on.
QRBarCodes CpScript A new GenerateBase64String parameter has been added. When set to True the script will generate the image as an inline Base64 encoded image as opposed to a link to an image.option to generate qr code using Base64 string. This prevents a request for the image from the server which sometimes causes security issues when SSO is enabled.

Sun, Sep 24, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.7.12

Feature Summary
Admin > Error Messages/Redirects Redirection has been updated to support Redirect To values that only differs from the Original URL by underscore characters.
Admin > Search All Modules More Options... > Search & Replace has been updated to exclude Admin > Error Messages/Redirects and Friendly URLs when Module = Search All Modules.
UserVoting CpScript This new CpScript generates controls to allow users to vote for records in any module. It takes two images and supports three states: For/Up, Against/Down, and None.
Surveys > Surveys A new Chart Font Size attribute has been added.
Admin > Friendly URLs The root site map provider has been updated to include a Preferred URL attribute in addition to the Url parameter to work around the requirement that every URL in the site map is unique. All system references to the Url parameter have been changed to the Preferred URL attribute. This will allow two audience specific domains to share a navigation record without seeing the key query string variable appear in one of the URLs. If you accidentally route two separate URLs to the same navigation record you will see the same record on both navigation items.
FormYearDisplay CpScript New Format and RequiredFieldErrorMessage parameters have been added. When RequiredFieldErrorMessage contains a value the system will automatically add a required field validator.
FormStateValueIsInList CpScript This new form state script checks to see if a provided value exists in a form state field containing a comma separate list of values.
FormPagedListBox CpScript A new RequiredFieldErrorMessage parameter has been added. When this parameter contains a value the system will automatically add a required field validator.
FormEditor CpScript A new RequiredFieldErrorMessage parameter has been added. When this parameter contains a value the system will automatically add a required field validator.
FormPagedListBox CpScript A new AdditionalJSCall parameter has been added. It takes the name of a JavaScript function which will be executed when the control is loaded, searched, or paged.

Sun, Sep 10, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.7.11

Feature Summary
Design > Data Sources A new Formatting > Chart (advanced) option has been added which uses ChartJS to render. These charts can be responsive or static. There are several different options allowing you to control the legend, grid lines, the x-axis, the y-axis, click-through links, and colors. It currently supports vertical bar, horizontal bar, area, line, pie, doughnut, radar, and polar area charts.
Data Transform > Data Transfer A new Source & Destination > Source = XML Files option has been added. It can be used to import data from XML files where each file is considered a row in the data source. The resulting XML must pass Centralpoint (CpCollection) schema validation, but an XSLT can be added to transform the data.
Design > Dynamic Tab Display A new jQuery Tab > Use Loading Dialog attribute has been added. It can be used to add a loading image when iFrame Tab Contents = Yes.
Design > Data Sources Formatting > Charts (Basic) includes a new Chart Size attribute. It allows you to set the size of the chart to percentages or pixels.
Design > Dynamic Scripts New Fields > Content Field 1 - 3 Format attributes have been added. This will allow you to wrap the column's value in HTML or additional text.
Site Architecture > System Pages > Search A new Add Click Aspx attribute was added to automatically add the click.aspx page to every link in the search results.
My Logs > Logs All graphs have been updated to use ChartJS instead of Google Charts.
Advertising > Ad Tracking > Ad Reporting All graphs have been updated to use ChartJS instead of Flash.
Data Transform > Data Transfer The Module Designer Source and Destination have been updated to support a new CodePath column. Existing transfers should function normally with no value in this field, but we recommend you open existing transfers and select a column explicitly.
FormState CpScript A new EncryptValue parameter has been added to return the form state item's value as an encrypted string.
Surveys > Surveys All graphs have been updated to use ChartJS instead of Google Charts.
SingleSurveyQuestionResult CpScript The default graph has been updated to use ChartJS instead of Google Charts.
FormDiscounts CpScript A bug in discount group calculation that caused a product to be included when it should not has been repaired.
Data Transform > Data Transfer A new Source & Destination > Destination = Delimited Files option has been added. It can be used to generate a new delimited text file per row in the source data.
Form CpScripts A new DefaultValue constant has been added to initialize a control with a new GUID if that control has no value: cpsys_Constant: NewGuidIfEmpty.
FormSubmitWebRequest CpScript This new script will generate an HTTP request. The query string (name/value pairs) are sent in the URL of a GET request
Data Transform > File Output When Password Required = Yes a new Exempt Roles attribute has been added. This will exempt certain roles from having to enter a password to download the document. This attribute will override the Admin Roles selection if they have the same role selected.

Sun, Aug 20, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.7.10

Feature Summary
Form CpScripts New DefaultValue constants have been added to initialize a control with the current URL and the current URL including query strings: cpsys_Constant:cpsys_CurrentUrl and cpsys_Constant:cpsys_CurrentUrlWithQueryStrings.
Content > Locations New RTFEditor1, RTFEditor2, RTFEditor3, TextBox1, TextBox2, TextBox3, TextBox4, TextBox5, FileUpload1, FileUpload2, FileUpload3, FileUpload4, FileUpload5, YesNo1, YesNo2, YesNo3, YesNo4, YesNo5, YesNo6, YesNo7, YesNo8, YesNo9, YesNo10 and Priority attributes were added and included in the relation. A new Dynamic Attribute Population module property has also been added.
Tools > Re-Submit All Module Records This new utility was created to re-submit and execute triggers on all records in a module.
Forms > Forms A new Prevent Multiple Submissions = "Yes" > Error Message attribute has been added.
Comments > All Modules This module has been updated to prevent an issue when emoji characters were submitted in comments.
Data Transfer GetImageProperty CpScript. This new script will extract properties like height and width from JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, and TIFF image files.
Design > Dynamic Tab Display A new Tab Type = "jQuery Tab" > iFrame Tab Contents attribute has been added. When set to Yes each tab's contents will render in a separate iFrame. This prevents tabs from being loaded before being selected, therefore will decrease the time it takes for the parent page to load. The scripts used in the tab contents must not rely on elements in the parent parent page.
NavigationTier CpScript The ParentSystemName parameter has been updated to allow multiple selections. When multiple parents are selected the script will render the children of all parents as a single list without rendering a parent.
Procedure Manuals > Policies A new Notification = Enabled > Suggest A Change Form Notification has been added. Setting this attribute to Disabled will prevent the notification email from being sent when the suggest a change form is submitted, but still send the notification email via the scheduled task.
FormImaging CpScript This new script will extract properties like height and width from JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, and TIFF image files.
Data Transfer JpegExifData CpScript This new script will extract and parse Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF) data from JPEG image files when it exists.
SearchTerm CpControl This control has been updated to render address information entered in the ProximitySearchHandler CpControl search fields.

Sun, Aug 6, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.7.9

Feature Summary
FormJpegExifData CpScript This new script will retrieve EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format) data from the image when it is available in JPEG files image.
GoogleMaps CpControls The google maps controls for Results View, Audience, and Data Source > Google Map have a new UseMarkerClustering parameter. When enabled the map will cluster markers that are in close proximity.
Data Transform > File Output A new Base Url module property has been added to override the environment variables used to generate schema and domain portion of the External Links.
Console > All Modules A new Origin column was added to the grid view of this module.
Tools > Policies and Procedures Replace Users in Workflow This new utility can be used to replace an old UserId with a new in all policies.
ExtChangeValueOnJavascriptAction CpScript This new extender script is used to change the value of an attribute in a module when a form is submitted.
Procedure Manuals > Policies A new Policies > Details Version View > Prompt Login attribute has been added to the module designer for this module. When enabled users will be redirected to the login page if they are not authenticated.
Admin > Friendly URLs Enables web site administrators to create powerful rules to map request URLs to friendly URLs that are easier for users to remember and search engines to find. Automatically generates canonical URL meta tags or redirects to preferred URLs.
ConvertFileToPdf CpScript This new script renders a link that lets you convert a file in the Uploads directory into a PDF. The currently supported extensions are .tif, .tiff, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .doc, .docx, .gif, .ppt, .pptx, .xlsx, .xls.
Design > Data Sources A new PDF Captcha has been module property has been added to control when PDF creation requires CAPTCHA. Administrators can also use module properties to edit the Captcha Label and Pdf Download Label.

Sun, Jul 23, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.7.8

Feature Summary
FormUpdateModuleRecord CpScript This new script will retrieve data from session and based on passed parameters will update records created by Module Submission before the Web Request/Response is called.
ReadSessionValue CpScript A new ParseJsonString parameter was added to dynamically parse basic one level JSON strings stored in session state.
ModuleDragTree CpScript A new TaxonomyRootOverride parameter has been added. When provided it overrides the taxonomy root configured in the module's properties.
ExportPoliciesInManual CpControl A new OnlySelectedPolicies parameter has been added to display the control when no ManualId is present. Not all options will be available if you choose Yes.
Design > Data Sources Two new module properties have been created to control the text displayed in the CAPTCHA dialog displayed when generating PDFs.
FormGetImageGeoTag CpScript This new script will extract location data when it exists in a photo file (typically newer JPG files).
Data Transfer GetImageGeoTag CpScript This new script will extract location data when it exists in a photo file (typically newer JPG files).
Tools > Replace Old URL A new Generat ALL URL's Report File attribute has been added.
SQL Server The database server level 'optimize for ad hoc workloads' configuration option will be set to 1 to help relieve memory pressure by not allowing the plan cache to become filled with compiled plans that are not reused. If you maintain other databases on the same server and would prefer not to apply this configuration change you should change it back to 0 manually after installing this update.

Sun, Jul 9, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.7.7

Feature Summary
Web.Config Changes This update/sync will dynamically modify all Root/Web.Config files to include new values in appSettings/Telerik.Web.UI.DialogParametersEncryptionKey and machineKey validationKey and decryptionKey attributes. These new keys are generated as part of the repair for the Telerik security vulnerability. The web.config files will be backed up to the site's Backups folder before the changes are made.
Data Broadcast UsersInDataCurrentFilter CpScript A new DataCurrentModifyDate parameter was added. When set to true it will filter by cpsys_UsersInDataCurrent where the DataId of the records have been created/modified after the ScheduledLastRunDate of the data broadcast. This only works when the ModuleId parameter also contains a value.
Form CpScripts The DefaultValue property of any form script can be set to 'cpsys_Constant:ResourceInfo:File' to default the control to a value in an existing Design > Media Manager record. This constant requires an RID query string variable that relates to a valid record in this module.
PdfIcon CpScript This script has been updated to open a window and display CAPTCHA before dynamically generating the PDF. This change was made to prevent bots from dynamically generating PDFs and affecting the performance of the site as a whole. This script also has a new UseDialog property which will open the CAPTCHA in a modal dialog instead of a new page. New ReCAPTCHA attributes have also been added to Design > Data Sources > Module Properties to force this feature to use ReCAPTCHA as opposed to standard CAPTCHA.
Security Alert for Progress Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Telerik has informed us of a security vulnerability (CVE-2017-9248) that exists in all versions of Telerik.Web.UI.dll before 2017.2.621 which is included in Centralpoint prior to version 8.7.7. This update resolves this issue and we urge you to install it as soon as possible. If you cannot install and sync to version 8.7.7 soon we strongly suggest you review this article for other options: https://www.aranon.net/Integrations/Centralpoint/Articles/Article.aspx?id=6a10610f-3219-413d-8763-e02f426f788d.
Word Add-In A new version of the Microsoft Word Add-In has been released that supports updates to document versions.
Forms > Forms A new Processing > Media Manager (Resources) Submission attribute has been added to insert and update records in Design > Media Manager from file uploads within forms.

Sun, Jun 25, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.7.6

Feature Summary
Column CpScript A new Lowercase parameter has been added. Selecting Yes will cause the value text to be converted to all lowercase characters.
FormRequiredFieldValidator, FormCompareValidator, and FormRangeValidator CpScripts A new ClientSideValidation parameter has been added. When enable the system will validate the control using JavaScript before the form is submitted. The validation will also occur on the server when the form is submitted for security purposes.
Education > Courses A new Number of Pages For Course attribute has been added which can be used to split the test into pages. If you have 10 questions and you input 2 pages for your test both pages will contain 5 questions. Likewise if you had 11 questions and 2 pages the first page should have 5 questions and the second would have 6 questions. Added a new property "Prevent Users From Entering Wrong Answers" (PreventUsersFromEnteringWrongAnswers) using this property will add in some client side validation to the page which will enforce that the user enters in the proper value for the test before submission. Please not this can only work on gradable question types: radio buttons, drop down list, Ordering, Matching, and Multi-select.
FormCaptcha CpScript A new ReCaptchaLanguage parameter has been added.
FormCombineFormStateValues CpScript This new script will combine multiple Form State values for use in Forms > Processing.
Forms > Forms Wizard The Thank You Message in Workflow tab now has default text. Also the Form attributes DatabaseSubmission > InsertStatements, WebRequest > WebRequestFieldMap, and Custom > CustomParameters have been defaulted with values.
ReverseHyperlink CpScript New CssClass and UseWordBoundaries parameters have been added. The CSS class will be applied to the HTML A element. When UseWordBoundaries is enabled hyperlinks will not be generated when the word is found within another word.
Procedure Manuals > Policies The Version List CpControl now supports the true/false property of UsingWordAddIn. If this is set to true, it will only show versions where there is a ResourceUpload, and you can you view that in the View Details link in a popup window. Also a DataBind called SuggestaChangeLinkWordAddIn has been developed in order send you to a Suggest A Change with a version id query string, and the CpControl ResourceUploadWordAddIn has been added in order to let you download the document on the Suggest a Change form and edit it using Centralpoint's Word Add-In (the Add-In does not support this feature currently).
Data Transfer ActiveDirectoryMemberOfCommonName CpScript This new data transfer script parses the value of the Active Directory memberOf attribute. It returns a comma separated list of only the Common Names.
Data Transfer Attribute CpScript A new Format parameter has been added.
Data Transform > XML Conversion The File attribute now supports a new URL option which informs the application to retrieve the XML from the web before generating the Access Database or Excel File(s).
PolicyPreviewWordDocument CpScript This new script renders a link which will open a policy Word document in a popup window.
MediaToImage CpScript A new PolicyEditInWord parameter has been added. It displays the image if it is a policy and a Word document so that you can download it and edit it with Centralpoint's new Word Add-In.
Site Architecture > System Pages The attribute Search > Results Empty Content now supports CpScripts.
Data Transform > Data Transfer A new Media Manager (Resources) option is available under Source & Destination > Destination. It is designed to work with the File System source to move files into the Design > Media Manager module. The files are permanently moved and renamed during the transfer process.
Microsoft Word Add-In A downloadable Microsoft Word Add-In is now available which will allow documents generated using Centralpoint to be saved directly back to Centralpoint from within Microsoft Word.
Procedure Manuals > Policies The Taxonomy CpControl has been updated so it can be utilized on both the Procedure Manuals View and Home View (#1) in the module designer.
Forms > Forms Wizard Two hidden form fields were added for User CDA Audience and Roles. This is also available in the Data Source creation feature.

Sun, Jun 11, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.7.5

Feature Summary
ExtStickyElement CpScript A new ResizeThreshold parameter has been added to hide or move the element when the browser is smaller than a given size.
FormatStartAndEndDates CpScript This new script can be used to format a start and end date as one element. If they are on separate days the range will be rendered, otherwise the single day will render.
All Modules: Letter Searches The "letter" query string variable has been enhanced to support a field name in the value to override the default Title search. The value of the letter query string variable can either be a letter or in the format "field|letter".
Data Transform > File Output A new Admin Roles attribute is displayed when Requires Password = Yes. Users in the selected roles will be flagged as administrators of the downloaded document giving them additional permissions.
SearchTermsCloud CpScript A new AudienceFilter parameter has been added. If this is set to Yes it will filter by the current Audience. This script displays search terms from all audiences by default.
FormTrackChanges CpScript A new SerializedForJson parameter has been added to serialize the output as as a JSON string.

Mon, May 29, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.7.4

Feature Summary
SearchTermsCloud CpScript New Criteria Count Filter, Beginning Date, and Ending Date parameters have been added to allow you to filter the tag cloud content.
Procedure Manuals > Manuals & Policies When Change Request Workflow = Enable and Review Date Type = Form Form field a new Form Field on Step 1 attribute has been added. When set to Yes the Review Date text box will only display on the first step of the change request workflow.
PolicyWordAddInDownload CpScript This new script renders a button to download a file which can be edited and saved using the Centralpoint Word Add In (coming soon).
EmailForm CpControl A new DisplayCaptcha property has been added. CAPTCHA will always be added when the user is anonymous, but setting this property to No will prevent it from displaying for authenticated users. This control is typically placed in the Site Architecture > Details View (#3) > Email Form Content attribute.
Site Architecture > System Pages A new Search > Search Results Document Identifier has been added. This defines how the document identifier portion of the web site URLs is generated. Please note that this is used for all modules and the individual module property with the same name is ignored.
ChangeRequestForm CpControl A new PopulateNextReview parameter to automatically update the next review date with the current date. This was added so that the automatic update of the next review date will be based on the current date instead of the date previously stored.
PolicyFileOutputLink CpScript This new script renders a link if a Policy has a FileOutput record tagged to it.
Admin > Template Gallery A new WordAddIn WebAPI use template record has been created. It will generate a report describing which users and API Keys have been used to update documents using the Word Add In (coming soon).
Master > Content > Scheduled Tasks A new Clean Up Files option has been added to the Job attribute which allows you the ability to schedule the deletion of files from the specified directories of a web site.
WordAddInDownload CpScript This new script adds properties to a downloaded Word document so that you can update the document through Centralpoint's Word Add In (coming soon). This only works if the file is in the Uploads folder and only Word documents support editing.
ExtSearchQueryStringTextBoxPopulation CpScript This new extender script can be used to populate an HTML text box with the value of the "search" query string variable.
EducationCertificateLink CpScript This script was updated to repair the encoding on the document title which sometimes prevented the certificate from being downloaded.
Development > Utilities The Initialize New Website utility was updated to remove all current and archived comments.
Admin > Settings This update will modify all Root/Web.Config files changing the Uber.Utilities appSetting from HTTP to HTTPS. If your server cannot access www.aranon.net via HTTPS you can manually change this setting back after the update and sync completes.

Sun, May 14, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.7.3

Feature Summary
ExtAutoComplete & ExtAutoCompleteRedirect CpScripts The FieldName parameter has been updated to support a comma separated list of relation field names. It previously only supported a single field. When the lookup type is set to Contains this will cause the system to do a like comparison over all fields entered. This feature doesn't work with the StartsWith lookup type. The system caches all values used for auto-completion. Entering a field name that contains a large amount of data may cause memory issues.
CpControl > SearchTerm A new added a new DataIdToTitle parameter has been added. When set to 'true' it will replace DataIds with their respective Titles.
Tools > Clear Search Terms This new utility was created to clear all search terms (criteria) recorded. It can also be accessed from Development > Utilities.
SearchTermsCloud CpScript Displays a tag cloud of criteria searched throughout the site.
Procedure Manuals > Policies A new Email Changes Style Type module property has been added to control the styles/colors associated with the differences between two policies.
Development > Console Triggers & Master > CMS > Triggers These new modules were added to manage Custom Triggers and My Triggers created in the cpsys_Triggers table.
VersionList CpControl A new Version Type column and VersionType parameter has been added. The VersionType parameter can be used to filter the list to show only historical or draft versions.
PdfViewer CpScript The Format parameter now supports the following new format strings: {1} = File Output Field and {2} = AudienceId. A new HideWhenEmptyFileOutput parameter which will hide the flip book link when the File Output Field is empty.
ResourceDragTree CpScript A new RemoveNoGroup parameter has been added. When set to true this script will exclude media elements without a group selection.
Admin > Settings The next update (version 8.7.4) will affect all Root/Web.Config files changing the Uber.Utilities appSetting from HTTP to HTTPS. If you are concerned about whether or not your server can access www.aranon.net via HTTPS you can test this feature before installing version 8.7.4 by manually updating this appSetting in the Master and Development site and loading the sites and consoles. They should display a server error if https://www.aranon.net is inaccessible from the server.
Design > QR Codes This module and the QRBarcodes CpScript have been updated to configure custom information in the QR Barcodes.
Ecommerce > Orders A Province column has been added to the grid view.
Admin > Search All Modules The More Actions... > Regular Expression Search feature has been extended to include replacements. This feature is very processor intensive and can cause performance problems on the server while it is running.

Sun, Apr 30, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.7.2

Feature Summary
Admin > Syndication A new Formatting > RSS Use Title attribute has been added. When enabled the document URLs will be generated using the Title as opposed to the DataId.
Admin > Global Login The SamlAttribute CpScript has been enhanced to select values by Name or FriendlyName, and the Integration Id has been made overridable with the SAML 2.0 source.
SiteMapInfo CpScript The ModuleId attribute is now supported.
Admin > Properties A new Search Full Text Parsing Algorithm attribute has been added for full text keyword searches. The Weighted option attempts to increase the rank of records containing the whole phrase and when words in the phrase are near each other. Weight is only applied when the search criteria contains more than one word.
Procedure Manuals > Policies Added support for Form Field Next Review Date. This gives the end user the ability to set this date using a form element. There is also a new Module Designer attribute called Taxonomy Order Home Content. This will give you the ability to sort standard taxonomy listing either by Title or Policy Number.
Forms > Forms Wizard An option for Google Re-Captcha has been added.
Standard Modules The new record creation form used for all standard modules has been updated to include the Notes and Notify Reviewers controls that also exist on the update record forms.
FormCaptcha CpScript A new UseReCaptcha parameter has been added. When enabled you must also populate the ReCaptchaSiteKey and ReCaptchaSecretKey parameters with values provided by Google.
Master > Deployment > Synchronize The system CleanUp utility has been enhanced to improve performance by preventing rules from being applied to directories where they already exist. This change has decreased the site synchronization time by more than 50% in most cases bringing the average site sync time down from 48 seconds to 21 seconds. This change also affects Deployment > Updates, Development > Utilities > Clean Up Selected Site(s), and other system features.
ResourceDragTree & ModuleDragTree CpScripts A new FontSize parameter has been added and applied to elements of the tree.
Advertising > Advertisers A new Views attribute has been added so that records can be created that only render on specific module designer views.

Sun, Apr 16, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.7.1

Feature Summary
TieredAttributeSubset CpScript A new RemoveFormatWhenEmpty parameter was added. When set to Yes it will remove the formatting if provided when there are no results to display.
Content > Mobile Icons This new module was created to serve as a hub for Mobile shortcuts to specific content views.
Telerik Integration Upgrade The Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX integration has been upgraded to version 2017.1.228 from February 2017. This upgrade will primarily affect the RTF Editor and File Upload controls found throughout Centralpoint. In this update Telerik drops IE8 support. If you require that these controls work in IE8 you should not install this update. This update also restores the file explorer's rename option which was previously removed.
QueryString CpScript Added ReplaceGuids parameter has been added. When set to True the script will attempt to replace all Guids it with Audience or Taxonomy names.
FormTemplateAttachment CpScript This new script was designed to work with Forms > Processing > File Creation > Template to attach the dynamically generated document to the confirmation email.
Forms > Forms A new After Processing option has been added to Workflow > Confirmation Email. Selecting this option will change when the email is trigger allowing it to support attachments. The new Files attribute supports a comma separated list of files which will be attached to the configuration email.
Site Architecture Administrators A new Personalization > Display Page Scroller attribute has been added. When set to Yes all consoles will dynamically display arrows in the top right and bottom of the page after you begin scrolling. These arrows allow you to jump to the top or bottom of the page without scrolling.
Master > Content > Scheduled Tasks The Warning on top of the grid view of this module has been updated to included the server time when the page was loaded. This can be beneficial because tasks are scheduled and executed based on this time.

Sun, Apr 2, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.7.0

Feature Summary
Social Media This new module allows you to connect to 10 different social media sites to create a wall of posts.
NavigationSectionMenu CpScript A new HideMenuWhenParentAndChildrenAreEmpty parameter has been added. When enabled it will hide the menu when where is no parent and no children.
Forms > Forms Form Processing > Module Submission > Field Map now supports a useCurrentInfo="true" attribute to save time when updating the same page.
BroadcastDataSourceUrl CpScript This script generates a document URL using the current modules document identifier. It only works with Data Sources executing in Data Broadcast.
Content > Video Library A new MP4 option has been added to the Video Type attribute. In order to use the Embedded Video CpControl on the Results View (#2), you will need to resubmit the related module desiger.
GoogleUrlShortener CpScript The Google URL Shortener is a service that takes long URLs and squeezes them into fewer characters to make a link that is easier to share, tweet, or email. This script only works with a Google API key. By default, your registered project gets 1,000,000 requests per day for the URL Shortener API.
CurrentUsers CpScript This new script returns the current users in the Procedure Manuals > Change Request Workflow on the Details View (#3) of a Procedure Manuals > Policies record.
Content > Events The module designer's Calendar view has been updated to repair a problem where multi-day events only displayed on the first day.
Form CpScripts All form CpScripts that support the DefaultValue property display a popup to the Form's Management help file's cpsys_Constant section in the Script Designer.
Procedure Manuals > Policies This module designer's Home View (#1) includes a new Taxonomy Remove Duplicate Records attribute. This feature can be enabled to remove duplicates from the taxonomy UI when the same record is tagged to more than one taxonomy. The record will display only on the lowest level taxonomy that is selected.
Telerik Integration Upgrade Centralpoint will be updated to utilize the Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX version 2017.1.228 later this month with the release of version 8.7.1. In this update Telerik drops IE8 support. This upgrade will primarily affect the RTF Editor and File Upload controls found throughout Centralpoint. If you require that these controls work in IE8 you should not install version 8.7.1.
Admin > Global Login A new SAML 2.0 Source has been added. It can be used to utilize SAML 2.0 Identity Providers (IdP) to log into the front end of the web site. In order to set up a SAML 2.0 IdP you must set up Centralpoint as a SAML 2.0 Service Provider (SP). This can be done using the new SAML Service Provider module property. When enabled you can also configure a SAML 2.0 IdP for Single Sign-On.
Design > vCards This new module can be used to design a vCard and produces a CpScript that can be placed on a page to render a link to download the vCard. A vCard is a file format for electronic business cards, and this module maps attributes in a module to vCard version 2.1, 3.0, or 4.0 properties. The module help file contains more detailed information.
Admin > Search All Modules A new Backup Module attribute was added after selecting Change Attributes under More Options. It can be used to backup the module's contents before changing the attribute values.
Data Transform > File Output A new Requestions Password attribute is available when Convert File Type is set to PDF. There is also a new Module Property called Password Redirect URL which must be configured using the new FileOutputAuthenticate CpScript in its HTML contents.
Education > Questions This module has been updated to allow a question to be assigned to multiple courses using the new Course Type attribute.
.NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") This compiler platform provides developers with support for C# 6.0 and VB.NET 14 language features. The update will include the Roslyn compilers in each application's Bin folder and will modify the web.config files to utilize the new compilers. If you have added the system.codedom element to your site's web.config you must monitor and repair all Root/web.config files after sync'ing.
.NET Framework 4.6 All Centralpoint sites have been updated to utilize the .NET Framework 4.6.2. The .NET Framework 4.6.2 must be installed on your server manually before this update can be installed. The installation of this framework may create "aspnet_client" folders in the Master/Root and cpweb_SystemName/Root folders on the server. These directories should be manually deleted to prevent problems with the sync. My Module developers will also be required to change their projects to target the .NET Framework 4.6.2. Right click the project and select Property Pages. Then select Build in the left navigation and change the Target Framework to .NET Framework 4.6.2. Click OK to apply your changes, save the Visual Studio project and restart Visual Studio. You may also choose to delete and recreate your Visual Studio project and it should automatically default to the appropriate version of the .NET Framework. If you have added any of your own components we suggest you install this update and test your components in your Development site before syncing the changes your other sites. .NET Framework 4.6.2 Developer Pack: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53321, .NET Framework 4.6.2 (Web Installer): https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53345, .NET Framework 4.6.2 (Offline Installer): https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53344
Education > Courses A new Randomize Questions attribute has been added. Randomizing questions shuffle the order of questions and utilizes a new Number of Questions attribute to control how many questions from the course you want to show up on the test.

Sun, Mar 12, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.6.35

Feature Summary
UserSubscriptions CpScript This new script provides the ability for authenticated users to subscribe to (or favorite) records. The script renders a icon that describes whether the authenticated user is subscribed to the current record and will toggle that value upon click.
ExtAutoComplete CpScript A new WrapTermInQuotes parameter was added which triggers a search by phrase as opposed to individual words.
ExtAutoCompleteRedirect CpScript A new UseRecordTarget parameter was added to override the default link target with the related record's Target attribute.
PdfViewer CpScript This new script creates a responsive HTML viewer for PDF files. Please append '&returnfile=y' when using this script with Data Transform > File Output.
FormEditor CpScript This script now supports the full screen mode option when manually enabled using the respective App_Data tools file.
Education > Courses The module designer's Programs View > Item Content attribute now supports all Course columns as well as the following calculated columns: TargetCompletionDate, PercentComplete, and PracticalAssessmentStatus.
Education > Assignments This new module can be used to assign users to programs and add an absolute or relative due date. Relative dates will be generated using the Member's start date or the creation date of the module whichever comes later. This module comes along with two new views in the Education > Courses module designer: Assignments View and Assignment Details View.
Master > Content > Scheduled Tasks A new Education Assignment Notification job has been added to generate records the Education > Assignment Notification Information module. This information will be used by a separate scheduled task to send out notification emails to those with the program(s) selected which are due in a predefined number of days.
Data Transfer ParseHtmlContent CpScript This new data transfer script takes an HTML string and parses out and returns a portion of that HTML.
.NET Framework 4.6 & .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") Centralpoint will be updated to utilize the .NET Framework 4.6 later this month with the release of version 8.7.0. It is a highly compatible, in-place update to the .NET Framework 4 which delivers better performance, reliability, and security. The .NET Framework 4.6.2 must be installed on your server manually before Centralpoint version 8.7.0 will install. Feel free to install the framework anytime after installing and syncing this update. The installation of this framework may create "aspnet_client" folders in the Master/Root and cpweb_SystemName/Root folders on the server. These directories should be manually deleted to prevent problems with the sync. My Module developers will also be required to change their projects to target the .NET Framework 4.6.2. Version 8.7.0 will also include the Roslyn compilers in each application's Bin folder and will update the web.config files to utilize the new compilers. If you have added the system.codedom element to your site's web.config, manually or via Nuget, you should monitor and repair the web.config after sync'ing to version 8.7.0. .NET Framework 4.6.2 Developer Pack: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53321, .NET Framework 4.6.2 (Web Installer): https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53345, .NET Framework 4.6.2 (Offline Installer): https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53344
Data Transfer FileReadAllHtml CpScript This new data transfer script takes the path to a DOC, DOCX, or RTF file, converts that file to HTML and returns the HTML.

Mon, Feb 27, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.6.34

Feature Summary
CopyFormValues CpScript This new script can be used to copy values from one set of form elements to another.
DynamicJumpMenu CpScript A new ID parameter has been added that controls the ID of the generated HTML element.
Admin > Organizational Chart The Sunburst Zoomable Chart has been updated with new logic to allow the chart to display different weights to the various audiences. The Count option is the default and will treat all audiences the same and show the size of the object based on how many children they have. The hits option will look up in the clicks table (if this option is turned on) and grab the number of hits a particular audience has received. And the Nav Items option will look up how many navigation records are tied to a particular audience with the nav items as well as the hits the elements will grow based upon the the numbers that they we are pulling in for them.
IP Address/Range Attributes Admin > IP Manager and Advertising > Splash Pages have been updated to support comparisons against IP v6 addresses.
Advertising > Splash Pages New Cookie Expiration and Cookie Expiration Hours attributes have been added.
Admin > Properties When Site Search Auto Complete is set to Enabled a new Lookup Type attribute will be displayed which allows you to configure the auto complete to find terms contain the search criteria as opposed to starting with it.
DynamicTabs CpScript The defaults implementation has been updated to support script parameters that will be used when the module attributes are not set. A new UseCache parameter has also been added which can be set to 'false' to disable cache.

Mon, Feb 13, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.6.33

Feature Summary
Design > Styles Icons > Featured has been renamed "Featured 1" and new Featured 2 - 20 attributes have been added. They are intended for use via DesignInfo CpScripts.
Procedure Manuals There are now File Output attributes in both Manuals and Policies. They are tied to the Data Transform > File Output module. They can be used with the new FileOutputCheckBox DataBind and the FileOutputZipFiles and FileOutputCheckBoxSelectAll CpControls to select and download multiple dynamically generated documents as a ZIP file. This configuration is very processor and memory intensive and may require additional hardware.
Admin > Properties A new Salesforce attribute has been added along with a utility to utilize an existing Salesforce integration to determine available integrated elements. These new tools have been utilized in Forms > Forms > Processing under the new Salesforce Submission option.
Site Architecture > System Pages Two new attributes have been added to this module: Override User Personalization for Page Size and Search Results Page Size. If the first is Enabled you will be able to override the User Personalization and set the Page Size manually.
FormLabel CpScript A new IsHidden parameter has been added. When set to Yes the label will render to the HTML but be visibly hidden.
TaxonomyGroupHeader CpScripting A new RemoveOrigData parameter has been added. By default this script makes clones of the original data and hides the original and shows the cloned in the proper categories. Enabling this will ensure that ids are not duplicated by the cloning process unless the item in question resides in multiple categories/groupings.
Data Sources A new Formatting > Excel File > Convert Dates From UTC attribute has been added. When enabled the system will automatically convert dates from UTC to the end user's time zone at the time when the download is triggered.
Search CpControl Control has been changed to dynamically show or hide the taxonomy selector if it is using the DataFilter option.
DataId Attributes A new DataId Attributes module configuration has been added to all modules. It can be used to configure the system to populate a new lookup table (cpsys_DataCurrentInDataCurrent) to improve the performance of module, custom and data source filters over attributes containing a comma separate list of DataIds (data list boxes). All system functions and features (data sync, data transfer, forms management, client console, etc.) have been updated to automatically maintain this table.
Development > Utilities A new Update DataId Attributes utility has been created for the new DataId Attributes module configuration and related lookup table (cpsys_DataCurrentInDataCurrent). Select a Module and click "Delete & Repopulate" to delete all records from the lookup table relating to the selected module and repopulate it using the DataId Attributes module configuration value. It is intended for use when the DataId Attributes change with content already in the module. The lookup table would also be repopulated if the records are resumbitted manually, via the attribute changer, or updated using Data Transfer.
DataIdAttributeFilter CpScript This new script can be used in Design > Data Sources > Attributes > Select Command to generate a filter over the new lookup table (cpsys_DataCurrentInDataCurrent) populated by the DataId Attributes module configuration. This script generates a high performance filter used to replace those that relate DataIds using LIKE commands: "Field LIKE '%GUID%'". It requires that the attribute is entered in the DataId Attribute module configuration in its module, and that existing records are resubmitted to populate the lookup table. By default this script will generate a filter using the DataId of the current page attributes or navigation, but the script designer contains a number of parameters that can be used to customize this behavior.
RelatedData CpScript This script has been updated to automatically utilize the new lookup table (cpsys_DataCurrentInDataCurrent) when the related attribute is in its modules DataId Attributes module configuration. Existing records must be resubmitted to populate the lookup table when this module configuration is modified.
Procedure Manuals The HTML Difference engine used for email changes in the integrated workflow features has been upgraded.
ExtAddLetterToUnorderedList CpScript This new extender script will alphabetize an unordered list (UL) and add the letter it starts with as a parent of all the items that start with that letter. It can also be used to generate an alphabet based navigation.
HtmlNavigation CpScript A new IncludeParent parameter has been added. When Parent Type=Parent and this parameter is set to Yes the parent navigation item will be rendered as part of the navigation.
Generic Enhanced A - FF A new Word Document Content Attributes module property has been added. It takes a comma separated list of attribute1=attribute2 pairs where attribute2 will be dynamically generated from the contents of a Word Document in attribute 1.
ExtAccordion CpScript A new ScreenWidthActivation parameter has been added. When enabled the accordion will only activate when the screen width less than or equal to the provided size in pixels.
FormPayment CpSCript A new DivClass parameter has been added to control the name of the CSS class that surrounds the controls rendered.

Mon, Jan 30, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.6.32

Feature Summary
Publishing > Articles A new Dynamic Attribute Population module property has been added and works like similar module properties in the Generic Enhanced modules. It can be used to select the attributes which will dynamically populate relation columns.
Procedure Manuals > Manuals & Policies The paged list box control under the Change Request Step 1 - 10 User attributes now displays a header with sortable columns including a new Is Local column. The Is Local checkbox will be checked unless the user accesses the site via an external user account integrated using Admin > Global Login.
FormAutoSave CpScript An issue was addressed when FormRadioButtonList CpScripts used the property RepeatLayout='Flow' and the FormAutoSave CpScript would not recognize its value.
Admin > DeepLinks A new Deep Link Options = "SSO SAML 2.0" > SAML Use Alternative Attribute Builder attribute has been added. When set to Yes it will cause the member attributes to be built and passed to the Service Provider in a different format. It can be used if the Service Provider is seeing the following error message: 'The attribute value type System.String cannot be serialized.'
FormInfoAttributeValue CpScript A new SqlEncode parameter has been added. It should be set to true when this script is included in a string parameter of a SQL query.
ReadPageItemsValue CpScript This CpScript now supports ChangeRequestWorkflowSummary and ChangeRequestWorkflowMessage for custom messages within the Procedure Manuals > Policies > Suggest a Change Form Thank You Page.
File Upload All system upload views have been enhanced to support SVG and WEBM file extensions.
MobileIncreaseTextSize, MobileDecreaseTextSize, and PdfIcon CpScripts A new AltText paramter has been added to control HTML ALT tag associated with the image. An HTML ALT Tag has also been added to all of these images by default.
Forms > Forms The Processing > Custom = Yes > Method Name = PoliciesUpsertVersion Parameters support a new navigation element with systemName="ProcedureChangeRequestWorkflow". This is used in Suggest a Change forms with change request workflow enabled requiring the change request workflow to save the form Signature and Comments.
Design > Data Sources A new Formatting > Formatting Options = "Google Map" > Single Item Zoom Level attribute has been added. It allows you to specify a distinct zoom level for when only one result is returned.
FourColumnAudienceDropList CpScript This new script displays a hierarchy of audiences grouped into separate columns as was displayed on the Organizational Chart.
Forms > Form Wizard An issue was addressed where the Add List Items popup window was reversing the value and text entered.
Admin > Global Login The Source = Active Directory (LDAP) > Custom Import = Yes > Custom Import Mapping attribute now supports unexpected DateTime values from Active Directory such as those provided when an end date is set to never expire.
MobileNavigation CpScript A new useTH parameter has been added. When set to true the generated table will use TH instead of TD elements in the first row for 508c compliance.
FormUpload CpScript New Edit Mode and Edit Mode Template parameters have been added to this script. When Type is set to None or Document and a DOC, DOCX, RTF, or TXT file is uploaded the control will display an Edit Document button when EditMode is not set to None. The new button will open up a dialog containing an version of the document contents which can be edited and saved.
Master > CMS > Modules A new Details > Data Navigation Item attribute has been added. It is hidden when creating a new module and intended for use in modules with more than one related CMS > Navigation record. The purpose is to direct data modifications in this module to the preferred Module (console navigation) Defaults, Configuration, and Properties when a console navigation item is not available. When left empty the system will assume that the oldest related CMS > Navigation item is preferred. Warnings have also been added in Module Defaults, Configuration, and Properties to inform administrators when they are changing settings in a module with other related console navigation items.
Site Architecture > System Pages > Search A new SystemPageSearchAudienceCounts CpScript was added for use in the Results Header Content attribute. It executes the same search over other audiences and adds links to those results displaying the audience name and result count. This script doubles the resources required to execute a search for each audience entered. It may cause the site search to perform poorly.
DashboardModules CpScript New DeleteLinksRoles and EditLinksRoles parameters have been added to specify the roles users must belong to in order to see the delete and edit buttons.
Surveys > Survey Results This new module was added to review and delete the results of taken surveys.
ExtClickTracking CpScripting This script has been updated to ensure that it only alters standard links beginning with "/" or "http:".

Mon, Jan 16, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.6.31

Feature Summary
Broadcasts > Reporting New export buttons were added to the upper right hand corner of the grid view of this module. These buttons export the entire contents of the module. They do not consider grid view searches and sorting.
Procedure Manuals > Change Request Workflow A new module designer has been developed for this module. This makes it accessible as a stand alone module from Site Architecture > Module Designer > Initialize > Module.
Development > Module Backups This module was created to manage backups created during data transfers, but also supports the creation of new module backups. Creating a module backup can affect the site's performance and storing a large number of module backups may cause disk space issues.
Development > Keyword Lists Generic keyword lists now support Name aliasing via Master > Web Sites > [Web Site Name] > Aliases. The alias will not replace the name, but rather display in parenthesis after the name: Generic A (Alias). This alias is intended to direct users toward the purpose of a keyword list, but does not replace the name. It does not affect searches or sorting within the keyword lists grid view or instances of the keyword list name outside of this module. When creating keyword list aliases you should notice that the Term selector in Master > Web Sites > [Web Site Name] > Aliases contains separate items for each Generic keyword list prefixed for keyword lists: KeywordList: Generic A. This was done to separate generic keyword list aliases from all other generic references like console navigation.
FormUpload CpScript This script has a new RequiredFieldErrorMessage parameter. This parameter can be used instead of a FormRequiredFieldValidator script.
Tools > Taxonomy Pre-Import Tool This new utility will creates taxonomy with the parent-child relationship based on columns in an Excel file. It can also update the Excel file with a column containing a comma separated list to new TaxonomyIds.
Data Sources New attributes have been added under Formatting Options = 'Paged Data List': Data Element, Container CSS Class, and Data Element CSS Class.
SingleSurveyQuestionResult CpScripting This script has been rewritten to display results using google charts instead of flash charts.
NavigationSectionMenu CpScript An issues was resolved that caused some child formats to be applied twice.
Admin > Template Gallery This new "Authorize.net Hosted Form" template record was created to generate a navigation item and form record to implement an Authorize.net hosted form for enhanced security.

Tue, Jan 3, 2017

Centralpoint Update 8.6.30

Feature Summary
NavigationTier CpScript A new MenuHoveredClass parameter has been added. It is applied to the parent LI on hover and only works with Menu.
ExtClickTracking CpScript This script has been updated to exclude links with "file:" in the path.
Marketplace ResultsIcon CpControl This CpControl will display either the Featured Icon or Enhanced Icon from Design > Styles > Icons based on the Package a Marketplace Directory record is in.
FormState CpScript The ReplaceWith parameter has been updated to support new cpsys_CurrentDomain constant which will be replaced with the current page scheme (HTTP or HTTPS) and hostname (www.domain.com): http://www.domain.com/.
Design > Dynamic Tab Display An issue was addressed when Tab Type = jQuery Accordion and multiple jQuery Accordions render exist on the same page.
HtmlImg CpScript A new ReplaceEmptySrc parameter has been added. When this parameter contains a value and the image source is empty the provided value will be used instead.
Data Sources A new Support Attribute CpScripts attribute has been added when Formatting > Formatting Options = Excel File.
Client Console Tools A new Tools category has been added to the client console and contains utilities as separate navigation items.
Development > Utilities A new Run Initialize Stored Procedure utility has been added. This utility triggers the cpsp_Intialize stored procedure as if a new site is being created.
Development > Web API This new module can be used to create and configure a Web API. Each record in the module relates to a single Web API method. It contains attributes to secure and execute all of the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) methods necessary to develop a typically user interface and also contains options for My Module and custom Web API method development. The module help file and attributes themselves contain detailed instructions on how it is used.

Mon, Dec 19, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.29

Feature Summary
Education > Programs Records in this module are now included in module's Results View (#2) search results along with Courses. A new Results View (#2) > Program Item Content attribute has been added to the module designer to manage these results.
FormAddressInfo CpScript A new UseDivFormat parameter has been added. When set to true the script will output DIV elements instead of the default TABLE elements to support custom responsive styling.
Admin > Properties A new Modify File Name attribute has been added when File Upload Type = 'Standard'. This option will automatically remove any special characters and spaces from files uploaded using the standard file upload control.
Content > Video Library This module has been updated to include new Change Video Quality attributes under the YouTube and Vimeo Video Types. You must resubmit the related module designer records before these attributes will be supported on the Results View (#2).
Development > Utilities A new Delete all Taxonomy Under Parent attribute has been added. When you select a single taxonomy element, all descendents of that taxonomy will be deleted when you click 'Delete'. A new Reset All Clicks attribute has also been added which removes all records from the Stats > Clicks module when you click 'Reset Clicks'. These processes are not reversible.
ReadPageItemsValue CpScript This script has been updated to support a PageItemName='FormResults:ReceiptNumber' to return the receipt number, or title, of the form results record.
Data Transfer ConvertImageToPdf CpScript This script will take the path to an image file (TIF, JPG, JPEG, GIF, PMP, or PNG), generates a PDF file from the image, and returns the path to the PDF file. It takes a FilePath parameter that expects the name of the source column containing the fully qualified path to the image file on the server.
GetCommentsFromWordDocument CpScript This new script was designed for use in Forms > Processing. It takes the path to a word document and pulls the comments out as a string.
GetRevisionsFromWordDocument CpScript This new script was designed for use in Forms > Processing. It takes the path to a word document with Track Changes enabled and pulls the revisions out as a string.
Data Transform > Data Transfer A new Source & Destination > Destination Backup attribute has been added when Destination = Standard Module. When set to Yes the data transfer process will automatically copy all records in the destination module to a backup table before executing the transfer and keep them for 30 days. Revisiting the same record will provide a restore feature when a backup exists, when the user clicks on “Destination Backup” = “yes” on the Source & Destination tab.
FormAddressInfo CpScript A new Version parameter has been added. When Version='2' this script will store shipping and billing addresses for each order instead of only storing address information once per logged in user.
FormDataListBox & FormPagedListBox CpScripts The WhereClause parameter has been updated to support a new cpsys_Constant:UserInfo:X constant where X can be any property of the User object.
ResourceDragTree CpScript A new ResourcePreviewPosition parameter has been added. It is only used when the ShowFormat parameter contains the value {ResourceContent}.
OrderBy CpControl A new Average Rating Text parameter has been added and a new Average Rating option has been added to the DefaultOrder parameter. These parameters can be used to sort the Results View (#2) by ratings collected using the Rating and ResultsRating CpControls.
ResultsRating CpControl This new control is similar to the Rating CpControl but designed specifically for the Results View (#2) in the module designer. It shows the each result's rating and allows registered users to rate the record.

Mon, Dec 5, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.28

Feature Summary
RestoreVersion CpScript A new RedirectUrl parameter has been added. When this parameter contains a value the page will be redirected to this URL after restoring a version. If the URL starts with '/cpsys_Audience/' this will be replaced with the current audience system name. When no value is provided the current page is reloaded after restoring a version.
FormTaxonomy CpScript A new ForceParent parameter has been added. When set to true, this property will include both the Root Value and the selected Taxonomies in the form control's value for submission.
FormRadioButtonList CpScript A new ForceParent parameter has been added which only works when SystemType='TaxonomyTier' and SelectionMode='Single'. When set to true, this property will include both the Parent Taxonomy and the selected Taxonomy in the form control's value for submission.
Forms > Forms When Processing > Auto Save is enabled the Auto Save Field Map attribute now supports new useReview and versionId attributes in the root navigation element. These attributes accept jQuery selectors that can be wired up to automatically save document versions as opposed to current documents.
Design > DataSources When a data source Select Command pulls from the cprel_FormsResults table and includes the FormContents field Column CpScripts in that data source's Item Content can now retrieve form contents fields as if they were attributes by formatting the column name like: cpsys_FormContents:AttributeName. This is a more efficient way to display form content attributes than XQueries.
FormDataListBox & FormPagedListBox CpScripts The WhereClause parameter has been updated to support a new constant: cpsys_Constant:UserInfo:UserId. It will be replaced with the current user's UserId in the where clause.

Mon, Nov 21, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.27

Feature Summary
Content > Homepage Items Additional attributes have been added to this module to support Generic Enhanced style customization.
KeywordManager CpScript This new script was developed to add a button to any details view that displays a dialog and lets administrators add and remove keywords associated with the record currently displayed. Parameters of this script can be used to retrieve the DataId elsewhere so the script can work in data sources and on results views too. By default it points to a new Global Keywords keyword list and uses the standard Keywords attribute in the target module.
Admin > Global Login A new OAuth & OpenID option has been added to the Source attribute. When selected you can enable one or more of the following OAuth & OpenID sources: Microsoft, Google, Salesforce, Facebook, Twitter, and Custom. After configuring a source by following the instructions in the Enable/Disable attribute's linked help file you can copy and paste the provided new OAuthLoginButton CpScript into any page in your site to add a 'Sign in with Source' button. Clicking this button will redirect the end user to the source site to authenticate and give your site permission to access thier user information. They will then be redirected back to your site and authenticated automatically with their user information from the source. This module also contains a new OAuth Single Sign-On module property so end users will not be asked to log in again as long as they are logged in with the source account. An SSL/https is required to integrate with any of the OAuth & OpenID sources.
TaxonomyTree CpScript A new ParentCssClassWhenExpanded parameter has been added to dynamically inject a CSS class on the parent DIV when the item is expanded and remove it when it is collapsed. The script designer attributes have also been updated to include many previously undocumented parameters.

Mon, Nov 7, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.26

Feature Summary
SearchTerms CpControl A new GetAudienceName parameter has been added. When set to true it will attempt to read the data inside of the CurrentSearch property of the ModulePage and replace AudienceIds with Audience Names.
AjaxDataSource CpScript A new ExecuteDSOnce parameter has been added to prevent the data source from executing more than once. This parameter should be set to true unless you are using the data source to populate a dialog that requires a refresh each time it is triggered. Another AdditionalJsToExecuteOnSuccess parameter was added to add a script to execute when the AJAX data source succesfully executes. This can be used in order to trigger a click event on a checkbox for example.

Sun, Oct 23, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.25

Feature Summary
ChildAudienceInfo CpScript This new script can be used to retrieve information about a child of the current audience. The parameters are similar to the AudienceInfo script.
Broadcasts The components used to report on bouncebacks have been replaced due to issues with the previous components. A new Message > Soft Bounce Count Limit attribute was added to determine when a soft bounce gets converted to a hard bounce.
VersionInfo CpScript This new CpScript works in coordination with a VID query string variable to retrieve information about a version of a document. The Form CpScripts have also been updated to support version info using the following constant: 'cpsys_Constant:VersionInfo:ATTRIBUTE_NAME'.
Data Transform > Data Transfer A new Source Document Link attribute has been added to the Source & Destination tab when Source is set to Delimited Text (OLE DB), Excel (Aspose),Excel (OLE DB), or Delimited Text (Stream). It can be used to download the source document.
EvoPDF Integration Upgrade The integrated EvoPDF components will be updated from version 2.3 to 6.16.
Data Transfer ParseWebpageContent CpScript A new Title option was added to the Target parameter retrieve the page title.
FormAddressInfo CpScript Control titles have been moved from DIV elements to LABEL elements for accessibility.
FormPayment CpScript Control titles have been moved from DIV elements to LABEL elements for accessibility.
Data Transfer FileAction CpScript A new MaintainDirectoryStructure parameter has been added. When set to 'true' the source directory structure will be replicated in the destination directory. By default this script places all of the source files at the roof of the designation directory.
SearchTerms CpControl This control has been updated to detect time span searches and properly format the term displayed.
Data Transfer IfElseColumn CpScript New IfFormat and ElseFormat parameters have been added.
Education > Configuration A new Admin From Email attribute was added to specify the from address instead of having them come from the user whom has taken the test.

Sun, Oct 9, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.24

Feature Summary
Aspose Integration Upgrade Aspose Cells was upgraded from 7.4.0 to 8.9.2. Aspose PDF was upgraded from 8.5.0 to Aspose Imaging was upgraded from 1.7.0 to 3.9.0. Aspose Slides was upgraded from 12.10.24 to 16.7.0. If you have custom code that utilizes these integrations please visit this document to see the migration path in detail along with links to Aspose backward compatibility issues: http://www.aranon.net/Integrations/Centralpoint/Articles/Article.aspx?id=0635fedb-5a6e-43f4-9ba0-66efabe4c92f.
ExtAutoCompleteRedirect CpScript This new extender script is similar to ExtAutoComplete, except that when a selection is made in the list the user is automatically redirected to the destination record instead of having it populate the related text box, executing a search, then clicking on a resulting record.
Form Wizard This wizard is now outputting 508 compliant HTML for all options that use HTML; DIV, Label, and Controls are now set to a default width of 980, the loading pop-up has been reduced in size, and the extra spacing between Taxonomy, Audience, and FormEditors have been fixed.
FormLabel CpScript This new script can be used to generate an HTML LABEL element with the FOR attribute value generated to point to another form control using the Group and Id attributes.
OrderBy and PageSize CpControls Two new parameters have been added to generate HTML LABEL element that point to these selectors: Label and LabelFormat.
InQuickerAppointmentTimes CpScript New ProviderSlugAttributeSystemName and LocationAttributeSystemName parameters have been added.
ModuleDragAccordion CpScript A new UserFilter parameter was added. Set it to Yes to only display records that were acted on (created or updated) by the current user.
Forms > Forms A new Processing > Require CAPTCHA attribute has been added. When Yes is selected you must manually add a FormCaptcha script to any page in the General tab. The form will not be processed if it is submitted without this script. This selection is recommended for any form that is publicly accessible.
FormStateGeoCoding CpScript This new script can be placed in Forms > Processing to generate a GeoCode using values stored in Form State.
Standard Modules > Copy Record When a record is copied in any module that supports scheduling (Data Broadcasts, Data Transfer, and XML Conversion) the record scheduling is automatically disabled. This change will prevent unintended scheduling and execution of copied records.
Ecommerce > Orders This new module provides a UI for orders taken on the front end of the site. It is intended for reporting purposes only. The data in this module is read only

Sun, Sep 25, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.23

Feature Summary
ExtTable CpScript The default styles used in this extender scripts have been updated to improve the design aesthetics. This change will automatically apply to all in-use ExtTable scripts that do not have custom styles set up via the CustomCssFile parameter.
Select Command Builders A new Grid View Email option has been added to the Styles > Orientation attribute. It can be used to create an ExtTable like layout without JavaScript. It has also been updated to automatically generate a Format parameter for the following attribute system names: ModifyDate, StartDate, EndDate, Image, Photo, FileUpload, FileUpload1, and FileUpload2.
Data Transform > XML Conversion A new Generate File Type attribute has been added to support the generation of an Access Databases as opposed to Excel Files.
NavigationSectionMenu CpScripting A new UseNavDisplayName parameter has been added to pull values from the navigation Display Name attribute instead of the Title.
Admin > Global Login The Active Directory source can now retrieve pictures when Custom Import = Yes via the Custom Import Mapping XML.
ModuleDragAccordionSearch CpScript A new RootValue parameter has been added to determine the root value of the taxonomy selector.
InQuickerFacilityTimes CpScript This new script generates a drop down list box of integrated InQuicker appointment times per facility.
Comments > Configuration A new Form > Notify attribute has been added. When enabled attributes will be provided to configure a simple email notification when new comments are submitted.
MccModuleDragAccordion CpScript The script attributes that support {ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM_NAME} now support a prefix to URL encode the value of the attribute: {cpsys_UrlEncode:ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM_NAME}.
ExtDroppable CpScript This new extender script will let you drop items from our drag and drop menus into form fields using a selector property.
FormAddressInfo CpScript A new UseUserData parameter has been added. When set to true the script will use the currently authenticated user's address if the cart does not already contain an address.
ResourceDragAccordion CpScript This script now supports Mail, Contacts, and Calendars by setting IsMail='1'.

Sun, Sep 11, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.22

Feature Summary
Procedure Manuals > Policies > VersionList CpControl This control supports new properties that allow you to restore a version if you are in the appropriate role.
FormHiddenField CpScript A new UseNewGuidAsFormResultDataId parameter has been added. This parameter only applies when the DefaultValue parameter is set to cpsys_newguid. It will use the generated DataId for the form results record when set to true.
AjaxDataSource CpScript A new WriteJSOnce parameter has been added to prevent the JavaScript from writing to the page multiple times when multiple AjaxDataSource CpScripts render on the same page. This is most beneficial when these scripts are included in Results View (#2) > Item Content and Data Sources > Formatting > Item Content attributes.
FormTrackChanges CpScript This new script is intended for use in Forms > Processing > Module Submission > Field Map. It can be used to populate an attribute in the resulting record with the changes that occurred in other attributes during the form submission.
FormButton and FormImageButton CpScripts A new Alt parameter has been added to control the alternative text of the button.
Master > Content > Scheduled Tasks This module now displays the scheduler execution interval above the grid at the end of the Warning in bold. A new 'Replace File Names' option has been added to the Job attribute. It will match a regular expression to find all files in specified directory and rename them accordingly. Master console on ScheduledTasks.aspx page show interval_Minutes from CentralpointAgent.exe.config. to let people know on how often task are running
Mobile Support for Drag and Drop All built in drag and drop CpScripts now support touch screen devices.
RestoreVersion CpScript This new script was created to add a button to a Data Source column that can be clicked to restore a previous version of a document. IT was intended for use in dashboard displays. It requires that the Data Source contains a VersionId column.
FormUpload CpScripting A new Replace property has been added force resource uploads to replace an existing resource when one exists instead of adding a new one. Another new ReplaceRoles property has been added to enable users to update the roles related to an inserted or updated resource.
ExtModalPopup CpScript A new SelectorType property has been added to point the jQuery selector that finds the click target to a class as opposed to an ID.
Date/Time Searches The system has been updated to support MM/DD/YYYYtoMM/DD/YYYY formatted keywords in all Date/Time searches. When the keyword is provided in this format and the search has been defined as a DateTime search and it will generate a filter to return records from the beginning of the first date to the end of the second date. Time components may also be included in the provided dates to provide a more specific search when matched on the entire phrase. This change affects both front end and client console date/time searches.
Form CpScripts Currently the DefaultValue property of any form CpScript can be set to 'cpsys_Constant:FormInfo:AttributeSystemName' to default the control to a value in an existing record. This constant automatically detects when that value is a Date/Time value and does a conversion from UTC. You can now format the DefaultValue like 'cpsys_Constant:FormInfo:string:AttributeSystemName' to force the system to treat the attribute as a String and prevent the date time conversions. A new FormResult constant was also added to the DefaultValue parameter: 'cpsys_Constant:FormResult:Company'.
ExtHighlightKeywords CpScript A new SelectorType property has been added to point the jQuery selector that finds the keywords to something other than a textbox control.
ReadPageItemsValue CpScript This new script was created to display stored in the ASP.NET Page.Items object. It is often used during custom development.
MccMailCount CpScript This new script was created to display the number of messages in a Mail folder. The script designer will automatically configure it to display the number of unread messages. This option only works when Mail > Configuration is in use, the user is logged in on the front end of the site, and has set up their Mail account.

Sun, Aug 28, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.21

Feature Summary
Master > Content > Scheduled Tasks The Data Update job has been updated to include a new Synchronize File Folders option. When enabled this feature allows you to configure the synchronization of one file folder with another regardless of its location.
Design > Data Sources A new Mail option has been added to work in coordination with the Mail > Configuration module. This option only works when Mail is configured, the user is logged in on the front end of the site, and has set up their Mail account. An error will be returned if any of these conditions are not met.
Mail > Configuration This beta module was designed to allow authenticated users to configure their email accounts and manage their email within your web site as they would on a mobile device or desktop application.
Data Transform > File Output An issue has been resolved where fully qualified images were not rendering in downloaded documents.
Content > Generic Enhanced Generic Enhanced DD, EE, and FF have been added to the system.
FormDataListBox & FormPagedListBox CpScripts The OrderByClause property of both of these scripts have been updated to support a new 'cpsys_SelectedItems, ' prefix. When this prefix is included in the order by clause the currently selected items will appear at the top of the list on the initial load of the selector. This change also applies to the OrderByClause property of the CpDataListBox and CpPagedListBox controls used in custom attributes and CMS.

Mon, Aug 15, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.20

Feature Summary
Content > Generic Enhanced Generic Enhanced AA, BB, and CC have been added to the system.
Forms > Forms (Async Module Submission) The Processing > Module Submission = Yes > Field Map attribute supports a new async="true" attribute in navigation elements. Setting this attribute will cause the submission into that module to occur asynchronously. The page will not wait for the results of the module submission before moving on to next instruction and eventually the redirection or thank you page. The submission will appear to complete in less time, but the data submitted into the module may not be ready for display on the thank you or redirect page. Because the submission occurs behind the scenes there is no UI available to display errors. It will appear to complete successfully even when the data was not saved in the related module. The errors will be recorded in Development > Errors module and you can set asyncEmailErrorsTo="youraddress@yourdomain.com" in the navigation element to have the system send an email when an error occurs.
Forms > Forms (Auto Save JavaScript) The Processing > Auto Save Field Map attribute now supports JavaScript inside attribute XML nodes. This can be used to modify and combine form values before they are auto saved.
Mail > Boilerplate Messages This new module is intended for use with the new MccModuleDragAccordion CpScript. A full suite of Mail modules is coming soon.
MccModuleDragAccordion CpScript A new CpScript desiged to create a dynamic accordion style display of elements grouped by taxonomy. These elements can be dragged and dropped dynamically into new mail messages. A full suite of Mail modules is coming soon.

Sun, Jul 31, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.19

Feature Summary
Gamificiation An issue was addressed where the Default Configuration wasn't used if no selection was made under Configuration in Design > Data Sources.
Education > Programs The Number of Programs attribute has been increased from 10 to 20.

Sun, Jul 17, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.18

Feature Summary
FormAutoSave CpScript This new script will render a checkbox on a form. When configured properly in the the Forms > Processing > Auto Save Field Map attribute the checkbox begins a process of periodically saving the configured values from the form into a record in a module. Please note that when enabled this feature can affect the contents of records that are live on the site. Auto save does not validate the data. It only saves the data as it is at the point the save occurs. This could result in broken or incomplete data.
TieredAttributeSubset CpScript This new script will works like a column/attribute CpScript but was designed specifically for hierarchical attributes like Taxonomy and Audiences. It requires a ParentVal (Parent Taxonomy Id or Audience Id) and uses it to display only children of that parent. It can be used to display IDs or Names of Taxonomy or Audiences related to the current record that are children of the provided parent.
FormTextBox CpScript A new PlaceHolder property was added to support the HTML 5 placeholder attribute of input elements.
ExtCheckIfElementIsEmpty CpScript This new script was designed to monitor a form control and display one image if it contains a value or selection and another if it does not.
Gamification A new Module Specific type is now available under Gamification data sources. This was paired with new attributes to support this option in the Gamification module.
Content > Video Library TaxonomySubset1, TaxonomySubset2, and TaxonomySubset3 attributes are now accessible via Column CpScripts in the module designer's Results View (#2) > Item Content attribute.
Admin > Search All Modules Ancestor admins (master accounts) now have a new Group of Records option under More Actions > Create Template Record.

Sun, Jun 26, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.17

Feature Summary
FormEditor, FormNavitgationItemSelector, FormDataListBox, FormPagedListBox, FormAudience and FormTaxonomy CpScripts All form scripts that render in iFrames have been updated to support new LoadingOptions and LoadingClickHtml parameters. This allows you to change the iFrame to load Normal, Lazy, or OnClick to improve the response time of pages containing a large number of these form controls.
Master > Content > Scheduled Tasks A new Data Update job has been added to synchronize content in sites on different servers.
TaxonomyNavigation CpScript A new IncludeParentSystemName parameter has been added. It can be set to false to exclude the PSN query string variable if it is not in use which can improve SEO.
Education > Configuration This email sent after a test is taken has been updated to support placeholder scripts referencing the related Course and Configuration record attributes. This change requires that the related module designer is re-submitted before it can be used.
Stats > Clicks Click.aspx was changed from a 302 (temporary) to a 301 (permanent) redirect to improve SEO. The response cacheability has also been changed to "no-cache" to prevent 301 browser caching and record multiple clicks by the same user/browser.
EditModeColumn CpScript This new script can be used in the Item Content attribute of a data source to add a link to the record when the site is in edit mode.
Admin > Organization Chart A new Sunburst Zoomable Chart option has been added to the Chart Type attribute. It generates a new chart that can zoom in on audiences as they are selected.
ModuleDragTree CpScript A new script to use any content module to generate a dynamic tree view that can be dragged and dropped into editors in forms.
ResourceDragTree CpScript A new script to use Resource Groups in Design > Media Manager generate a dynamic tree view that can be dragged and dropped into editors in forms.
ExtClickTracking CpScript This script has been updated exclude "mailto" links which do not support redirection.
ModuleTagCould CpScript A new script that provides a tag cloud of linked taxonomy titles where the font size increases based on the number of related records.
Content > Events, News, Document Library, Video Library, Photo Gallery, and Blogs > Topics A new Dynamic Attribute Population module property has been added. When enabled it allows you to map the contents from custom attributes into standard attributes that are stored in relation fields. This change permits a higher level of customization of generic attributes and will provide more options for performance improvements in these modules.

Sun, Jun 5, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.16

Feature Summary
Master > Content > Scheduled Tasks A new Continuing Education Recertification job was added to send emails to users who require recertification.
Data Transform > Data Transfer Updated to support new attributes added to an existing module which is the destination of an existing data transfer that updates records. Previously, this setup would result in updated records in the destination reverting to the default value of the new attribute, but they will now maintain their existing values.
InQuickerAppointmentTimes CpScript This CpScript generates three drop down lists and a check in link for Appointment times based on a doctor through InQuicker's API on the Details or Results View.
Query String Searches Parameter validation has been enhanced.
FormCheckOwnershipOfCourse CpScript This new script will add a processor to the form to check against the LegacyUserId field in the CeReports table and prevent form submission if it is already populated.
Select Command Builder The Update button has been moved to the System Filters region because that is the only area where it is needed. All other controls automatically update the copy and paste textareas at the bottom of the page.
Design > Dynamic Scripts The Title Field CSS, Date Field CSS, Content Field 1 CSS, Content Field 2 CSS, Content Field 3 CSS, Image Field CSS, Icon CSS, Record Separator CSS, Button Text CSS, Wrapper DIV CSS, and Slide DIV CSS attributes have all been updated to support CpScripting. The Content Field Truncation 1 through 3 attributes have also been updated to support numbers between 1 and 999999.
FormAddressInfo CpScript New RequireCompany and RequireTitle parameters have been added to control whether these form fields are required. These fields are required by default.

Sun, May 22, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.15

Feature Summary
Education > Programs This new module has been added to the Continuing Education module suite. It is essentially a group of related courses that is designed and configured in the Courses module designer. Three new tabs have been added to the module designer to support this feature: Programs, Program Details, and Program History. Once configured an end user can successfully complete a program by passing every course in that program.
DashboardModule CpScript A new Filter parameter has been added to apply a SQL filter that affects the records displayed in the grid.
Content > News A new Priority attribute has been added to the module which can be used to affect the sort order.
MobileAddThis CpScript A new AltText property was added to set the ALT attribute of the generated HTML image.

Sun, May 8, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.14

Feature Summary
EmailFrom CpControl New NameText, NameTextboxEnabled, FromText, and FromTextboxEnabled parameters have been added. NameText controls the email senders name and FromText controls their address. These parameters can be used to prevent end users from changing these values.
GoogleAnalyticsEventTracker CpScript A new UseUniversalAnalytics parameter has been added to support the newest version of Google Analytics.

Sun, Apr 24, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.13

Feature Summary
Centralpoint Content Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Service A new WCF Service has been exposed to retrieve document contents by DataId or IntegrationId. This service is disabled by default, but can be enabled using Admin > Properties > Centralpoint Content Services.
Audience & Taxonomy Attributes An up arrow has been added to the right of each child item in multi-select tiered selectors. When clicked it will select the current item and all ancestor items.
ExtRedirectOnTimeout CpScript This new script will automatically redirect a user to a provided URL after the provided time has elapsed.
Data Transfer ParseWebpageContent CpScript This new script can be used to retrieve specific elements from a string containing HTML.
Admin > Global Login Source = Active Directory (LDAP) now includes a new Custom Import attribute. When set to Yes you will be provided with a Custom Import Mapping attribute that lets you map any AD field to any Centralpoint user property. New ActiveDirectoryProperty, ActiveDirectoryGetRoles, and ActiveDirectoryGetAudiences CpScripts have also been created to retrieve values from AD and format them for use in Centralpoint.
Design > Data Sources This module now supports Slack, Facebook, and Yammer integrations under the Data Source attribute.

Sun, Apr 10, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.12

Feature Summary
Procedure Manuals > Policies When Notification = "Enabled" the Subject attribute has been updated to support PlaceHolder scripts. The list of supported place holders was added to the attribute's header text.
FormSignature CpScript This script has been updated to generate a random unique ID for anonymous users. It previously stored the anonymous UserId which was shared among all anonymous users.
ExtPopulateAddressInfo CpScript A new CookieName parameter has been added. When it contains a value the script will populate the cookie with the end user's zip code in addition to the text box.
Comments > Configuration The Thread > Item Content attribute now supports Placeholder scripts for all user properties.
Design > Media Files All Style Options, except Thumbnails, now include Image Height and Image Width attributes. These will result in the image being delivered to the client in the desired size as opposed to the original size which can improve the performance of the feature. Setting either the Height or Width to 0 will result in the image being proportionally re-sized.
Education > Courses The a new General Apply Credits Only When Passed has been added to only record the credits for a test in the Education > Reports module if the Course is passed. The TestLink control used in the Site Architecture > Module Designer > Details View (#3) now has a property to translate the label text using Site Architecture > Translations. There are also new module properties called Button Type, Button Text, and Translate Button Text to allow updates and translation of these items as well.
Development > Utilities The Application Trace attribute has been updated to display Enabled even when the trace is full.
Design > Data Sources Formatting > Formatting Options = "Data List" has been updated to include a new Empty Item attribute which can be used to determine what the script displays when the source returns no data.
Data Transform > Data Transfer A new Destination Bulk Copy Options attribute has been added when Destination = "Standard Module" and Destination Method = "Bulk (Insert Only)". It can be used to customize how bulk copies occur in the cpsys_DataCurrent table when manual changes have been made to the site's database. The Roles and Keywords options under Destination have also been updated to support the Incremental (Insert/Update) method.
Data Transfer IfValueEquals CpScript New parameters have been added to support data types and conditional operators. The CompareWithValue parameter has also been updated to look up the result in the source data when the value starts with 'cpsys_Column:'.
Members > Fitbit A Fitbit integration has been included which can be used to record sleep data that can be utilized in the My Logs module suite. This includes a new /Modules/MyLogs/FitBit/Authorize.aspx page which can be set up in a Navigation record and a Scheduled Task which can be set up in the master console to update data. More details on this integration and how to set it up are included in the module help file.

Sun, Mar 27, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.11

Feature Summary
NavigationSectionMenu CpScript This new script will generate a drop down list of navigation items. It includes the parent of the current page if one exists, and the children if they exists. If the current page has no children it displays the siblings instead.
Content > Generic Enhanced A - Z A new Use Alternative Url Attribute Only When Populated module property has been added. When the Alternative Url Attribute module property contains a value and this new module property is set to Yes the Alternative URL attribute will only be overwritten when the source attribute contains a non-empty value. When set to No the Alternative URL attribute will get any value in the source attribute including an empty string.
ExtPhotoFlipFromMetadata CpScripting This new script will read metadata from a JPG file and if the orientation property is set to 6 it will rotate the image 90 degrees. This script should only be used when uploading images in an incorrect orientation is unavoidable. It is a better practice to correct the orientation of your images before uploading them.
Form Wizard An issue was addressed where tooltips were causing the page to not be able to scroll in Chrome.
FormListBox CpScript The filter parameter now supports a value like filter='cpsys_SystemFilter AND (AutoNumber = 1)'. Previously, you could either use a system filter or a custom filter, but now you can follow the system filter with a custom filter. Be careful not to OR a custom filter after a system filter. This will essentially invalidate the system filter when the custom filter is valid.
CpScripting > ModuleDragAccordionSearch This new script was created as an alternative to the ModuleDragAccordion script that works with more records. It provides a similar functionality that uses a search to find records instead of displaying them all under tiered navigation.
ResourceDragAccordionSearch CpScript This new script was created as an alternative to the ResourceDragAccordion script that works with more records. It provides a similar functionality that uses a search to find records instead of displaying them all under tiered navigation.
DashboardModule CpScript A new SystemFilterOptions parameter has been added so that you can control which system filters to include.
Members & Site Architecture > Administrators The Accessible AudienceId attribute has been added to the 'In' drop down on the grid view to make it searchable. This option searches this attribute only and will not find users with audiences that are accessible via shared Roles. A 'More Actions...' drop down has also been added to the grid view for Ancestor (Master) Admins only with a new option to 'View/Restore Deleted Users'. When a user is deleted from either of these modules it is flagged as deleted, but it is not actually deleted. This is done to prevent the inadvertent deletion of the history related to users. This new action will allow you to either completely delete users along with their history, or restore a previously deleted user.
Design > Data Sources When Formatting > Formatting Options = 'Paged Data List' a new Add Hash Tags attribute appears. When set to Yes the pager will update the URL in the browser to include #page which results in the inclusion of each click in the browser's navigation history. This allows users to use the browsers back and forward buttons to navigate through page clicks.

Mon, Mar 14, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.10

Feature Summary
AudienceSelector CpScript A new AudienceOrderBy parameter has been added.
PdfIcon CpScript The ImagePathForPdfIcon parameter now supports DesignInfo:ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM_NAME in order to use an attribute from Design > Styles as the image path.
Forms > Forms Wizard The Configure Your Form tab now contains an option to turn off the Tooltips on the Name Your Form Fields tab.
Surveys > Surveys This module has been updated to render using Google Charts by default. A new Custom Colors attribute has also been added to toggle the use of up to 30 custom colors.
Admin > Properties A new Stats > Clicks attribute has been added with 3 options: Enabled, White List, and Disabled. This will allow you control what clicks are recorded in Stats > Clicks globally, and can be used to prevent this module from recording any clicks at all.
Web.Config Changes This update will add a MIME type for the EPUB extension to all Root/Web.Config files (Master and WebSites) if it does not already exist.
Content > Document Library The Site Architecture > Module Designer > Results View (#2) has new Header Content, Empty Item Content, and Footer Content attributes when Initialize > Module = Document Library (DocumentLibrary).
Data Transform > File Output The Convert File Type attribute has a new EPUB option when Template File Type = Word (doc/docx).

Mon, Feb 29, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.9

Feature Summary
Admin > Syndication The Custom Order attribute has been updated to support a "DateTime:" prefix for field names that should be sorted as dates as opposed to strings. When this prefix is used the field must always return a valid DateTime value or an error will be returned.
Data Transfer Attribute CpScript This script has been updated to support DataType='DateTime' using new TimeZoneId, AddHours, ConvertTimeToUTC, and ConvertTimeFromUTC parameters.
Design > Styles A new Include Homepage Content has been added to the Global tab. When enabled you will be provided a Homepage Content text box that can be added to any Site Architecture > Homepages record by adding a DesignInfo CpScript to the Content attribute. A new Body Header attribute has also been added to the Global tab to render raw HTML to the page just below the opening BODY element. The primary purpose of this attribute is to support Google Tag Manager scripts which require this location in the HTML.
Site Architecture > Audiences A new Design tab has been added with properties like WebsiteColor1, WebsiteColor2, WebsiteColor3, LinkedInUrl, TwitterUrl, FacebookUrl, YouTubeUrl, FooterLogo, and SecondaryLogo. These properties are intended for use from AudienceInfo CpScripts.
TaxonomySearch CpScript This new script renders a multi or single select taxonomy search control and a Search button. Clicking search will execute a taxonomy search in the current module using the query string (get request) as opposed to a post back.
DesignSwitch CpScript This new script will render a drop down list box of records in the Design > Styles module with the record associated to the current audience selected automatically. Making a change in this selector will remove the current audience from it's Design > Styles record and add it to the newly selected record, then refresh the page with the style changes applied. The use of this script requires that none of your Design > Styles records have All Audiences selected.
Surveys > Surveys New Color 1 - 10 attributes have been added to control the color or the bar charts rendering on the survey results. The colors will loop more than 10 colors are required.
Comments > Configuration A new Form > Disable Email Validation has been added when Anonymous Comments are enabled. It allows submissions with invalid email addresses.
ExtPagination CpScript A new DataElement parameter has been added to control the type of HTML element being paged.
Advertising > Splash Pages A new Display Splash Page Per User attribute has been added to allow the splash page to be displayed per UserId as opposed to per PC.

Tue, Feb 16, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.8

Feature Summary
Data Transform > Data Transfer The Taxonomy CpScript supports a new SetParents parameter which can be used to automatically assign all ancestors of the provided taxonomy. The new IncludeMain parameter can also be used to include or exclude the Main taxonomy.
Surveys > Questions The preview for the questions has been updated so that you can see the results of an individual question from the console by clicking on Preview from the console then selecting the survey you want to see the results of for that particular question. This will link up to the results page in the main site.
FormListBox CpScript A new AttributesFilter parameter is now supported when SystemType='KeywordList' and the script is on the Details View (#3) of a standard module. It takes the system name of an attribute which will be used to filter the keyword list. This script is useful when the FormListBox displays colors and the module contains an Available Colors attribute. The colors list box can then be filtered to display only the colors available in the current product.
Admin > Organizational Chart A new Chart Type = Horizontal option has been added. This will break everything down like a tree chart allowing the customization of colors and how the chart is displayed either horizontally, vertically, or a hybrid of the two where children of the main audience are listed out vertically and children form there are horizontal.
ExtPopulateAddressInfo CpScript This new extender script populates a text box with the end user's zip code using HTML5 geolocation when it is supported and authorized.
RelatedData CpScript This script will now generate navigation URLs instead of standard module details view URLs when the RelatedModule attribute points to a navigation item that is backed by a Module Designer record that relates to the Navigation (SiteMap) module and the Fields parameter contains ", SystemName".
Health Day > News This integration now appends additional specialty taxonomy if they exists in the source document.
Forms > Forms Wizard You can now view and edit your HTML in the Form in the Workflow tab of the wizard. Hidden Fields have been added to the wizard. There is now styled tooltips in the Name Your Form Fields tab.
Candidates CpControl A new optional WidthOfDetailTableCell1 parameter has been added to control the width of the first column. By default the width is 1% which may make it difficult to view in some browsers.
MediaElementsTree CpScript This new script renders a tree view of media elements to be dragged into the DocumentShellTree script.
PreviewRtfEditor CpScript This new script renders an image that links to a pop up of the RTF editor with the preview of the Document.
DocumentShellTree CpScript This new script renders a document tree view to be used within DITA Management.
ModuleContentTree CpScript This new can be used in the DITA Management Suite to show a tree view of records draggable into the document tree view.

Mon, Feb 1, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.7

Feature Summary
MobileEmulator CpScript This new script emulates a mobile device experience on the page where it is placed.
Broadcasts > Unsubscribed This new module lists all users that have unsubscribed from broadcasts and from which they have unsubscribed. It also provides tools to resubscribe users or unsubscribe new users.
ExtFancyBox CpScript This new extender script creates a responsive modal pop-up that can be used as a gallery/slideshow for multiple items, or one single popup for one.
TaxonomyGroupHeader CpScript A new HeaderOrderBy property has been added. This properties value will be inserted into the select command and used to order the header/group DIV elements.
FormHiddenField CpScript This script has been updated to support the population of the hidden field with a value from a cookie.
Comments > Configuration The "View More Comments" popup has been updated to support the UserName placeholder in the Thread > Item Content attribute.
Design > Data Sources An issue with the color options under Formatting > Formatting Options = "Timeline" has been addressed.
Admin > Properties Web Site System Name Replacement has been updated so that only one replacement character is used to replace multiple non-word characters in a row.

Mon, Jan 18, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.6

Feature Summary
Procedure Manuals > Policies Change Request Workflow Steps have been increased from 5 to 10 total for both Manuals and Policies. An issue has been resolved where placeholder scripts entered into module properties would display with empty values.
ExtChangeCookieValue CpScript This extender script has been updated to support a new Action parameter. It can be used to change the event that triggers the cookie to be updated.
SystemPageSearchTerm CpScript This new script was created to display the searched terms on the web site search. This script only works in Site Architecture > System Pages > Search > Results attributes.
Site Architecture > Site Wizard A Logo attribute has been added which populates the Company > Logo audience attribute. The address fields have also been updated to automatically populate the Company > GeoCode attribute when possible.
Forms > Forms Wizard The Add List Items Textareas for Drop Downs and Check Boxes now are enabled so that you can copy and paste them into other fields.The Taxonomy and Audience Selectors now have a more descriptive alert when not selecting a Root value and that DropDownList is now focused after the popup occurs. A more descriptive header was added to the Layout Your Form tab pages. Also, an issue was addressed when choosing 15 pages and being able to the Name Your Form Fields tab from Page 15. Mask Pattern has been added to the TextBox form fields so that the ExtMaskFormInput CpScript will be used on them.
Forms > Forms The Processing > File Creation feature has been updated to prevent a problem where dots (.) were exculded from Word, PDF, Excel, and PowerPoint documents.
jQuery & jQuery UI Versions Admin > Properties > Header Tags > jQuery & jQuery UI Versions has been updated making the previously Stable version Legacy and the previously Beta version Stable. If your sites are still using the Legacy version you should not install this update. If you discover problems after the update is installed you can switch to Legacy giving you time to resolve the problem then change back to Stable. If you are using the Design > jQuery UI Themes module it is recommended that you regenerate your themes on the latest version by following the instructions under the Theme attribute of each record.

Mon, Jan 4, 2016

Centralpoint Update 8.6.5

Feature Summary
jQuery & jQuery UI Versions Admin > Properties > Header Tags > jQuery & jQuery UI Versions has been updated so that you can test the Beta (next) version before it is released as the Stable version in the following update. Please test all custom jQuery and jQuery UI features by switching to Beta after installing this update then switch back to Stable once testing has been completed. If you are using the Design > jQuery UI Themes module you may have to create new themes for testing and switch back afterward.
ExtCodeView CpScript This script has been updated to repair a problem caused when anchor tags exist without an HREF property.
ExtAutoComplete Extender CpScript A new FilterIsFullTextIndexed property has been added which will filter out records with the IsFullTextIndexed attribute set to 0.
ExtFlyoutMenu Extender CpScript This new extender script creates a fly-out menu given the HTML id of a UL tag. This can be used in conjunction with the HtmlNavigation CpScript.
ExtStickyElement CpScript Added a new MaxTop property which can be used when you want to create a fixed element on a page with a fixed header.
TaxonomyGroupHeader CpScript Fixed browser compatibility issues with older versions of IE.
FormCheckboxCollectionHiddenField CpScript This new script creates a FormHiddenField to store the values for a check box collection.
Members New Contact > GeoCode and Auto Update GeoCode attributes have been added to this module. When Auto Update GeoCode is set to Yes the Contact address attributes will be used to generate a GeoCode and overwrite the value in the GeoCode attribute. The cpsys_Users table has also been updated to include GeoCode, Longitude, and Latitude fields to support these new attributes. All system features that update or insert users have also been updated to maintain values in the new fields.
TaxonomyFileExplorerView CpScript This new script displays a Taxonomy folder view that sends you to the Results View (#2) for a Taxonomy search when a folder is selected.

Mon, Dec 21, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.6.4

Feature Summary
Surveys > Surveys New "Use Google Charts to render charts" and "Users can view results of individual questions" options have been added to the Options attribute. Google Charts use JavaScript instead of Flash for mobile compatibility.
Forms > Processing > User Submission The user submission field map has been updated to support the DynamicRoles attribute.
FormUpload CpScript When an fdid is used in the query string for this CpScript and it is a valid ResourceId, the Design > Media Manager record will be replaced by the new upload. The old functionality replaced the resource with a new one.
Admin > Properties > Site Search Auto Complete A new Site Search Auto Complete attribute has been added and enabled by default. This cause all sites to look for the standard HTML site search text box and add an auto complete feature that works with records in the Advertising > Search Redirect module. Additional attributes are also provided to select non-standard HTML site search text boxes.
AdvertisingSearchRedirectDropDownList CpScript This new script will display Advertising > Search Redirect records in a drop down list. When an item is selected the user will be redirected to the related URL.
Data Transform > Data Transfer The Roles source and destination have been updated to support the DynamicIsEnabled attribute.
Form Wizard The Module Configuration XML has been modified to be more specific to the form field. Credit Card Field, Captcha, File Uploads, Signature Controls, and Text Boxes are saved as TextBoxes. Audience Selectors, Checkboxes, Dropdowns, Taxonomy Selectors, and Text Areas are saved as Text Areas. RTF Editors are saved as RTF Editors. Date Fields are saved a Date Time Picker.
Admin > Roles A new References grid has been added to the bottom of the update (form) view. It displays links to all records that reference the current role and may prevent it's deletion.
Editor Controls A custom dialog CSS file has been added to all RTF Editor attributes to repair the size of the Width and Height controls in the Table Wizard dialog.
ExtStickyElement CpScript This new extender script can be pointed to an HTML element to make it appear to stick within the visible window as it scrolls. The page will scroll until the top of the element is at the top of the page, and then it will stay at the top of the page and remain visible.
Master > Admin > Private Labels A new Login tab has been added and the Login Logo attribute has been moved from General. A new View attribute has been added with a Template option that allows you to control the majority of the HTML content of the client console login page. When a new private label is created it must be applied to individual sites using the Web Sites > [Web Site] > Details > Private Label attribute. New sites deployed as children of a private labeled site will inherit the private label automatically.
DashboardModule CpScript New RowDetailsHeader and RowDetailsUrlFormat parameters have been added to create links to each rows related Details View (#3).
jQuery & jQuery UI Versions Admin > Properties > Header Tags > jQuery & jQuery UI Versions has been updated so that you can test the Beta (next) version before it is released as the Stable version in the following update. Please test all custom jQuery and jQuery UI features by switching to Beta after installing this update then switch back to Stable once testing has been completed. If you are using the Design > jQuery UI Themes module you may have to create new themes for testing and switch back afterward.
ModuleDragAccordion & ResourceDragAccordion CpScripts The entire header is now clickable to expand the accordions. It will only display resource groups containing resources. ShowFormat, DragFormat, and OrderBy parameters have been added to the scripts, and a Priority attribute has been added to the Design > Media Manager module.
ColumnIfElse CpScript The ElseColumnName parameter has been updated to support the cpsys_Url constant when used on a Results View (#2) in the module designer.

Mon, Dec 7, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.6.3

Feature Summary
AttributeFileOutputLink CpScript This new script will take a DataId or multiple DataIds from an attribute in any module that references the Data Transform > File Output module and create the CpScript on the Details View (#3).
YahooMp3Player CpScript Yahoo! has stopped supporting this mp3 player so the script has been removed from Centralpoint. If you are using this script we recommend you switch to the jPlayer script.
Admin > Roles A new Dynamic attribute has been added to the Roles module. It is Disabled by default in all existing roles. This new attribute allows you to create roles that are dynamically assigned to each user as they are authenticated based upon values in their user properties. Enabling the Dynamic attribute displays a series of other attributes to generate a filter to determine to which users the role will apply. Due to performance considerations you must enable this feature for the entire site using Admin > Properties > Dynamic Roles Configuration and for each included Member using Members > Enable Dynamic Roles. An new Master > Content > Scheduled Tasks job called Apply Dynamic Roles has also been created to update user's roles daily so that dynamic roles can be utilized without authentication in tools like data broadcast.
EducationTestLink CpScript Two new properties, TestTakenCheck and SuccessMessage, have been added in order to show when a user has passed the test. The link will not display in this case, and instead a Success Message will display.
Design > Media Manager There References grid displayed at the bottom of the update (form) view has been updated to include Archived, Recently Deleted, History, and Draft references.
AudienceSelector CpScript A new IgnoreAudienceFromRoles property has been added. When enabled the selector will not include audiences added via the roles associated to the current user.
ModuleDragAccordion CpScript This new script was created to use any content module to create a dynamic accordion display that can be drag and dropped into form editors. The contents of the accordion and the results dropped into the editor are fully configurable.
TaxonomyGroupHeader CpScript The ParentTaxonomyId parameter has been updated to support a "cpsys_querystring:" constant. It should be followed by the name of the query string variable that will contain the Parent Taxonomy ID.
ExtendedVideo CpControl This control will now link a Content > Video Library > Video Type: None’s Thumbnail to its Details View (#3) when used in the Results View (#2). It will also show the module record attribute Thumbnail or the property NoThumbnailImagePath if the Video Type is set to None.
Reporting > Report Builder The height of the Select Command attribute's text area control has been increased.
Procedure Manuals > Policies Two new module properties have been added to replace a new ChangeRequestWorkflow placeholder in the Property PDF Generation FROM RTF Fields module property. This feature was designed show the Change Request Workflow attributes and User attributes that are part of each Workflow.
CheckInButton CpScript This script has been updated to reduce the number of available seats for a given event when configured.
Date/Time Searches The system has been updated to support MM/YYYY formatted keywords in all Date/Time searches. When the keyword is provided in this format and the search has been defined as a DateTime search and it will generate a filter to return records within that month and year. This change affects both front end and client console date/time searches.
FormReduceSeatsRemaining CpScript The EventID parameter has been updated to support a "cpsys_querystring:" constant. It should be followed by the name of the query string variable that will contain the Event ID.
Admin > RTF Editor The Configuration > Render Mode attribute has been removed. Only classic mode is currently supported due to the high level of customization of the editor tool bar. Although Auto and Lightweight modes were previously an option it always rendered in Classic mode so this change should not have a visual affect on the editor. New Bootstrap, Metro, and Metro Touch options have been added to Configuration > Skin. Tools > Track Changes has been removed. The obsolete TrackChangesDialog and DiffEngine classes have been removed by Telerik. If this tool is enabled it will display a warning message when clicked. The tool can be removed from the editor by resubmitting the Admin > RTF Editor module with no changes. New Convert To Upper, Convert To Lower, Real Font Size, Paste Strip, Style Builder, Insert Image, Image Map Dialog, Insert External Video, Insert Link, Justify None, and Format Code Block attributes have been added to Admin > RTF Editor > Tools. These tools are all disabled by default. All Editor Modules tab attributes have been updated to include a Visible option when enabled. The new Visible attributes control the default visibility of the modules within the editor.
Telerik Integration Upgrade The Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX integration has been upgraded to version 2015.3.1028 from October 2015. This upgrade will primarily affect the RTF Editor and File Upload controls found throughout Centralpoint. In this upgrade Telerik drops support for IE6 and picks up support for Microsoft Edge. A known Telerik issue with the editor module manager tool's property inspector option has been released with this update. If you are utilizing this feature a work-around has been outlined here: http://www.oxcyon.com/Integrations/Centralpoint/Articles/Article.aspx?id=4f2a57b9-045c-4db9-943d-efb61b88d08a.
Site Architecture > Module Designer > Photo Gallery New Header Content, Footer Content, and Empty Item Content attributes have been added to the Results View (#2) tab.
Console Update View All module update (form) views have been updated to use new font settings in text box, list box, text area, and RTF Editors. This also affects controls that utilize these controls like date time pickers. The in-line font size specified in CpTextBox and CpListBox controls has been removed and replaced with CSS in the console to facilitate this change. This may affect the font size in FormListBox and FormTextBox CpScripts and other scripts that utilize these controls.
DitaSpecializedElement CpScript This script has been updated to replace CpScripts within its content.
Forms > Forms Wizard The Width property for the form fields Text Boxes, Text Areas, Dates, Rtf Editors, Signatures, File Uploads, and Captcha Field in the tab Name Your Form Fields have all been removed when you select Configure Your Form > Please choose a display type > Simple HTML or CpScripts Only. Also an issue was addressed when choosing Configure Your Fields > Checkboxes/Radio Button Lists causing an empty drop down list to appear in the Name Your Form Fields tab.

Mon, Nov 23, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.6.2

DITA > Elements > Specialized ElementsA new property called Type has been created. It will now show in the Summary attribute of the DITASpecializedElement as either <Content> or <Data>.
ExtChangeCookieValue CpScriptThis new CpScript takes a jQuery selector, cookie name, and cookie value, and is used to change the value of the cookie upon the click even of the element targeted by the jQuery selector. It was designed to use the click event of elements on the page to automatically change the tab displayed using dynamic tabs.
MobileAddToHome CpScriptThe ImageUrl property has been updated to accept an empty value. When an empty value is provided the ImageUrl will be automatically retrieved from Design > Styles > Misc > Mobile Icon Download which is assumed to contain an image.
Design > StylesA new Misc > Mobile Icon Download attribute has been added to this module. The Misc tab is only available if you are using the default site type.
Site Architecture > NavigationThe URL attribute displayed when Page Type = URL or iFrame has been updated to support CpScripting. To facilitate this change validation has been removed from this attribute, but the resulting string must be a valid URL.
CustomFormItems CpScriptA new RecordAttributeValueFormDataId property has been added. When you are using Type = RecordAttributeValue and you pass the new property a form field that is a DataId it will show that DataId's record's attribute.
FormHiddenField CpScriptThe DefaultValue property supports a new 'cpsys_FormInfo:DataId' constant. It will insert the FormInfo.DataId if the FormInfo exists, otherwise it will generate a new GUID.
ExtDatePicker CpScriptA new DateTimeFormatIfEmpty property was added. It takes a date time format string which will be used if the control has no value by default.
PoliciesAndProceduresAccordion CpScriptThe ManualAppendFormat property now supports a 'cpsys_NewGuid' constant to insert a random GUID, and '/cpsys_Audience/' to insert the current Audience System Name.
Surverys > SurveysThe workflow has been updated to display a "thank you" message instead of appearing to do nothing if a survey is not set up to send users to the survey results upon completion.
OrderBy CpControlNew PleaseSelect and Options properties have been added to this control. The Options property will allow you to determine which options are available in the drop down list box. It accepts a comma separated list of these predefined options: Rank, Popularity, StartDate, Title, PriceAsc, PriceDesc, StartDateAsc, and None.
EditModeVisualEditor CpScriptAn issue has been addressed where a JavaScript error prevented the visual editor from collapsing when specifically formatted URLs existed on the page.
Design > Dynamic ScriptsThe Predefined Order attribute has been updated to include new Modify Data Ascending and Descending options. This required changes to the system *Order By keyword list which also affects the Admin > Syndication > Details > Predefined Order attribute. If you have developed any My Modules that use this keyword list the new options will appear. You can either implement these options or switch to a custom keyword list.
FormUpload CpScriptAn issue has been resolved that caused an error to occur when Type='Resource' and a file with the same name as an existing resource was uploaded.
Forms > Forms WizardThe Dropdownlist for Type SystemType now dynamically populates based on the Module, KeywordList, or TaxonomyTier. The Taxonomy and Audience Selector form fields now let you choose a Taxonomy or Audience, instead of have to type the Root System Name. When selecting that you are using a form to create a template, the Thank You Message RTF Editor is populated with the Template Download link. There is also a drop down list from the Ecommerce Merchants module for the Credit Card Fields form field.
Forms > FormsNew Processing > File Creation = Template > Template Form Group and Template File Output Name attributes have been added. Template Form Group allows you to specify the form group used to retrieve the Template Form Field values in curly brackets. Template File Output Name was added to support predictable file names for use in other processing sections.
Form CpScriptsA new ResourceFormInfo constant has been added to the DefaultValue property of all standard form scripts. When the FDID query string variable is in use and contains a ResourceId as opposed to a DataId you can set defaultValue='cpsys_Constant:ResourceFormInfo:AttributeSystemName' to access an attribute of the related resource.
FormReduceSeatsRemaining CpScriptThis new CpScript registers a form pre-processor update the current number of seats on the page before it is processed. It can be used to resolve issues with concurrent submissions in high traffic sites.
Development > ToolboxThe toolbox itself has been updated to ignore the "Default Group" module property and default to "Form Scripts" in all modules that start with the word "Forms".

Mon, Nov 9, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.6.1

Data Transform > File OutputAn External Link attribute has been created to use this feature in non-Centralpoint sites.
UserInfo CpScriptThe Preview property is now supported in Roles, Audiences, CdaAudiences, all Properties, and all Configuration.
DITA Module SuiteThe Darwin Information Typing Architecture Module Suite has been developed to reuse content across multiple documents. It contains a Module Suite called Documents & Collections that contains these modules: Collections, Document Shells, Documents, and Vocabulary. It also contains a Module Suite called Elements that contains these modules: Generalized Elements and Specialized Elements. The Specialized Elements Module has been developed with a CpScript attribute that will render the CpScript DITASpecializedElement to show content based on Centralpoint's System Filters.
Master > Content > Scheduled TasksA new "Archive Data" option has been added to the Job attribute. It allows you to schedule the archival or deletion of records in standard modules. It can be configured to archive per site and module, as well as filter the records to be archived by date or a custom filter.
FormNavitgationItemSelector CpScriptThis new form script allows a user to select a parent navigation item. It has a built in validator to ensure that the current navigation item is not able to be selected upon submission of the form.
Procedure Manuals > PoliciesThe Change Request Workflow now supports the a signature control that is Internet Explorer 11 compatible. In order to use this, you must set the Site Architecture > Module Designer > Details Versions View > Change Request Custom Properties to Yes and the Use Super Signature Control to Yes.
ResourceDragAccordion CpScriptThis script now shows the image underneath the accordion when your mouse hovers over the name of the resource.
TaxonomyGroupHeader CpScriptNew ChildrenOnly and ShowTaxonomySearchFor properties have been added to this script. ChildrenOnly can be used to eliminate the parent taxonomy item group. ShowTaxonomySearchedFor can be used to only show the records matching the taxonomy you are currently searching against.
Master > Deployment > Web SitesThe database restore used during deployment from a parent site or backup has been updated to replace instead of recover which results in a faster restore.
DocScores CpScriptThis new script was created to renders the Doc Scores API on the Details View (#3) of a record.
Column & Attribute CpScriptsA new ReplaceCpsysAudience property has been added which will replace "/cpsys_audience/" with the current audience. If it is set to Yes and the resulting value starts with "/cpsys_audience/" after all other formatting, replacements, and truncation the replacement will occur.
Admin > Error Messages/RedirectsThe errors returned by records with Type = "Message" have been updated to maintain the status code during transfers. This change could reduce soft 404 errors and improve SEO.
ColumnIfElse CpScriptThis new script takes an IfColumnName property, runs it through the same logic that the Column script runs, and if it returns a null or empty value it will then take the ElseColumnName property and run that through the Column CpScript logic and return that value instead.
Forms > Forms WizardThe words 'In Use' in red have been added to drop down lists that have fields already selected in the Layout Your Form tab. A pop up window has also been added for Add List Items for the drop down and check box list form fields.
Broadcasts > BroadcastsThe Recipients > Soruce = "Current Web Site" option has been updated to support user personalization.
Forms > FormsA new Processing > Copy Record attribute has been added. It can be used to generate a copy of an existing record by DataId when a form is submitted. The Processing > File Creation = "Template" option has also been updated to check for illegal characters that caused errors.
Design > Data SourcesA new Excel File option has been added to Formatting > Formatting Options. It will allow you to upload a template Excel file, and set the properties in the Data Source to output into the Excel as rows and columns in the location you choose. CpScripting is also supported in other areas of the Excel file.
Design > Dynamic Tab DisplayAn issues has been resolved where after submitting a form in a dynamic tab the cookie would disappear and therefore cause the user to lose their current tab. This has also been updated to work when switching users.
FormTemplateDownload CpScriptCreated new optional DownloadType property has been added. You can automatically download the file, automatically download the file as well as delete, and perform the default action of a normal download. Files will start automatically start downloading after five seconds.
ProximitySearchHandler CpControlAn issue was addressed when using this control without a value in the UseFullAddress property.
Pager CpControlThe Previous and Next anchor tags now have classes on them to differentiate from the rest of the page links.

Sun, Oct 25, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.6.0

Site Architecture > Module DesignerThe default values have been updated when creating new records related to the Generic Enhanced and Navigation modules.
DashboardModule CpScriptNew DisplayEndDate, DisplayStatus, and DisplayAudiences properties have been added control the display of elements on the grid view.
Data Transform > Data Sources & Dynamic ScriptsA new Carousel option has been added to Data Sources > Formatting > Formatting Options and Dynamic Scripts > Details > Formatting Options. It supports 2D and 3D versions of a "carousel" where images will appear to be spinning in a circle to the user. 2D and 3D versions of "flow" where images will be lined up in the background and have the current image pop up in front. A 2D Basic mode which flips through the images one at a time. And finally a "Hero" mode which lets you have a image on the left and a chunk of text on the right.
Design > StylesThe following new attributes have been added to the Icons tab: Edit Record, Delete Record, Add New Record, Review Record, Mobile Phone Icon, and Mobile Menu Icon.
FormState CpScriptA new EmptyValueDelimited property has been enabled. If it is set to Yes the EmptyValue property should contain a list of values comma separated values. All of the values in this list will return an empty string if it matches the value of the form control.
TaxonomyGroupHeader CpScriptThis script has been updated to support a comma separated list of values in the ParentTaxonomy parameter. This allows you to group taxonomy by additional criteria.
ResourceDragAccordion CpScriptThis new script has been created to create a dynamic accordion display of resources. They are organized using Design > Media Manager > Grouping > Groups, and can be dragged and dropped into editors.
FormUniqueFieldsValidator CpScriptThis new script can be used to ensure that the combination of two provided fields is unique in a specified database table.
DashboardSaveAndNewFormButton CpScriptThis new script can be used to create a form save button that will save a dashboard record and open a new one. The button determines how it will function based on the value selected in the Members or Administrators > Personalization > Display Save+New Button selection.
MembersNew View Comments, Show History and Show Notes Between Editors attributes have been added to the Configuration tab.
DashboardEditRecord CpScriptThis new script will disable a form Submit button if the current member does not have front end access to the current audience.
RenderScriptBasedOnValue CpScriptThis new script can be used to execute either a DataSource or Users script based upon a value in a property of the script. All other properties of the script will be applied to either the DataSource or Users script.
Procedure Manuals > PoliciesThis custom GetPoliciesInManual method has been updated to accept an XML parameter where you can specify the ManualId.
FormsThe General > Page Type = "Module Attributes" client console attribute has been updated to address an issue with nested attribute switches. An issue has also addressed been addressed when creating Resource FormUpload CpScripts from "Module Attributes". The General > Completed = "Redirect" > Redirect URL attribute has also been updated to support the cpsys_Audience constant.
Design > Media ManagerA new tab called Grouping tab has been added. It contains a single Group attribute which refers to an keyword list that supports custom keywords in each web site. This attribute can be used to group resources for custom rendering via scripting and data sources.
EducationCertificateLink CpScriptA new Landscape property has been added to render the PDF in Landscape as opposed to Portrait orientation.
CpControl ProximitySearchHandlerA new UseFullAddress property has been added. If it is enabled and the Form IDs are in use the search will use the full address as opposed to the zip code only.
FormAudience CpScriptA FilterByAccessibleAudiences property has been added to only display the Audiences that are accessible to the current member on the front end of the site.
Site Architecture > NavigationA new Translated Attributes module property has been added. It can be used to select the navigation attributes that should be translated as the site map is built. You must click "Restart Application" in the client console left nav to see Site Architecture > Translations changes made to affect the navigation due to advanced caching for performance.
Data TransformThe Data Transfer module in the client console has been renamed Data Transform. Copies of the following modules have been created as children of the Data Transform module: Design > Data Sources, Data Transfer, Members > Dashboards, Design > Dynamic Scripts, Admin > Search All Modules, and Admin > Syndication. New XML Conversion and File Output modules have also been created as children.
Forms > Forms WizardA Required Field Error Message property has been added to all form fields that can be required on a form. Also all CpScripts render only the properties that are required for it to function. An issue was also addressed when unchecking the checkbox for Populate User Info and the DefaultValue of CpScripts still being populated. The loading screen image has also been changed to 50 percent of its size, as well as fixes to pop-ups that were not firing in certain situations. Formatting has also been added to the Data Source output to be more manageable. Spelling errors in UI were corrected. RtfEditors are now showing in Data Source Report without the text cpsys_EditorHtmlEncoded: in front of the value.
Design > Data SourcesThe Select Command Builder > Styles > Grid View option has been updated to include a new Link To Title attribute. It can be used to automatically link the title of the record to the record details view.
Data Transform > File OutputThis new module has been created to generate customized documents from template documents.
Stats > ClicksThe Port attribute stored under Page Options... > Show/Hide Properties has been changed from a SmallInt to an Int.
Admin > SettingsA web.config clean up utility has been added after the configuration settings are saved with the minimal property to ensure that required elements like compilation targetFramework="4.5.2" are retained.
Centralpoint InstallerCentralpoint now supports installations on the following server configurations: Windows Server 2008 & SQL Server 2008, Windows Server 2012 & SQL Server 2012, and Windows Server 2012 & SQL Server 2014.

Mon, Oct 12, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.5.3

MembersThe Configuration > Login Redirect URL attribute has been updated to support CpScripting.
EducationCertificateLink CpScriptA new PDF property is now supported. When set to a value of 1 the script will provide a link to download the certificate in the History view as a PDF.
Data Transfer > XML ConversionThis new module will read complex XML files and try to generate a relational structure as separate related Excel files. This Utility may not work appropriately with all XML formats and may require a change of the source XML in order for the generated files to work with Data Transfer.
Forms > Forms WizardThere are now 3 Display Types to choose from in the Configure Your Form tab: Defined Styles, Simple HTML and CpScripts Only. A Text Area form field has been added in addition to the regular Text Box form field. There is also a Loading Pop Up between views.
HTML5 Media SupportWe have updated the way we handle mp4, webm, and ogv video files as well as mp3, wav, and ogg files for audio. All these file extensions are able to use HTML5 tags to enable playback in the browser with no need for any plugins. If the new audio or video tags are not supported and it was a format that was supported by windows media player (the old default player) then we would populate that player instead in order to give backwards capabilities for IE users. If it is not a extension which was supported by windows media player then we give the user an option to download the file for watching/listening.
Forms > FormsA new Force Current CDA Audience attribute is now available when Processing > User Submission = Yes. It can be used to disable the system feature which automatically applies the current audience to users created using forms management.
AjaxDataSource CpScriptA new "cpsys_Column:" prefix is now supported in the TriggerSelector and is expected to be followed by the system name of a column containing a unique value. This property is necessary when an AjaxDataSource is included in a repeated item content attribute where the same data source renders repeatedly.
PdfIcon CpScriptAdd new Text property has been added to change the download link from an image to plain text.
AudienceInfo CpScriptAn issue with how this script rendered in the script designer and editor preview has been addressed.
Console Update ViewAll module update (form) views have been updated to improve the tab order. Many of the non-input controls have been excluded from the tab order. The form has also been enhanced to focus on the first standard (non-editor) input element initially, and attribute switches have been updated to property retain focus after an AJAX post back.

Sun, Sep 27, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.5.2

Data Transfer Audience CpScriptA new ReturnIdOnly property has been added. When set to 'true' the script will return the Audience Id without the IsCda or IsConsole properties attached.
Content > Code SamplesThis new module was created to manage source code samples and demonstrations.
ViewCodeSnippet CpScriptThis new CpScript takes an attribute system name and renders the contents using source code formatting.
Design > Data SourcesA new 'Link Title to Record' attribute has been added when Formatting > Formatting Options = 'Timeline'. If you have included the DataId and AutoNumber fields in Attributes > Select Command the Title will be automatically linked to the related record.
Development > All Modules > Search & ReplaceWhen Module = 'Search All Modules' a new Excluded Modules attribute appears with Data Transfer and Data Broadcast selected by default. Search and replace over these modules should be considered carefully because it can cause the execution of records scheduled to execute once.
Content > Generic Enhanced A - ZA new Dynamic Attribute Population module property has been added. When enabled it allows you to map the contents from custom attributes into standard attributes that are stored in relation fields. This change permits a higher level of customization of generic attributes and will provide more options for performance improvements in existing generic enhanced modules.
Development > All Modules > Create Template RecordA new Create Template Record Utility has been added. It can be used to generate an Admin > Template Gallery record from an existing record using its Data Id. The generated template gallery record can be sync'd if created in a Development site or used to recreate a record in a client site.
Site Architecture > NavigationCpScripting is now supported in the Header Tags > Keywords attribute.
ExtCodeView CpScriptThis new extender CpScript takes a jQuery selector and formats the contents of the selected element using source code formatting.
Content > EventsAn issue that caused Saturday's events to be excluded from the Week View has been resolved.
NavigationTier CpScriptA new {6} constant has been added to the Format parameter. It will add the text 'child-of-parent-selected' if the current page is a descendant of that parent.
Design > Dynamic Tab DisplayThis module has been updated to support 20 tabs. Tab Type = 'jQuery Accordion' option has also been updated to support a 'tab' query string variable. If you put ?tab=2 in the URL it will open up the accordion to the second tab.

Sun, Sep 13, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.5.1

Feature Summary
Admin > Properties > Web Site Generated URL Casing An issue was addressed when using this property and URLs not being affected. Also, an issue was resolved with FormButtons using this functionality and returning an error.
AlpahNav CpControl This control has been updated to add a ‘selected’ class after clicking a letter, an ‘over’ class when the mouse hovers over a letter, and the ‘cpsty_alphaNav’ class has been added to all anchor tags. An issue has also been addressed which caused an incorrect tooltip to be displayed on a previously visited link.
Attribute/Column CpScripts A new 'cpsys_Empty' constant can now be placed in the ReplaceText property in order to replace an empty value with the ReplaceWith properties value.
Blogs > Topics A new attribute was added to Site Architecture > Module Designer > Blogger called Filter By System Date. When enabled the blogger's topics will be filtered using the standard Centralpoint date filter.
Data Transfer CreateResource CpScript This new data transfer script was created to dynamically generate new resources from any file in the file system. This script was designed to create new resources and will not update existing resources.
Data Transfer FileReadAllText CpScript The default case has been changed to return an empty string for all unsupported extensions. It now only supports the following file extensions: .txt, .csv, .tab, .htm, .html, .css, .xhtml, and .md. Other valid text extensions can be added upon request.
Data Transfer GetRandomFileName CpScript This new data transfer script can be used to generate random file names.
Design > Data Sources A new Formatting > Formatting Options = Timeline option has been created in order to generate a time line using any module.
Design > File Manager This new module was created to provide administrative access to the Root/Uploads directory.
ExtClickTracking CpScript This new script was created to update all anchor HRef property on a page to point to Click.aspx dynamically. It can be done on any page or for all pages using Admin > Properties > Header Content. It also utilizes a property to pass in a jQuery selector so it can only affect the specified HTML elements.
ExtCpsysMemory CpScript This new script was developed to add Centralpoints ‘cpsys’ JSON object to a cookie automatically and update Details View (#3) links to include a query string variable that references that cookie. This can be used when custom code is added to the Details View (#3) that looks for the cookie when the query string variable exists and uses those values.
FormRadioButtonList/FormListBox CpScripts A new RememberEmptiedMultiSelector property has been added. This property can be enabled to prevent a rare problem caused when optional multi select lists are placed on multiple post backs and all selections are removed during a post back. Without this option set you may find that the removed options reappear.
FormRangeValidator CpScript This CpScript now supports a new Required property. If this is set to false, the validator will not fire if the ItemToValidate is empty.
NavigationTier CpScript This script now supports 2 new properties: ShowSubNavigationHtml and SubNavigationItemFormat. These two properties will allow you to put Sub Navigation HTML into the list of navigation items as content.
Publishing > Articles A new Resource Content attribute has been added to the Module Configuration. When configured it will store the data of the document uploaded so that it may can be searched.
RTF Editor > Media Manager We have updated the Media Manager within the RTF Editor so as to overload the HTML when you are attempting to add an HTML5 supported file extension (.ogv, .mp4, and .webm for video and .ogg, .mp3, .wav for audio *Support for these may vary depending on the browser) to create the new HTML5 syntax for the appropriate player.
Site Architecture > System Pages > Search An issue was addressed where the Search Footer Content wasn't showing on the search landing page.
Web.Config Changes This update will add MIME types for HTML5 video and audio file extensions to all Root/Web.Config files (Master and WebSites) if they do not already exist: .ogg, .ogv, .mp4, and .webm.

Sun, Aug 16, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.5.0

Feature Summary
.NET Framework 4.5 All Centralpoint sites have been updated to utilize the .NET Framework 4.5.2. The .NET Framework 4.5.2 must be manually installed on your server before this update can be installed. Each site’s web.config file will be automatically backed up in the Backups folder before it is modified to target the new framework. All My Module developers will have to upgrade Visual Studio 2013 projects to the .NET Framework 4.5.2. Just right click the project and select Property Pages. Then select Build in the left navigation and change the Target Framework to .NET Framework 4.5.2. Click OK to apply your changes, save the Visual Studio project and restart Visual Studio. You may also choose to delete and recreate your Visual Studio project and it should automatically default to the appropriate version of the .NET Framework. If you are using an earlier version of Visual Studio you should either upgrade or develop by dropping files into the editor, but without using a project. If you have added any of your own components we suggest you install this update and test your components in your Development site before syncing the changes your other sites. * Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 Developer Pack: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=42637 * Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 (Web Installer): http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=42643 * Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 (Offline Installer): http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=42642
Admin > Properties Two new attributes have been added when File Upload Type = File Explorer: File Explorer Enable Filter Text Box and File Explorer Filter TextBox Label. These attibutes are designed to filter files so they are easier to find in Design > File Manager and all File Upload controls.
Content > Document Library A new module has been developed specifically designed for Document Libraries. It provides tools to search through documents and check which one(s) you want to download.
Content > Photo Gallery A new module has been developed specifically designed for Photo Galleries. It introduces a new functionality that allows you to set a custom attribute for the File Upload in order to point it to a different file system folder.
Data Transfer Column CpScript A new RegEx parameter has been added. It will take regular expression pattern which can be used to extract a portion of the text.
Design > Styles A new attribute in iFrame Styles attribute has been added to the Global tab. This will let you style all of the front end form controls that use iFrames to rende. They include these CpScripts: FormAudience, FormDataListBox, FormEditor, FormPagedListBox, and FormTaxonomy.
ExtHighlightKeywords CpScript This new extender script has been created to highlight keywords.
ExtRadioButtonUnCheck CpScript This new extender script can be used to allow end users to uncheck a radio button selection.
ExtTextAreaLineBreakReplacer CpScript This new extender can be used to convert return characters within a text area to HTML BR tags when the form is submitted.
Gamification A new Limit attribute has been added. It can be used to set the maximum number of users in the Data Source. Design > Data Sources > Gamification > Fields has also been extended to let you use Email, LastLoginDate fields, and you can get to all of the User Properties by using the Column CpScript like this: [cp:scripting key='Column' name='cpsys_Attributes:PROPERTY_SYSTEM_NAME' /].
Module Configuration > Keyword Relation Fields This new module configuration is now available in all modules. It can be used to mark relation fields (columns) that should be treated as keywords when searched using form state or query string searches. In order for this feature to work, Search Criteria Recording must be enabled via Module Properties in the related module. By default Title field searches are recorded as keywords in all modules, and some other fields have been specified for modules like Physician Directory.
Procedure Manuals > Policies The Alternative Url Attribute module property has been added to this module.
Site Architecture > System Pages > Account Activation The Send Password Change Email Body attribute now has a new format string supported for Verification Code. If you are using this to hard code a URL, you must include this as the url: http://domain_name/audience_system_name/Login.aspx?change={2}
Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP) Centralpoint is releasing a series of asynchronous database methods alongside the .NET Framework 4.5 to support the async and await keywords. A demonstration of these methods has also been added to the SDK.

Sun, Jul 26, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.4.71

Feature Summary
.NET Framework 4.5 Centralpoint will be updated to utilize the .NET Framework 4.5 as part the update after this one (version 8.5.0). It is a highly compatible, in-place update to the .NET Framework 4 which delivers better performance, reliability, and security. This is the last update that Windows Server 2003 installations will receive because they do not support the .NET Framework 4.5, but they will continue to work as they do now. Microsoft is also ending support for Windows Server 2003 this month so we recommend upgrading to Windows Server 2008 in advance. The .NET Framework 4.5.2 must be installed on your servers manually using the links below before Centralpoint version 8.5.0 will install. The installation of this framework may create "aspnet_client" folders in the Root or Console folders on the server. These directories should be manually deleted to prevent problems with the sync. My Module developers will also be required to upgrade to Visual Studio 2012 or 2013 before installing version 8.5.0 because Visual Studio 2010 does not support the .NET Framework 4.5. Windows Server 2012 and SQL Server 2012 support will be released in the months following version 8.5.0 * Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 (Web Installer): http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=42643 * Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 (Offline Installer): http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=42642 * Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 Developer Pack: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=42637
Admin > Properties The Web Site Generated URL Casing property is now utilized with the cpsys_Audience constant throughout the system.
Client Console Toolbox The help icon in the upper right hand corner of the form view of all modules will turn white when the new toolbox is available. Clicking the white help icon will slide open the toolbox which is automatically populated with scripts that may work in the current module or module designer view. Each tool contains a description when you hover over the tool, a preview when you drag the tool, and the source is inserted when you drop the tool into an HTML editor, text area, or text box. Over 200 scripts have been documented and included in the toolbox and more are coming in upcoming syncs. A new Development > Toolbox module has also been created to allow administrators to create custom tools and add them to the toolbox. More information on how to use this module can be found in the module help file.
Comments CpControl A new DisplayFormOnTop parameter has been added. When set to true the comments form will render above the thread.
Content > Generic (Enhanced) A - Z The Resource Content Attributes module property has been updated to handle .pptx, .ppt, .pps, .xls, .xlsx, .csv, & .tsv files. Some performance enhancements have also been added.
Content > Video Library A new control ExtendedVideo has been added that will work in the Results or Details View of the Module Designer for this module. This shows a thumbnail of the video and used the ExtTooltipster and the ExtLightBox functionalities together to show the video.
Data Transfer FileReadAllText CpScript This script has been updated to extract text from PPT, PPS and PPTX files.
Data Transfer Keywords CpScript This script has been updated to support the UseDefaultValueOnUpdates property.
DataTableValue CpScript This new script will retrieve an XML value from a column or attribute, generate a Data Table and render it as HTML using a Data Source. This script is currently only used with attributes populated by custom imports.
Design > Data Sources The attribute Cache Duration now applies to all Data Source types. It used to cache only Connection String and Current Website. There is also a new Module Cache functionality in under Current Web Site. It supports Audience, Role, and Date specific caching.
Development > Import Utilities A new Replace Old URL utility has been created.
FormState CpScript Changed functionality around so that if "\n" is placed into the ReplaceText parameter it will replace any combination of newline characters (carriage return & new line, new line & carriage return, carriage return, newline) with the text placed in the ReplaceWith parameter.
Gamification A new Module suite has been developed called Gamification. You can configure your Gamification date filters and mulitpliers in that module, then use Design > Data Sources > Data Source option Gamification to format and display the output.
HtmlNavigation CpScript An additional ItemFormat parameter has been added for the DataId {5}.
HtmlOutput CpScript This script has been updated to support the cpsys_LBrac and cpsys_RBrac constants.

Sun, Jul 12, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.4.70

Feature Summary
.NET Framework 4.5 Centralpoint will be updated to utilize the .NET Framework 4.5 within the next few updates with the release of version 8.5.0. It is a highly compatible, in-place update to the .NET Framework 4 which delivers better performance, reliability, and security. Windows Server 2003 installations will not receive this update because they do not support the .NET Framework 4.5, but they will continue to work as they do now. Microsoft is also ending support for Windows Server 2003 this month so we recommend upgrading to Windows Server 2008 in advance. The .NET Framework 4.5.2 must be installed on your servers manually using the links below before Centralpoint version 8.5.0 will install. The installation of this framework may create "aspnet_client" folders in the Root or Console folders on the server. These directories should be manually deleted to prevent problems with the sync. My Module developers will also be required to upgrade to Visual Studio 2012 or 2013 before installing version 8.5.0 because Visual Studio 2010 does not support the .NET Framework 4.5. Windows Server 2012 and SQL Server 2012 support be released in the months following version 8.5.0. * Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 (Web Installer) * Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 (Offline Installer) * Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 Developer Pack
Design > Data Sources A new attribute called Exclude Replies has been included in the Twitter User Timeline. This will exclude all twitter replies with a User Timeline feed.
FormPaymentPayPal CpScript This script has been updated to support country codes. By default the script will use the country code USA. If you need to pass different country code you must create a form control with formId = Billing_Country_Code. The value of that control will be passed to PayPal.
Forms Management A new Template Form Fields attribute has been added to the File Creation > Template feature. This will show you all of your form fields so that you can copy and paste them into a document. This attribute will populate after a save of the record.
SearchTerm CpControl We have added support to show taxonomy description when users are searching by taxonomy in single or multi mode. Also added various formatting functions in order to enable people to format the data however they need to.

Sun, Jun 28, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.4.69

Feature Summary
Admin > Robots.txt This new module was created to provide the ability to edit the Root/Robots.txt from within the client console.
Design > Data Sources An issue was address when a feed used https in the link address in the contents with Data Source = Twitter.
ExtTable CpScript A new CustomCssFile property has been added.

Sun, Jun 14, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.4.68

Feature Summary
Admin > RTF Editor A new Tools > Script Designer option has been added and enabled by default. This will create a Script Designer tool in the RTF Editor tool bar in all modules just to the left of Insert Table. If the attribute does not support scripting it will be faded and warn the user but will still be available. Clicking it will bring up a dialog which allows you to select and design a script from a list of scripts that was created specifically for the current module or module designer view. We now have over 100 scripts documented and included in the Script Designer and more will be included in upcoming sync's. If you are using the Script Highlighting personalization option you can also right-cilck a highlighted script and select the new Script Designer dialog from the context menu to edit or replace that script. You can also click Script Designer in the tool bar when the cursor is in a highlighted script to edit or replace that script.
Content > Generic Enhanced M - Z As issue was addressed when sorting Generic Enhanced modules M through Z.
CurrentDate CpScript A new ConvertToUtc property has been added to show the current UTC date and time.
Design > Dynamic Tab Display Three new options have been added to the Tab Types attribute: jQuery Accordion, Custom Tab, and Custom Accordion.
Education > Courses A new CpScript attribute has been added. It will be populated with a new EducationTestLink CpScript when the course is submitted. This CpScript can be used to create a direct link to the Test for the Course.
ExtTextArea CpScript This new extender script can be pointed to a text area to cause it to automatically expand as the user types.
FireDefaultButton CpScript An issue was addressed when using this CpScript on the page and pressing the enter key while the cursor was in a text area.
Forms Management The Form > Processing > File Creation > Template feature now supports images.
HtmlOutput CpScript This CpScript now supports the cpsys_Audience constant. Using this will replace the constant with the current Audience SystemName.
Procedure Manuals > Policies, Content > Generic & Generic Enhanced The Summary Attribute module configuration has been updated to support attributes containing text generated from uploaded files.

Sun, May 31, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.4.67

Feature Summary
ColumnFriendlyUrl CpScript A new VerifyRole property has been added. If this is set to false, it will not verify that the user's roles have access to the Navigation record.
Data Transfer ReTransformAdamContent CpScript This script will re-execute the transformation for the ADAM XML against the new XSLT to update the HTML.
ExtAutoComplete CpScript A new LookupType property has been added. This optional property supports two values: StartsWith (default) and Contains.
FormDataListBox CpScript This new CpScript will display a list of Module records for selection and will return their DataId(s).
FormPagedListBox CpScript This new CpScript will display database table records for selection and will return any value field.
Forms Management A new QueryString cpsys_Constant is supported by the DefaulValue property of form controls.
Forms Management Page Type > Module Attributes now supports the new controls Form Data List Box and Form Page List Box.
FormSignature CpScript Displays a signature control on the page and generates hidden fields for UserId, UserName and SignDate. The IDs of these additional controls will be post-fixed with _UserId, _UserName, _SignDate.

Sun, May 17, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.4.66

Feature Summary
Advertising > Advertisers A new "Wallpaper" Content Type has been added. When selected you can upload an image which will be applied to the background of the page. Wallpaper may not display as expected in IE 8 and below.
CurrentUrl CpScript A new UrlEncode property has been added.
Data Transfer A new "SQL Server" option has been added to this Source & Destination > Destination attribute. This new destination will let you import into custom tables added to your SQL database.
Data Transfer GenerateSystemName CpScript This script will now checks the Admin > Properties > Web Site System Name Space Replacement attribute and replaces spaces with the selected character.
MediaToImage CpScript A new ManualSiteMapSystemName property has been added. It can be set to the site map system name of the Policies and Procedures navigation item. When it has a value, and the SourceAttribute or Column property returns a Procedural Manuals DataId, it will return the image of the combined Policies for that Manual.
PoliciesAndProceduresAccordion CpScript This script will display an ordered list of Procedure Manuals and their Policies within an accordion.
QueryString CpScript New HtmlEncode, UrlEncode, and UrlDecode properties have been added.
Reporting > Report Builder An issue was addressed when using System Filters > Automatic in the Select Command Builder for this module.

Sun, May 3, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.4.65

Feature Summary
CartDownloadDigitalItems CpScript A new Format property has been added.
Data Transfer A new Source & Destination > Source > Excel (Aspose) option has been added. It works much like Excel (OLE DB), but with better support for mixed data type columns in medium or small data sets.
Data Transfer Column CpScript This script has been updated to support a new Export property. When set to ‘true’ a directory will be created alongside the export containing any Uploads files referenced in the column. When the Source & Destination > Destination Compress File property is set to Yes this new directory will be included in the compressed export file, otherwise it will be left in the site’s Uploads directory. This features includes Uploads, but not Resources to protect resource security.
Data Transfer IfElseColumn CpScript This script supports all Column CpScript properties, but uses two column name properties. If the column specified in the IfColumn property does not exist it uses ElseColumn instead.
Design > Data Sources The Select Command Builder now has their Vertical and Horizontal options modified to be more uniform using DIVs, CSS, and JavaScript. The GridView option now is using the ExtTable CpScript.
Design > Dynamic Scripts A new Formatting > Abstract Icon Position attribute has been added.
Members A new Contact > Photo attribute has been added to Members and Site Architecture > Administrators.

Sun, Apr 19, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.4.64

Feature Summary
Admin > Properties A new Header Tags > Register CpButton Styles attribute has been added. When changed to No the system will not register the Master > Admin > Private Labeling > Form View > Form Button Style & Form Button Hover Style values on the web site. These styles will still be registered in consoles. The CpButton and CpButtonHover class elements will still be applied to the buttons, but they will no longer have styles associated. You can either ignore the CSS classes or use them to style these elements manually.
Column CpScript A new Module property has been added which can be set to the system name of the console navigation item that should be loaded as the current module when preview is set to 'true'. It is only necessary when the Column script is used in a data source which relates to one module, but the data source is placed on a different module which doesn't contain the previewed attribute.
Data Transfer A new RSS/Atom option has been added to the Source & Destination > Source attribute.
Data Transfer A new ADAM option has been added to the Source & Destination > Source attribute.
Design > Data Sources An issue was addressed when using the Data Source > Twitter and broken links were causing HTML to display.
Design > Data Sources The Select Command Builder now has additional attributes. There is an Automatic System Filter and Formatting Options that will enable the user to place the new attributes Styles, Template Content, and Item Content into a Raw HTML Data Source.
Design > Dynamic Scripts A Formatting > Rendering Mode attribute has been added which will render the Dynamic Script in either an HTML Table or Div.
Education > Questions Issues were addressed when using commas in when Control Type = Multi Select and when using check boxes.
FormRadioButtonList & FormListBox CpScripts A new Translate property has been added for use when SystemType=’KeywordList’. When set to ‘yes’ the keyword text will automatically be translated using Site Architecture > Translations.
Forms > Forms A new Template attribute has been added to Processing > File Creation. It allows you upload a file containing placeholders in the form: {FormIdGoesHere}. These placeholders will be replaced with values from the form and converted into a document which will be saved in Form > Results > File Output.
FormTemplateDownload CpScript This new script can be used with Forms > Processing > File Creation > Template to display a link to download the file on the form.
JPlayer CpScript This script has been updated to consider multiple files when using CurrentInfo with the FileUrl property. CurrentInfo support has been added to the Poster property.

Mon, Apr 6, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.4.63

Feature Summary
CheckInButton CpScript This new script adds a check-in button to a page. On click it modifies a value in a module and reloads the page to display a checked-in message.
Education > Courses An issue was addressed when validators were not firing for Radio Button Lists and Form List Boxes.
ExtPagination CpScript An issue was addressed where the pager was not showing the number of items correctly.
FormAddToCartButton CpScript This script has been updated to return nothing when placed on a module that has not enabled Ecommerce.
Forms > Forms Page Type > Module Attributes (Automatic) now supports a new attribute, Columns to Display. This will show the form in a one or two column display.
JPlayer CpScript The ScriptType property is no longer case sensitive.
NavigationTier CpScript The Format property now accepts {5} which will write 'parent-selected' when the parent navigation is the current navigation page.
SearchTerm CpControl An issue was addressed with the Search Term result count when using the ModulePageOverrides CpControl.
Surveys > Surveys This module has been updated to include the comments in the email when “Users can write comments for this survey” is checked within the Options attribute and Email Results is set to Yes. The CC Email Address and BCC Email Address attributes have also been updated to support multiple addresses.

Sun, Mar 22, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.4.62

Feature Summary
.NET Framework 4.5 Centralpoint will be updated to utilize the .NET Framework 4.5 this July with the release of version 8.5.0. It is a highly compatible, in-place update to the .NET Framework 4 which delivers better performance, reliability, and security. Windows Server 2003 installations will not receive this update because they do not support the .NET Framework 4.5, but they will continue to work as they do now. Microsoft is also ending support for Windows Server 2003 in July so we recommend upgrading to Windows Server 2008 in advance. The .NET Framework 4.5.2 must be installed on your server manually before Centralpoint version 8.5.0 will install, but we do not recommend installing it yet. Because it is an in-place update that replaces the .NET Framework 4 some changes could occur with your sites before the update that utilizes the new framework is released. We will preparing the sites to prevent problems with that installation over the next few months, and will add a sync note when Centralpoint has been fully tested to support this installation. My Module developers will also be required to upgrade to Visual Studio 2012 or 2013 before July because Visual Studio 2010 does not support the .NET Framework 4.5. Windows Server 2012 and SQL Server 2012 support be released in the months following version 8.5.0.
AutoLoginTestLink CpControl This CpControl logs a user in and redirect to a test from the Details View (#3) of the Education Module.
ExtCalculation CpScript A new extender CpScript has been created to support client side calculations in forms. The FormRadioButtonList and FormListBox have a new AppendDataAttributes property for use with this integration. See the help file for more information on how to set up and perform calculations.
FormListBox CpScript The Filter parameter has been updated to support the cpsys_LBrac and cpsys_RBrac constants.
Forms > Forms A new Page Type > Module Attributes (Automatic) option has been added. When selected the form will be automatically generated based on the attributes in the selected module.
FormState CpScript This script has been updated to support the following new properties: Format, DataType, EmptyValue, Truncate, TruncatedTextSuffix, RemoveMarkup, ReplaceText, ReplaceWith, and Preview.
HTMLNavigation CpScipt The ItemFormat and ItemFormatNoLink properties now support an additional format parameter to render the current site map item as selected.
JPlayer CpScript This script has been updated to include a new ScriptType property. When set to ‘Managed’ the jPlayer will render in a more responsive manner.
MiniCalendar CpScript This script has been updated to create links to the current audience when used in audiences other than Main.
UserInactivityTimer CpScript A new CpScript has been created to display a JavaScript alert and log a user out if they leave the browser open and take no action for a period of time.

Sun, Mar 8, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.4.61

Feature Summary
Admin > Properties A new Web Site Login Change Account attribute has been added to allow authenticated users to log into the front end of the site as a different user without signing out first.
Admin > Properties A new Web Site Login Lockout Type attribute has been added. It allows you to lock out a Centralpoint Member permanently or for a given number of minutes after they enter the incorrect password a specified number of times.
Advertising > Sponsored Keywords The URL attribute has been updated to support the “/cpsys_Audience/” prefix to dynamically generate the audience system name portion of the URL.
AudienceHomePageLink CpScript A new Linked property has been added which can be set to false to remove the link from the value. The Value property has also been updated to support the “DesignInfo:SystemName” format to access Design > Styles attributes by system name.

Mon, Feb 23, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.4.59

Feature Summary
Attribute & Column CpScripts The Preview='true' property now works with custom and ecommerce attributes including "cpsys_Attributes:" in columns. It has also been updated to run more efficiently by executing fewer database queries when called repeatedly in Column CpScripts.
Content > Events Automatically generated repeating events Summary attributes have been updated to support the instance start and end date when the Module Configuration > Summary attribute contains EventStartDate or EventEndDate.
Design > Data Sources The Formatting > Formatting Options = “Google Map” > Zoom Level attribute now accepts a 0 to automatically zoom the map to fit all of the markers.
Design > Dynamic Scripts A new Link Title attribute has been added to remove the link surrounding the slideshow title. A new “ad-description-desc” CSS class has also been added to the caption.
GoogleMaps Results View CpControl The ZoomLevel property will now automatically zoom the map to fit all of its markers when set to 0. An issue was also addressed causing problems with the map display when the pop up window contained invalid characters.
Surveys > Surveys An issue was addresses when a Surveys > Questions > Type was changed after answered were already recorded as a different Type. The Survey Results will now show graphs and free text if there are answers for them.

Mon, Feb 2, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.4.60

Feature Summary
Admin > Properties When Console Requires Secure Channel (SSL) = Yes the system no longer adds the port number (:80) when redirecting from HTTP to HTTPS.
Alternative URL Attribute The default redirect functionality of this system attribute has been updated to support the "/cpsys_Audiences/" prefix which will be replaced with the current audience system name. This does not apply to Column CpScripts or other custom references to this attribute.
Attribute & Column CpScripts The Preview='true' property now works with custom and ecommerce attributes including "cpsys_Attributes:" in columns. It has also been updated to run more efficiently by executing fewer database queries when called repeatedly in Column CpScripts.
AudienceSelector CpScript This new script renders a hierarchical unordered list of linked audiences. By default it renders as a generic selector, but the various options and CSS styles can be used to control the appearance of a select list.
Broadcasts > Reporting This module has been updated to support paging and searching within reports.
Comments > All Modules A link has been added to the User Id attribute when a related record exists in the Members module. When a record exists in the Members module the User Name and User Email attributes are left empty so that this information doesn’t become stale. This link will provide a way to look up the user’s current attributes when this occurs.
Content > Events Automatically generated repeating events Summary attributes have been updated to support the instance start and end date when the Module Configuration > Summary attribute contains EventStartDate or EventEndDate.
Design > Data Sources The Formatting > Formatting Options = “Google Map” > Zoom Level attribute now accepts a 0 to automatically zoom the map to fit all of the markers.
Design > Dynamic Scripts A new Link Title attribute has been added to remove the link surrounding the slideshow title. A new “ad-description-desc” CSS class has also been added to the caption.
ExtAutoComplete Extender CpScript A SplitFieldValues property has been added that will split a field that has comma-separated values into individual entries when set to true.
GoogleMaps Results View CpControl The ZoomLevel property will now automatically zoom the map to fit all of its markers when set to 0. An issue was also addressed causing problems with the map display when the pop up window contained invalid characters.
HtmlNavigation CpScipt An issue was addressed when HTML encoding ItemFormat and ItemFormatNoLink.
Surveys > Surveys An issue was addresses when a Surveys > Questions > Type was changed after answered were already recorded as a different Type. The Survey Results will now show graphs and free text if there are answers for them.

Mon, Feb 2, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.4.58

Feature Summary
Admin > Search All Modules A new Navigation Item Filter attribute has been added under More Actions… > Change Attributes. This attribute can be used to filter the console navigation items when more than one relates to the selected module.
AudienceHomePageLink CpScript The Value property now supports the a 'AudienceInfo:AttributeSystemName' format which will return the attribute value from the audience in the URL.
AudienceInfo CpScript This script now supports the following properties: Format, DataType, EmptyValue, Truncate, TruncatedTextSuffix, RemoveMarkup, ReplaceText, ReplaceWith, and Preview.
Comments > Configuration The CC, BCC, From and Subject attributes within the Form tab now support CpScripting. You must ensure that those scripts return suitable values for the generated email.
CustomProximitySearch CpControl A new ButtonText property has been added. When it contains a value a standard button will be rendered instead of an image button.
Data Transfer New Keywords and Roles options have been added to the Source and Destination attributes. This can be used to export and import data keywords and data roles.
FileOutput CpScript This new script will render a document path using a Template document, replacing CpScripts in the Template with their values.
FormAudience CpScript A new ForceRoot property has been added. If it is set to false the selector will not automatically select the Root value (Main Audience) regardless of whether it displays.
FormListBox & FormRadioButtonList CpScripts These scripts have been updated to support a new Joins property. It has also been utilized to create a more efficient query when the SystemType='TaxonomyTier' and DataFilter contains a value. A new RequiredFieldErrorMessage property has also been added.
Forms > Forms Wizard A Data Source is now created at the end of the wizard which renders a report based on the Forms > Results Module. Module Configuration XML is now saved automatically to the Forms Module in the Forms Wizard Custom Attributes File attribute. There is also a new Class Prefix and Suffix feature that will add CSS classes to the Form automatically.
FormTaxonomy CpScript A new DataFilter property has been added. It is used to filter the taxonomy so that it only displays taxonomy items that have been selected. You can enter the system name of the console navigation item (module) containing the data, or enter cpsys_CurrentModule to have the system automatically generate the table name using the current module.
JPlayer CpScript This script now supports a “CurrentInfo:AttributeSystemName” format in the FileUrl, PlayerWidth, and PlayerHeight properties. The CurrentInfo prefix allows this script to retrieve attribute values when rendered on a Details View (#3).
MobilePrintPage CpScript A new JavaScriptOverride property has been added. Enabling this feature will allow you to print a form or other page that occurs after a post back. It resolves issues with to forms printing just the first page, not the summary view.
Policies ItemHyperlink CpDataBind Adding an additional parameter to this data bind with the value ‘true’ will cause the item hyperlinks to track clicks in Stats > Clicks.
PoliciesHtmlView CpControl This new CpControl has been developed for use on the policies module’s Site Architecture > Module Designer > Results View (#2). It will render all Policies in a Manual with formatting from the Policy Item Content as HTML attribute. It is intended to render policies on a Manual View and cannot be used when the Policies Item Content renders on the Results View itself. It uses the hidden Manuals > Policies In Manuals to determine the policy sort order.
Procedure Manuals > Manuals The policies Site Architecture > Module Designer > Results (#2) View tab now contains a new Manual Item Content attribute. When this attribute contains a value the policies results view will include search results from the manuals module.
Site Architecture > System Pages New "Login Display CAPTCHA After" and "Login CAPTCHA Label" attributes have been added to the Login tab. By default they will cause Login.aspx, not mobile or custom logins, to add CAPTCHA validation when the user attempts to authenticate with an incorrect password 3 or more times. To disable this feature the Login Display CAPTCHA After attribute can be set to 0.

Mon, Jan 19, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.4.57

Feature Summary
Admin > Properties A new Web Site Login Lockout After attribute has added and is disabled by default. When it contains a value and the user enters an incorrect password that number of consecutive times, the user's account will be automatically locked out. The lock out is achieved by setting that user's Members > Details > Locked Out attribute to Yes. Their account will remain inaccessible until it is manually re-enabled via the client console. This feature only applies to user accounts created within Centralpoint.
Canonical URLs The system has been updated to automatically generate a canonical meta tag on all navigation and home pages in addition to standard module details views. A canonical meta tag is generated when the left part of the URL in the address bar differs in any way from the URL that the system would generate. This includes casing which should help to improve publicly accessible site SEO.
Form CpScript The property FormInfoStartPage was added. This optional property will start the form on a specified page if the fdid querystring is used and is a valid Data Id.
Master > Web Sites > [WebSiteName] A new Change System Name feature has been added under Aliases. This feature is only available when the current user has Personalization > Display System Names = Yes in their account settings.
RelatedData CpScript This script has been updated to automatically convert the Audiences and Taxonomy column GUIDs to their related Audience or Taxonomy Names.
SavingsCalculation CpScript This new script can be used to display the difference between two numeric attribute values. It is typically used with ecommerce prices on in the Details View (#3).
UserInfo CpScript The AttributeSystemName property has been updated to support related modules. By adding :RelatedModule:[ModuleSystemName]:[RelatedAttribute] to the attribute system name you can retrieve that attribute from a record which relates to the user instead of the user’s record itself.

Mon, Jan 5, 2015

Centralpoint Update 8.4.56

Feature Summary
Design > Data Sources CpScripts are now allowed in the Raw Html Formatting Option for Styles and Scripts.
Design > Styles New Hide When Empty attributes have been added to the Left and Right tabs. Selecting Yes will dynamically remove the section from the HTML when it contains no Content, Advertisers, or Navigation. New Global > Scripts and Misc > Forms CSS Class attributes have also been added. The Misc tab is only available if you are using the Default site type.
ExtGoogleAutoComplete Extender CpScript This new extender script has been developed to show valid addresses when typing into a textbox. A new Property, Add Query String, has been added to the Design > Data Sources > Formatting Option > Google Map, Google Maps (Results View) CpControl, Google Maps (Details View) CpControl, Audience Google Map CpControl, and Site Architecture > System Pages > Audience in order to add a query string parameter to the Google Map library to work in conjunction with this script.
JPlayer CpScript This new script can be used to render an audio or video player when provided the path to a file. Please check the Scripting help file for information on how to use this script.
NavigationTier CpScript New ShowHiddenPages & ShowNavGroups properties have been added. These properties have been documented in the Scripting help file.
ReadSessionValue CpScript A new Format property has been added to this script.
SiteMapInfo CpScript New Id and JObject Properties have been added to this script. They can be used to add a JavaScript variable to the page called cpsys.CpScripting, and the resulting value of this script will be added to this variable instead of writing it directly to the page. It will be accessible using the provided Id in the following format: cpsys.CpScripting.SiteMapInfo.YourId.

Mon, Nov 24, 2014

Centralpoint Update 8.4.55

Feature Summary
Admin > Properties Centralpoint has been updated to automatically fall back to local jQuery references when Header Tags > Enable Content Delivery Network = Yes and the Microsoft Ajax Content Delivery Network is not available.
Attribute & Column CpScripts The ReplaceText property supports a new cpsys_CpScripting constant. When ReplaceText='cpsys_CpScripting' all CpScripts will be replaced with the empty string or the value placed in the ReplaceWith property. This was primarily designed to remove CpScripts from dynamically generated summaries and captions rendered via data sources.
Design > Data Sources An issue was addressed when using Formatting Option > Raw Html and using Empty Item > Empty String or Error Message while in Edit Mode. The edit link now appears instead of nothing.
Design > Dynamic Tab Display, MiniCalendar CpScript A new message is sent as a error when the jQuery UI Theme is not found.
Publishing > Articles An issue was addressed when using the year option to filter issues on the Home View (#1).

Mon, Nov 10, 2014

Centralpoint Update 8.4.54

Feature Summary
Admin > Properties A new Website Password Expiration property has been created. It is designed to work with a new Master > Content > Scheduled Tasks > Job called Expire Users Password. When this scheduled job is configured in the master console it will use the property to find users who have not changed their password within the provided number of days. These users will have their Locked Out and Password Change Required attributes set to Yes. This can be used to force the user to change their password during their next login attempt.
Design > Media Files A new Light Box option has been added to the Style Options attribute.
Design > Styles A vulnerability in server side validation of Comments forms displayed when Global > Drop Show is set to Yes has been repaired.
FormHiddenField CpScript This script now supports new cpsys_RandomString and cpsys_RandomComplicatedScript constants in the DefaultValue property.
FormState CpScript A new SqlEncode property was added. This property must be set to true when a form state CpScript is used in Design > Data Sources > Attributes > Select Command within single quotes in a SQL filter. It is designed to prevent XSS and SQL Injection which is possible when filters are generated from form fields or query string variables. Example: PhysicianDirectory.LastName = '[cp:scripting key='FormState' id='LastName' SqlEncode='true' /]'
FormUpload CpScript A caching issue in the client console related to Resources uploaded using this script has been addressed.
HtmlNavigation CpScript Renders an HTML navigation list (ul) including all first tier items (li) and descendants as nested lists. It was designed to provide an audience specific raw HTML navigation which can be formatted using a client side plugin.
PasswordHistoryValidator CpScript A new forms management validator script used on change password forms. It is intended to ensure that a user does not change their password to one that they have already used.
Site Architecture > System Pages The Account Activation tab has been updated to include a new Enable Password Rules Validation attribute. After enabling this feature you can enter a custom password validation regular expression and error message.
Surveys > Questions This module now supports 30 answers per question.

Sun, Oct 26, 2014

Centralpoint Update 8.4.53

Feature Summary
Design > Dynamic Tab Display A new collapsible attribute displays when the tab type is set to jQuery. Setting it to yes will allow the tab to collapse when clicked a second time.
Design > Styles New Header Elements, Perimeter Header, and Perimeter Footer attributes have been added to the Global tab. Header Elements renders raw HTML to the HTML header between the Properties & Audiences Header Elements. CpScripts are supported in the same manner as Properties & Audiences Header Elements. The Perimeter Header and Footer attributes render raw HTML to the beginning and end of the HTML form respectively. They render outside of perimeter advertisements. A new Convert to PDF attribute has also been added to the Icon tab, but you must open and re-submit existing records before this new icon can be used. New Mobile Nav and Misc tabs have been added when the Default site type is used. The attributes in these tabs are not automatically utilized by the system, and are intended for use from the DesignInfo CpScript. The Global > Custom Styles attribute has also been moved to the top of the page, resized, and updated to support the DesignInfo CpScript.
Members > Dashboards > Gadgets A new HTML option has been added to the Gadgets attribute. It supports HTML and CpScripting and was designed to be used as a preset gadget. This module also contains a new help file which describes how to use this new gadget.
Site Architecture > System Pages A new Account Activation > Change Password History Validation attribute has been added. When enabled it allows you to ensure that the user does not reuse the same password within a given number of password changes.

Sun, Oct 5, 2014

Centralpoint Update 8.4.52

Feature Summary
Console Navigation Attributes The navigation item names displayed in this attribute have been updated in the Members, Administrators, and Audiences modules. They no longer display the path of system names unless your Account Settings > Personalization > Display System Names attribute is set to Yes.
NavigationTier CpScript This new script has been created to display a single tier of navigation with a parent header. The list and its items can be styled with CSS classes or reformatted using format strings. It also supports a Menu property which can be used to render the child items dynamically when the mouse goes over the parent. It has been documented in the Scripting help file.
Site Architecture > System Pages A new Search > Results Back Button Visible attribute has been added. New search scripts have also been added to the Centralpoint Q & A > Mobile Web Site Search help file. These new scripts are easier to use and support additional functionality like the ability to block searches with no criteria.

Sun, Sep 14, 2014

Centralpoint Update 8.4.51

Feature Summary
Ecommerce > Merchants New Point & Pay and Orbital – Chase Paymentech tabs have been added as well as new FormPaymentPointAndPay and FormOrbitalChasePaymentech CpScripts for form processing.

Mon, Sep 1, 2014

Centralpoint Update 8.4.50

Feature Summary
ContextListFilter CpScript This new CpScript was created to filter a DataSource by a list of values collected using the new ContextListColumn CpScript in the Results View (#2) > Item Content of a module. As the module designer renders rows the ContextListColumn CpScript will create a list of values from the column entered and the ContextListFilter CpScript. This list of values can be used to render a SQL filter where a field is IN that list of values. This is commonly used to swap a comma separated list of DataIds rendered from a custom data list box attribute with HTML generated by a data source.
ExtScrollBar CpScript The related plug-ins (jquery.mCustomScrollbar.js, jquery.mCustomScrollbar.css, and jquery.mousewheel.min.js) have been upgraded to the latest version.
FormTextBox CpScript A new DataWatermark parameter has been added. When it contains a value it will be added to the text box as a watermark and a “cp_watermark” CSS class will be added to the HTML element for styling.

Sun, Aug 10, 2014

Centralpoint Update 8.4.49

Feature Summary
FormAudienceProximity CpScript This new script is used to render a record’s related audiences, and the distance to each audience, when the user enters an address or zip code into a form field and executes the search. It was intended to work with the FormAudienceProximityOrderBy CpScript, and requires that individual audiences are selected instead of using 'All Audiences'. This script has been documented in the Scripting help file.
FormAudienceProximityOrderBy CpScript This script is used to sort search results by their related audience distances when the user enters an address or zip code into a form field and executes the search. It was intended for use at the beginning of a Site Architecture > Module Designer > Results View (#2) > Order By attribute, and requires that individual audiences are selected instead of using 'All Audiences'. This script has been documented in the Scripting help file.
MobileNavigation2 CpScript A new IncludeHiddenPages property has been added. When set to 'false' navigation items whose Visible attribute is set to 'No (Hidden Page)' will not be included.
ModulePageOverrides CpControl A new HomeErrorWhenDocExists property has been added. By default Centralpoint displays the Home View (#1) of the module when a URL containing a document identifier (/Audience/SiteMapItem/Document.aspx) is accessed and the Document doesn't exist. When this property is set to 'true' the module will return a 404 error instead which can be handled by the Admin > Error Messages/Redirects module. This property is set to 'false' by default.
Pager CpControl A new "cpsty_PagerCurrentPage" CSS class has been added to the current page link.
URL Rewriter A bug in Centralpoint's URL rewriter as it relates to query string variables has been discovered and repaired. During the URL rewrite the query string variables were being decoded which apparently had very little effect on how they worked until a site was accessed with an encoded ampersand. When it became decoded Centralpoint then treated the ampersand as the end of the query string variable and truncated it at that point. To repair this problem we have updated the URL rewriter to leave the query string variables encoded as it should have in the first place.

Sun, Jul 27, 2014

Centralpoint Update 8.4.48

Feature Summary
DynamicTab CpScript This script has been enhanced to work with records in any module instead of just Design > Dynamic Tab Display. Custom attributes can be used to add Tab1Title/Tab1Content through TabNTitle/TabNContent attributes, and the other Dynamic Tab Display attributes can be configured as script parameters. To enable this new feature the DataId parameter must be set to 'cpsys_Attributes' and the script must be placed on the Details View (#3) of the module containing the custom tab attributes. The new script properties have been outlined in the Scripting help file. Tab titles also now support CpScripting.
ExtSpellCheck CpScript This new extender script allows users to click a button to the check the spelling of the contents of a text area. It must be placed in the Site Architecture > Navigation > Header Tags > Custom Elements attribute of the Navigation record on which the spell checker will render. You can then point the Target property at the text area and the trigger property at the spell check button. This new script has been documented in more detail in the Scripting help file.
ExtWatermark CpScript This script has been updated to support text boxes and text areas.
FormCompareValidator CpScript A new ValueToCompare property has been added to validate against static values. It is only used when ItemToCompare is empty. A new AttributeToValidate property has also been added to validate the value of a records attribute instead of a form field. It is set to the system name of an attribute and will only work when the ItemToValidate property contains the id of a form field which will return the DataId of the record you wish to validate.
MobileNavigation2 CpScript This new script works much like MobileNavigation, but with records from Site Architecture > Navigation instead of Design > Mobile Navigation. Set the RootSystemName property to the system name of the Navigation record whose children will be rendered as nav items. Then set ContentAttribute to the system name of the attribute whose content will be rendered in the dynamic menu displayed when you hover over that nav item. This new script has been documented in more detail in the Scripting help file.

Sun, Jul 13, 2014

Centralpoint Update 8.4.47

Feature Summary
Account Settings When Personalization > Default Sort Order is set to 'Last Modified Date', all module grid view sorting has been updated to consider the record creation date. Previously new records would show up at the end of the list in system Modules because they had been created but never modified.
AjaxControlToolkit Removal This update will remove the AjaxControlToolkit integration from Centralpoint in favor of jQuery and jQuery UI. The latest AjaxControlToolkit upgrade has been reviewed and it provides little benefit over jQuery and JQuery UI, includes 8 additional integrations, and requires changes to the system ScriptManager object. All system features that depended upon the AjaxControlToolkit have been rewritten to use jQuery and jQuery UI. The sync will modify the Root/web.config file by removing the AjaxControlToolkit from configuration/system.web/pages/controls. If you have any custom code or My Modules that utilize this integration you can keep it as a custom integration by adding "/Bin/AjaxControlToolkit.dll" to Admin> Properties > Sync Exclusions in each site before updating or sync'ing. This will prevent the removal of the DLL, prevent the web.config changes, and will protect the integration from future sync's and updates.
Content > Homepage Items This new content module content has been designed maintain homepage slideshow and presentation elements.
FormAddToCartButton CpScript New VerifyPrice, VerifyPriceType, and Event parameters have been added to this script. Setting VerifyPrice to the system name of the price attribute will prevent the button from being displayed when the price is set to 0. The VerifyPriceType parameter sets whether the system name relates to an attribute or a column. These new parameters have been documented in more detail in the Scripting help file.
GeneratePasswordHash Data Transfer CpScript A new UseDefaultValueOnUpdates parameter has been added to the Data Transfer GeneratePasswordHash and GeneratePasswordHashSalt CpScripts. When set to true the selected column's value will be used on inserts and the existing record's value will be kept on updates. GeneratePasswordHash also now supports a DefaultValue parameter which is used when the value cannot be found.
ModulePageOverrides CpControl New page base class render event override properties have been added: TitleOverride, MetaDescriptionOverride, and MetaKeywordsOverride. These new properties have been used to extend this control to support the following new parameters: HomeTitle, HomeMetaDescription, HomeMetaKeywords, ResultsTitle, ResultsMetaDescription, ResultsMetaKeywords, DetailsTitle, DetailsMetaDescription, and DetailsMetaKeywords. The use of these properties has been documented in the Module Designer help file.
Rating CpControl This control has been rewritten using jQuery instead of the AjaxControlToolkit.
TaxonomyProximitySearch CpControl The ZipCodeWatermark property has been rewritten to use jQuery instead of the AjaxControlToolkit.
Web.Config Changes This update will audit all Root/Web.Config files for duplicate PoliciesAndProcedures.ashx HTTP Handler references and remove the duplicates when they exist. These duplicates were created on Windows Server 2003 installations as a result of update version 8.4.11. No side effects have been reported, but the duplicates are being removed for consistency.

Sun, Jun 22, 2014

Centralpoint Update 8.4.46

Feature Summary
Account Settings The following system Modules now utilize Personalization > Default Sort Order like standard Modules: Admin > Roles, Development > All Modules, Design > Media Manager, Development > Console Navigation, Development > Keyword Lists, Members, Site Architecture > Administrators, Site Architecture > Audiences, Site Architecture > Module Designer, and Site Architecture > Taxonomy. This change has also been applied to the following Master Modules: Admin > Private Labels, Admin > Roles, Admin > Users, Content > Scheduled Tasks, Content > Web Sites, Deployment > Web Sites, CMS > Keyword Lists, CMS > Modules, CMS > Navigation, and CMS > Relations. Title and Publish Start Date attributes will be replaced with the closest related attribute when necessary. Changes to Account Settings may require you to log out and back into the console.
Admin > Global Login New Server Request Username & Password attributes have been added when Source = “Active Directory” and Windows Authentication (Single Sign-On) = “Enabled”. These credentials are used when the server itself accesses a URL in the site to generate a PDF.
AjaxControlToolkit Removal An update released in the near future will remove the AjaxControlToolkit integration from Centralpoint in favor of jQuery and jQuery UI. The latest AjaxControlToolkit upgrade has been reviewed and it provides little benefit over jQuery and JQuery UI, includes 8 additional integrations, and requires changes to the system ScriptManager object. All system features that depended upon the AjaxControlToolkit will be been rewritten to use jQuery and jQuery UI. When the integration is removed the sync will modify the Root/web.config file by removing the AjaxControlToolkit from configuration/system.web/pages/controls. If you have any custom code or My Modules that utilize this integration you can keep it as a custom integration by adding "/Bin/AjaxControlToolkit.dll" to Admin > Properties > Sync Exclusions in each site before the integration is removed. This will prevent the removal of the DLL, prevent the web.config changes, and will protect the integration from future sync's and updates.
CAPTCHA Images A new Captcha.ashx HTTP Handler has been implemented and used to replace all system CAPTCHA images. This update will trigger an automatic change to all Root/Web.Config files which adds the new HTTP Handler registration. The old WordVerification.ashx HTTP Handler has been depreciated, but retained for backward compatibility.
CurrentUrl CpScript An issue with this script related to URL rewrites has been resolved.
Education > Reports The Certificate attribute has been changed to an updateable RTF Editor control.
ExtAttributeSwitch CpScript This new extender CpScript was created to toggle the visibility of multiple container HTML elements based on the selection in a list box or radio button list. It was primarily designed to switch on or off form elements based upon a parent form control.
File Upload Controls A bug was found on some servers related to the recent changes made to standard file upload controls. When a file was uploaded it did not inherit the permissions of the Uploads folder. It would render properly when resized, but would return an error if accessed directly in the browser. This update includes a patch to repair this bug.
Form Control CpScripts The "cpsys_Translate:" prefix is now supported in the DefaultValue, PleaseSelect and AddListItems parameters of the following CpScripts: FormListBox, FormCascadingDropDownList, FormMobileLoginButton and FormRadioButtonList.
Form Validation CpScripts New ItemToEnable and ItemToEnableOnValue properties have been added to the following validators: FormRequiredFieldValidator, FormRangeValidator, FormPatternValidator, FormCompareValidator, FormLengthValidator, FormUniqueFieldValidator, and FormRegularExpresssionValidator. They allow you to enable and disable the validator based on the value of a parent control, and were designed to work in coordination with the new ExtAttributeSwitch CpScript.
MobileAddToHome CpScript This new CpScript has been created to show a pop-up on mobile devices asking the user to “Add To Home”. Different pop-up options have been provided for Apple or non-Apple devices. The default styles of these pop-ups can be overridden with custom CSS.

Sun, Jun 8, 2014

Centralpoint Update 8.4.45

Feature Summary
Admin > RTF Editor A new Render Mode has been added which defaults to Auto. This will render the editor in Lightweight mode on newer browsers and Classic mode on older browsers. You can use this attribute to change this setting if desired.
Design > Dynamic Tab Display A new Tab Type = “jQuery Tab” > Remember Clicked Tab has been added. Setting to No will prevent the system from setting the active tab automatically.
Design > Mobile Navigation The Menu Width attribute now accepts Width = '0' which will cause no pixel width to be set on the Menu Content HTML.
File Upload Controls All standard file and resource upload controls have been rewritten using the RadAsyncUpload control because Telerik has marked RadUpload as obsolete and discontinued support: http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet-ajax/upload-overview.html. The new implementation now supports drag and drop file upload from windows explorer.
Forms: Field Map Builder The Field Map Builder link is located in the header text of the Processing > Module Submission = “Yes” > Field Map attribute, and is used to automatically generate field map XML. This utility has been updated to provide a drop down list box of all form elements next to each attribute. This list is dynamically generated by parsing the contents of the form, and items will be automatically selected if they match an attribute system name. This utility supports following scripts: FormTextBox, FormHiddenField, FormUpload, FormAudience, FormEditor, FormTaxonomy, FormRadiobuttonList, and FormListbox.
MobilePrintPage CpScript This script now renders an ALT tag that reads "Printer Friendly Version".
Telerik Integration Upgrade The Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX integration has been upgraded to version 2014.1.403 from April 2014. This upgrade will primarily affect the RTF Editor and File Upload controls found throughout Centralpoint. Telerik has removed the following skins: Transparent, Hay, Forest and Sitefinity. If you are using any of these skins they will be changed to a default skin and you can use Admin > RTF Editor > Configuration > Skin or Design > Dynamic Tab Display > Type = "iFrame Tab" > Skin to select a new skin if desired: http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet-ajax/editor-skin-basics.html.

Mon, May 26, 2014

Centralpoint Update 8.4.44

Feature Summary
Admin > Properties New Administrators Console Navigation Default and Administrators Accessible Audiences Default attributes have added. They control the default values of the Site Architecture > Audiences > Console Navigation and Accessible Audiences attributes respectively.
Client Console The "Page Options..." selector now contains a "More Audiences" section when you are logged into one audience console and you have access to others. It allows you to change audiences more easily than the Audience Tree. It only displays audiences that include the current navigation item and are accessible to the current administrator. It does not include the current audience and does not render when in the Main audience console.
Design > Data Sources The Data Source > Twitter > Twitter Type > User TimeLine option now automatically generates hyperlinks around URIs that exist in the tweets.
Design > Data Sources A new Google Maps option has been added to Format > Formatting Options. When selected it provides the attributes required to generate a Google Map containing markers for each location in the data source.
Design > Dynamic Tab Display A new Add Break Tags attribute has been added when Tab Type = jQuery Tab. When enabled this feature adds two HTML BR elements before the content panels.
ExtLightBox CpScript This script was created to open related content in a lightbox popup.
FormTextBox CpScript A new RequiredFieldErrorMessage parameter has been added to this script. When it contains value the system will automatically add a FormRequiredFieldValidator which relates to the current FormTextBox and displays the provided error message when the form is submitted without a value in the text box.
HTML Language Declaration A language attribute has been added to the HTML element of all web site and console pages according to http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-html-language-declarations. On web site pages the language is defined by the Site Architecture > Audiences > Global > Culture attribute if Culture Override if it is not set to None. Otherwise, it is defined by the Admin > Properties > Globalization > Culture.
HtmlImage CpScript A new script created to render an HTML IMG tag where the SRC and ALT attributes can be set using Plain Text, Attribute, or Column values. It is the first script to work with attributes and columns and to support multiple attribute/column values at the same time. It is also the first in a new line of HTML scripts that render all CpScript parameters directly as HTML attributes. It has been documented in the Scripting help file.
jQuery & jQuery UI Versions Admin > Properties > Header Tags > jQuery & jQuery UI Versions has been updated making the previously Stable version Legacy and the previously Beta version Stable. If your sites are still using the Legacy version you should not install this update. If you discover problems after the update is installed you can switch to Legacy giving you time to resolve the problem then change back to Stable. If you are using the Design > jQuery UI Themes module it is recommended that you regenerate your themes on the latest version by following the instructions under the Theme attribute of each record.
Members & Administrators The Reset Password feature has been updated to display a JavaScript alert and prevent the password from being reset when the user's account is locked. This change has also been applied to Master > Admin > Users.
Site Architecture > Module Designer > Events The Calendar Month View now has two new attributes for Next and Previous Image Alt Tag text.
VersionList CpControl This control only works in the Procedure Manuals > Policies module designer. It has been updated to support the following values: CreationDateText, CreatedByText, ApprovedByText, TitleText, and ChangesMadeText.

Sun, May 11, 2014

Centralpoint Update 8.4.43

Feature Summary
AjaxDataSource CpScript This new script can be used to trigger a data source to execute and render when a client side event occurs. It is typically used to dynamically display more information when a user clicks a button.
Audiences DataTransfer CpScript New IsCda and IsConsole parameters have been added to import records that specify front end and console accessibility.
Data Transfer The Standard Module destination has been updated to automatically remove duplicate and invalid GUID values from Audiences, Taxonomy, and Roles.
Design > Data Sources A new Twitter option has been added to the Data Source attribute. It is used to retrieve, format, and render a specific Twitter User Timeline.
Design > jQuery UI Themes This module has been updated to support changes made to the jQuery UI ThemeRoller downloads.
Development > Content Audit The SQL statements have been updated to improve the performance of this module. A Debugging attribute has also been added which only displays when Tracing is enabled.
Development > Errors Exception handling changes have been made to include more information in errors and detect performance problems in scripts.
jQuery & jQuery UI Versions Admin > Properties > Header Tags > jQuery & jQuery UI Versions has been added so that you can test the Beta (next) version before it is released as the Stable version in the following update. Please test all custom jQuery and jQuery UI features by switching to Beta after installing this update then switch back to Stable once testing has been completed. If you are using the Design > jQuery UI Themes module you may have to create new themes for testing and switch back afterward.
Password Generation All system methods used to generate passwords and password salts have been updated to include non-alphanumeric characters.
Reporting > Report Builder The update view Copy button has been added and the File Name attribute is no longer required. The file name is now automatically generated from the Title when it is empty, and a trigger is used to ensure that it is unique.

Sun, Apr 27, 2014

Centralpoint Update 8.4.42

Feature Summary
Centralpoint Backups The system has been updated to automatically send a "Centralpoint Backup Failure Notification" email to Master > Admin > Settings > Error Notification Email address when a backup fails. This email includes the details of the error that triggered the failure and how to resolve the problem.
Comments > Configuration An issue was addressed when Form > Email Required was set to Yes but the Email Label Alias was not populating.
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Centralpoint's page base class has been updated to use the ViewStateUserKey property to protect against spoofed post backs. This change applies to all consoles and web sites.
Development > All Modules The More Actions… > Search & Replace feature has been updated to support apostrophes in the Search For attribute.
FormTextBox CpScript This script has been updated to automatically disable auto-complete when TextMode is set to Password.
ReverseHyperlink CpScript This new script extends the Attribute CpScript to not only retrieve the attribute value, but also link titles from other Modules that exist within that value. If it finds a Title from the related module in the attribute value it automatically inserts a link to that record. This script is only intended to link records from glossary style Modules containing a reasonably small number of records.

Sun, Apr 13, 2014

Centralpoint Update 8.4.41

Feature Summary
Console RTF Editors Dotted line borders have been added around DIV elements in the client console RTF Editor Design Mode. These dotted line borders will not render anywhere except the RTF Editor's Design Mode.
Data Transfer A new "Apply Quick Defaults" button has been added to the top of the Fields tab. It is designed to review all Scripting fields that require manual input and change them to Default fields if they contain a default value or are not required. This button is intended to help you create imports with only a few changes more quickly, but is cannot anticipate every configuration problem. You may still have to review some or all of your fields after clicking this button.
Design > Data Sources & Dynamic Scripts An issued has been addressed with the Image Slideshow when images with spaces are uploaded.
Development > All Modules (Delete Records) A new Module Filter attribute has been added to this utility. The Delete Records feature is accessed by selecting it from the "More Actions…" drop down list on the top right of the module’s grid view.
Forms > Forms A Cancel Button issue which caused the page not to refresh when Manage Form Buttons was set to Yes has been addressed.
Module Configuration > Summary Attribute When a DateTime attribute is selected the system will now automatically convert the DateTime value to from UTC using the administrator's time zone.
RelatedData CpControl/CpScript The old RelatedData CpControl has been depreciated and replaced with a new RelatedData CpScript which is documented in the Scripting help file. The new CpScript provides more flexibility of placement as well as new features like multiple source and related attributes, improved item formatting, more query flexibility and efficiency, and a new caching algorithm. The depreciated CpControl has been updated to use the new query and caching algorithms, and may require additional testing.
Site Architecture > Module Designer (Policies) >Details Version View An issue triggered when a Policy was deleted while one of its versions was being accessed has been addressed.

Sun, Mar 30, 2014

Centralpoint Update 8.4.40

Feature Summary
AuditTrialAttribute CpDataBind This new DataBind renders a console-like audit trail via any Module Designer > Results View (#2) > Item Content attribute.
Blogs > Topics Taxonomy Subsets 1 - 3 have been added to this Module.
ChangeRequestForm CpControl When Procedure Manuals > Policies > Approval Signature Required = Yes this control will require a signature.
Content > Generic Enhanced C An issue was addressed when using the GeoCodes feature with this module.
Content > Locations Taxonomy Subsets 1 - 3 have been created for this Module.
Content > Video Library Taxonomy Subsets 1 - 3 have been added to this Module.
Design > Dynamic Navigation Edit Mode is now supported, and an issue was addressed when Rendering Mode is List and the Orientation is Vertical for Static Menu Items. Unique classes have also been added to the List mode first-level LI tags.
Design > Styles Custom Styles are now rendered above Media Queries (Responsive Design).
LoginStatus CpScript The properties LoginText, LogoutText, and ToolTip now support the cpsys_Translate: prefix.
LoginUsername CpScript The AnonymousUserName property now supports the cpsys_Translate: prefix.
MobileEmailThisPage CpScript This new CpScript adds the Email Icon to any page where it is placed. The link will still only work on module pages.
Site Architecture > Module Designer (Events) > Calendar Month View A new Use Custom Styles attribute has been added to reduce the number of styles attributes required.
System Pages > Search A new ExcludeFromSiteSearch=’true’ parameter is supported in Results Item Content CpScripts. When added to a CpScript in the Results Item Content it will cause CpScripts contained in the resulting value to return an empty string.

Sun, Mar 16, 2014

Centralpoint Update 8.4.39

Feature Summary
Admin > Error Messages This module has been renamed "Error Messages/Redirects".
Admin > Global Login The Source = "Active Directory" option has been updated to more gracefully handle Active Directory configurations that return an error when a login fails. These configurations sometimes displayed an error in the past when a valid user entered an invalid password, but they now just trigger the typical failed login workflow.
Admin > URL Redirect This module has been renamed "URL Redirect to Audiences".
Ambiguous Column Name Errors The system has been updated to prevent many ambiguous column name errors by detecting when the column name was input by an administrator and should be prefixed with a system table name.
Console All Attributes Searches An error returned when searching over "All Attributes" in a module with custom grid fields that are not prefixed properly has been resolved. This occurred in standard module grid views and data list box attributes.
Data List Box Attributes An issue with the selected item link in attributes like Publishing > Article Pages > Articles has been resolved. This problem only occurred when the list box related to a module that joined data from more than one table.
Design > Styles The selected Media Queries (Responsive Design) styles are now rendered from largest to smallest.
Design > Styles The selected Media Queries (Responsive Design) styles are now rendered to the style sheet from largest to smallest.
Development > Content Audit A new module has been created to crawl and audit an audience's content. It includes a Custom option as well as a pre-built Responsive Design audit which can be used to find content that is likely to break a responsive audience layout.
Form CpScripts The DefaultValue property's "cpsys_Constant:AudienceInfo:" prefix now supports the same properties as the AudienceInfo CpScript.
ModulePageOverrides CpControl This new control can be placed in the Home View (#1) > Home Header Content of any module to override many of the module page settings like ResultsOrderBy and ResultsPageSize. This control is highly technical and should be used with extreme caution. Some settings may work in one module and not in others, or could cause side effects that are not immediately evident. This control has been documented in the Site Architecture > Module Designer help file.
Site Architecture > System Pages > Search An issue with secondary module links when searching over all audiences has been addressed.
ZipFilesDownloadButton CpScript This script has been updated to utilize form fields instead of the query string to support the selection of a larger number of files.

Mon, Mar 3, 2014

Centralpoint Update 8.4.38

Feature Summary
Content > Generic Enhanced A - Z A Taxonomy Subset Format module property has been added to these Modules to control the formatting of dynamically generated taxonomy subsets.
Content > Generic Enhanced K - Z More Generic Enhanced Modules have been created.
CurrentUrl CpScript An optional DomainOnly parameter has been added. When set to true the script will only return the domain (www.domain.com) portion of the URL.
Design > Data Sources Formatting > Formatting Options = “Image Slideshow" now enables a new Generate Links attribute. When enabled you can control the URL Content, Link Title, Link Image To Record, and Link Thumbnails.
Design > Data Sources Formatting > Formatting Options = “Data List" now enables a new Custom Scripts attribute.
Design > Dynamic Tab Display An issue has been addressed regarding tabs collapsing when the Active Tab attribute was in use.
ExtTable CpScript This new CpScript will use client side code to extend an HTML Table element to include advanced interaction controls like sorting, searching, and paging. This CpScript can be used in combination with Dynamic Scripts or Data Sources that return a reasonable number of records.
Policies Module Designer A new PDF Generation tab has been added to format RTF Editor Policies for PDF conversion on the front end of the site. The DataBinds DownloadLinkColumn for the Results View (#2) and DownloadAttribute for the Details View (#3) were also created to facilitate this conversion.
SiteMapInfo CpScript A new LowerCase parameter has been added. When set to true the return value will be converted to all lowercase characters.

Mon, Feb 17, 2014

Centralpoint Update 8.4.37

Feature Summary
Admin > Syndication This module was formerly called XML/RSS. A new Formatting > Custom option has been added to syndicate content in any format. A new Admin > Template Gallery record called “Custom JSON News Feed” has also been created which will demonstrate how to use this new feature to syndicate module content using JSON.
Aspose Integration The license file has been moved from the site’s Bin folders to the Integrations folder and a new SetAsposeLicense method has been added to the Management object.
Content > Generic (Enhanced) A new "Alternative URL Attribute" module property has been added to all Generic and Generic Enhanced Modules. It can be used to automatically populate the Alternative URL attribute with the value from a different attribute upon submission.
Diversified Check Solutions Support for this payment method has been added to Forms Management with a new FormPaymentDiversifiedCheckSolutions CpScript and Ecommerce with a new Merchants > Diversified Check Solutions tab.
ExtAccordion CpScript An issue with HTML Encoding when expanding an accordion has been resolved.
Publishing > Issues A new Filter By Display Status module property has been to enable display status filtration of issues.
Voting > Campaigns An issue with the reported vote count when a Write In Vote was used in multiple Campaigns has been resolved. This change will not be applied to your site unless you submit the related Site Architecture > Module Designer record.

Mon, Jan 27, 2014

Centralpoint Update 8.4.36

Feature Summary
Advertising > Search Redirect This module redirects a user website search to a URL based on the keyword being searched. Site Architecture > System Pages > Search > Search Use Search Redirect needs to be set to Yes to enable this feature.
Design > Dynamic Navigation A new "Vertical On Mobile Only" option has been added to General > Orientation. This option will cause the navigation to render horizontally unless the server recognizes the browser as a mobile device. Tablets and some newer mobile phones may not be recognized as a mobile device without manual changes to the site or server's browser definition files.
Design > Styles Support for responsive design has been added with the following new attributes: Global > Rendering Mode, Global > Media Queries (Responsive Design), Global > Custom Styles, Left > Width Units, and Right > Width Units. Setting up a responsive audience design may require changes that you cannot anticipate. If you are upgrading an existing audience we recommend you first test your changes on an audience that is not accessible to the public. Please review this module's help file carefully before proceeding.
Education > Questions An issue when submitting a test containing question where Type = Essay Answer has been addressed.
FormUpload CpScript An issue that prevented uploaded Resources (Media Manager) from rendering on the web site has been addressed.
Procedure Manuals A new Change Request Workflow attribute has been added to both Policies and Manuals. Enabling this will provide options to designate how you want the approval workflow to function.
Site Architecture > System Pages An issue with the SystemPageAudienceAttribute CpScript used in the Audience tab has been addressed. The issue occurred when the format parameter was used but the attribute had no value.

Mon, Jan 6, 2014

Centralpoint Update 8.4.35

Feature Summary
Admin > Properties The Resource Audiences Enabled attribute has been renamed Resource Audience Filtration. It now allows you to enable and disable resource audience filtration as well as enable it only in the client console (Console Only).
Broadcasts Support has been added for the CurrentDate CpScript within broadcasts.
Design > Dynamic Navigation A new CSS class has been added to the container of the selected link when General > Rendering Mode = List.
Education > Configuration The Certificate attribute now supports DateCompleted placeholder script. The date rendered will not include the time.
FormRadioButtonList CpScript A new Enabled parameter has been added. When set to false the radio button list will rendered as a disabled form control.
Forms A new Disable Submit Button Upon Form Submission attribute to provide a way to prevent the possibility of multiple clicks during long running form posts.
Image Resizer (Image.ashx) The HTTP Handler used for file upload and resource image resizing has been updated to prevent a rounding error that occasionally generated an image with the wrong aspect ratio. This incorrect aspect ratio may have caused resized images to lose some quality. If you have noticed this problem and would like to clear your image resizing cache you can do so by deleting the files from the cpweb_SYSTEMNAME/Temp/ResizeImage folder. If you do not delete these files the cached images will expire on their own within the next month.
Master > CMS > Relations Predicate deletion has been repaired and the methods used to delete orphan data from relations have been updated to consider deleted predicates. These methods also execute via the Sync and Clean Up utility.
PdfIcon CpScript The ASPX page used to render a URL as a PDF has been updated to support authenticated users. It previously rendered all PDFs as an anonymous user making it impossible to render a private page as a PDF. Please note that private PDF downloads will only work if the user is already logged in. If you bookmark or email a link directly to a private PDF, log out, and visit the URL directly you will still download the login page. The user must be logged in before clicking on the link to download the private PDF.
Search CpControl A new DataFilter property has been added to remove items with no related data. Enabling this feature may have a negative effect on the performance of sites with a large amount of data.
Site Architecture > System Pages Two new options have been added to Search > Search Order By: Order By Start Date Desc and Order By Title Asc.
User's Current Audience The page base class has been updated to properly remember the User's audience when navigating to or past a page that does not contain the audience in the URL. In order to change the User's audience you must explicitly visit a URL containing the new audience. Previously, the User's audience was inadvertently reset to Main when they visited any URL that did not contain an audience.
Web Site & Module Searches The cpsys_DataCurrent_Select stored procedure has been updated to utilize the LIMIT parameter more efficiently for searches over a large amount of data. A default limit of 10,000 results has been added to all standard module searches. A Nonclustered Index has been added to the cprel_WebSiteSearch table to cover the queried columns in a typical search.
Windows Authentication (Single Sign-On) The Root/web.config file of all sites using windows authentication must be manually updated to support user authorization within HttpHandlers. Please manually remove all from the Root/Web.config file if you have not done so already. Custom elements containing other settings are supported by removing only the section. This requirement was discovered recently and has been added to the related Windows Authentication (Single Sign-On) file.

Mon, Dec 2, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.34

Feature Summary
Education > Configuration A new Show Completed Test In Email attribute has been added. When set to No the system will not email the completed test to the administrator.
ImageColumn CpScript A new EmptyValue parameter has been added. The image will not be rendered when the returned value matches the EmptyValue.
System Pages > Search This page has been updated to escape format strings returned from nested CpScripts when ExecuteCpScriptsInResults and FormatStringEscape are both enabled.
UserInfo CpScript The AttributeSystemName parameter now supports the value LastLoginDate.

Mon, Nov 11, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.33

Feature Summary
Content > Events The ‘tax’ query string variable used by this module is now applied to the page's global Taxonomy property which allows it to affect other elements on the page like Advertisers.
Generic Modules An issue with invalid characters in the path returned by the Resource Content Attributes module property while attempting to retrieve content from a file has been resolved.
GoogleMaps CpControls New ImageSystemName, ShowZoomPopup, and ShowZoomPopupText have been added to both Results and Details view controls, and ShowDetailsPopupLink and ShowDetailsPopupLinkText have been added to the Resuts view control to affect in the marker popup.
Maximum Request Lengths Development > All Modules submission limit has increased to 20 MB, Development > Import Utilities has increased to 20 MB, and RTF Editor Dialog uploads has increased to 500 MB. The AllModules.aspx, ImportUtilities.aspx, and RtfEditorDialog.aspx location elements in the Console/Web.Config file will be replaced to apply these changes. Custom settings in these location elements will be backed up to Backups/Console.Web.Config, but will have to be reapplied manually if necessary.
OrderBy CpControl The drop down list box implementation has been updated for improved performance and to eliminate all raw SQL from the option values.
PdfToImage CpScript An issue with Resource (Media Manager) files when Conversion is set to no has been resolved.

Sun, Oct 27, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.32

Feature Summary
Design > Data Sources & Dynamic Scripts Thumbnail Tooltip and Thumbnail Column Name attributes have been added when Formatting Option = Image Slideshow. They are used to render a tool tip when the mouse hovers over the thumbnail image.
Design > Dynamic Scripts A new Details > Link Thumbnail To Record attribute has been added.
Education > Questions The attribute Image has been added. It will appear directly underneath the Question. It has a class and a unique ID for styling.
Failed Login Attempts The login has been updated to provide information to the end user when they reach the maximum number of failed login attempts.
Google Maps API The Management.GoogleMapsApiKey method has been updated to support empty values as does the V3 API. The Admin > Properties > Google Maps API Key attribute has been updated to include more detailed instructions and links to help set up the API key with Google. A new CpScriptManager.RegisterGoogleMapsApi method has been added to register the JavaScript API reference including the appropriate API key when necessary, and all Google Map controls have been updated to utilize this new method.
GoogleMap Details View CpControl An IncludeDirectionsLink has been added. If this is set to true it will show a Google Maps directions link inside of the popup.

Sun, Oct 13, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.31

Feature Summary
Admin > Properties The Google Maps API attribute has been removed from this module because Version 3 is now the only acceptable value. All system methods utilizing Version 2 to generate GeoCodes have been marked as obsolete and rewritten to trigger Version 3 automatically when possible. All map generation controls have also been rewritten to automatically utilize Version 3 when possible.
Broadcasts > Broadcasts The Recipients tab has been moved before the Message tab.
Content > Generic A - Z The implementation of the Resource Content Attributes module property has been updated to skip file paths containing invalid characters.
FormShipping CpScript A new DigitalItemsText parameter has been added to override the text 'Digital Items'.
Procedure Manuals > Policies An issue that caused polices to be converted to a PDF when Conversion = 'None' has been resolved.
TaxonomyTree CpScript A new LinkToTaxonomy parameter has been added to hide the links to the taxonomy. The default is true, but setting this parameter to false will remove the links.

Sun, Sep 29, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.30

Feature Summary
Content > Events A new UseDateFilter=false query string parameter can be added to the Calendar view to disable the Publish Start Date and Publish End Date Filtration. Please note that "expired" events – although displayed on the calendar with this functionality – will not render a "details" view.
Design > Dynamic Scripts An issue was addressed with the Display Main Gallery Previous / Next Images attribute.
Directory A - D > Results View (#2) Search terms displayed in the browser title are now HTML encoded to reduce the risk of cross-site scripting. You must resubmit the related module designer record before this change will be applied.
Education > Questions An issue has been resolved that was showing questions that were placed on Hold.
ExtAccordion CpScript New CollapsedSpanText, ExpandedSpanText, ExpandCollapsePosition, ExpandedHeaderText, and CollapsedHeaderText parameters have been added.
FormRegularExpressionValidator CpScript A new Required parameter has been added. When set to 'false' the validator will not execute unless the related form field contains a value.
SearchTerm CpControl Search terms displayed on the Results View (#2) are now HTML encoded to reduce the risk of cross-site scripting.

Sun, Sep 15, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.29

Feature Summary
Account Settings The client console form used to change your own account information has been updated to redirect to the correct URL when your username is changed. An improperly displayed breadcrumb trail has also been repaired on this page.
Admin > Properties A new Application Start Method attribute has been added to dynamically invoke a custom method when the web site application starts.
Bin/Custom Folder This folder is now excluded from the sync in the Master/Root, WebSite/Root, and WebSite/Console folders. Instructions on utilizing Custom Bin folders can be found in the "Bin Folder & My Modules" help file accessible from the Centralpoint Q & A section on the master console’s home page.
Form Validators An error that occurred when the ErrorColor and FormGroup parameters were both set to non-default values has been resolved.
FormListBox CpScript Now maintains selected values after a form submission when EnableHtmlCache is set to true.
Forms Wizard An issue was addressed when using the Credit field and saving the Form.
Generic Modules An error returned when the Resource Content Attributes module property was used to parse the content of an attribute containing a reference to a PowerPoint document has been resolved.
Google Maps API Google has turned off its previous iteration of Google Maps API (version 2). Version 3 is now the only acceptable, working version. Oxcyon integrated Version 3 into Centralpoint in 2012 and noted that Version 2 would be turned off in our notes on March 11, 2013. You must sign up for a Version 3 API key if you are displaying Google maps within your site. Here is how to sign up for that key: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/tutorial#api_key. After you sign up for that key, you must place that key in the Admin > Properties > Google Maps API field and click the “Save” button. THIS IS NOT AN OPERATION OXCYON SUPPORT STAFF CAN PRODUCE FOR YOU.

Mon, Sep 2, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.28

Feature Summary
Attribute CpScript This CpScript now has a parameter called SqlEncode. If that is set to true it will SqlEncode your value.
DocumentIconColumn CpDatabind This data bind is used to render a file type image (icon) based on the extension of each record’s related file on a Results View (#2). A new ‘filter’ parameter has been added, and when set to true it will cause the icon be linked to a search of all records in that module with the same extension.
Education > Courses The General > Credits attribute has been updated to accept decimals values.
Partial Page Class The Centralpoint.WebSite.Page class has been changed to a partial class so that it can be extended via My Modules or Custom development. Partial OnInitCustom and OnInitMy methods have also been added to Centralpoint.Web.Page.
WCF Services The Web.Config files in the master and web site’s Root folders will be modified to support WCF services developed within the Root and Console web applications. The configuration/system.serviceModel/serviceHostingEnvironment element will be added if it does not already exist, and aspNetCompatibilityEnabled and multipleSiteBindingsEnabled will be set to "true". This should not affect your web site unless you have developed custom WCF services within the web application that do not allow ASP.NET compatibility. In this case you should update the compiler directive on your custom service class to support ASP.NET compatibility [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)], or contact Oxcyon to discuss alternatives before installing this update.

Sun, Aug 18, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.27

Feature Summary
Admin > Global Login A new Login attribute is available when Source = 'Active Directory (LDAP)' and Windows Authentication (Single Sign-On) = 'Enabled'. Setting Login = 'Enabled' will enable the standard Login page allowing the current user to change from that which was authenticated using Windows Authentication (Single Sign-On) to the user that enters their credentials into the login form. This newly authenticated user will then remain active until the browser is closed or the user logs out. Logging out will automatically re-authenticate the Windows Authentication (Single Sign-On) user.
Blogs > Topics Accessible was misspelled on the Blogs Admin page.
Data List Box & Paged List Box Controls A link has been added to the "# Selected Items" text to sort the grid so that the selected items appear first. This change affects all Modules containing attributes that render searchable lists of content from other Modules or tables in all consoles.
Data Transfer All Source & Destination > Source options have been updated to support sources that return no rows. This change allows the submission of records when the data transfer source returns no rows at design time, but may return rows when executed.
Date Filters CpContent's DateFilter and CurrentAndFutureDateFilter methods have been updated to utilize the current page’s time stamp instead of the current date and time so that all requests for a date filter on one page result in the same date and time. This allows Centralpoint's page level query caching to work with date filters and prevents the same script from going to the database twice when it is on the same page twice.
Design > Data Sources A new Data Source > Custom option has been added which allows a data source to retrieve its content from a custom method that returns a DataTable.
Design > Dynamic Tab Display When Tab Type = 'jQuery Tab' and Width = '0' the width of the control will be set to 'auto'.
GoogleMapPopup CpDataBind Adds a link to each item on a Results View (#2) that will take you up to the Google Map and show the info window of that item.

Sun, Aug 4, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.26

Feature Summary
Admin > Properties A new Console Login Requires Captcha attribute has been added to add CAPTCHA validation to the client console login form.
Data Transfer A new Source & Destination > Destination = Module Designers option has been added.
Data Transfer A new Source & Destination > Source = Module Designers option has been added.
Database Connections All system classes have been reviewed and refactored to enhance database connection management and exception handling.
Education > Courses An issue with escape characters in older versions of IE has been addressed.
FormAddressInfo CpScript US will now be selected as the default country when a user is logged in, but has no saved address information.
GoogleMap CpControl A new IncludeDirectionsLink parameter has been added to this control when used on the Results View (#2). When set to true it will display a Google Maps directions link inside the popup.
PdfIcon CpScript An issue that occurred in Chrome when commas exist in the file name has been addressed.
Publishing > Articles The ItemHyperlink CpDataBind available on the Home View (#1) of this module now supports the Alternative Url attribute.
Site Architecture > System Pages > Search CSS Classes have been added to the HTML TD elements in the search results generated around the Results Item Content attribute.

Sun, Jul 21, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.25

Feature Summary
AddToCalendar CpScript An issue with special HTML characters and the Outlook download file has been addressed.
Database Connections All system code has been reviewed and refactored to enhanced database connection management and exception handling. Site Architecture > Module Designer records must be resubmitted for Education, Marketplace, and My Logs to apply all of these changes.
Design > Dynamic Tab Display A new Width attribute has been added to so set a static content field width.
Development > Module Attributes The Field (Data) Type column in the grid displaying a Modules attributes now automatically recognizes Bit fields.
Development > Module Attributes Custom attributes are now parsed using the custom XML file.
Ecommerce > Discounts The Amount field validator was updated to support different currency formats, and all search forms in the have been updated to support enter key press submissions.
Education > Configuration The CompletedTest PlaceHolder Script is now supported in the following attributes when Grading Type = "Automatic": Passed Message, Passed Email Body, Failed Message, Failed Email Body, and Certificate.
Education > Questions A new Control Type = "Multi Select" option is now available when Type = "Gradable Answer".
Marketplace All search forms have been updated to support enter key press submissions.
Marketplace The Inquiry Basket has been updated so that title clicks now check/uncheck the related checkboxes.
Marketplace > Configuration > Comparison The database lookup has been optimized for authenticated users.
MarketPlace > Configuration > Contact Form Support for CpScripting has been added to the following attributes: Send to Email Address, CC, BCC, and Subject Line.
Marketplace > Configuration > Leads An issue with leads generated from the Contact Form has been addressed.
Marketplace > Directories > Directory A - D Support for CpScripting has been added to the following attributes: Email and Contact Name. ExecuteCpScriptsInResults needs to be set to true for these to show properly using the Attribute CpScript.
Procedure Manuals > Policies An issue caused by a search executed after a Dynamic Jump menu selection has been addressed.
Surveys > Surveys Support for CpScripting has been added to the following attributes: Send to Email and Subject Line.
Voting > Campaign Subject Line and From Email Address now allow CpScripting.
YahooMp3Player CpScript An issue was addressed that was causing the mp3 player to fail.

Sun, Jul 7, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.24

Feature Summary
CpPatternValidation Control The Password pattern has been updated to support special characters. This validator is primarily used to validate passwords in Users, Members, and Administrators Modules in all consoles.
Data Transfer A new Destination Delete = 'Everything (Except Root)' option has been added under the Source & Destination > Destination = 'Taxonomy' option.
Data Transfer The Fields tab has been updated to ensure that the extended properties are properly displayed under Text and Scripting attributes.
Data Transfer A new Destination Delete = 'Everything (Except Main)' option has been added under the Source & Destination > Destination = 'Audiences' option.
Development > Module Attributes A new module designed to display and download the attributes from any standard module.
MobileNavigation CpScript This script has been updated so an error is no longer displayed when it is placed on a page that does not relate to a record in the Site Architecture > Navigation or Homepages module.
ModuleViewAttributes CpScript A new CpScript that can be added to the Formatting > Item Content attribute of a Design > Data Sources record that retrieves the ModuleViewsId field from the cpsys_ModuleViews table using the Select Command attribute. It renders a list of all attribute System Names from the module selected in the Site Architecture > Module Designer > Initialize > Module attribute related to the current row’s ModuleViewsId.
TaxonomyTagCloud CpScript A new CpScript which renders a tag cloud of taxonomy that relates to the current record.

Sun, Jun 23, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.23

Feature Summary
Comments CpControl A new SelectConfigurationByAudience has been added. When set to 'true' the Comments > Configuration record will be selected using audience filtration instead of the DataId parameter.
Design > Media Manager Data Transfer and all standard Modules have been updated to automatically record references to resources created in the Media Manager. A References grid has been added to the bottom of the Media Manager update view which contains links to records with references to the selected resource. The sync will also initialize the table of resource references from all standard Modules.
Education > Questions Ordering and Matching options have been added to the Question Type attribute when Type="Gradable Answer".
File Upload Dialog Validation has been added to prevent an error when the following characters are in the file name: +, %, #, and &.
Procedure Manuals > Policies The Type="Document" > Content attribute is now available as a column (ResourceUpload) in the Results View (#2) of the module designer.

Mon, Jun 10, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.22

Feature Summary
Audience System Page An issue was addressed when sending a link to https://maps.google.com/ with a pound sign in the address fields.
Form CpScripts An issue caused by colons when DefaultValue='cpsys_Constant:DateTime' has been addressed.
FormPatternValidator CpScript A new Required parameter has been added. When set to false the pattern validator will not fire when the form field is empty.
FormUpload CpScript Apostrophes are now accepted.
GoogleMapResults CpControl An issue was addressed when a search was made after an empty search was executed.
GoogleMapResults CpControl A new UseLetters parameter has been added to this CpControl that will show markers with letters.
LettersAsIndex CpDataBind This DataBind takes the index of the Results View record and returns a letter. It was designed to work with the UseLetters property of the GoogleMapResults CpControl.
Master > Deployment > My Updates A new module used to build an update package containing all My Modules (files and CMS) in one master and install it in another. It is useful when developing on one server and periodically transferring changes to another server. This process is documented in the module's help file. When a My Update package is installed all My Modules on that server are replaced with those contained within the package. This is not an incremental update process.
PdfIcon CpScript An issue was addressed when the format=3 query string variable was in the URL.
Procedure Manuals > Policies An issue has been addressed when saving a File Explorer record that was not changed.
Procedure Manuals > Policies Now supports the extensions .ppt, .pps, .pptx, .bmp, .gif, .icon, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, and .tiff.
Site Architecture > Site Wizard This module was built to create and Audience and a Homepage to build an entire site.
Users DataTransfer CpScript Used to retrieve the UserId given an IntegrationId.

Mon, May 27, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.21

Feature Summary
Broadcasts Support has been added for DataSource CpScripts that utilize Formatting > Formatting Options = Raw HTML.
Comments > All Modules The Approver attribute has been updated to properly display the username and email address of the administrator that approved the comment. AncestorAdmin (ancestoradmin@oxcyon.com) will be displayed when the administrator does not exist in the Site Architecture > Administrators module.
Data Transfer A new Source & Destination > Source = Taxonomy option has been added.
Data Transfer A new Source & Destination > Destination = Taxonomy option has been added.
Data Transfer A new File System option has been added to the Source attribute. New WebSiteLocalPath, FileAction, and FileReadAllText CpScripts have also been created for use with this source. The new CpScripts have been documented in the Data Transfer help file.
Data Transfer CpScripts A new Export parameter has been added to the Audiences, Taxonomy, Roles, Module, and Keywords CpScripts. When Export=‘true’ the replacement process is reversed allowing you replace GUIDs with a plain text value retrieved using the ValueColumn parameter.
Design > Media Files Auto Rotate, Rotate Duration, and Fade Speed attributes have been added when Style Options = Cycle Slideshow.
Education An issue was addressed for IE 7 users on Windows XP that caused apostrophes to render incorrectly.
FormUpload CpScript A new CreateParentSubFolder parameter has been added to place uploads within a FormUploads sub-folder of the Uploads folder. This can be used to prevent end user uploads from being included in data synchronization.
GoogleMap CpControls MapTypeControl, PanControl, StreetViewControl, ZoomControl, and ZoomLevel parameters have been added.
Module Designer The Closest Distance Databind has been developed.
Physician Directory Module Designer Closest Distance Attribute Databind has been developed that will show the Closest Distance Attribute in the Physician Directory for the Results View. The attributes will be prefixed with the correct value. If no proximity search is executed, it will show the Primary information.
Procedure Manuals > Policies Document content is now searchable when the File Manager Network Path module property is in use.
YahooMp3Player CpScript A new CpScript developed to generate a Yahoo MP3 player.

Sun, May 5, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.20

Feature Summary
AddToCalendar CpScript The Outlook feature has been updated to support Outlook 2003.
Advertising > Splash Pages A new Delay attribute has been added under Page Type = DHTML Popup (After Load). This allows you to control the amount of time that passes before the DHTML Popup appears.
Data Transfer A new Source & Destination > Source = Members & Administrators option has been added.
Data Transfer A new Source & Destination > Destination = Audiences option has been added.
Data Transfer A new Source & Destination > Destination = Members & Administrators option has been added.
Data Transfer A new Source & Destination > Source = Audiences option has been added.
Data Transfer GenerateSystemName CpScript Created to generate unique system names from column values.
Design > Data Sources An issue with pager rendered when Formatting > Formatting Option = Paged Data List has been addressed. The pager should no longer display when there is only one page.
ExtModalPopup CpScript Creates a modal popup when you click the targeted element.
FormPaymentMethod CpScript This script has been enhanced to support a new Purchase Order option. The process to configure this option has been documented in the Ecommerce > Cart help file.
Parent/Child Modules The Audiences, Taxonomy, and Navigation Modules under Site Architecture have been updated to automatically select the parent based on the grid view search criteria. For example, go to the Taxonomy module, click on the link in the Children column of the Main record, click on the New button in the upper left hand corner, and the Parent Taxonomy attribute will automatically select Main.
Procedure Manuals > Policies Word documents uploaded through the Suggest a Change form will be compared to the previous document, and the changes will be added to the Email Changes attribute.
Procedure Manuals > Policies An issue caused when the Notification > To selection related to a Member with no Display Name has been resolved.
Procedure Manuals > Policies An issue that caused Taxonomy to display incorrectly on the Home View (#1) has been resolved.
RTF Editor Dialogs The Site Links and Media Manager dialogs have been rewritten using a new RtfEditorDialog.aspx instead of Telerik’s standard DialogHandler.aspx. This implementation allows the dialogs to inherit Centralpoint’s page base class and therefore support all console styles and scripts. This also repairs the problem with the Media Manager dialog missing the upload button.

Sun, Apr 21, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.19

Feature Summary
Admin > Roles The Users property, which can be accessed by clicking Page Options… > Show/Hide Properties after selecting a role, now contains separate Members and Site Architecture > Administrators links. These links take you to the respective module’s grid view automatically filtered by the selected role.
AudienceGoogleMap CpControl Fixed a JavaScript error that occurred when multiple Audiences had Geocodes.
Chrome on iOS An issue caused by ASP.NET 4 incorrectly detecting Chrome on iOS as a "downlevel" browser has been resolved.
Content > Generic Enhanced A - J Taxonomy Subset Field 1 - 6 and Taxonomy Subset Root 1 - 6 module properties have been added. They can be used to populate existing or custom attributes with lists of selected taxonomies.
CpUpload Control A new Dialog property has been added to the CpUpload control which is used for File Upload attributes created using Master > CMS > Modules and attribute (cpCollection) XML files. The Default option will cause the file upload dialog to be selected based on the Admin > Properties > File Upload Type attribute as it is now. The new Standard and FileExplorer options allow you to force the control to ignore the property and render the standard or file explorer dialog respectively.
Data Transfer Source & Destination > Source = "Delimited Text" has been renamed Delimited Text (OLE DB) and a new Delimited Text (Stream) option has been added. The new Delimited Text (Stream) option does not require a Schema.ini file with custom delimiters.
Data Transfer New Source Site and Source Order By attributes have been added under Source & Destination > Source = Standard Module. The Source Site attribute provides options to import standard module content from a different site. The Order By attribute provides control over the selected records when the Source Limit attribute is in use.
Data Transfer A new Members & Administrators option has been added to the Destination attribute.
Data Transfer UtcNow CpScript A new Format parameter has been added to prefix or suffix the return value. Include '{0}' in the format string where you would like the DateTime to be placed. It can also be used to format the date itself: {0:d}.
Design > Dynamic Feeds This module has been updated to function properly when no value is provided in the Type = "RSS" > URL attribute.
Form Control CpScripts An issue with the DateTime constant used in the default parameter has been resolved. It also has been updated to accept full date formats.
FormState CpScript A new ChangeToUtc parameter has been added. Setting this value to ‘true’ will automatically convert a DateTime value to UTC.
FormUpload CpScript A post back issue when Type = "Resource" has been resolved. This type has also been updated to set the form state value to "/Resource.ashx?sn=SystemName".
Policies Module The File Manager Network Path in Module Properties has been added. If that has a value, and File Explorer is used, the file will be moved to that directory and deleted in Centralpoint.
Procedure Manuals > Policies The contents of an uploaded document is now extracted and added to a hidden attribute for search indexing regardless of the option selected in the Conversion attribute.
Procedure Manuals > Policies Support has been added for .rtf, .xls, and .xlsx files.
Procedure Manuals > Policies The Type = "RTF Editor" > Content attribute is now automatically populated with the contents of uploaded Word Documents.
Procedure Manuals > Policies A new Type = "File Explorer" option has been added. When selected a document can be uploaded within a folder structure using a file explorer control. A new File Manager Network Path module property has also been added. When populated the file structure created in the file explorer will be duplicated on the network path, and the files will be removed from the Uploads directory.
Site Architecture > Module Designer A new "[, cpsys_Distance]" constant is now supported in all Results View (#2) > Order By attributes. When a proximity search is executed it is automatically sorted by distance first. This constant allows you to override that functionality and sort by some other value before the distance. This constant cannot be placed at the beginning of the attribute, and must include the square brackets and comma-space.
Site Architecture > Module Designer (Physician Directory) The Results View (#2) > Order By attribute has been updated to accept 512 characters.

Sun, Apr 7, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.18

Feature Summary
AudienceGoogleMap CpControl MapTypeControl, PanControl, StreetViewControl, ZoomControl, and ZoomLevel parameters have been added.
Console Navigation Updated to order navigation items by the displayed title, even when it has been aliased.
Data Transfer The General > Source & Destination validation attribute has been updated to be more intuitive. It only displays in red when validation fails, and it does not validate new records.
Data Transfer A new General > Execute > Following option has been added. When selected the data transfer will be executed immediately after the selected data transfer every time it executes. Both data transfers will be recorded in Development > Process Log as part of the same process. If multiple data transfers are executed following the same data transfer they will be executed in alphabetical order by System Title.
Data Transfer Last Run and Next Run columns have been added to the grid view. The dates and times displayed in these columns relate to the web server and not the user’s local time or UTC.
Data Transfer A new "Show Source Sample" button has been added in the upper right hand corner of the Fields view. When clicked it shows the first 5 rows from the selected source in a dialog docked at the bottom of the browser window. This dialog can be resized and viewed while configuring the fields. The number of rows can be configured from the Source Sample Size module property.
FormUpload CpScript The Type parameter now supports the value Resource which triggers the creation of a record in the Design > Media Manager module.
GoogleMap CpControls Apostrophes are now permitted in the pop up window generated by these controls.
Master > CMS > Relations A caching issue that caused a relation to fail to populate when it was updated more than once without restarting the application has been resolved.
ProximitySearchHandler CpControl Now supports comma separated lists in the Group, ZipCodeFormId, and DistanceFormId parameters.
RTF Editors The Image Manager dialog has been changed from the Thumbnail view to the Grid view to improve performance.

Sun, Mar 24, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.17

Feature Summary
Console Caching Page level caching has been added for radio button and keyword list attributes in the client console. This will improve the performance and decrease the number of database requests for Modules that utilize a large number of these attributes.
Console/Web.Config File This file will no longer be overwritten as part of the sync process. It can now be modified to meet the needs of custom development in the Console application. When a Centralpoint update requires a change to this file it will be executed via a sync invoked method, like the Root/Web.Config file, and documented in the sync notes.
CurrentDate CpScript A new AddDays parameter has been added to add or subtract from the current date.
DataSource CpScript The Design > Data Sources > Formatting > Formatting Options = Raw HTML setting now supports the Format CpScript parameter.
Google Maps API Version 2 of the Google Maps Geocoding API will be officially depreciated on September 8, 2013, after which time the API will cease to work. We have updated our Geocoding implementation to support both version 2 and version 3 of the Google Maps API based on the Admin > Properties > Google Maps API attribute. We encourage you to generate a new API key and make the change to version 3 as soon as possible.
GoogleMap CpControls The Results View (#2) and Details View (#3) GoogleMap Controls have a new MarkerImagePath parameter that will turn the marker into an image. This is only compatible with the version 3 Google Maps API.
Module Search Optimizations The SQL queries have been optimized in the following Modules: Directory A – D (Marketplace), Multimedia Encyclopedia (ADAM), Topics (Blogs), Blurbs, Events, Generic A – Z, Generic Enhanced A – J, Generic Plus A – B, Locations, Media, News, Physician Directory, Policies (Procedure Manuals), and Video Library. You must resubmit the Site Architecture > Module Designer records related to these Modules to apply these changes.
Site Architecture > System Pages > Audience CAPTCHA validation has been added to the Email and Mobile forms.
Twillio Integration New Twilio Account SID, Twilio Authorization Token, and Twilio From Number attributes have been added to Admin > Properties. This integration is currently used to send SMS messages from Site Architecture > System Pages > Audience.

Sun, Mar 10, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.16

Feature Summary
Admin > IP Manager The Authentication action now supports Redirect URL='/cpsys_CurrentUrl' to have the page redirect to itself after authenticating.
ASP.NET Control Rendering The system has been updated so that it no longer requires controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion="3.5" or clientIDMode="AutoID" settings in the web.config file, however, these settings are still supported. They will be automatically removed from the console (Master/Root and Console) web.config files during the sync, but front end web site (Root) Web.Config files will not be affected. These elements can be removed manually after determining that all custom code and client scripts support the change.
CartDownloadDigitalItems CpScript Displays the URL purchased digital items.
Content > Events A new DisplayDayInCurrentWeek CpDataBind has been created for use in the Site Architecture > Module Designer > Calendar Week View tab. It display the adjusted date for the currently displayed week.
DefaultStandardNavigation CpScript Renders the standard site navigation which is configured using Design > Styles > Navigation & Sub Nav when using the Default Site Type. Typically this navigation is displayed in the left hand margin of the site, but it can be removed by setting Design > Styles > Navigation > Visible to No, and the same navigation can be dynamically placed on the site using this script.
Design > Data Sources An issue has been addressed where the Formatting > Raw HTML option was registering the Scripts and Styles attributes when returning an empty dataset.
Design > Mobile Navigation A Match Url With Query String attribute has been added. If set to yes, the query string is included in URL comparisons.
ExtPagination CpScript A WrapperDivClass parameter has been added to support targeting without the client ID.
ExtScrollBar CpScript References and extends an HTML element to display a scroll bar.
ExtToolTip CpScript References and extends an HTML element to display a tool tip (hover text).
FireDefaultButton CpScript This CpScript replaces the ASP.Net FireDefaultButton that was previously in use.
Form Control CpScripts The ToolTip parameter now supports escaped HTML characters.
FormAudience CpScript Generates a tiered audience selector for use in forms management.
FormListBox & FormRadioButtonList CpScripts A new TextFieldDataType parameter has been added which supports the values String and DateTime. By default this property uses the value String, but entering DateTime will trigger time zone conversions.
ProximitySearchQueryStringHandler CpControl There is now properties for form state ids instead of using query string variables.
Site Architecture > System Pages > Search A new SystemPageSearchLink CpScript has been created to render and style custom links to execute searches over one or all Modules.
SQL Server Service Broker Centralpoint has been updated to no longer require the SQL Server Service Broker. The broker will be automatically disabled in all cpsys and cpweb databases. If you require this broker for custom code it can be enabled and managed manually. All "SqlQueryNotification" Services, Queues, and Stored Procedures can be deleted from SQL Server manually after backing up the database if desired, but this is not required.

Mon, Feb 25, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.15

Feature Summary
CartInfo CpScript The SystemName parameter has been extended to support an expression (cpsys_Properties:SystemName) to retrieve items stored in the order’s custom Properties collection.
Content > Events An issue was addressed in the Add to Calendar feature when an event was not tagged to Main or All audiences.
Date/Time Picker A button bar has been added to the date/time picker used with all standard date/time attributes. It includes a "Today" button which automatically changes the calendar to the current month and highlights today's date, but you are still required to click on the date to select it. The button bar also includes a "Done" button which closes the date/time picker without changing the selected date.
Design > Dynamic Tab Display An issue was addressed with the HTML output has been addressed when Tab Type = iFrame Tab.
Ecommerce > Cart The Custom Provider module property implementation has been updated to support a custom static Load(string systemName) method. When this method exists it will be used instead of the standard Load method. This feature is primarily used when the cart must be loaded with a custom user or session implementation. New virtual AddToCart and ValidateItem methods were added to Centralpoint’s Ecommerce.Cart class. They can be overridden in custom providers to customize or extend the process of adding items to the cart. This feature is primarily used to add custom quantity validation. The FormAddToCartButton CpScript was also updated to support validation on the results view without redirecting to the home view.
GoogleAnalyticsEventTracker CpScript This CpScript will populate a Google Analytics Event using selected elements ids.
Publishing > Articles A query string based caching problem on the Issues View has been resolved.
Site Architecture > System Pages > Login CSS classes have been added to page controls for styling purposes.
Site Architecture > Translations A new module was created to store blocks of text or HTML that can be translated for display in different audiences. The text can be explicitly translated using the new Translate CpScript, and when a translation does not exist in the current audience the text itself will be rendered. Some other CpScripts and CpControls have been enhanced to support parameter level translations. When noted in the related help file these parameters can be translated by adding a “cpsys_Translate:” prefix to the parameter value. This feature works well when a few labels or messages require translation, but creating separate module designer and/or navigation records per audience is recommended when a large number of translations are needed.
SQL Cache Dependencies SQL cache dependencies have been removed from the system in favor of other caching mechanisms. The SqlDependency query notification object is no longer automatically started or stopped within the application. If you have custom code that references a SqlCacheDependency please contact your support team before installing this update.

Mon, Feb 11, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.14

Feature Summary
Ecommerce > Merchants Support for the Payment Service Network merchant has been added. It can be configured with the module’s new PSN tab.
Custom Attributes The system has been updated to merge custom and ecommerce attributes when the Uploads folder is not in the site's Root folder.
GoogleMap CpControl This control has been updated to support two new parameters: Attribute1SystemName and Attribute2SystemName. These parameters are used to display address information when clicking on a map marker, and require the Google Maps API version 3.
Design > Dynamic Navigation A new General > Show Hidden Pages attribute has been added to control the display of hidden navigation items.
Image Slideshow A conflict between a global style and the slideshow style has been resolved in Design > Data Sources and Dynamic Scripts.
ZipFilesDownloadButton CpScript This script has been updated to support file paths which relate to records in the Design > Media Manager module (/Resource.ashx).
Design > Dynamic Scripts A new Fields > Show Blogger Posted By In Result attribute has been added.
Site Architecture > System Pages A new Audience Tab has been created to configure a new /Pages/Audience.aspx page which can be added to a site using the Site Architecture > Navigation module. This page will display information related to the current audience or another audience by passing the AudienceId in the "aid" query string variable. This view was developed to render audience location information and requires Google Maps API Version 3.
Centralpoint Class Library The class library is now part of the SDK: http://www.oxcyon.com/SDK/ClassLibrary/Index.aspx.
Web Site Search The web site search (/Pages/Search.aspx) now accepts a comma separated list of ModuleIds in the "moduleid" query string variable. This will cause the page to return results from all of the related Modules.
Design > Dynamic Navigation A new General > Rendering Mode attribute has been added to switch the navigation from Table to List mode.
Ecommerce Framework A Properties name/value collection has been added to both ecommerce orders and order items. It can be used in My Module and Custom code to extend the values that are stored with orders and order items.
Ecommerce > Discounts A coupon code can be applied to the cart by adding it to the Cart URL in the "couponcode" query string variable. A "pageurl" query string variable is also supported to redirect the user to a specific page after applying the coupon code.
Voting > Campaigns Minimum Vote Message and Maximum Vote Message attributes have been added.
ThumbnailViewer CpControl LargeImagePaddingTop, LargeImagePaddingBottom, LargeImagePaddingLeft, LargeImagePaddingRight, ThumbnailPaddingTop, ThumbnailPaddingBottom, ThumbnailPaddingLeft, ThumbnailPaddingRight parameters have been added.
ExtContentSwap CpScript An issue was addressed regarding toggling the content visibility.

Mon, Jan 28, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.13

Feature Summary
ThumbnailViewer CpControl Updated to work in all Modules that have image file uploads as attributes.
Admin > RTF Editor A new Custom Client Load Scripts attribute has been added. It can be used to apply a JavaScript file designed to modify the editor contents to meet site specific requirements.
AudienceGoogleMap CpControl A new CpControl that can be placed on the Details View (#3) of a module to show a map containing markers for each of the Audiences to which that record relates. This control only works when GeoCodes have been generated for each of the related audiences.
Module Designer > Events > Calendar Month View The Previous Navigation Type = "Image" option has been repaired to display a file upload button when selected.
ProximitySearchQueryStringHandler CpControl A new CpControl that can be placed on the Results View (#2) of any module that supports GeoCoding to implement proximity searches via zipcode and distance query string variables.
URL Pattern Validator The validator applied to all attributes which require a URL value, like Site Architecture > Navigation > Details > Page Type = “URL” > URL, have been updated to accept the file URI scheme (file://).
Design > Dynamic Scripts Issues with the next and previous buttons and image links generated when Formatting Options = “Image Slide Show” have been addressed.
ExtPagination CpScript CSS classes have been added to the pager text. This also applies to Design > Data Sources > Formatting > Formatting Options = "Paged Data List".
Site Architecture > Audiences New Company > Geo Code & Auto Update GeoCode attributes have been added. When Auto Update GeoCode = "Yes" submission will trigger the system to automatically generate a GeoCode using the company’s address attributes, and use it to populate new Longitude and Latitude fields in the cpsys_Audiences table. These fields can be used to create Data Sources that render audiences filtered and sorted by their proximity to a given address. This feature requires a valid value for the current domain in Admin > Properties > Google Maps API Key.
AdBannerManager CpScript This script has been rewritten to use jQuery instead of SpryEffects.
MiniCalendar CpScript An issue was addressed related to the links that are created when clicking on different months.
PageSize CpControl The Sizes parameter has been updated to support a comma separated list of sizes passed in the module designer.

Mon, Jan 14, 2013

Centralpoint Update 8.4.12

Feature Summary
Events Module A vulnerability was addressed in the Calendar Month View.
FormState CpScript There is now an attribute called ChangeFromUtc that will convert a date value into the correct time zone.
Development > Errors "Validation of form state hash failed" errors will no longer be recorded in the Errors module. They relate to form state tampering because the hash created before the response was sent does not match the data that is posted back.
Development > Errors "Invalid viewstate" HttpExceptions will no longer be recorded in the Errors module. They relate to view state tampering because the hash created before the response was sent cannot be decoded after the data is posted back.
Development > Errors "Invalid postback or callback argument" ArgumentExceptions will no longer be recorded in the Errors module. They are designed to prevent cross site scripting attempts and rarely relate to problems with the site. The error will still be reported to the screen for debugging purposes.
Ecommerce > Shipping A new Worldwide Express option has been added.
Created FormSelectCommand builder
Development > Errors HttpRequestValidationExceptions will no longer be recorded in the Errors module. They are designed to prevent cross site scripting attempts and rarely relate to problems with the site. The error will still be reported to the screen for debugging purposes.
Windows Authentication (Single Sign-On) The Active Directory (LDAP) global login has been enhanced to support Windows Authentication (Single Sign-On). This has been documented in the Admin > Global Login > Source = "Active Directory (LDAP)" > Windows Authentication (Single Sign-On) attribute’s help file.
DynamicJumpMenu CpScript A QueryString parameter has been added to which will be applied to the URLs generated in the drop down menu options.
Maximum Historical Versions The default number of historical versions stored has been increased to 20 in the following Modules: Advertising, Broadcasts > Broadcasts, Design > Data Sources, Design > Styles, Forms, and Site Architecture > Home Pages. This change does not apply to Modules where the module properties have be manually modified.
File Upload All standard "File Upload" buttons in the client console now accept .PSD files.
ExtDatePicker CpScript A problem with this control when used with form fields has been repaired.
RTF Editors The Preview mode has been removed from the Telerik RadEditor to prevent unwanted source changes when submitted in IE.
Site Architecture > System Pages The Login > Password Email Body attribute now accepts HTML.
Design > Dynamic Scripts The following changes apply when Details > Formatting Option = "Image Slideshow". The opacity now affects just the background color, the caption animation has been corrected, and the there is a new Link Image To Record option.
FormListBox CpScript The Filter parameter is now HTML decoded to support greater-than and less-than symbols.
FormYearsListBox CpScript A Forward parameter has been added to shift the years forward or backwards.

Wed, Dec 26, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.4.11

Feature Summary
Admin > XML/RSS Edit mode has been enabled for this module.
Design > Media Files Edit mode has been enabled for this module.
Design > Dynamic Feeds Edit mode has been enabled for this module.
Surveys Edit mode has been enabled for this module.
Design > Media Files The slideshow script files have been upgraded to the latest version.
RTF Editors A custom content filter has been added to remove
Site Architecture > System Pages Login image buttons have been updated to be triggered by the enter key when focus is on the form.
Admin > Properties > Google Maps API Version When this property is set to 3 all standard Google Maps controls will utilize the version 3 API. When setting this property to 3 it is expected that the Google Maps API Key attribute has been updated with version 3 API keys.
Design > Media Files A new 'Cycle Slideshow' option has been added to the Style Options attribute.
CookieRegister Script The script files have been upgraded to the latest version.
AudienceMenu CpScript Id, Class, and Style parameters have been added to this script.
Home View (#1) A new 'cpweb_TaxonomyTier' CSS class has been added around each tier of taxonomy.
FormYearsListBox CpScript Renders a drop down list box of years beginning with the current year.
Database Backup/Restore A new utility has been added to Development > Utilities to backup and restore only the web site database.
Master > Deployment The process of creating a web site from a backup now accepts the database backup as a separate file.
Backup Exclusions Master > Web Sites > Web Site > Configuration > Backup Exclusions was created to exclude the Database, Uploads, and/or Resources from backups generated by Centralpoint. All selected backup exclusions must be backed up manually on the server.
GoogleAnalyticsEcommerceTracker CpScript Can be placed on the summary view of the ecommerce cart to track the orders in Google Analytics when enabled.
PdfToImage CpScript Used to generate an image from a PDF file.
DateTimeConversionByTimeZoneId Data Transfer CpScript Used to convert local date/time values to UTC given a Time Zone Id.
Report Builder Notifications The scheduled task has been updated to use the web site’s temp folder instead of the master’s to prevent file locking errors caused by the SMTP server.

Mon, Dec 10, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.4.10

Feature Summary
Data Transfer The Column CpScript has been updated to return the reader’s default value instead of the writer’s when the column doesn’t exist or returns a null value.
Procedure Manuals A new policies and procedures module suite has been created.
Surveys > Questions The Surveys column in the client console grid view now links to a popup window containing all related surveys.
Telerik RadControls The integrated Telerik RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX have been upgraded to the latest version from December 2012. This upgrade will primarily affect the RTF Editor and File Upload controls found throughout Centralpoint. A full list of changes made since the last update in October 2012 can be found here: http://www.telerik.com/products/aspnet-ajax/whats-new/release-history.aspx
RTF Editors The ConvertToXhtml content filter has been removed from the Telerik RadEditor to prevent unwanted source changes added in the latest update.
Column CpScript The Name parameter now supports an expression (cpsys_Attributes:SystemName) to retrieve attributes that are not returned as columns in the select command or relation. The SystemName portion of the expression should be replaced with the System Name of the attribute in the related module. If an attribute does not exist with the given System Name the script will return an empty string. This expression requires that the select command returns the DataId or Attributes column. Standard Module Designer > Home View (#1) and Results View (#2) > Item Content attributes already support this expression using the DataId column in the relation. Data Sources require that the Select Command attribute includes one of these columns manually, and the Attributes column is recommended for better performance. The Select Command Builder has also been updated to automatically include the Attributes XML column when All is selected under Additional Attributes. Using this expression may cause a decrease in performance due to a database query used to retrieve attribute XML, but returning fewer records per page can improve its performance. The performance is most significantly affected by the first attribute retrieved, and is not significantly affected by retrieving multiple attributes with one select command. Adding and sync’ing columns via Master > CMS > Relations is still the most efficient way to make attribute values available in a select command or relation.
ExtDatePicker CpScript TargetId and TargetClass parameters have been added.
Data Sources An IE 7 issue with the Paged Data List formatting option has been repaired.

Mon, Nov 26, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.4.9

Feature Summary
Date/Time Controls The date/time picker used in all consoles has been updated to use jQuery instead of the AJAX Control Toolkit.
Telerik RadControls The integrated Telerik RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX have been upgraded to the latest version from October 2012. This upgrade will primarily affect the RTF Editor and File Upload controls found throughout Centralpoint. A full list of changes made since the last update in June 2011 can be found here: http://www.telerik.com/products/aspnet-ajax/whats-new/release-history.aspx.
AJAX Control Toolkit The integrated AJAX Control Toolkit has been upgraded to the September 2012 Release.
Design > Data Sources Multiple z-index issues for the Image Slideshow option have been fixed.
Design > Dynamic Scripts Multiple z-index issues for the Image Slideshow option have been fixed.
Surveys > Questions The Survey attribute now allows you to post the same question to more than one Survey.
Staywell > Subtopic A Splash Page Show Blurb attribute has been added that enables the display of the Blurbs attribute on the SiteAreaNavigator splash page component.
ZipFilesDownloadButton CpScript An issue caused by clients disconnecting during a download has been resolved.
Content > Events Boundary checks have been added to prevent the selection of months before and after the minimum and maximum system dates.
Content > Generic Enhanced The Results View (#2) tab in the module designer now supports the End Date attribute (EndDate) in Column CpScripts.

Mon, Nov 12, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.4.8

Feature Summary
Ecommerce &gt; Cart A new Custom Provider module property has been added. Developers can use this to implement a custom class which overrides standard cart methods like InsertItem. The details have been documented in the module's help file.
Module Tabs The tabs displayed at the top of the update view in many modules have been updated to prevent a JavaScript event bubbling issue in IE that caused sporadic long load times.
Tiered Selectors All tiered selectors (audiences, taxonomy, etc.) have been updated to only include the related web service reference when the control renders.
Forms Support for the "cpsys_Audience" constant has been added to the PostBackUrl parameter of the FormButton and FormImageButton CpScripts.
StayWell &gt; Subtopics A new StayWellSubtopicAttribute CpScript has been created to retrieve an Attribute's value from the currently rendering subtopic on a splash page.
Design &gt; Data Sources & Dynamic Scripts An issue with the display of Formatting &gt; Image Slideshow records has been repaired.
Design &gt; Mobile Navigation A new "Use Rollover Image On Menu Hover" attribute has been added.
Notify Reviewers Deleted and System Users have been removed from the Notify Reviewers list box in all standard modules
Content &gt; Events The Next and Previous buttons displayed on the Calendar Month view now utilize CSS classes instead of color codes.

Sun, Oct 28, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.4.7

Feature Summary
Forms Management Encoding and hash codes have been added to the hidden variables used to track form item values. This allows us to differentiate improperly generated form variables from hacking attempts and corrupt form submissions. It also works to obscure the form state value from inspection in the page source. A new Development > Utilities > Form State Decoding attribute has also been added to decode these values for debugging.
Development > Errors Validation of view state MAC failed errors will no longer be recorded. They relate to view state tampering or corruption because the hash created before the response was sent does not match the hash generated after the data was posted back.
Maximum Request Lengths Standard module submissions has increased from 8 MB to 20 MB, and resource uploads has increased from 100 MB to 500 MB.
Site Architecture > Module Designer Updated to more gracefully handle errors caused by locked files while deleting module designer records.
Site Architecture > Navigation & Homepages Updated to handle invalid values in the Header Type attribute which typically results from bad imports and attribute changes.
Web Site Backups Updated so that errors returned while enforcing backup limits do not prevent new backups from being created.
Comments > Configuration The popup window used to display a large number of comments has been updated to return a 404 error when the related document has been deleted.
FormShipping CpScript Upgraded to support the latest API related to the Ecommerce > Shipping module's USPS tab.
IncrementId CpScript A new CpScript developed to generate unique identifiers within an entire web site. The generated value supports padding, prefixes, and suffixes.
Design > Mobile Navigation A new Hover Menu Content HTML Class Name attribute has been added to class the navigation item while the user hovers over the menu content.
EducationTestResultsLink CpScript A new DomainName parameter has been added to specify the domain name of the link in the generated email.
Multiple File Downloads The new /Modules/DataSource/ZipFiles.aspx page accepts a comma separated list of file paths in the ‘files' query string parameter. It will compress the accessible files and prompt the user to download all of the files as a single ZIP file. A new ZipFilesDownloadButton CpScript has also been created to work in conjunction with either the DownloadCheckBox CpScript or the Module Designer's DownloadCheckBoxColumn CpDataBind.
Publishing > Articles The TaxonomyList CpDataBind has been updated to prevent an error when the SiteMapInfo object is null.
Staywell > Subtopics Splash Pages referencing RawHTML elements containing links to products in the StayWell format are now translated to links to the corresponding records in the StayWell > Content module.
MiniCalendar CpScript A new CpScript developed to generate a small dynamic calendar containing events and links from the Content > Events module.
Content > Events The email links generated by the system have been updated to support XML in the Body Copy attribute.
Education > Courses The completed view has been updated to handle links with incorrect query string parameters.
Surveys The Email Results attribute and its contained/switched attributes have been updated to switch properly.

Sun, Oct 14, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.4.6

  • The system Encryption class has been updated for IIS 7 to automatically generate an encryption key and store it in the web.config file if one doesn't already exist: http://dev.xodev00.com/Test.aspx.
  • Taxonomy Subset 4 – 6 attributes have been added to the TRB > Blurbs Module and Results View (#2): http://dev.xodev00.com/Console/Module.aspx?sn=Blurbs, http://dev.xodev00.com/main/blurbs.aspx?search=sample.
  • The Admin > Custom Errors module has been updated to support URL encoded spaces (%20) in the Original URL attribute: http://dev.xodev00.com/our%20services/home%20health%20services.
  • A new jQuery Charts option has been added to Design > Data Sources > Formatting > Formatting Options attribute. It can be used to generate line, bar, area, and pie graphs from queries that return integral values: http://dev.xodev00.com/Console/Module.aspx?sn=DataSources1, http://dev.xodev00.com/main/bar-chart.aspx.
  • New HideMapIfEmpty and UseAudienceForGeoCodes parameters have been added to the GoogleMap CpControl used on the Details View (#3) of standard modules. These controls prevent the map from being displayed using the audience's address when the current record has no address: http://dev.xodev00.com/main/cgeneric-enhanced-a-geo-codes/44.aspx.
  • A new "letter" query string variable is now supported by all standard modules. Adding letter=A to the query string of a module's URL will trigger a search for records whose title starts with the letter A: http://dev.xodev00.com/main/module.aspx?letter=a.

Sun, Sep 30, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.4.5

  • The StayWell > Subtopics module has been updated to better predict the correct URL to use for area's displayed on splash pages. This change is facilitated by two CSV files; one is managed by Krames StayWell and the other by Oxcyon.
  • Data synchronization is now possible using the new "Sync Data" checkbox within each site in the Master > Deployment > Synchronize module. It has been documented in the module's help file. It can also be selected from a new Master > Content > Scheduled Tasks record when Job = "Synchronize Web Sites" and Include Web Sites = "Selected". This is a beta release and we recommend running and verifying it on a copy before using it on a production site.
  • It was recently discovered that many master console have tracing enabled which can result in a decrease in performance. This is most likely a result of developers debugging a problem and forgetting to disable tracing when they are done. To resolve this problem the update installation process, starting with version 8.4.6, will automatically disable tracing when an update is installed.
  • The Delete button on the update view of records in standard modules has been updated to work when the record is accessed via Admin > Search All Modules.
  • A new RemoveScripts parameter has been added to the Attribute CpScript for Admin > Search All Modules > Change Attributes only. This CpScript has also been updated to support an AddHours parameter when DataType='DateTime'.
  • A new Forms > Processing > File Creation option has been added to generate files from form results and save them on the web server or an FTP server.
  • Seats Remaining has been added to the relation for the Events module.
  • The Events Calendar View has been updated so that today's date, when it has an event, includes two new CSS classes: cpsty_CalendarTodaysDayCell and cpsty_CalendarActiveEventDayCell. cpsty_CalendarDateNumber has been added to the Date Number in a SPAN tag for each day in the Calendar View. Finally, there is an additional attribute in the Module Designer for Calendar Date Number CSS. Please use this to apply the styles to cpsty_CalendarDateNumber.
  • The Administrator email for Education > Configuration has been updated to include the questions with their question number in the correct order.
  • A new ChangeDate CpScript has been created to display a date after adding or subtracting days. It will add or subtract from the current date if no date is supplied.
  • New Link to Day View, Display Top Events, Record Filter, Calendar See More Link, See More Link Text, See More Link CSS, and Calendar Date Number CSS attributes have been added to the Module Designer for the Calendar View of the Events module.
  • The List query string variable used with the Events module's Calendar List View now supports the values Day and Month. This enables this view to show a single day of events as opposed to an entire month.
  • Added functionality and new attributes have been added to the Slide Show option of Design > Dynamic Scripts and Data Sources modules.

Mon, Sep 17, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.4.4

  • Client console change notifications have been updated to utilize only the server time to determine whether a record has changed. The previous implementation compared client and server times which caused issues when one of the clocks was incorrect.
  • A new From Email Address attribute has been added to the Surveys module. When populated this address will be used instead of the default: donotreply@domain.com. This is needed when a site does not have an email server set up for that domain name.
  • Range and required field validators have been added to the Education > Questions > Columns attribute to prevent errors when rendering radio button lists.
  • A new Style Options attribute has been added to the Design > Media Files module to select the generated CpScript.
  • The time allotted for the GalleriaMediaFiles CpScript has been increased to prevent timeout exceptions.
  • A problem with the DynamicNavigation CpScript when used within Update Panels has been addressed.
  • The Design > Media Files > Zip File trigger has been updated so that it no longer requires a specific folder structure.
  • The Data Source > Formatting Options > RawHtml attribute now supports cpsys_Apos in order to nest CpScripts.

Mon, Sep 3, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.4.3

  • A new Centralpoint Agent Windows Service will be installed to improve the reliability of Scheduled Tasks.
  • A new set of Splash Page XML files provided by Krames StayWell have been included in this update. These files are referenced in the StayWell > Subtopics > Page Type (Splash Page) > Splash File attribute which is typically populated via a Data Transfer. They are used to render the subtopic page contents in a similar manner to the StayWell demo site. Subtopics using these splash files will automatically reflect the changes in the files.
  • Change Notifications have been added to the form view of all standard modules. They are designed to notify you if a document is modified by another user while you have it open. You will also be notified if notes are added to a document so it can be used as a way to communicate with other users who may have the same document open. The notification is always triggered by clicking the save button, but the system also checks periodically without a click. The interval of this check is set in Admin > Properties > Console Change Notification Interval which defaults to 5 minutes. Of course, no notification will be displayed if no changes were made to the open document. You can preview this feature by opening the same document in two different windows and saving it in one. Then switch to the other window and either wait for the interval to elapse or save that form to trigger the notification immediately.
  • The FormEventSeatsRemainingValidator CpScript has been updated to prevent problems reported related to an empty value.
  • GeoCodes3 and GeoCodes4 columns are now available on the physician directory results view.
  • The FormHiddenField CpScript now supports a new cpsys_CartOrderNumber constant in the DefaultValue property. It is used to create an automatically incremented numeric order number. This feature is described in the Scripting help file.
  • The CustomProximitySearch CpControl has been extended to include 250 and 500 miles in the distance drop down list.
  • The ExtAccordion CpScript has been updated to hide the expanded and collapsed SPAN elements when there are no images.
  • The AudienceInfo CpScript now supports lowercase='true' to make the returned value lower case.
  • A new jQuery UI Themes record has been added to Admin > Template Gallery which will generate 28 default themes.

Sun, Aug 19, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.4.2

  • The database maintenance routine has been updated to more efficiently shrink and re-index both SQL Server 2005 and 2008 databases. The process log has also been updated to store the size of the database before and after the maintenance stored procedure runs. This routine can be scheduled or executed via Master > Development > Utilities > Database Maintenance on Selected Site(s).
  • Master > Content > Web Sites > Properties has been updated to properly display the properties of the selected web site.
  • Master > Web Sites > [WEB_SITE] > Properties has been updated to replace file upload controls with standard text boxes and remove validators. This change supports web site root relative paths in the User, Audience, Taxonomy, Ecommerce, and Resource Properties attributes to be submitted and updated from the master console.
  • New records created in the Site Architecture > Administrators now have both checkboxes checked next to Accessible Audiences > All Audiences. This prevents a problem which prevented administrators from easily selecting only the Main audience for these records.
  • Centralpoint has been updated to gracefully remove duplicates in data relationships like Audiences, Taxonomy, and Roles. In the past, an error would be returned when the same taxonomy was associated with one record more than once. Centralpoint now automatically removes the duplicates and successfully creates the desired relationships. This problem typically occurred when data was created using an outside source via Forms and Data Transfer.
  • The System.ServiceProcess assembly will be automatically added to the master web.config file so that the Centralpoint Agent windows service can be managed by future updates.
  • Scheduled tasks have been updated to more gracefully recover from database connection problems.
  • The scheduled Clean Up process has been updated to ignore file deletion errors while cleaning the Temp directory, and to check that directories exist before cleaning them.
  • The Select Command Builder has been updated to prevent ambiguous column errors by prefixing column names.
  • The DataSource CpScript has been updated to support in the Empty String option of the Empty Item attribute for the Raw HTML Formatting option.

Sun, Aug 5, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.4.1

  • System Name attributes in all modules have been updated to support underscores and dashes except Site Architecture > Module Designer, Master > Deployment > Web Sites, and Master > CMS > Modules & Relations.
  • A new Admin > Properties > Web Site System Name Space Replacement attribute has been added to replace spaces with underscores or dashes before a system name is generated. This feature only applies to modules that generate system names for use on the front end of the web site.
  • A new Admin > Properties > Web Site Generated URL Casing attribute has been added to control the casing of URLs generated by the page base class and site map provider. This feature will be added to other system generated URLs as needed.
  • A new Development > Import Utilities > Export Sql Builder feature has been added.
  • The Select Command Builder utility now includes the DataId column.
  • The number of pages available in Forms has been extended to 15.
  • A new Data Transfer Attribute CpScript has been created to utilize attributes of the executing data transfer record.
  • A new Preview option has been added to the system's Page.Formats enumeration.
  • A new FormRegularExpressionValidator CpScript has been created.
  • A Preview column has been added to the following modules: Publishing > Articles, A.D.A.M > Drug Notes, A.D.A.M > Multimedia Encyclopedia, A.D.A.M > Wellness Tools, Content > Events, Events > Registration, Content > Generic A - Z, Content > Generic Enhanced A - J, Content > Generic Plus A - B, Content > Locations, Content > Media, Content > News, Content > Physician Directory, Content > Template, Content > Video Library, Education > Courses, HealthDay > News, Marketplace > Directories > Directory A - D, My Logs > Logs, OCE > Courses, Home > Podcasts, StayWell > Content, Surveys > Surveys, and Site Architecture > Navigation.
  • A new FormCascadingDropDownList CpScript has been created.
  • The TaxonomyTree CpScript has been updated to support a cpsys_NonMobileAudienceSystemName constant in the CustomUrl parameter and a new MobileAudienceSystemName parameter.
  • The DataSource CpScript now supports a Format parameter.
  • The DownloadHyperlink CpDataBind for the Articles > Home View has been extended to use the Target attribute.
  • Advertisers now have an id for the surrounding HTML DIV element.
  • Auto-start capabilities have been added the Image Slideshow for Data Sources and Dynamic Scripts.
  • A CurrentUrl CpScript has been created to return the URL of the current page.
  • A bug has been fixed in Raw HTML Formatting Option for Design > Data Sources.

Sun, Jul 22, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.4.0

  • The Reporting > Report Builder module's support for database providers has been extended to include both exports and the report grid view.
  • The Centralpoint page base class's ClientScripts property has been depreciated and all client scripts are now managed by the CpScriptManager. It automatically registers a Page.js file that can be efficiently cached by the browser and contains the majority of the frequently used Centralpoint JavaScripts.
  • The Admin > Properties > Header Tags > Register Toggle Div JavaScript attribute has been removed because this JavaScript is now automatically added by the CpScriptManager control.
  • All CSS and JavaScript files related to Centralpoint.Web.UI.Console and Centralpoint.Web.UI.Controls have been consolidated into Console.css, Console.js, Controls.css, and Controls.js. The registration of these files has been moved into new static Console.Common and Controls.Common classes.
  • A hover effect has been added to all console grids and allows you to click anywhere in the row instead of just on the title of the record to view the details of a record.
  • The CpXmlValidator control used to validate client console attributes that take uploaded CpCollection XML files has been updated to fail validation when the provided file path does not exists. These controls previously returned an error when this occurred.
  • For good reason, most browsers make it nearly impossible for client-side JavaScript to arbitrarily read and write the system clipboard. Due to this limited browser support we have removed all client-side JavaScript clipboard features from all consoles. Copy buttons next to text box attributes in the client console (CpTextBox.AllowCopy) have been changed to "Select Text" buttons and the CpLabel.AllowCopy property has been depreciated.
  • A new Account Settings > Personalization > Checkbox Selects Data Key attribute has been added to make copying DataIds, AudienceIds, TaxonomyIds, etc. easier within the client console. This feature is disabled by default, but when enabled it causes the console grid row selector checkbox to copy the row's data key to the search header keywords text box when checked. The Account Settings module must be accessed in the console in which your account was created, and you may have to log out and back into the console before changes will be applied.
  • Formatting improvements have been made to the tab bars displayed at the top of the client console update page when modules contain multiple "tabs".
  • A NoFollow property was added to the LoginStatus CpScript to prevent search engines from using the link generated in their results.
  • The Events Module's Calendar view has been updated to catch any bad characters in the date query string variable.

Sun, Jul 8, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.3.17

  • A new GlobalStyleSheet property has been added to Centralpoint.WebSite.StyleSheet which is the page base class inherited by all system style sheets. This property has been utilized by the Dynamic Navigation style sheet to prevent the inclusion of global styles which are already registered by the site type style sheet. This property must be set during the PreInit phase of the page life cycle.
  • Design > jQuery UI Themes: A time stamp has been added to the query string portion of the CSS file URL to force browsers to clear their cache when the theme is modified.
  • A new RegisterUnmanagedScriptInclude CpScript has been created and is recommended for registering all custom JavaScript files. It will work in any attribute that supports CpScripting, but is most commonly needed in Header Elements and Scripts attributes. Regardless of where these CpScripts are entered they will always register the client script include after the system client script includes. Using this CpScript will also allow Centralpoint to be more aware of custom JavaScript files, and better predict and prevent potential problems.
  • Styles, Scripts, and Startup Scripts attributes have been added to the Admin > Properties module under the Header Tags attribute. These attributes can be used to add styles or scripts to every page in the site.
  • A content filter has been added to the RTF editor which will change all FONT elements to SPAN elements and apply the font settings using CSS.
  • The Survey Results page has been updated to correctly filter total responses.
  • A default value was added for Design > Dynamic Navigation > Dynamic > Horizontal Offset and Vertical Offset.

Sun, Jun 24, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.3.16

  • A new Admin > Properties > Header Tags > Enable Content Delivery Network attribute has been added to the Master and Web Site Consoles. This property is enabled by default which will cause all sites to utilize the Microsoft Ajax Content Delivery Network (http://www.asp.net/ajaxlibrary/CDN.ashx) when possible.
  • A bug in the standard module's new Notify Reviewer option which caused duplicate users to return an error has been identified and repaired.
  • A new CpScriptManager class has been created and used in place of all standard ScriptManager references within Centralpoint. All custom references to a standard ScriptManager "
  • A new Design > jQuery UI Themes module has been developed to design, upload, and manage the jQuery UI themes used throughout the site. The module help file contains a detailed description of the use of themes.
  • A new RegisterScopedJQueryUITheme CpScript has been developed to manually add scoped themes to a page.
  • A new Header Tags tab has been added to the Admin > Properties module. The Register Toggle Div JavaScript, Register SWF Object JavaScript, Header Elements, and Footer Elements have been moved to this new tab.
  • A new jQuery UI Theme attribute has been added to the Admin > Properties, Site Architecture > Audiences, and Site Architecture > Homepages & Navigation modules under the Header Tags tab.
  • jQuery version 1.7.2 and jQuery UI version 1.8.21 have been included in all sites including a general jQuery UI theme (CSS file and images). jQuery features may now be referenced from any custom code or client console. All existing references to these or previous libraries should be removed because the system will automatically add the required references. All existing references to non-scoped themes should also be removed, and can be managed using the new Design > jQuery UI Themes module.
  • All StayWell module designer records utilizing the Subtopics view must be resubmitted for compatibility with the new JQuery Integration.
  • A new RegisterCssStyleInitLink method has been added to the page base class that allows you to register a CSS link before RegisterCssStyle styles on the page.
  • All Centralpoint CSS styles have been consolidated into the site type style sheet and the Web.master.css.aspx style sheet is now only registered when a site type style sheet does not exist. This change has decreased the number of round trips required to retrieve the page styles.
  • The FormListBox CpScript has been updated to include output caching. This new feature must be enabled manually, but can improve the performance of this script.
  • A new Virtual Merchant tab has been added to the Ecommerce > Merchants module.
  • A new Development > Utilities > DES Decrypter utility has been created.
  • Updates to the file upload Web.config file have been made to support larger files on Windows Server 2008 and IIS7.
  • A new Field Map Build utility has been added to the Form > Processing > Field Map attribute.
  • A new AdditionalFields parameter has been added to the FormPaymentAuthorizeNet CpScript. this property takes a comma separated list of control Id's and retrieves values from those controls sending that data as a description to Authorize.Net.
  • A new Preview column has been added to the standard grid view of the following modules: Admin > Email Access, Advertising > Ad Tracking > Zones, Broadcasts > Data Sources, Design > Dynamic Navigation, Design > Data Sources, Design > Dynamic Feeds, Design > Dynamic Scripts, Design > Dynamic Tab Display, Design > Media Files, Forms, StayWell > Navigation, Comments > Configuration, Ecommerce > Cart, and Ecommerce > Merchants. You may need to clear your browsers cache in order see the popup window.
  • A bug in the Data Source to PDF converter has been identified and repaired.
  • A bug in the SearchTerm CpControl that caused terms to display incorrectly has been identified and repaired. A second problem in this control that caused incorrect results counts has also been repaired.
  • A bug in the Design > Dynamic Scripts and Data Sources image slideshow formatting option has been identified and repaired.
  • The ExtAutoComplete CpScript has been updated with a shorter delay.
  • Standard attribute formatting option parameters have been added to the UserInfo CpScript.
  • The Design > Dynamic Tab Display's jQuery Tab option has been changed to support the new jQuery integration.

Sun, Jun 10, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.3.15

  • We will be releasing a full JQuery and JQuery UI integration in an upcoming sync that may conflict with custom JQuery integrations. Any custom code containing hard coded JQuery library references in the file system or the client console should be itemized ahead of time. These library references may have to be removed after the integration is sync'd. When these conflicts do occur they typically cause minimal problems and are easily resolved.
  • The Reporting > Report Builder module now allows you to select an ODBC, OLE DB, Oracle, or SQL Server Database Provider when Data Source = "Connection String". The Centralpoint.Web.Cms.ExportWriter class has also been updated to support these database providers.
  • A "Notify Reviewers" option has been added to the client console update view under the Notes text box. The list of reviewers contains the current user's reviewer, all master and console users in the audit trail, and all console users in the Review Data role. Selecting one or more reviewer will trigger a standard reviewer email to be sent when the document is saved, copied, or notes are saved. This feature works for current, archived, historical, and draft documents. The reviewer email has been updated to include the contents of the Notes text area when populated. The Audit Trail has also been updated to record which reviewers have been notified.
  • StayWell > Subtopics Module Changes
    • The Page Type = "Splash Page" > Splash File attribute has been changed from a file upload to a text box so that integrated splash file references can be modified.
    • A new Parent Subtopic attribute has been added and allows you to move the subtopics around within the hierarchy.
    • Support has been added for the creation of custom subtopics that are not part of the integrated collections.
    • Subtopic deletion has been enabled, but deleting subtopics with children will cause those children to be elevated to root subtopics since their parent no longer exists. Also note that deleted integrated subtopics may be replaced by the integration during the next scheduled update. Disabling integrated subtopics using the Display Status attribute is recommended over deleting.
  • StayWell Subtopics Data Transfer Source Changes
    • A new Title column has been added that is formatted more like the StayWell Demo Site than the Name column when possible.
    • Many of the column defaults have been updated so that new records can be inserted with new data, but existing records will be left alone.
    • It is highly recommended that you delete and recreate existing StayWell Subtopics data transfers to apply these changes.
  • A new UseDefaultValueOnUpdates parameter has been added to the Data Transfer Column CpScript. When set to true the selected column's value will be used on inserts and the existing record's value will be kept on updates.
  • A new OpenNewWindow CpScript has been created and documented in the scripting help file.
  • A new Basket View > Sub Header Title attribute has been added to the Marketplace module designer.
  • The timer feature in the Education module has been repaired. This change is not applied without resubmitting the module designer.
  • The ExtAccordian CpScript has been updated to fix an issue in IE 7.
  • The DataSources CpScript has been updated to fix a jQuery conflict when Design > Data Sources > Formatting > Formatting Options = "Paged Data List".
  • The GalleriaMediaFiles CpScript has been updated to remove any file that is not an image and when the name contains an ampersand.
  • The TaxonomyTree CpControl has been updated to include a unique ID element on the DIV surrounding each tier of taxonomy.

Mon, May 28, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.3.14

  • Navigation and Subtopics modules have been added to the StayWell module suite and are used to add Collections to the current StayWell integration. A new StayWell data transfer source has been created to populate the Subtopics module, and the Navigation module can be used to generate a CpScript to include the Collections and their Subtopics in the site’s navigation. A Subtopics tab has also been added to the module designer to configure how the Subtopics render to the page. It includes a number of new CpScripts created specifically for Subtopics. These new modules and CpScripts are designed to work with the existing StayWell Content integration, and are described in more detail in the module’s help file.
  • Anonymous Creation has been implemented in the Workflow > Configuration module.
  • A bug in the ProximitySearch CpControl related to the "Zip Code" watermark has been discovered and repaired.
  • A new Admin > Properties > File Upload Type attribute has been added to switch to a new File Explorer for uploading files in all modules. This file explorer allows administrators to select existing files instead of only uploading new ones, and supports new options displayed as attributes when the file explorer is selected. If the file explorer window size appears too small you may have to clear your browser’s cache to repair the problem: http://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser's-Cache#Chrome_v1_-_v9.
  • A new FormPaymentWorldPay CpScript has been created. A new "WorldPay Form Payment" template has also been added to Admin > Template Gallery.
  • A bug in the AddThis integration related to URL encoding has been discovered and repaired.
  • The Design > Dynamic Tab Display > Tab Type = "jQuery Tab" attributes and CpScript have been updated, and now allow theme customization.
  • A Firefox bug in the ExtPagination CpScript has been discovered and repaired.
  • The Education module has been updated to support greater than and less than signs in Answers.

Sun, May 13, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.3.13

  • A content filter has been added to the RTF editor which will change all B and I elements to STRONG and EM respectively.
  • An error returned to console administrators when their selected audience had been deleted is now handled by redirecting them to the Main audience. The standard security message will be displayed if they do not have access to the Main audience.
  • A new ExtMaskFormInput extender CpScript has been developed to mask any HTML form element. It is commonly used to guide the user to input credit card, social security, or phone numbers.
  • A new ODBC data source as been added to the Data Transfer > Source & Destination > Source attribute.
  • A new Ecommerce > Merchants > Authorize.NET > Test Mode attribute has been added for initial testing of ecommerce transactions.
  • The navigation XML element used in Forms > Processing > Module Submission > Field Map now includes a new UseFormInfo XML attribute. When set to true the system will load the existing records data on top of the module attributes letting you update existing records.
  • Support for leading and trailing zeros has been added to the Visa CSV number.
  • An AuditTrail CpControl has been developed to display a console like document audit trail on a front end details view via the module designer Details View (#3) tab. It has been documented in the Forms Management help file.
  • The Data Transfer Column CpScript has been updated to support regular expressions when ReplaceTextRegexEnabled is set to true.
  • An attribute called Formatting Options has been added to Design > Data Sources > Formatting to enable an Image Slideshow Option that gives you the ability to create a customizable slideshow based on fields retrieved from the Select Command.
  • The ExtAccordion CpScript was updated to include a pointer style for the clickable region of the accordion header.
  • A new ExtPaginiation CpScript was created to enable a paging effect in properly created HTML DIV elements. This will work in any RTF Editor and also in the Module Designer.
  • A new EmbeddedVideo CpScript has been created to enable an embedded video given a file path. Auto start capabilities were added to Flash files, and a bug in Windows Media files implementation has been fixed to enable auto start.
  • The AddThis widget has been updated to a newer version. This was causing issues on some pages.
  • Data Sources have been updated to include a new Formatting > Formatting Options attribute. New Image Slide Show and Paged Data List formatting options have been added.
  • The SearchTerm CpControl has been modified to display a results count and to format the search text.
  • A new FormEventSeatsRemainingValidator CpScript has been created to validate the Number of Seats in Event field in the Registration Form. This validator will not let the end user reserve more than available seats.
  • A new BackColor property has been added to the AlphaNav CpControl.
  • A new Tab Type attribute has been added to Design > Dynamic Tab Display > Attributes. This attributes provides a new JQuery Tab option to create client side tabs that support forms.

Sun, Apr 29, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.3.12

  • A bug in the web site search has been repaired that prevented results in the Navigation module from building the correct URL when the web site search was set up to search one audience at a time.
  • The CleanUp utility has been updated to insert a file called DoNotDelete.txt before applying file system permissions to empty directories. It was recently discovered that permissions were not getting applied to empty directories on Windows Server 2008.
  • A new ShowStayWellNavigation parameter has been added to the BreadCrumbTrail CpScript which will be used to include StayWell > Subtopics.
  • A bug in the Account Settings module in the client console that caused some audience administrators to get redirected to the Audience Tree has been identified and repaired.
  • Support for ODBC database connections has been added to Design > Data Sources > Data Source (Connection String) > Database Provider.
  • The StayWell Product import has been updated to split the import into batches.
  • A new ReadSessionValue CpScript has been created to retrieve the value of a session variable by name.
  • The CustomFormItems CpScript has been updated to support all standard value formatting parameters.
  • The AddToCalendar CpScript has been modified to optionally display linked images instead of text.
  • New Order By attributes have been added to the Events module designer's Calendar Week View and Calendar List View tabs.
  • The Primary Office Fax, Second Office Fax, Third Office Fax, and Fourth Office Fax attributes have been added to the default Physician Directory relation and are now available on the Results View (#2).
  • A new Z Index Auto Increment attribute has been added to the Design > Dynamic Scripts module to resolve style issues.
  • A bug in the MediaItem CpScript that caused problems with QuickTime videos has been identified and resolved.
  • Support for proximity searches and geo coding has been added to the Content > Events and Generic Enhanced modules.
  • The Generic Enhanced module designer default values have been updated to only include attributes that exist in these modules.
  • A new ExtTaxonomyExpander extension CpScript has been developed to add dynamic expansion and contraction to the Home View (#1) display of taxonomy.
  • A new ExtAccordion CpScript has been created to add an accordion effect to page elements selected using HTML class names.
  • Parameters have been added to the SystemFilter CpScript to enable and disable Audiences, Roles, IsEnabled, and CurrentDate filters individually.
  • A new TaxonomyFilter CpScript has been developed to generate SQL taxonomy filters.

Sun, Apr 8, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.3.11

  • A bug in the web site logout function that caused audience logouts to redirect to the Main audience has been repaired.
  • The URL rewriter has been updated to handle invalid URLs in the Site Architecture > Navigation module without causing a severe error.
  • The web site search (Search.aspx) has been updated to exclude the document (AutoNumber) portion of the URL when linking to related modules in a suite, such as pages of an article.
  • The module suite search functionality has been updated to support related modules that are only searchable in the web site or module search.
  • The ExtWaterMark CpScript has been rewritten to address issues with the watermark value being sent during post back.
  • A new GalleriaMediaFiles CpScript has been created that uses the Galleria Plugin for Media Files records.
  • A new CurrentDate CpScript has been created to format and display the current date and time.

Sun, Mar 25, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.3.10

  • All instances of the CpListBox control with a SelectionMode of Multiple have been made resizable. This primarily applies to attributes like Roles and Console Navigation.
  • Improvements have been made to the status messages written during Data Transfer imports into standard modules.
  • Comments that relate to standard module data have been added as a source and destination in Data Transfer.
  • The standard module's archived view has been updated to allow temporarily archived documents to be permanently deleted.
  • A bug in the Site Architecture > Audiences > Globalization > Ecommerce Prices (Custom Attributes) has been found and repaired.
  • The Comments > Configuration > Thread > Item Content attribute's CreateDate placeholder has been updated to format dates with the current user's culture.
  • The AddToCalendar CpScripting has been updated to properly string out HTML and repair a timing issue.
  • The MediaFiles CpScript has been repaired to properly support the ThumbHeight and ThumbWidth properties.
  • A new form validation CpScript called FormCreditCardValidator has been created to validate the card number based on the credit card type and the card number.
  • The Design > Media Manager module has been updated to properly set the Content Type of JavaScript files.

Sun, Mar 11, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.3.9

  • The Admin > Error Messages > Type = 404 Redirect feature has been updated so that it no longer appends the cpsys_redirect=404 query string variable to the URL. To prevent an infinite loop, the system now blocks redirects when the current URL, which caused the 404 error, exists anywhere in the Error Messages module as the Redirect To URL. This will prevent all redirects that COULD BE the result of another redirect as opposed to preventing redirects that ARE the result of another redirect.
  • The Admin > IP Manager and URL Redirect modules have been updated to improve efficiency by preventing lookups on web sites that are not using these modules. Please ensure that there are no active records in these modules if they are not in use.
  • The Admin > IP Manager > Action attribute has a new Redirect option. It can be used to automatically redirect users that access the root URL of the site to a specific audience and/or site map item within the site.
  • The fields query string variable has been updated to include the taxonomy query string value when executing a fields search. Previously, the taxonomy portion of the search was excluded because a form state version of the fields search supports a custom taxonomy search.
  • A new DefaultValue Data Transfer CpScript has been developed and documented in the Data Transfer help file. It is designed to insert the existing value via a CpScript when updating existing records. It is most useful when appending to an existing value.
  • A new ExtPasswordStrength Extender CpScript has been developed to display the strength of a password as it is typed into a form text box.
  • A new RegisterJQuery CpScript has been developed to register the JQuery library to the page. This is preferred over registering manually using a JavaScript include because it prevents the library from inadvertently being registered more than once.
  • The SponsoredSearches CpControl has been updated to include Publish Start Date, Publish End Date, and Display Status filtration.
  • The SearchTerm CpControl has been updated to include a new SelectionMode property. When the selection mode is changed to Multiple the control will display all search terms as opposed to only one.
  • The Video CpControl has been updated to support FLV files.
  • The DynamicJumpMenu CpScript has been updated to utilize the Target attribute included in all standard modules.
  • A new ExtWatermark CpScript has been developed to add a watermark to an existing form text box control.
  • The SurveyManger CpScript has been updated to include a new ButtonText property.
  • The Generic Enhanced modules have been updated to include geo coding. A new Geo Codes Address Template module property has been added to determine which generic attributes define the address used to generate the geo code.
  • A new MailToLink CpScript has been developed to generate a client site mailto email link.
  • The Province attribute has been added Marketplace Directory module relations for use on the Results View (#2).
  • The FormTextBox CpScript has been updated to include a new Enabled property.
  • The standard file upload control has been updated to support files with an EPS extension.

Mon, Feb 27, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.3.8

  • The User.TimeZoneInfo and new User.CultureInfo properties now utilize the Site Architecture > Audiences > Globalization and Admin > Properties > Globalization attributes while on the front end of the web site. Audience overrides will take precedence over site overrides. The User.CultureInfo property is not globally in use on the site, but we will be adding this cultural formatting to UI elements as needed.
  • The standard module's FormatValue method has been updated to support the new User.CultureInfo property for dates and decimal values. This change will cause all Attribute and Column CpScripts to automatically format values using the culture selected in the Site Architecture > Audiences > Globalization or Admin > Properties > Globalization attributes. In order for the formatting to work properly the CpScript must have the DataType property set to DateTime or Decimal.
  • The Site Architecture > Globalization > Ecommerce Prices attribute now can be used to set up custom ecommerce price attributes per audience. When used in coordination with the Culture Override property you can set up an audience for a specific location including unique product process. When the end user's audience changes their cart will be automatically reset using the price attributes from the new audience. Be sure to set the cartUrl property of the FormAddToCartButton CpScript to '/cpsys_Audience/Cart.aspx' so that the cart loads in the current audience.
  • Support for searches within search results has been integrated into the Modules.Page base class for standard module results views. It is triggered programmatically using the new SearchInResults page property, or by adding 'inresults=1' to a query string search.
  • Support for single character domain names has been added to the email address pattern validator used throughout the system.
  • The FormListBox and FormRadioButtonList CpScripts now support the value 'cpsys_SystemFilter' in the Filter attribute when the SystemType is not in use. It will be replaced with a dynamically generated system filter.
  • The Content > Video Library > Attributes > VideoType attribute has been upgraded to Attribute Switch to support the option None.
  • The Site Architecture > System Pages > Login tab has three new attributes to control the button images: Login Image, Login Cancel Image and Password Request Image.

Mon, Feb 13, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.3.7

  • A new Culture List Box control has been added to the list of controls available for attributes in CMS and custom attributes. This control will be utilized in the new Globalization options currently being developed.
  • The Site Architecture > Audiences module has been updated to support custom attributes containing attribute switches.
  • The storage and retrieval of the current Audience information has been elevated from the Page to the User class. This will allow for more efficient caching and help in supporting the new Globalization options currently being developed.
  • The FormMobileLoginButton CpScript has been modified to substitute the current audience when the RedirectUrl parameter starts with "/cpsys_Audience/".
  • The Members and Site Architecture > Administrators modules have been modified to include a Display Name column in the grid view.
  • New Generic K - Z Keyword Lists have been created.
  • The ItemHyperLink CpDataBind used with the Publications > Issues module’s issues view has been updated to include an optional "link" argument to determine whether to hyperlink each issue. The ArticleList CpDataBind has also gotten a new "orderBy" argument to sort the article list.
  • The OrderBy CpControl has a new StartDateAscText property which can be set to add a Start Date Ascending option to any module results view’s order by selector.
  • The Building/Complex, Street Address, City, State, Zip and Phone attributes have been added to the Physician Directory relation for the Second, Third and Fourth addresses.

Mon, Jan 30, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.3.6

  • The AudienceInfo CpScript has been updated to support a new UrlEncode property. When set to "yes" the script will URL Encode the result before it is returned.
  • Zip Code caching has been integrated into Centralpoint's GeoCode retrieval from the Google Maps API to prevent excessive requests when calculating distances.
  • The FormCart CpScript has been updated to detect when the user's session expires, alert the user with the message from the Ecommerce > Cart > Details > Expired Message attribute, and redirect the user to the beginning of the checkout process. This situation only occurs when the user waits for an excessive time on one step of the checkout process. It protects the system from changes to the products, discounts, tax, or shipping.
  • The system has been updated to detect and ignore unknown form actions. These form actions are often created by bots fishing for system vulnerabilities.
  • A new URL Specific attribute has been added to Admin > Error Messages when Type = 'Message'. This attributes allows you to create hostname (domain) specific error messages. This feature has been documented in the module's help file.
  • A new UrlEncode property has been added to the AudienceInfo CpScript.
  • The FormUpload CpScript's SubFolder property has been updated to support the cpsys_NewGuid constant within a folder.
  • Six new New Yes/No attributes have been added to the Content > Generic Enhanced modules and there relations.
  • The Document attribute has been added to Physician Directory relation for access on the Results View (#2).
  • A new ItemSuffix property has been added to RelatedData CpControl.
  • The Site Links popup window in the console's RTF Editor has been updated to include the navigation item's system name in the grid view.
  • A new ExtContentSwap CpScript has been implemented to dynamically swap the content of two HTML DIV elements using JQuery. This CpScript has been documented in the Scripting help file.

Mon, Jan 16, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.3.5

  • Support for a comma separated list of email addresses has been added to the Reporting > Report Builder > Notification (Enabled) > CC and BCC attributes.
  • Repeating events have been rewritten to repeat using the current user's local time instead of UTC. This change fixes a bug that caused weekly events to occur on the wrong day of the week when UTC and local times were on different days.
  • The Site Architecture > Navigation and Homepages > Details > Browser Title and Header Tags > Description attributes have been updated to support CpScripting.
  • A bug has been identified and repaired that caused some browsers to display a broken image icon in the client console when an image was resized unnecessarily. This problem was caused by duplicate content disposition response headers added to the page when the resizer was called and was not needed because the image was not large enough to be resized.
  • A new General > Create Results Record attribute has been added to the Forms module which allows you to prevent the form's submissions from being recorded in the Form > Results module.
  • The module designer for the Content > Events module now contains new Calendar List View and Calendar Week View tabs. The Calendar List View supports new DisplaySelectedDate and ViewDetails CpDataBinds. The Calendar Week View supports new DisplayCurrentWeek, NextWeek, and PreviousWeek CpDataBinds. All calendar view's Header Content attributes support a new ViewSelector CpControl and MonthView and ListView CpDataBinds for navigation purposes.
  • A new Standard Publish Comment Button attribute has been added to Comments > Configuration Form to provide a way to upload a custom comments button image.
  • The module designer for the Blogs > Bloggers module has a new Blogger > Blogger Item Order By attribute to control the sort order.
  • The Registration CpControl used in the Events module designer has been updated to support the current audience via the cpsys_Audience constant in the form URLs.
  • A new Formatting > Item Background Image attribute has been added to the Design > Dynamic Scripts module.
  • The AddToCalendar CpScript has been updated to support Yahoo, Google and MSN calendars in addition to Outlook.
  • Taxonomy Subset 5 and Taxonomy Subset 6 attributes have been added to the Content > Physician Directory module.

Tue, Jan 3, 2012

Centralpoint Update 8.3.4

  • The dashboard and settings for individual users now reflect changes made to the available gadgets in the Site Architecture > Module Designer and changes to the Roles of user and Preset Gadgets. Changes made in the module designer or preset gadget roles may require the user to log out and back in again before they are applied.
  • A bug in the Events module that caused repeating events to get the same Auto Number has been identified and repaired.
  • The Content > Events module has been updated so that repeating events utilize the time component of the Publish Start Date, Publish End Date, Event Start Date, and Event End Date attributes for all occurrences of generated events. It has also been updated to maintain these time components when the repeating event spans a time change.
  • The standard module proximity search has been updated to apply the modules standard sort order when two records have the same distance.
  • A new ShowOrphanedItems property has been added to the TaxonomyTree CpScript. When set to "Yes" selected items whose parent is not selected will display as first tier items.
  • The Admin > Custom Errors module has been updated to support redirects on pages where the URL begins with HTTPS in addition to HTTP.
  • A new CpDataBind called TaxonomyList has been developed to retrieve a list of taxonomy related to the current issue.
  • A new AddToCalendar CpScript has been created to allow end users to add an event to their Outlook calendar. It was designed specifically for the Details View (#3) of the Content > Events module in the module designer.
  • A new IfValueEquals CpScript has been created for Data Transfer. It will compare two values and returns one of two results depending on whether the expression is true or false.
  • A new tab has been added to Ecommerce > Merchants for WorldPay.
  • A new filter property has been added to the TaxonomyTree CpScript.
  • The GoogleMap CpControl has been updated to use the default address properties if no geo code exists and the MapType is GoogleMap.

Mon, Dec 12, 2011

Centralpoint Update 8.3.3

  • The Admin > Error Messages module has been update to support fully qualified URLs in the Original URL attribute when Type = "404 Redirect". It has also been updated to support 404 Redirects from static file and directory paths on Windows Server 2008. This will cause the modules relation to be rebuilt and repopulated which can be time consuming when it contains of records.
  • A bug has been identified and repaired which caused an error when the moduleid query string variable was added to the web site search using the ID of a module that does not exist or is not set up in the module designer.
  • A bug has been identified and repaired which caused an error when a fields query string search was executed with an empty field name.
  • The email a friend and marketplace comparison forms have been updated to support special characters in the email sender’s name.
  • Data Transfer has been updated to catch and report errors during batch inserts. This will allow some batches to import without others and will also prevent a problem where the module lock is not released when a batch import fails.
  • A bug in Data Transfer has been identified and repaired that caused records to merge during incremental, partial updates when some records did not exist in the source data.
  • The trigger used to populate the Taxonomy Subset attributes has been updated to remove duplicates.
  • A bug in the Members > Dashboards module has been identified and repaired that caused the wrong dashboard to be updated and displayed when more than one dashboard existed on the same site. The problem was caused by the session based cache of the user’s gadgets which did not contain a key specific to the current module designer record.
  • A new GenerateGeoCodes CpScript has been developed for Data Transfer. It can be used to generate GeoCodes based on the given address fields.
  • A new ReplaceImagePath CpScript has been developed for Data Transfer. It can be used to replace old image paths with new ones.
  • Forms management has a new Encrypted email option under Forms > Processing > Integration which provides the ability to send Encrypted Email using DES encryption.
  • Three new properties TaxonomyHeader, SubTaxonomyHeader and CityHeader have been added to the TaxonomyLocationSearch CpScript.
  • The Registration CpControl has been modified to support custom registration attributes.

Mon, Nov 28, 2011

Centralpoint Update 8.3.2

  • A new ExtAutoComplete CpScript can be used to extend any text box to make suggestions that start with the characters entered by the user from a field in a module’s default relation.
  • A new attribute called "AJAX Enabled" has been added to the Results View (#2) tab in Site Architecture > Module Designer for the Physician Directory module. Enabling AJAX will cause the content area of the results view to refresh without the rest of the page when a button within the content area is clicked. This includes everything between and including the Header Content and Footer Content. A progress indicator will appear in the upper right hand corner of the page while the content area of the page is being updated. The design of this progress indicator can be controlled using the Design > Styles > Global > Partial Page Update Progress Template attribute.
  • A bug in form state that caused an exception when the Request.Form object contained a NULL key has been identified and repaired.
  • A bug in data transfer that caused exports containing NULL columns to fail to write the row delimiter has been identified and repaired.
  • The Action menu used in the Users > Dashboards (PersonalDash) module has been rewritten using JQuery instead of an ASP.NET Menu control so that the menu can be displayed OnClick as opposed to OnHover. The related module designer's Dashboard > Styles attributes affecting the ActionMenu have all been incorporated into the new menu, but some styles may behave differently.
  • A new InsertClick CpScript has been developed to insert the current URL in the Stats > Clicks module without Click.aspx. This script directly relates to a database write and can cause performance problems if not used properly. It is intended for uses like a form's thank you page and the email a friend body where the link causes a post back and the standard Click.aspx method cannot be used. It technically does not imply a click at all, but rather an execution of a CpScript. It is up to the administrator to determine whether the execution of the CpScript corresponds to a click.
  • A new SystemFilter CpScript has been created to generate a system filter based on the current user and date. It is designed for use in Design > Data Sources > Attributes > Select Command attribute, and can be added to the WHERE clause to filter relation data by display status, publish dates, audiences, and roles.
  • The Site Architecture > System Pages > Search > Search Dates Visible attribute has been renamed Search Dates. It now provides 3 options that can be used to hide the date search or control how the filter is applied: Hidden, Start Date & Modify Date, and Start Date Only.
  • The DataTransfer CpScripts have all gotten a new Format parameter that works like the standard Format parameter on a Column or Attribute CpScript.
  • The ColumnCreator control has been updated to include a new RepeatDirection called VerticalFlow. When selected the rows are implemented with DIVs so the content flows vertically in each column. This new property is accessible from most CpScripts with the RepeatDirection attribute.
  • The TaxonomyTree CpScript has been updated with new CustomUrl, PostText, DataFilterEnabled, and AlphaNav properties. These new properties have been documented in the Scripting help file.
  • The Calendar Month View tab in the module designer for the Content > Events module has been updated to include new Show Title, Title Format, and Day Name Format attributes. New CSS styles have been added for this view: cpsty_CalendarOtherMonth, cpsty_CalendarWeekendDayStyle, cpsty_CalendarDayStyle. New CpControls called DateSelector and TaxonomySelector have been added for this view and documented in the related help file, as well as a new Calendar date DataBind script.
  • Two new modules called Generic Enhanced A and Generic Enhanced B have been created under the Content category in the client console. These modules contain a large number of template attribute using different controls which are included in the relation and available on the Home View (#1) and Results View (#2) by default. They can be hidden or renamed using module configuration. These modules are not recommended when the module is expected to contain a large number of records.
  • A new CpScript called FormCurrentAudiences has been developed to display a drop down list box of the audiences available in the current record or any record specified by DataId.

Mon, Nov 7, 2011

Centralpoint Update 8.3.1

  • Master > CMS > Keyword Lists > Keywords has been updated to allow keywords to be added to unlocked, inherited keyword lists.
  • The Members > Dashboard now supports a new cppdb_Dashboard_Permanent class in the module designer's Dashboard > Styles attribute. It can be used to customize the display of permanent gadgets.
  • The Physician Directory module has two new attributes: Appointments and Additional Information. Both of these attributes have been included in the module’s relation so that they can be referenced on the Results View (#2).
  • The Physician Directory module designer has a new "A to Z Index" tab which allows you to create multiple alphabetic displays of records. This feature is not recommended with a large number of records because it displays all records on the screen at once.
  • The Physician Directory module designer’s Results View (#2) tab contains new View 2 – 4 Enabled attributes which allow you to create up to 5 unique search views within one Physician Directory.
  • AppointmentLink and AdditionalInfoLink DataBind functions have been developed for the Physician Directory Results View (#2) and have been documented in the module's help file.
  • A new TaxonomyProximitySearch CpControl has been developed for use in the results view of any module. It has been documented in the Module Designer help file.
  • A new Repeating attribute has been added to Content > Events which can be enabled to create multiple occurrences of an event with different dates.
  • The Event Start Date attribute has been added to the Content > Events module’s grid view.
  • A new Registration CpControl has been created for use in the Content > Events module designer. It displays links to forms management forms for Registration, Cancellation, and a Waiting List. It works in coordination with a new Content > Events > Registration module which should be populated by the forms management forms.
  • A new TaxonomyLocationSearch CpControl has been created for use in the Content > Events module designer. It populates a dropdown with child taxonomy items given a parent TaxonomyId, and it again populates the location dropdown with Locations tied to selected child taxonomy items, and then performs a search based on the selected values.
  • A new PdfIcon CpScript has been implemented to generate PDF documents for the page on which the CpScript is placed. It takes the current page's URL to generate PDF based on the contents of that page.
  • A new Taxonomy Default Link Type attribute has been added to the module designer for most standard modules. It can be used to control the type of link to be used for standard taxonomy items on the Home View (#1).
  • The relation for the Publications > Issues modules will be rebuilt to include new fields: IssueNumber, VolumeNumber, AdditionalDescription. These new fields will be accessible on the Issues View and Results View (#2).
  • The ArticleList DataBind used in the Publications > Issues module designer on the Issues View has been modified to support showMore, moreText and showSummary arguments.
  • A new My Logs module suite has been create personal information logs for individual site members.

Sun, Oct 23, 2011

Centralpoint Update 8.3.0

  • The Members > Details > Accessible Audiences has been changed to give newly created members front end access to all audiences by default and Site Architecture > Details > Accessible Audiences now gives newly created administrators console access to all audiences by default.
  • Added support for IIS 7.5.
  • Windows Server 2008 site folders updated to the minimum required permissions.
  • Added support for installations on SQL Server 2008 R2.
  • Added schema binding to scalar SQL functions for improved performance. Scalar SQL functions are primarily used for proximity searches.
  • A new Search Order By attribute has been added to Site Architecture > System Pages > Search.
  • Latitude and Longitude fields have been added Locations module’s default relation.
  • The ProximitySearch CpControl has been modified to support a new ZipCodeCookie property. When this property contains the name of a cookie the control only displays when the cookie has a value.
  • The GoogleMaps CpControl has been modified to utilize the Site Architecture > Audiences > Company address attributes as the default address when the current record has no address.
  • The MediaItem CpControl has been modified to track clicks on 'Download File' links when enabled via a new TrackDownloadFileClicks property.

Sun, Oct 2, 2011

Centralpoint Update 8.2.0

  • The UserInfo CpScript has been updated to support DisplayName, StartDate, and EndDate in the AttributeSystemName property.
  • A bug which caused an error to be returned with some selections in the Taxonomy Hidden Items module property has been repaired.
  • A "Modified" column has been added to the custom Design > Media Manager module and its display in the RTF Editor's Media dialog. This column displays the last date on which the record was modified.
  • Changes made to support the cookies in ASP.NET 4 caused an issue with the Admin > Global Login module’s User Refresh Rate module property. This problem has been resolved.
  • The integrated RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX has been upgraded to the latest version from September 2011. This upgrade will primarily affect the RTF Editor and File Upload controls found throughout Centralpoint. A full list of changes made since the last update in June 2011 can be found here: http://www.telerik.com/products/aspnet-ajax/whats-new/release-history.aspx.
  • The Design > Dynamic Scripts module has been updated to add the AlternativeUrl field only when necessary. This should result in an increased performance for all dynamic scripts that reference modules with a large amount of data and do not include a reference to the Alternative URL in the Details > Override URL attribute.
  • The Personal Dashboard’s RSS Feed gadget has been updated to display item content including the description and images. Existing PersonalDashUsers module designer records will require the additional ".cppdb_Dashboard_Body_Content { padding: 2px; }" CSS entry in the Dashboard > Styles attribute when utilizing the RSS Feed gadget.
  • A new Fields > Image Linked attribute has been add to Design > Dynamic Scripts.
  • The Development > Utilities > Precompile feature has been removed from all consoles because it is not supported on Windows Server 2008. Compilation can be executed on a server using Microsoft's ASP.NET Compilation Tool when necessary: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms229863(v=vs.80).aspx.
  • Forms management now supports a new "DateTime" cpsys_Constant in the DefaultValue parameter of any form item CpScript. This constant causes the form item to be initialized with the current date and time and supports format strings.
  • The module designer's Search CpControl has been updated to support the display of the taxonomy drop down list box without the keywords text box.
  • Changes have been made to abstracts to support front end users with private access to a limited number of audiences.
  • An error returned in some cases when a user enters incorrect credentials into a MobileLogin on an audience other than Main has been resolved.
  • A bug in the AdBannerManager CpScript related to audience filtration has been repaired.
  • Added support for installations on Windows Server 2008 and IIS 7.5.

Sun, Sep 18, 2011

Centralpoint Update 8.1.1

  • All Centralpoint class library components have been updated to target the .NET Framework 4.
  • The Centralpoint.Web.ExtensionMethods.Redirect method has been updated to use the new ASP.NET 4 HttpResponse.PermanentRedirect method instead of manually executing a permanent redirect using HTTP headers.
  • The Centralpoint.Web.IsMobileDevice method has been updated to use the new browser definitions included in ASP.NET 4. This new implementation utilizes the ASP.NET browser definitions to determine which browsers are mobile as opposed to a hard coded list within Centralpoint.
  • The integrated AJAX Control Toolkit has been upgraded to the latest .NET Framework 4 version from July 2011.
  • The integrated RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX has been upgraded to the latest .NET Framework 4 version from July 2011. This upgrade will primarily affect the RTF Editor and File Upload controls found throughout Centralpoint. A full list of changes made since the last update in late 2009 can be found here: http://www.telerik.com/products/aspnet-ajax/whats-new/release-history.aspx.
  • The master web.config file will be updated to prevent HTTP Request Validation errors that began after the upgrade to ASP.NET 4.
  • All Admin > Properties > * Properties File attributes have been updated to provide file upload buttons instead of text boxes and validate the uploaded file as CpCollection XML. This change eliminates the need for server access to update User, Audience, Taxonomy, Ecommerce, and Resource properties.
  • The Data Transfer Column CpScript has been updated to support an EmptyValue property. An empty string will be returned when an EmptyValue is provided, it matches the script’s DataType, and it is equal to the calculated value. Do not use this property when you require the script to return a data type other than String because an empty string may be returned instead of the desired data type.
  • A new Page Type attribute has been added to the Advertising > Sponsored Keywords module. All existing records have “All Pages” selected for backward compatibility. The Page Type attribute contains an option called Nav Groups that works like the same option in the Advertising > Advertisers module. It allows you to include the sponsored keyword only on navigation items in the selected Nav Groups.
  • The TaxonomyTree CpScript has a new property called ShowRelatedTaxonomies which is used to show only taxonomy items that are related to the current record being displayed on a Details View (#3).
  • New ProximityFilter and ProximitySort CpScripts have been created to implement a proximity search from within a custom SQL statement like in a Data Source.
  • A new AutoProximitySearch CpControl has been developed for use on the Results View (#2) only. It is designed to retrieve an address from a cookie and automatically trigger a proximity search based on the value stored in that cookie.
  • A new CookieValue CpScript has been developed to return the value stored in a cookie.
  • All HTTP Cookie updates have been modified to reference the current cookie in the Response object when possible instead of creating a new Cookie. This change was made to prevent problems with the old implementation that did not arise until the ASP.NET 4 update.
  • All system CAPTCHA controls have been reviewed to ensure that empty submissions have been considered.
  • The Active Directory Global Login has been updated to take additional steps to prevent LDAP injection. Any custom global logins using LDAP paths or filters should be manually updated to utilize the new LdapDNEscape and LdapFilterEscape methods in the AuthenticationSources class.
  • A new CSS class has been added to each column (TD) in a user’s personal dashboard to support custom formatting of each column. These classes are named cppdb_DashboardContainerN where N is the column number.

Sun, Aug 28, 2011

Centralpoint Update 8.1.0

  • All Centralpoint sites will be automatically upgraded to ASP.NET 4 (http://www.asp.net/LEARN/whitepapers/aspnet4) during the update installation. Before installing this update you must ensure that the .NET Framework 4 is installed on your web server and that ASP.NET 4 is Allowed via IIS’s Web Service Extensions. Please disable your server's auto update via the Master > Content > Scheduled Tasks module if you are concerned with this upgrade or would like more time. Your site’s web.config file will be automatically backed up in the Backups folder before it is modified. If you have added any custom httpModules or httpHandlers in any Root/web.config file you will need to manually add them back after the update. The update will also modify IIS to place the Master and Development sites in a new app pool called cpsys_Default and all other web sites and consoles in one called cpweb_Default. These new app pools will be created using the settings applied to the Application Pools folder in IIS. If you had a custom app pool configuration, you’ll have to ensure your app pools are running only ASP.NET 4 sites first, and then reapply them manually after the update.
  • Due to the ASP.NET 4 upgrade, all My Module developers will have to upgrade their Visual Studio 2010 projects to the .NET Framework 4. Just right click the project and select Property Pages. Then select Build in the left navigation and change the Target Framework to .NET Framework 4. Click OK to apply your changes, save the Visual Studio project and restart Visual Studio. You may also choose to delete and recreate your Visual Studio project and it should automatically default to the appropriate version of the .NET Framework. If you are using an earlier version of Visual Studio you should either upgrade or develop by dropping files into the editor, but without using a project.
  • The Hidden Attributes Module Configuration has been updated to support Attribute Switches. Attributes that are controlled (hidden and displayed) by other attributes can now be hidden using module configuration.
  • Data Broadcast has been updated to include locks to prevent a broadcast from being queued again when they are queued or running.
  • A new FormDomainValidator CpScript has been implemented for use in forms management. It is intended to provide a list of acceptable domains for an email address FormTextBox.
  • Development > Utilities > Clear Search Terms has been added to remove all recorded search terms for the selected module.
  • A new AudienceHomePageLink CpScript has been developed to create a link to the home page of the current audience.
  • The TaxonomyTree CpScript has been updated to support a new PackageDataIds property. This property supports a single PackageDataId or a comma separated list. When populated the CpScript will only display the taxonomy tree on the specified packages.
  • The Generic Plus modules have been updated to support the EndDate column in the module designer’s Results View (#2) > Item Content.

Sun, Aug 7, 2011

Centralpoint Update 8.0.65

  • Center (Above Content) and Center (Below Content) options have been added to the Advertising > Advertisers > Position attribute for use with Centralpoint’s Default Site Type.
  • The web.config file of all web sites and master consoles will have the mostRecent attribute of the trace element set to false. This change will not affect sites unless tracing is enabled, but when enabled it will make it easier to utilize the trace in high traffic sites. With this feature disabled the trace will only contain the first 50 pages since the last time it was cleared, but you may change this setting back manually if you prefer it enabled.
  • A new QRBarcodes CpScript has been developed to generate quick response bar codes.

The next update package, v8.1.0, will upgrade all Centralpoint sites to ASP.NET 4 (http://www.asp.net/LEARN/whitepapers/aspnet4). This update requires changes to both IIS and the web.config files which will be applied automatically to all sites during the update installation. The update containing this upgrade (v8.1.0) is scheduled for release on August 29, 2010. Before installing this update you must ensure that the .NET Framework 4 is installed on your web server and that ASP.NET 4 is Allowed via IIS’s Web Service Extensions. The .NET Framework 4 is an optional windows update and you should check for important updates after its installation. Please disable your server's auto update and sync via the Master > Content > Scheduled Tasks module if you are concerned with this upgrade or would like more time.

The current update package (v8.0.65) executes a method that will check your server’s ability to automatically upgrade and send a report via the Development > Errors module. A representative from Oxcyon will contact you to schedule a manual update if this report provides any evidence that the automatic upgrade will not succeed. Microsoft has provided a list of migration issues (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee941656.aspx), and all standard Centralpoint features have been tested and updated to prevent problems. If you have produced any custom development on your server, you may want to review these issues and keep in mind that the upgrade will set all sites to controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion=”3.5” and clientIdMode=”AutoId” for backward compatibility. We expect only minor upgrade issues, if any, even within My Modules. If you have added any custom httpModules or httpHandlers in your site’s Root web.config file you will need to manually add them back after the update.

Your site’s web.config file will be automatically backed up in the Backups folder before it is modified. The upgrade will also modify IIS to place the Master site in a new app pool called cpsys_Default and all web sites and consoles in one called cpweb_Default. These new app pools will be created using the settings applied to the Application Pools folder in IIS. If you had a custom app pool configuration, you’ll have to ensure your app pools are running only ASP.NET 4 sites first, then reapply them manually after the update.

Sun, Jul 24, 2011

Centralpoint Update 8.0.64

  • The Marketplace > Configuration > Comparison > Grid Columns attribute has been updated to support the display of the same attribute in more than one column.
  • A bug in the ecommerce cart has been repaired that caused the total quantity to fail to update when items were automatically removed from the cart due to inventory changes during the cart’s life.
  • A bug in the Active Directory authentication source of the Admin > Global Login module which prevented the Import Roles feature from working without the Import Audiences feature has been repaired.
  • The RTF Editor's Media link has been updated so that it will not display when the user does not have access to the Design > Media Manager module.
  • A new Mobile Redirect attribute has been added to Site Architecture > Audiences > Header Tags. The audience's homepage will automatically redirect all mobile devices that identify themselves as such when a destination URL is provided in this attribute.
  • The Members > Dashboards > Gadgets module has been updated to support audience and role filtration on the Settings view of the user’s personal dashboard. This allows you to select specific preset gadgets that are only available to users in the same roles, but it will not remove gadgets that already exist on a user’s dashboard regardless of their roles. The audience and role filtration will not be applied to the settings view until the related module designer record is re-submitted.
  • A new ColumnFriendlyUrl CpScript has been developed for use within the Data Sources > Item Content attributes. It can be used to automatically generate a URL from a data source in the same format as other system generated URLs.
  • A new RelatedDocuments CpControl has been developed for use on the Details View (#3) of any standard module. This control was developed to display other documents that were commonly viewed by other users who also viewed the currently displayed document.
  • A new ExtRoundCorners Extender CpScript has been developed to apply rounded corners to any DIV on the page using jQuery. This is the first in a new group of CpScripts that are designed to extend elements on the page. In this case the CpScript takes the ID or CLASS of the DIV element that should be given round corners.
  • A new ExtDatePicker Extender CpScript has been developed to add a Date or Date/Time picker control to any standard FormTextBox CpScript. This control takes the ID of the FormTextBox CpScript which should also have the ResultsType parameter set to ‘toutc’ to ensure that the dates are properly converted to UTC before they are inserted into the database.
  • A new Calendar Month View > Order By attribute has been added to the module designer records related to the Events module. This attribute can be used to apply a custom sort order to the items displayed on each day of the calendar month view.

Sun, Jul 10, 2011

Centralpoint Update 8.0.63

  • A new "Required" property has been added to the ProximitySearch and CustomProximitySearch CpScripts. Setting this property to false will cause the script to execute searches without proximity values. This is commonly used when the proximity search button also executes a form state search.
  • It was discovered that the code used to loop through and index site map nodes in the DynamicNavigation CpScript was taking an unusually long time to execute. This problem was only visible when the site map contained more than 500 nodes, but did affect any site using dynamic navigation with more than 100 site map nodes. This CpScript has been rewritten and can now handle thousands of site map nodes in a fraction of a second.
  • System filtration (roles, audiences, start date, end date, display status) has been added to the Issue displayed on the Home View (#1) of the Publications module suite. This change will not be applied to a site until the related Site Architecture > Module Designer record is resubmitted.
  • A new attribute has been added to the Master > Web Sites > Web Site > Configuration tab called Uploads Path. This attribute allows you to manually move the Uploads directory out of the web site’s Root folder and notify the system of the directories new location. The attribute expects the fully qualified path to the Uploads directory from the web server and should only be used when the Uploads directory is not in its usual location. You must also set up a virtual directory in IIS and set the folders permissions accordingly after it has moved as described in the attributes header text.
  • A new CopyFormInputValues CpScript has been created to copy values between HTML form fields.
  • The FormUpload CpScript has been enhanced with support for a new cpsys_NewGuid constant in the subfolder parameter to prevent anonymous users from overwriting the files of other anonymous users.
  • A new QueryStringInsert CpScript has been created that will write a value to the page when the given query string variable exists. This is commonly used to add styles to specific page formats.
  • Additional CpScripts have been developed to add icons from outside the module designer: MobileAddThis, MobileIncreaseTextSize, and MobileDecreaseTextSize. Some icon controls are still only supported within the module designer.

Sun, Jun 26, 2011

Centralpoint Update 8.0.62

  • A bug in the Members > Dashboard module that prevented CpScripts from working in the Header and Footer content has been repaired.
  • The Development > Utilities module's Reset Hits/Ratings attribute has been update to reset Clicks too.

    Sun, Jun 5, 2011

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.61

    • A new attribute called "AJAX Enabled" has been added to the Results View (#2) tab in the Site Architecture > Module Designer for all Marketplace Directories. Enabling AJAX will cause the content area of the results view to refresh without the rest of the page when a button within the content area is clicked. This includes everything between and including the Header Content and Footer Content. While the content area of the page is being updated a progress indicator will appear in the upper right hand corner of the page. The design of this progress indicator can be controlled using the Design > Styles > Global > Partial Page Update Progress Template attribute.
    • The InquiryButton CpScript used with Marketplace Directories in the module designer has been updated to include a new Type property. By default this property is set to Add, but a new Clear type is available that can be used to include a button that removes all items from the inquiry list. When the type is set to Clear the button will not be displayed when there are no items in the inquiry list.
    • The resource upload control has been updated to provide the option to upload a standard file or a resource. The resource upload control is commonly used to upload or select a record in Design > Media Manager from attributes like Content > Generic A > Image. This control now displays two upload buttons: File Upload and Resource Upload. This will permit users without access to the Media Manager module to utilize modules containing attributes using the resource upload control. It also provides the option to utilize a more efficient standard file when the security around a resource is not required.
    • A bug in the web site search has been repaired that periodically caused results to point to the wrong navigation item when two navigation items existed in the same audience, using the same module, but only one was included in the web site search.
    • The FormAddToCartButton CpScript’s CartUrl parameter has been updated to dynamically generate the audience system name portion of the URL when the value starts with “/cpsys_Audience/”.
    • A new Domain attribute has been added to the Admin > Global Login module when Source = Active Directory. This attribute is not required, but will be used to prefix the username when provided.
    • A new Group parameter has been added to the ProximitySearch and CustomProximitySearch CpScripts. Setting the Group parameter will cause this script to automatically trigger the form state search with that group.
    • The Development > Utilities module's Reset Hits attribute has been update to reset ratings too.

    Sun, May 22, 2011

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.60

    • The Menu Item Spacing and Selected Spacing attributes in all tabs of the Design > Dynamic Navigation module have been updated to support a value of 0. Setting these attributes to 0 will hide the ASP.NET Menu controls default 3 pixel spacer.
    • A new module group called Dashboards has been developed and added under the Members module in the client console. These modules can be used to set up personal dashboards for your sites members and allow them to configure them as they see fit. These modules are documented in the Members > Dashboards help file.
    • The Design > Data Sources module now lets you select the Database Provider (SQL Server or Oracle) when you select Connection String under the Attributes > Data Source attribute.
    • The Comments > Configuration > Form > Review (Enabled) > Body attribute has been updated to support a new placeholder called CommentId. This placeholder can be used instead of the ReviewUrl placeholder to create a custom link to the comment in the client console: http://www.yourdomain.com/Console/Comments.aspx?sn=CommentsAllModules&cid=[cp:placeholders key='CommentId' /].
    • A new FormFormatMonths CpScript has been developed and documented in the Scripting help file. It was designed to display the complete month name.
    • The Forms module has been enhanced with a new Processing > Custom attribute. This can be used execute a custom static method to manipulate the values in form state when the form submission occurs.

    Sun, May 8, 2011

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.59

    • A new User Refresh Rate module property has been added to the Admin > Global Login module. The "Remember Me" feature of web site logins will work with Global Logins when this property is set to a value greater than 0. It defines the number of hours after which the integrated user's information is updated in Centralpoint using the authentication source. If this property is set to 0 the user's information is only updated upon login, and the "Remember Me" feature does not work.
    • The web site search has been enhanced so that module content will be excluded when it is displayed on a navigation item that is excluded from the web site search.
    • The FormMobileLoginButton CpScript has been updated to support the 'cpsys_CurrentUrl' value in its RedirectUrl parameter. Use this value to have the user redirected to the same page after logging in. Any form data, like search criteria, submitted before logging in will be lost and the user will be returned to the pre-post-back (home) view of the page.
    • The Comments > Configuration > Form > Review (Enabled) > CC & BCC attributes have been updated to support a comma or semi-colon separated list of email addresses.
    • A bug in the Admin > XML/RSS module related to the system filters has been repaired.
    • The Forms > Forms > Completed (Yes) > Redirect URL now supports CpScripting.

    Sun, Apr 24, 2011

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.58

    • The Comments, Rating, and Icon cp:control scripts have been updated to support a Roles parameter that is similar to the standard CpScripting Roles parameter. Including a comma separated list of role system names will cause the control to display only when the user is in the roles.
    • The FormListBox CpScript has been updated to support an OrderBy parameter which has been documented in the Scripting help file.
    • The Admin > XML/RSS module has been updated so that the AutoNumber is accessible to the feed when generated using an XSLT.
    • A new paramter called DisplayValueInFormResults has been added to all forms management CpScripts. When this parameter is set to 'false' the value will not be recorded in the Forms > Results module.

    Sun, Apr 10, 2011

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.57

    • The Comments > All Modules module contains a standard list box of reviewers that loads slowly when there are a large number of users in the site. This control has been replaced with a label containing the reviewer name and email to prevent this problem.
    • The Site Architecture > Homepages and Navigation modules have been updated to display a new Module Type attribute when the Page Type attribute is set to “Module”. This new attributes defaults to the value “Standard” which works with all modules. The Homepages/Navigation option displays a new Content attribute when selected which can be used to create unique module designer records for a small number of homepages or navigation items. The setup details have been outlined in a new Q & A help file that is linked to the new Content attribute and notes have been included in the header text.
    • Te Reporting > Report Builder module has been updated to prevent a problem where notifications would not be sent if the scheduler ran at an earlier time than it did the day before.

    Sun, Mar 27, 2011

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.56

    • A bug has been repaired in the JavaScript code released in the last update that initialized the HTML generated by the table wizard in the RTF Editor. This bug caused a JavaScript error when pasting plain text into the RTF editor’s design view. Please try clearing your browsers cache if you still experience this problem after installing this update.
    • The standard file upload dialog has been updated to support files as large as 1 gigabyte.
    • The Reporting > Report Builder module has been updated to prevent a problem where daily notifications would not be sent if the scheduler ran two days in a row at exactly the same time.
    • The Comments > All Modules module contained a standard list box of users which timed out when there were a large number of users in the site. This control has been replaced with a label containing the user id to prevent this problem. The user name and user email address are also provided as separate label attributes.
    • Development > All Modules has a new attribute called Filter that can be used when doing a Search & Replace. It allows you to filter the searched records and is often used to execute the replacements in batches by Auto Number to prevent time out errors.
    • A bug in the Design > Dynamic Navigation module has been repaired which caused the separator image to display improperly when used in a site with more than one nav group. The separator image would display after the last item when an item existed after that item in a different nav group.

    Sun, Mar 13, 2011

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.55

    • We have added support for the Height property in the CpListBox control when the SelectionModule property is set to Multiple. This was used to add a new Site Architecture > System Pages > Search > Search Module Selector Height attribute.
    • A new Virtual User Control control is now available in CMS. This control allows you to create custom attribute controls in the client console using user control (ASCX) files. It can be used to create a simple control or to generate multiple attributes or custom interfaces. This new control will be debuted when the new Data Transfer module is released.
    • The CpModuleListBox control has a new property called IncludeSystemModules. This allows module selectors to include modules with no front end user interface. This new property will be utilized by the new Data Transfer module.
    • The table wizard in the RTF Editor has been updated to default all new tables to use a cellspacing and cellpadding of 0. We also use a global style to alter all cells’ text alignment to top-middle.
    • All CpScripts that utilize the FormatValue utility have been enhanced so that the third format parameter {2} can be used to retrieve a resource extension when the script itself returns a resource file path. Attribute, Column, and many more CpScripts use the FormatValue utility. A typical use for this would be to populate the SRC tag in the details view of the module designer when an Attribute CpScript returns a resource image file path: [cp:scripting key='Attribute' SystemName='Image' Format='<img src="{0}&ext=.{2}" alt="{1}" />' /].

    Mon, Feb 28, 2011

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.54

    • A new Design > Styles > Navigation > Navigation Type has been added that only displays the children of the currently selected navigation item. This new item has been named "Display only the children of the selected navigation item", and the option that previously had this name has been renamed "Display only the children of the selected first tier navigation item".
    • The system image resizing HTTP handlers have been updated to support resizing PNG images.
    • The new Admin > Properties > Sync Exclusions attribute has been updated to prevent the excluded files from being copied to child sites in addition to preventing them from being deleted during the sync.
    • A constant has been added to the search query string variable that can be used to trigger a standard module search with no keywords. Add "?search=ExecuteSearch" to the URL of a standard module’s Home View (#1) to display the Results View (#2) without including search keywords. This method should be used instead of "?fields=Title|" which has the same result, but makes it difficult for some spiders to follow the link.
    • The master activation and web site deployment modules have been repaired so that they no longer create an invalid IIS entry and a stopped site when "localhost" is in the IP Address attribute.
    • A new single-user mode feature has been added to the client console and can be enabled using Development > Utilities > Console Single-user Mode. Enable single-user mode to lock all other users out of the client console while executing delicate processes.
    • A bug has repaired in the web site search that caused the site map results to be filtered by the last audience loaded into application state as opposed to the current audience. This caused the site search to provide unpredictable results related to the site map module as different users loaded different audiences.
    • The Comments RSS feed has been updated to convert the Create Date from UTC before using it as the Publish Date of the RSS items.
    • The FormUpload CpScript has been updated to support a cpsys_UserId constant in the SubFolder parameter. This causes a new sub-folder to be created per user preventing files from getting overwritten by different users via forms management forms.

    Mon, Feb 14, 2011

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.53

    • The Admin > Properties module has a new attribute called Properties > Sync Exclusions. This attribute can be used to prevent a web site’s custom files or folders from being deleted by the sync.
    • Reports suggest that the Dynamic Navigation script sometimes displays the ID of the control in the browser for a brief period of time before the control is dynamically placed on the page. The system function that dynamically places CpScripts containing complicated user controls has been updated to prevent the ID from being displayed.
    • The Display Name attribute has been added to the list of search-able fields in the web site consoles Members and Site Architecture > Administrators modules.
    • A new Paged List Box control is now available in CMS. This control works and looks like a Data List Box, but supports custom SQL as opposed to only modules. This selector includes paging, searching, sorting, columns, and more. It was designed to replace the Custom List Box control when the related data source contains too many records to load or select in a standard list box.
    • All attributes containing Custom List Box controls relating to the Users tables have been replaced with the new Paged List Box control to support a very large number of users.
    • We now have a forms management pre-processor CpScript for Authorize.NET that can be used for credit card processing in standard forms.
    • The ad banner manager has been updated to use a local random number generator to prevent problems in a multi-threaded environment.

    Mon, Jan 31, 2011

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.52

    • Advertising > Ad Tracking > Banners has been updated so an error is not returned when a client console search over the Data Id attribute is conducted without a valid Guid. This problem was common when an edit mode link was used to link to the client console and the search keywords were changed without changing the fields or match.
    • The system replacement method used on collections of attributes or properties has been updated to use a case-insensitive replacement. This resolves issues that occur when the RTF editor alters the case of file paths in the client console preventing them from being properly replaced for display on the site.
    • The code on the front end of the site that verifies whether a document is in the current role and audience on the Details View (#3) has been updated to be more forgiving with imported lists of values stored in a single attribute. It now supports comma-space separated lists, comma separated lists, and audience id’s without console or web site accessibility specifiers.
    • Centralpoint now supports custom development within the Master/Root folder for clients hosting their own master console and developing My Modules. Files and folders created in the Master/Root folder, or any sub-folder, with the “my_” prefix will not be modified or removed by the update installation or sync processes.
    • You can now create My Scheduled Tasks in your master console and schedule them from Master > Content > Scheduled Task. This process has been outlined in the Master > Content > Scheduled Tasks help file.

    Mon, Jan 17, 2011

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.51

    • A bug in the Login page’s Request Your Password form which caused an error when the user contained different email addresses in their username and email address attributes has been repaired.
    • A new attribute called Private Content has been added to the Site Architecture > Homepages and Navigation modules. When a user is authenticated (logged in) and this attribute contains a value, the Private Content will be displayed instead of the Content attribute. If you are using a Site Architecture > Module Designer record to display your homepages or navigation you must resubmit the module designer to utilize this new attribute. If your module designer record has Use Navigation Content set to No, you can utilize the Private Content by adding another CpScript for this attribute, and setting the role parameter of the Content CpScript to Public and the PrivateContent CpScript to Private.
    • The web site backups have been updated to prevent SQL Server backup expiration's from interfering with Centralpoint’s database backups.
    • Ecommerce has been updated to visually enforce and validate the Maximum Quantity Per User and Inventory attributes. Maximum Quantity Per User attribute cannot be accurately enforced unless the user has logged in.

    Mon, Jan 3, 2011

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.50

    • A bug in the error reporting web service call has been repaired to restore normal error reporting and recording.
    • The Development > Errors modules in the master and web site consoles have been updated for increased clarity. By default errors are grouped by the error key. This feature existed in the previous version, but was not fully functional. The Error Key can be viewed in an error’s details and is used to determine duplicate errors. The Error Key Count (EKC) column displays the number of occurrences of the error key. This module also now includes a Stack Trace field which loosely correlates to the error key and can be used when debugging an error.
    • The update installation process has been updated to prevent master and development web site backups when Admin > Properties > Enable Sync Backups is set to “No”. Please ensure that these sites are backed up manually or with scheduled tasks when sync backups are disabled.
    • Support for CpScripting style comments has been added to cp:controls. Just add "//" to the beginning of the key property to prevent it from displaying or executing: [cp:control key=’//KEY’ /].

    Mon, Dec 13, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.49

    • Admin > Common Scripts is a new module which displays the title, description, and body of all web site help files.
    • A bug in forms management pre-processing has been discovered and repaired that prevented pre-processors from executing when the same form element was included on a page with the same id more than once.
    • A bug that prevented the client console login from automatically redirecting from HTTP to HTTPS when enabled has been repaired. A similar bug that prevented some console navigation items from working when HTTPS is enabled has been also repaired.
    • The Development > Errors module has been updated so that it no longer records errors while Development > Utilities > Application Trace is set to “Enabled”. When tracing is enabled the site is being debugged and the errors are displayed on the screen, therefore, there is no need for them to be recorded.
    • A new attribute called “Enable Error Reporting” has been added to the Admin > Properties modules in master and web site consoles. This property can be set to “No” to prevent errors from being sent to Uber and subsequently recorded in the Development > Errors module. This property must be set to “No” when utilizing software that tests a site for vulnerabilities to prevent excessive error recording.
    • Error notification emails have been updated to be more clear and concise.
    • The Development > Errors module has been enhanced to include additional details and parse the details we have to make it quicker and easier to address errors.

    Mon, Nov 29, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.48

    • A new Admin > Email Access module has been created to generate a script that will display a read only list of messages in a users email inbox. This module can also be set up to work with the Active Directory Global Login’s Outlook Web Access integration. The details of this module and setup instructions are included in the modules help file.
    • The Phone Number Validator has been renamed "US Phone Number" in CMS because it is only designed to validate US phone numbers. If you allow non-US phone numbers you should either use a Regular Expression Validator or no validator at all.
    • The Advertising > Advertisers module has been updated to support records that are displayed on all pages except homepages. When you select “All Pages” in the Page Type attribute you will presented with a new attribute called “All Pages” that provides you with following options: Yes, Not On Homepages, and Only On Homepages.
    • Console form views have been updated to support the enter key for form submission. A global change has been made to the FormFooter control which typically contains the form submit button so that it automatically sets the first FormFooter’s submit button to be triggered by the enter key.
    • The custom attributes implementation has been modified so that invalid XML does not cause an exception. Invalid custom attributes XML will now trigger a JavaScript alert and the invalid XML will not be used.
    • A new Reset Module Configuration utility has been added to Development > Utilities in the client consoles. This utility can be used to reset a modules configuration to its default values when a change is made to the configuration that causes an error while trying to view the module.
    • Admin > Properties > Web Site Login Allows Ancestor Admins has been added to allow you to control whether the front end login authenticates against the master and uber consoles if the user is not found in the web site console. This property is set to No by default to prevent unnecessary remote authentication.
    • The Development > Process Monitor modules in the master and web site consoles have been updated so that the master accurately displays the name of the web site the process is running under and the web site does not display the web site name.

    Mon, Nov 15, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.47

    • The comments thread has been updated so that the usernames and/or email addresses manually entered for anonymous users are utilized.
    • The client console login has been updated to prevent problems redirecting to some URLs after authentication. The error was being returned in Microsoft’s FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage method so this method has been replaced with a manual redirect.
    • Long running client console processes have been updated to report to the Master process monitor. This helps us to track long running processes as well as determine the cause of performance issues.
    • An issue that caused the RelatedData script to fail when a page contained keywords including the percent symbol (%) has been resolved.
    • A new Encryption property has been implemented into the Centralpoint.Web.Management class. This property enables the encryption and decryption of strings for storage within Centralpoint. The first time that this class is used an encryption key will be generated and stored in the web.config file. If you are concerned with the security of this key you should protect the app settings using the Admin > Settings module. It is a good idea to back this key up in a secure location because encrypted strings cannot be decrypted if it is lost.
    • The Active Directory Source within Admin > Global Login now supports automatic login with Outlook Web Access. Selecting Enabled in the new Outlook Web Access attribute allows you to configure the global login to store the information required to automatically log users into Outlook Web Access.
    • The Centralpoint.Cms.Audiences class library now includes new methods to aid in the process of importing audiences.
    • All CpScripts that utilize the FormatValue utility have been enhanced so that the second format parameter {1} can be used to retrieve a resource description when the script itself returns a resource file path. Attribute, Column, and many more CpScripts use the FormatValue utility. A typical use for this would be to populate the ALT tag in the details view of the module designer when an Attribute CpScript returns a resource image file path: [cp:scripting key='Attribute' SystemName='Image' Format='<img src="{0}" alt="{1}" />' /]
    • The stored procedure used to retrieve taxonomy for a specific module has been updated to support unlimited length filters.

    Sun, Oct 31, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.46

    • The cpsys_Users tables primary key and all related foreign keys have been dropped and recreated to provide better indexing of Users and permit XML indexes over the Properties column in the future.
    • The Design > Styles > Navigation > Navigation Type attribute has been updated to include more descriptive options. We have also added a new option that opens all descendants of the currently selected first tier item.
    • A new Selected Item Type attribute has been added to the Navigation and Sub Nav tabs in the Design > Styles module. This attribute allows you to define whether the navigation applies the “Selected” styles to only the current item instead of all items in the path from the current item to the root. If you wish to only have the current item selected you must choose “Current Item” in both the Navigation and Sub Nav tabs.
    • The client console Rating display has been updated to exclude leads with a rating of zero.
    • A new Podcasting module suite has been developed and the Podcast Categories taxonomy including all of its descendants will be automatically inserted to support this module suite.
    • A new Design > Media Files module has been developed to support a file system based image gallery.
    • A new Design > Dynamic Scripts > Details Slider attribute exists to support a content based slide show.
    • A new Design > Dynamic Tab Display module has been developed to display tabbed content.

    Sun, Oct 17, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.45

    • Development > All Modules has been updated to support sites with a large amount of data. To facilitate this change, this module is now ordered by the document title instead of the module name.
    • The CleanUp utility scheduled from the master and executed during sync’s and backups has been updated to run significantly faster. To facilitate this performance enhancement database maintenance tasks have been removed from this process and will be included in a new utility which can be scheduled separately and less frequently.
    • A new utility called “Database Maintenance” has been added to the Development > Utilities module in all web sites and masters. This utility defragments and rebuilds indexes when necessary and shrinks the log files when possible. A scheduled task has also been created to execute this utility monthly. If this task fails to complete in the given time period you may have to manually execute the cpsp_Maintenance stored procedure. Some specialized sites also require custom database maintenance events.
    • An UrgentAttentionException has been implemented into the system for errors that require immediate attention and utilized when relation population fails during the automated sync process. In this case, the error is trapped and the exception includes instructions describing how to manually repopulate the problem relation.
    • The Deployment > Web Sites module in the master has been updated to remove all survey submissions, data broadcast batches, clicks, and ecommerce orders related to the parent site when a new site is created.
    • The Admin > Properties > Web Site Login Requires Secure Channel (SSL) has been removed in favor of Site Architecture > Navigation (Login) > Details > Requires HTTPS. Previously, both of these attributes had to be set to “Yes” for the login to utilize HTTPS.
    • The Comments > Configuration > Thread > Item Content attribute now supports the UserDisplayName placeholder. It can be used to display the Members > Details > Display Name attribute for each item in the comments thread.
    • A new Menu Item Images attribute has been added to each of the Static, Dynamic, and Level tabs of the Design > Dynamic Navigation module. This attribute allows you to Disable the use of images uploaded in the Site Architecture > Navigation > Details > Image attribute in the dynamic navigation.
    • The Site Architecture > Audiences > Company tab now contains 2 new attributes: Homepages Module Design and Navigation Module Design. These attributes allow you to select unique Site Architecture > Module Designer records per audience. Site Architecture > Homepages/Navigation (Module Properties) > Default Module Design must be set before these attributes be utilized.
    • A new Site Architecture > Module Designer > Global > Taxonomy Root attribute has been added to most modules. This attribute is used to set up a module designer record where the root taxonomy differs from the module itself. Leave this attribute empty to utilize the value of the related modules Root Taxonomy module property.
    • A bug has been repaired in the Marketplace > Configuration > Leads module that returned an error when the sort buttons were clicked in the client console.
    • A bug has been repaired that caused an invalid canonical URL meta tag to be display on pre-load splash pages.

    Sun, Oct 3, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.44

    • The width of the drop down list boxes used for Hour, Minute, Second, and AM/PM in Date/Time attributes has been increased for use in the Safari web browser.
    • The Design > Styles > Global > Wrapper Width attribute now supports values as small as 128 pixels.
    • Most standard modules have a new module property called “Taxonomy Hidden Items”. Selections made in this property will be hidden in the corresponding modules Taxonomy attribute in the client console. This is intended to facilitate support for a site wide taxonomy that works with module specific taxonomy.
      • This new module property may appear in modules when it should not when there are custom module configurations. Update the Hidden Properties of the custom module configuration to include the TaxonomyHiddenItems property to repair this problem.
      • Any My Modules that have been developed will automatically include this new module property. If you do not support the taxonomy attribute you should add TaxonomyHiddenItems to the navigation item and/or module configuration’s Hidden Properties.
      • If there are selections made under taxonomy items that are hidden using this property they will be maintained and a disabled item called “Inaccessible Items” will display in the Taxonomy attribute. This may cause unpredictable results if the Taxonomy Selection Mode is set to Single. If you must hide previously selected items in a single select taxonomy you should be sure to hide all descendants of all hidden items so that inaccessible items do not have accessible descendants.
    • The Staywell scheduled import has been updated to avoid a problem that occurred when the same record was updated twice within the same package.

    Mon, Sep 20, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.43

    • Login.aspx has been updated to support URL encoded query string variables within its URL query string variable.
    • An overlap in the cache keys for the issues view and the current issue script has been repaired. The cache keys for all modules has been updated to be more specific and reduce the chance of this problem in the future.
    • The sync process now excludes Root/SiteMap.xml. This file will not be copied or deleted by the sync or update.
    • CpScripting now supports commenting by placing "//" at the beginning of the script key. For example [cp:scripting key='//BreadCrumbTrail' /] will not be displayed, but can be left in the client console. It is highly recommended that you do not use HTML comments to remove scripts.
    • The Clean Up stored procedure executed by the master has been optimized to run faster and more efficiently. This change will improve the performance of the sync process on sites containing a large amount of data.
    • Site Architecture > Navigation now contains an attribute called "Link Audience" that displays when you select the HTML, Module, or Resource page types. It is also in the Home Pages module, but may not function as expected. It is used to display a navigation item in multiple audiences, and control the link so that it always points to the same audience. Selecting the default value (Current Audience) will make the link always reflect the user's current audience as it does now. Selecting a specific audience will cause the link to point to that audience, even when the user is in a different audience. Keep in mind that this attribute controls the link when it is generated by the system, but does not affect the security around the navigation item. When you manually enter a link to the navigation item in an accessible audience other than the Link Audience the page will successfully render.
    • The Taxonomy attribute that is included in most modules has been updated to display a maximum of 20 items instead of 10 by default.
    • The web site and module searches support the minus and plus characters to exclude or include all results containing the following word respectively. This caused a problem when searching for a word containing a dash because it was treated as a minus forcing it to exclude a portion of the word you were looking for. The search criteria parser has been updated so that a minus is treated as a dash when it is contained within a word and a minus only if it is before a word.

    Mon, Sep 6, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.42

    • A new CpScript called TaxonomyNavigation has been created to generate an n-tiered taxonomy navigation with document counts at each tier. This script has been documented in the client console Scripting help file.
    • The Module Defaults implementation of the Audiences attribute in audience consoles has been modified. Previously, when logged into an audience console, the Audiences attribute ignored the module defaults and always selected the main and current audiences for new records. It now utilizes the values selected in the Module Defaults, but will add the main and current audiences if they are not included. When “All Audiences” is selected in the module defaults the audience consoles still replace it with the main and current audiences.
    • A bug in the Forms > Dashboard Modules module that prevented the module grid view from being sorted by Title has been repaired.
    • URL validation in the consoles has been updated to permit the pipe (|) character in query strings.
    • All taxonomy selectors, including the front end of the site and the client console, are now sorted by the Order attribute of the Taxonomy before being sorted alphabetically.
    • The proximity search has been updated to prevent an error that occurred when the generated min/max longitude/latitude was not a number.
    • The "View more comments…" link provided by the Comments cp:control has been updated to include the audience system name in the “aud” query string variable. This prevents an error that can occur when this link is clicked in a document that is not accessible in the Main audience.
    • The CpScript Web Control utilized by the module designer has been updated to prevent it from rendering opening and closing <span> tags that were breaking the display of CpScripts included in URLs. It is possible that this change causes minor display changes for CpScripts entered via the module designer, but will make them display in the same manner as they would if they were included in any other module.
    • The sync process now excludes a folder called Custom within the Console and Console/App_Code directories. This provides the ability to create custom console pages and class libraries within one site. These folders and their files will not be sync’d or deleted by the sync.
    • Missing references to CpContent.InsertCache have been located and added.
    • A bug that caused search results to appear out of order when Site Architecture > System Pages > Search > Enable Ratings was set to “Yes” has been repaired.
    • A new Separator Image attribute has been added to each of the Static, Dynamic, and Level tabs of the Design > Dynamic Navigation module. This attribute allows you to upload an image that will be placed between items, but will not be added before the first or after the last item.
    • A new CSS Class called ‘cpsty_SiteSearchTableContainer’ has been applied to the table that makes up the web site search results.
    • A new Admin > Global Login > Source has been added for the QuickFill authentication integration.
    • The LoginUserName CpScript supports a new property called DisplayNameType that supports the values FullName and Username.
    • A new CpScript called HtmlLabel has been developed to display a value without creating a form state field.
    • The Development > All Modules module’s Change Attributes view has been updated to support an option to prevent the creation of historical versions for faster updates.
    • A new CpScript called DataSourceExportButton has been developed to create export buttons in data sources. It supports all of the features of the Report Builder exports.

    Sun, Aug 15, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.41

    • Forms management items have been updated to support the removal of an items value manually from the control while still maintaining values on form pages that do not contain the control. Previously when a form control’s value was removed the previous value was remembered so that when the control didn’t exist on a page the value wouldn’t be lost. Now the value is removed when the control exists but is empty, but is retained when the control doesn’t exist at all.
    • The select command builder has been updated to include custom attributes.
    • A new Mobile Login feature has been added to the system and documented in the System Pages help file. It was designed to allow you to create a login form using CpScripting and forms management.
    • CpScripting has been updated to support Custom CpScripts in individual web sites and My CpScripts for clients with their own masters. This change has been documented in the Scripting help file located in the web site consoles. This enhancement includes changes related to how CpScripts are executed, form validators, and form pre-processors.
    • A new module called Development > Database has been created for use when developing SQL statements manually. It includes a current and accurate outline of the tables in the current web sites database and their relationships.
    • Forms management CpScripts have been updated to support the default value of “cpsys_Constant:CurrentTaxonomy”. This new constant will automatically enter the currently selected TaxonomyId as the form controls value.
    • Forms > Forms > General has a new attribute called Display Form Buttons which allows you to disable the automatically generated form buttons completely. With this you can manually enter the form buttons in the Page 1-10 content giving you more control over the look and feel of the buttons.

    Sun, Aug 1, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.40

    • The Centralpoint Ecommerce framework is being distributed in this sync but is not ready for use at this time. The cornerstone of this framework is the new Ecommerce > Cart module. This module will not be ready for use until the default record is released.
    • New CpScripts
      • CartInfo: Will be used to access the ecommerce cart properties and values.
      • FormAddToCartButton: Will be used to add records from any module to the cart.
      • ColumnImage: Can be placed in a results item content attribute to produce an image tag with the alt and title tags populated via an attribute value.
      • AttributeImage: Can be placed in a details item content attribute to produce an image tag with the alt and title tags populated via an attribute value.
      • ColumnLink: Used to build an anchor or link in when in a repeated attribute other than the Results View (#2) > Item Content attribute.
    • The sync process has been updated to exclude the Root/App_Code/Custom folder. You can now create this folder in any site including custom class files that will exist in only that site. This feature was developed primarily for custom global logins.
    • The validation added to password attributes has been updated to accept passwords between 6 and 20 characters in length.
    • Validation, processing, and pre-processing has been updated within the forms management framework to support ecommerce, custom form buttons, and repeated forms.
    • The Admin > Global Login module now has a new Source option called Custom. This new options allows you to develop a custom class that inherits Centralpoint.WebSite.Modules.ICustomAuthenticationSource and configure it to be called when users log into the web site. Your custom web site authentication class will be used when logging users in on the front end of the site only, and the logged in users will behave like Centralpoint users. When using a custom authentication source all of a single user’s information must be stored in the custom source. You cannot store some of the user’s information in Centralpoint and some in the custom source.
    • Some browsers automatically access FavIcon.ico at the root of the site when a user bookmarks a page. For this reason all sites should have this file added manually. The system has been updated to display a default error message when this lookup occurs and no file exists to prevent unnecessary database lookups.
    • All uses of the term “Unknown (CDA)” in the client console have been replaced with “Anonymous (Web Site)”. This term refers to a user that has not logged in and is not in the client console.
    • The Scheduler has been updated including changes in the master and web site consoles.
      • Start Date, End Date, Last Run Date, and Next Run Date are now stored and displayed in the server time as opposed to UTC. This change was made to repair problems caused when the conversion from UTC caused the date and day of the week to change. Be aware that the time entered in these attribute relates to the local time on the server and not your local time.
      • The first run date calculation has been separated from the next run date calculation to improve the accuracy of the first run date and maintain the performance of the next run date calculation.
    • The Site Architecture > Module Designer module has been updated to support dollar signs ($) in the format parameter of CpScripts.
    • The ReplaceWith parameter of the Attribute and Column CpScripts can now be used as a translator when the ReplaceText parameter contains the value 'cpsys_ValueTranslator'. In this case enter a comma separated list of the value translations as follows: '1=Yes,0=No'.
    • Admin > System Pages > Login
      • A DIV tag has been added around the entire login view and assigned the class "cpsty_LoginBox" so support control over the width and height of the login box.
      • A class has been added to the HR tag above the Sign In button called "cpsty_LoginHr".
    • Two new Content modules, Generic Plus A and B, have been added as copies of the Generic module. They contain the Taxonomy Subset attributes found in the News, Events, and Physician Directory modules and can be used to display a records taxonomy on the results view.
    • The Web Site Search now supports Comment Count and Ratings columns with the search results. These columns can be enabled from the Admin > System Pages > Search module and are currently not supported in individual module searches.
    • There is a new view in the module designer for the Content > Events module which allows you to design and display a Calendar Month View.
    • We have created a new Blog module suite including Bloggers and Topics modules. These modules will not be enabled in any site until the new navigation items are selected in the related master.

    Sun, Jul 18, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.39

    • A bug has been repaired in the BreadCrumbTrail CpScript’s CssClass property that caused it to fail to display when the Format property was not used.
    • A new module called HealthDay > News has been released and integrated with HealthDay which requires a subscription. This module will not be enabled in any site until the new navigation items are selected in the related master.
    • The A.D.A.M. > Drug Notes module has been updated to support changes to the integration source.

    Mon, Jul 5, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.38

    • A bug that prevented the DynamicNavigation CpScript from working on home pages has been repaired.
    • The system has been updated to support proximity searches over modules containing more than one address. This feature has been implemented into the Content > Physician Directory module, but the related Site Architecture > Module designer record must be re-submitted to apply this change.
    • The Attribute and Column CpScripts have been updated to support values that do not match the data type passed in the DataType property by returning the empty string instead of an error message.
    • Click.aspx has been updated to report a WebSiteException containing “Click.aspx” in the message when this page is passed an invalid URL. Please check the Development > Errors module periodically when Click.aspx is used dynamically with a URL that is retrieved from a module. You can use the URL attribute of the error to determine the problem and find the related record.
    • The Site Architecture > Navigation & Home Pages > URL attribute has been updated to dynamically generate the audience portion of a URL that points to another Navigation or Home Pages record when the URL begins with “/cpsys_Audience/”. This constant will not work if it is not at the beginning of the URL or if the URL does not relate to another record in the Navigation or Home Pages module. You cannot use this constant when working with a URL that points to a physical file in the current site or to a different domain.
    • The standard Home View (#1) has been updated to sort data that is displayed under a single taxonomy item by the record Title.
    • The Advertising > Ad Tracking > Banners module has been updated to record all new clicks in the Stats > Clicks module. All clicks before this update are still available in the old reports and all new clicks will be available in the new reports and the Stats > Clicks module.
    • The Staywell Products Import has been updated to support manual modification of records by creating drafts instead of replacing modified records.
    • The automatic GeoCode generation feature included in some modules has been updated to exit gracefully without generating a GeoCode when a record is created via a URL with no corresponding Google Maps API Key.

    Sun, Jun 20, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.37

    • Two new properties have been added to the BreadCrumbTrail CpScript: CssClass and Format. The CssClass property is applied to the div, but CSS references to items can be made indirectly through the anchor tags: ".ClassName a { font-weight: bold; }".
    • A new property called UniqueIdColumn has been added to all form item CpScripts. When this property is set to a column name, like AutoNumber, the module designer will utilize ReplaceDataCpScripting instead of ReplaceCpScripting so that the form group can include the unique identifier retrieved from the data variable. This will make it possible for forms to be included in repeated item attributes, like Results View (#2) > Item Content, where each row behaves as a different form. This new property will be utilized for the “Add To Cart” buttons in eCommerce.
    • A new property called FormatStringEscape has been added to the Attribute and Column CpScripts. It is used when the result of the CpScript contains { or } and is formatted using String.Format. This commonly occurs in the Site Architectures > System Pages > Search > Results Item Content attribute when the Summary of a record contains { or }.
    • The files __utm.js and __utm.gif in the web site Root folder have been excluded from future sync’s to support Urchin Traffic Monitor integrations.
    • A new CpScript called FormInfoAttributeValue gets the value of the specified attribute if the fdid query string variable is use in forms management.

    Sun, Jun 6, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.36

    • A new module called Site Architecture > System Pages has been released to provide control over static and design elements of hard coded pages like Login and Search. This module will not be enabled in any site until the new navigation items are selected in the related master.
    • This sync includes a method that will check all previous sync methods and ensure that they executed. Sync methods are used to execute database and system changes unrelated to typical sync’d elements.
    • The system has been updated to detect invalid times caused by daylight savings time and add an hour to make them valid.
    • A file named “.htaccess” placed in the Root of the web site will now be excluded from the sync. It will not be deleted or copied from parent to child.
    • A new module suite called Education has been released. The modules in this suite will not be enabled in any site until they are selected in the related master. The help file for these modules outline their use in more detail.

    Sun, May 23, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.35

    • A new ReplaceDataCpScripting method has been added to the Page and UserControl base class to support a new Column CpScript. This new CpScript allows us to retrieve column values in repeated (Item Content) attributes from standard modules or views other than Site Architecture > Module Designer > Results View (#2). For consistency, the [cp:column key='ColumnName' /] script has been depreciated in the module designer in favor of [cp:scripting key='Column' systemName='ColumnName' /]. All module designer defaults have been updated to support this change, but existing records will still utilize the old scripts.
    • The File Upload control used from custom and CMS attributes has been repaired to support the Type of “None”. This change also applies to forms management upload controls.
    • The Tiered Selector control which is used for the Taxonomy and Audience Selectors has been updated to support disabled controls in Firefox. This applies to both client console and forms management.
    • A new tool called URL Encoding has been added to the Development > Utilities module in the client console. This tool can be used to encode or decode a string so that it can be passed to another URL as the value of a query string variable.
    • A new module called Stats > Clicks has been released. This module will not be enabled until the Stats group, and the new navigation items are selected in the related master. This module is designed to count and report on links in the site. Some modules, like Broadcasts, will be automatically tracked, but it can also be used to track links manually. Please refer to the module help file for more information.
    • The conversion from UTC dates to the local time zone and vice-versa has been updated to support the SQL Min and Max date boundaries. The conversion is no longer attempted or executed when values outside these boundaries are utilized.
    • The system has been updated to support ASPX pages that are not referenced from the SiteMap (Home Pages & Navigation) module but still contain the context of the site with the navigation closed. To implement one of these pages you simply set this.IsSiteMapNode to false in the OnPreInit method of the page before calling base.OnPreInit.
    • The JavaScript generated by the Advertising > Ad Tracking > Zones module has been updated to utilize a fully qualified URL so banners can be utilized in other sites.
    • A new Geo Codes tool has been added to Development > Import Utilities. It can be used to generate Geo Codes for records in any module with address attributes.

    Sun, May 9, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.34

    • Master > Content > Scheduled Tasks
      • The next run date is now calculated based on a combination of the last run date and the time portion of the start date as opposed to the last run date alone.
      • The system has been updated to support scheduled tasks executed directly from web site modules.
      • The scheduler now only executes one master task per web service call. This was implemented to prevent problems that are a result of one task expecting a change made in a previous task.
    • The Development > Errors module has been updated to hide the values of form elements containing the words “password”, “cardnumber”, or “secure”. Be sure that the id of the form element contains one of these words if you are creating a form element and do not want the value to be included in this module. This module also now displays the full date and time in the Create Date column of the grid view.
    • Master > Content > Web Sites > Related Backups has been repaired to accurately display the backups for the currently selected site.
    • It was recently discovered that web sites are utilizing the master connection string used for the activation of Centralpoint on a new server instead of the actual master connection string. While this works in most cases it may cause problems when the master connection string changes.
      • The activation process has been updated to change the master connection string in the development web site after it is created.
      • The Master > Admin > Settings module has been updated to update the web.config of all web sites when the execute connection string changes. The Web Site > Console > Admin > Settings modules no longer allows changes to the master connection string.
      • A sync invoked method is included in this update that will modify the master connection string of all web sites.
    • The shared method used to insert and update Centralpoint documents has been enhanced to handle single document relation population errors. These errors are typically caused when module configuration is used to hide a required and/or validated attribute, and causes more serious problems if changes are made to the relation in the future. The new error handling includes a more detailed error message and moves the invalid document to the related module’s Recently Deleted documents. The document can typically be restored by using module configuration to display the problem attribute and selecting a valid value before restoring the document.
    • The error handling around dynamic control creation (Custom Attributes and Console Triggers) has been updated to help pinpoint the cause of the problem.

    Sun, Apr 25, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.33

    • A new Admin > Properties attribute called Footer Elements has been added. This attributes can be used to add HTML elements to the bottom of every page in the site. This attribute supports CpScripts that are executed just before the page renders, therefore, they have access to all of the page’s initialized properties.
    • We’ve updated the attribute CpScript to reference properties of the current document in addition to standard attributes. They are accessed just like standard attributes using the following attribute names: AutoNumber, BatchId, CreateDate, DataId, ModifyDate, and ModuleId.
    • The system method that automatically generates system names removes leading numbers because system names cannot begin with a number. A new feature has been added to determine when a source string contains only numbers and surrounds the number with ‘n’ for numeric so that the default ‘Blank’ system name is not used. By adding a ‘n’ before and after the number, generated duplicate system names also support numeric suffixes without affecting the original number.
    • The Admin > Properties > Google Maps API Key attribute has been updated to support unique keys per URL. When the same site is hosted on multiple URLs each URL must be listed separately with its key in the following format: http://www.domain.com=KEY. Multiple URLs are separated with new lines.
    • Advertising > Ad Tracking > Zones has a new attribute called Keyword Specific. The banners are filtered by the current details view keywords when ‘Yes’ is selected.

    Sun, Apr 11, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.32

    • The CpAttributeSwitch control that is used to create standard module attributes that show and hide other attributes has been updated to support nested CpAttributeSwitch attributes. This will allow us to create modules with more complex logic and make those modules more user friendly because they will only display the attributes that are required based on your previous selections.
    • All Uber web services have been updated to report errors to the Uber > Development > Errors module to improve tracking of host and group changes.
    • A bug in the standard module archived data view has been repaired that caused the view to fail to sort by archive date.
    • A bug in the Master > CMS > Keywords list has been repaired that returned an error when an inherited keyword list was visited by id or the details were inspected.
    • Web Site Console: Members and Site Architecture > Administrators
      • Details > Display Name and Contact > Cell Phone Provider attributes have been added. They will be primarily used for data broadcast.
      • Publish Start & End Date attributes have been added. They can be used to prevent a users from logging into the web site before or after they are published. These attributes are also supported in forms management.
      • The email containing a Member’s credentials that is generated by the client console when the member is created no longer contains a link to the client console login page.
      • These modules now support the release=1 query string variable so that users can be automatically released via a forms management generated email. They also support notify=UserId to notify the creator that the new member has been approved.
    • A bug in the Content > News module that caused the grid view sort buttons to return an error has been repaired.
    • A new Design > Data Sources module and corresponding DataSource CpScript have been released. These tools can be used connect to internal or external data sources and format the data within Centralpoint.

    Sun, Mar 28, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.31

    • A bug in the forms management file upload that caused the remove button to fail has been repaired.
    • Additional caching has been added to all CpScripts that reference a record by DataId. This includes modules like Dashboards, Dynamic Scripts, and more.
    • The link to the login page included in the request your password email generated on the web site login page has been repaired.
    • A new module called Design > Dynamic Navigation has been released. This module is used to create and design a DHTML menu based on the current site map (Navigation module). The help file for this module outlines its use in more detail. This module will not be available in any site until it is selected in the related master.
    • A new module property called Custom Styles has been added to the Design > Mobile Navigation module. It can be used to define CSS classes that can be referenced within the mobile navigation. These classes will be added to the page so their names must be globally unique.
    • The Attribute CpScript now supports ReplaceText and ReplaceWith parameters which can be used to make replacements in the attribute value before they are rendered to the page. All occurrences of the value in ReplaceText will be replaced with the value in ReplaceWith.
    • A new constant ‘cpsys_Apos’ can now be used within the parameter of a CpScript to pass in an apostrophe (single quote). In the past it was impossible to pass in an apostrophe without breaking the script because apostrophes are used to delimit the parameter values.

    Sun, Mar 14, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.30

    • The increased console security released in version 8.0.29 caused the View Report links in the Reporting > Report Builder module to fail. These links have been repaired.
    • An earlier update package included a change to the scheduler that used a file based lock to prevent overlapping scheduled jobs when the master application was restarted. Occasionally, this lock file has been orphaned by server failures or reboots. To resolve this problem the locking mechanism has been updated to expire if it has been there for more than 6 hours.
    • A bug has been repaired which caused the Publishing > Articles module to return an error when you executed a Whole Phrase search over the Issue Id field with a search string that was not a valid Guid to return an error.
    • The options available in the Admin > RTF Editor > Skin attribute have been updated. The Gray and Inox skins have been removed and Forest, Simple and Windows 7 have been added.
    • You can now control the format of the browser title bar for home pages and navigation items independently using the module properties in the Site Architecture > Home Pages & Navigation modules.
    • The Editor has been updated so that it no longer replaces fully qualified URLs within the same site with root relative URLs. It was determined that this was only a problem with the Media Manager dialog, so the replacements now only occur for specific URLs. These replacements have also been updated so that they now support SSL connections.
    • Admin > Properties > Web Site Logout Redirect has been updated to work more predictable with the LogoutStatus script and the options and help file have been rewritten to describe these features.
    • The Reports > Report Builder > File Name attribute is now validated to ensure that it contains a unique value. Please review all existing records in this module to ensure the file names are unique because duplicate file names cause the related notifications to fail.
    • The Advertising > Ad Tracking > Banners > Roles attribute contained an unwanted “Please Select…” option that was removed. This option was added by a glitch in the Master > CMS > Modules > Attributes view which has been repaired.
    • The Site Architecture > Navigation & Home Pages modules have a new attribute called "Nav Groups" that works with a property named “NavGroups” supported by all web site CpScripts. The "Site Map Nav Groups" keyword list can be populated with a series of keywords with mutually exclusive values. When the NavGroups property of a CpScript is set to a comma separated list of Site Map Nav Group values, the script will return the empty string when not on a site map item (Navigation & Home Pages) with at least one of the provided Nav Groups selected. When the NavGroups property is excluded the CpScript is displayed on all pages.
    • The Advertising > Advertisers modules now provides two new options for including advertisers on specific site map items (Navigation & Home Pages).
      • If you select Navigation Specific under the Page Type attribute you are now provided with a new option called Include Children. Selecting ‘Yes’ will include the advertiser on all selected navigation items and their children. This does not include all descents of the selected navigation items, only children.
      • A new Page Type option named “Nav Groups” now exists and exposes a multi select keyword list when selected. This keyword list can be managed individually in all sites and is also included in the Navigation and Home Pages modules new Nav Groups attributes. An advertiser will display on all site map items (Navigation & Home Pages) with overlapping Nav Groups when this new Page Type is selected.
    • A bug in the web site reset your password feature has been found and repaired. This feature now resets the user’s password and emails the correct new password to the user. This feature has also been updated to support Global Logins.
    • Marketplace > Configuration > Packages contains a new attribute called Maximum Category Limit which works with a new forms management validator called TaxonomyByPackage. This validator can be set up to validate a taxonomy control to ensure that it contains fewer than the maximum category limit for the current package.

    Mon, Mar 1, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.29

    • Previously, when the Module Defaults were submitted in any module the current date would be trapped in the Publish Start Date attribute. We recently discovered that you couldn’t even manually remove this dynamically generated value because it would be replaced again immediately. To resolve this problem we have updated the dynamic attribute generator to replace the date time control with a standard text box on Module Defaults pages only.
    • A bug has been repaired in the BreadCrumbTrail CpScript that caused the path from the root taxonomy to the current taxonomy to be excluded or incorrect in some cases.
    • Site Architecture > Module Designer > Home View (#1) > Taxonomy Display > Categories
      • The Modules.Page.TaxonomyInfo property has been updated to grant Categories views all of the privileges of a standard Taxonomy view. This means when you are on a categories view the Title tag will include the category name just as if it were a Taxonomy view. This has also affected the BreadCrumbTrail CpScript and all other references to the current TaxonomyInfo object.
      • The Taxonomy Display attribute has been moved above the Header Content attribute for all modules that support this attribute. When Categories is selected you now get Home Header/Footer Content and Category Header/Footer Content. This allows you to display different header and footer content on the home and category pages.
    • A new “views” parameter can be added to any web site CpScript with a comma separated list of the view types (MultiView.xml) on which the CpScript should be displayed. If this parameter is excluded or set to the empty string the CpScript will display on all views. A common use of this parameter would be to add views=’home’ to a CpScript so that it will only display on module home pages.
    • The HTML Editor displayed in all consoles has been updated to include a custom CSS file instead of the using the client console styles. All console styles have been removed from the editor except for the page padding and font.
    • All references to the console navigation from within the client console attributes have been updated to consider Uber group selections.
    • A bug in the Sponsored Keywords implementation that prevented it from making multiple replacements within a single HTML element has been repaired.
    • The way the client console references the Uploads and PrivateLabeling directories has been changed from virtual directories to root relative paths. This change was made to prevent precompilation errors related to files in the Uploads folder that do not work in the client console.
    • The Development > Console Navigation module has been updated to support custom first tier console navigation including custom icons.
    • All Telerik web controls, including the RTF editor and file upload, have been upgraded to the latest build of the Q3 2009 release.
    • The Site Architecture > Module Designer has been redeveloped to generate both the ASPX and code behind files. This will allow implementation and efficiency changes in the related user controls without requiring module designer record re-submissions. When changes are made, existing module designer records will continue to work as before and the changes will be applied when the record is re-submitted. Oxcyon will be organizing a onetime re-submission of all module designer records once version 8.0.29 is installed which must be completed before version 8.0.30 is installed.

    Mon, Feb 15, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.28

    • The BreadCrumbTrail CpScript has a new property called "ShowRootItem". Setting this property to false will cause the bread crumb trail to exclude the root or "Home" item. We’ve also added support for the Home View (#1) category query string variable to the bread crumb trail.
    • A new module designer script called ProximitySearch has been developed and documented in the Module Designer help file. A proximity search is a search conducted over a specified distance from any given location. Although this proximity search can be added to any module it will only work with modules that have a GeoCode attribute and the related Latitude and Longitude fields in the Relation. You can also use the Column script within a results item with the column name ‘cpsys_Distance’ to display the distance of the result from the given location. The distance column includes the units used in the search which can be aliased. This column will only display when a proximity search is conducted.
    • The Scheduled Tasks implementation has been modified to use a text file to prevent execution overlap as opposed to standard application based locks. This change allows the scheduler to prevent overlaps even when the application is restarted and prevents a backlog of executions.
    • A difference in the way an error is reported by IIS as opposed to the .NET Framework caused Admin > Error Messages to fail to execute 404 redirects from .NET Framework pages. This problem has been resolved and all system 404 redirects have been updated.
    • A SearchResults property has been added to the BreadCrumbTrail CpScript. When this property is set to a string it will be appended to the end of the trail when a search is executed. This property does not apply when the current taxonomy is included in the trail. By default this property is empty and has no effect on the trail.
    • A new module suite called Reports has been released. The modules in this suite will not be enabled in any site until they are selected in the related master. This module suite is designed to build and organize reports based on module content or any other database connection. Reports can be built using the Reports > Report Builder module. You can view and export (Tab Delimited or Excel XML) report content by clicking on the View button in the Report Builder grid view. You can also copy the View link to the Development > Console Navigation module to create custom Reports navigation items. The help file for these modules outlines their use in more detail.
    • A new console popup has been developed called the Select Command Builder and has been integrated into the header text of the Reports > Report Builder > Select Command attribute. This popup can be used to build SQL select commands for standard modules including all Relation columns and Module attributes. It also includes a few system filters that can be easily added to select commands.
    • A new Job has been added to the Master > Content > Scheduled Tasks module called Notifications. A daily task to run this job on all web sites has been automatically created and added to all sites. This job is designed to interact with modules supporting the Notifications interface and send emails accordingly. Only the Reports > Report Builder module currently inherits the Notifications interface.

    Mon, Jan 25, 2010

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.27

    • When installing update version 8.0.28 the installation process will begin using a case insensitive file cleanup process. This will prevent accidental file deletions caused by files or directories with the same name but different casing on different servers.
    • Master > Deployment > Web Sites has been updated to treat new site creation from a backup file like a restore instead of a new site. Previously, this feature copied its properties and configuration from the parent site. It also deleted reporting information like leads, searches, etc. after the site was created. Now when you create a new site from a backup the properties, configuration, leads, searches, etc. are all stored in the backup and moved to the new site. This will allow us to use this tool to move sites to new servers or rebuild an existing server without property or reporting information loss.
    • Automated (scheduled) web site and master backups now detect the number of hours since the last backup and do not execute more than once every 4 hours. This was implemented to permit the scheduler to pick up where it left off if it terminates early instead of starting over at the beginning.
    • A new web method has been added to the client console called UpsertDraft which will allow us to create document drafts from the front end of the web site, including forms management.
    • A new system attribute called “Allow Comments” has been added to all modules and hidden by default. It can be displayed using the Hidden Attributes and Defaults module configurations. It will be used to prevent end users commenting on specific documents from the front end of the site. If you are already using a custom module configuration in any module you may want to manually add “AllowComments” to the Hidden Attributes and Defaults. When creating new modules this attribute will be automatically added and hidden, but you may also want to hide it manually if you have any existing My Module or CMS Navigation Items.
    • A bug in the RTF Editor that caused images to display improperly in the master console has been repaired.
    • List box style controls have been updated to have the same bottom margin as other controls in the client console form views.
    • It was discovered recently that the “Created Or Updated” event type had no system name in client sites. This caused these events to be recorded as “Unknown”. This problem was most likely a result of the previously manual database update process and has been repaired.
    • Forms management has been updated to support multiple forms on the same page. When using multiple forms on the same page the forms must contain unique group parameter values. This change also included updates to the CAPTCHA control and the Survey Manager script.
    • The Survey Manager has been updated so that the survey will submit when a user presses the enter key while focus is on one of the survey controls.
    • A new application called Sync Invoked Method has been added to Development > Utilities which will allow us to execute custom sync invoked methods on client servers. This will be helpful when problems arise and should only be used by Oxcyon developers.
    • A new module suite called Comments has been released. The modules in this suite will not be enabled in any site until they are selected in the related master. This module suite is designed to track comments in all modules using the “All Modules” module and configure the front end script used to display and collect comments using the “Configuration” module. The help file for these modules outlines their use in more detail.
    • A new script called Comments has been developed to collect comments on data documents in any standard module. This script is designed to work on the Site Architecture > Module Designer > Details View (#3) and has been added to the Module Designer help file.
    • An RSS feed is now available at http://www.yoururlhere.com/Modules/Comments/Rss.aspx that returns comments from all modules. This feed is outlined in the Comments help file and can be used in conjunction with the Design > Dynamic Feeds module.

    Mon, Dec 28, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.26

    • The web site Page base class has a new property called MetaRobots that can be set to the contents of the robots meta tag. This new property has been utilized by various web site pages like the printer friendly version, splash pages, and email a friend form to prevent them from being spidered by search engines and causing search results with duplicate meta information.
    • Attribute CpScripts entered into Site Architecture > Module Designer > Details View (#3) now support a custom parameter called ExecuteCpScriptsInResult. When set to “true” this parameter will cause CpScripts to be replaced within in the attribute contents before they are rendered to the page. You cannot add this parameter to other CpScripts or in other modules or views to get them to execute CpScripts recursively. The primary purpose of this parameter is for use with the Navigation module Content attribute when it is set up in the Module Designer with the Use Navigation Content attribute set to “No”. This new parameter has been documented in the Module Designer help file.
    • The BreadCrumbTrail CpScript has been updated to use the new TaxonomyInfo property of Modules.Page which will cause it to only display on results views and to more efficiently display a deep taxonomy path.
    • The Site Architecture > Taxonomy custom module has a new tab called Header Tags that works similarly to the Header Tags tab in the Site Architecture > Audiences module. This tab allows you to manage the Meta information (keywords, description, etc.) for taxonomy landing pages. A taxonomy landing page is any standard module Results View (#2) when there is only one current taxonomy item selected. The current taxonomy item may be selected using any of the supported search features like the query string, form state, the module search, etc. This change required the addition of a system taxonomy properties file which allows us to extend the properties stored within taxonomy at any time simply by changing the related file. Client sites can also have custom taxonomy properties merged with the system taxonomy properties, like custom attributes, using Admin > Properties > Taxonomy Properties File.
    • Form State encoding, used with Forms Management, has been updated to only encode less than (<) and greater than (>) symbols as opposed to all HTML. These symbols must be encoded to allow the Form State XML to make it through ASP.NET Form Validation, however, when all HTML was encoded it was forcing European characters to get encoded and cause a validation exception. We are hoping that this change allows the ASP.NET Form Validation to do its job with the exception of the Form State XML. Since this change affects all Forms Management forms, some existing forms may behave differently than before this update.
    • Integration Id and Order attributes have been added to the Site Architecture > Taxonomy module. The Order attribute is used to sort taxonomy items within the parent item. This attribute will default to a value of 100 for all existing records maintaining the current sort order and allowing you to insert items before or after existing items. Taxonomy items are sorted by Order, then Name within their parent item. The Integration Id attribute was added to store the original identifier of taxonomy items imported from external systems.

    Mon, Dec 14, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.25

    • The sync, update installation, and restore processes have been updated to use an App_Offline.htm file to take the sites offline instead of using IIS. This permits us to use display a message while the site is offline, and will allow the site to successfully sync when it is not set up properly in IIS.
    • Additional error handling has been added to the scheduled sync to help determine the cause of failed scheduled syncs.
    • All 301 redirects have been updated to use fully qualified URLs to help search spiders access the site.
    • The installer program has been enhanced to run faster, be more informative, look cleaner, include more accurate progress notification, and handle errors better.
      • The old installer will no longer work and should not be used.
      • The new installer will only work with version 8.0.25 and later.
      • Includes support for host headers with the master web site in IIS.
      • The installation package download has been removed from the package and can even be done manually. To speed up the installation you can manually download the latest installation package from http://www.aranon.net/Uploads/Updates/Centralpoint_v8.*.*.zip. Manually create the Centralpoint folder and place the installation file within before running the installer program.
    • Changes have been made to the Activation, Deployment, Update, Backup, and Restore processes so that Centralpoint can be installed and run in a dual server environment. These processes now all support a new Master > Admin > Properties attribute name “SQL Server to Centralpoint UNC Path”. Running Centralpoint with a separate SQL server may speed up sites, but it will slow down these and other process based on network permissions, speed and interference.
    • A bug has been repaired in the Site Architecture > Module Designer module that caused an error to be displayed when a record was submitted by a user who did not have access to the related module.
    • A bug has been repaired in the Media popup displayed from the RTF editor. It only occurred when a new file was uploaded and the Select button was clicked on the upload view which caused a system name to be generated and used without validation. If the same system name had been generated 10 times previously it would cause a duplicate system name and an error message would be displayed. Now, when a duplicate system name is generated, the user is redirected to a view allowing them to manually change the system name and prevent the problem.
    • A bug has been repaired in the console grid view search over automatically generated id fields that caused an error to be returned when the keywords were not a valid GUID.
    • New items have been added to Admin > Template Gallery for commonly used forms and the creation of a marketplace dashboard.
    • The Dynamic Scripts CpScript now supports format strings (e.g. format='<div>{0}</div>')
    • Marketplace Comparison is completed and ready for use.

    Mon, Nov 30, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.24

    • The Update and Sync processes have been modified to collect errors that are thrown during unnecessary events, but those unnecessary events no longer cause the Update and Sync to fail. This will improve the success rate of these processes on problematic servers.
    • A new property called RootTaxonomyId has been added to the TaxonomyTree cp:control available in the module designer. This property allows you to change the root taxonomy id of the taxonomy tree if it differs from the modules root taxonomy id.
    • The Development > Errors modules in all consoles have been updated to include additional details and the contents of the current details have been refined. Additional exception handling and exclusions have also been added to increase the relevancy of reported errors.
    • Previously, the sync and update processes deleted files not present in the parent site. This has been updated so that they do not delete files noted as excluded in the Sync.xml file regardless of whether or not they exist in the parent site.
    • The sync process will no longer delete custom folders in the web sites local folder (cpweb_), nor will it delete FavIcon.ico from the Root folder.
    • All Telerik web controls, including the RTF editor and file upload, have been upgraded to the Q3 2009 release.
    • The Keywords Attribute and Summary Attribute module configurations can now be set to a comma separated list of attributes used to populate the Keywords and Summary attributes respectively. The keywords and summary attributes are used to populate the meta keywords and meta description on a module details view (#3). These attribute values will be appended until a maximum length of 512 characters is reached. They are only populated upon submission of a record in a standard client console module, and must be populated manually by custom modules, custom integrations, and data imports. The module configurations must be set before content is created, because changing these attributes will not affect records already in the module.
    • A new CpScript called SiteMapInfo has been created and documented in the Scripting help file. It is designed to retrieve attribute information from the current navigation or home page.
    • CpScripting has been updated to support a new “Roles” property. This property is supported in cp:scripting and cp:column elements on the front end of the web site only. These elements may be placed in any attribute that supports CpScripting including the module designer. When the property is set to a comma separated list of role system names, the script will return the empty string unless the current user belongs to one of the included roles. Excluding this property, leaving it empty, or including the “Everyone” role will cause the script to display for all users. Including the “Private” role will cause the script to display for all authenticated (logged in) users regardless of their roles.
    • Master > Deployment > Web Sites has been updated to include a Host Header attribute. This allows you to optionally use a host header value when creating a web site in IIS instead of just an IP address. This same feature has been added to the Activation process for the development web site.
    • A new client console module called Admin > Template Gallery has been added to manage template records for all modules. As we add templates to the gallery they can be installed in any site simply by clicking the records title.

    Mon, Nov 16, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.23

    • The standard file upload popup window has been enhanced with light security. This allows its use in forms management, but prevents its use when the opener is not the same page or JavaScript is disabled. This page and all other integrations are also no longer accessible to robots.
    • The URL rewriting HttpModule used on the front end of the site has been updated to support a query string variable (rewrite=no) to prevent rewrites. It also does not rewrite URLs when the first directory exists in the file system, even if that directory is also the system name of an audience. The Site Architecture > Audiences module now validates the System Name attribute to ensure that you do not create an audience where the system name is equal to the name of a folder at the root of the site.
    • A bug in the sync process related to the Console folder has been repaired. Previously, changes made to non-synchronized files and sub-folders would be synchronized if the files had been modified in the parent site. This caused changes submitted in the Admin > RTF Editor module to be lost after a sync that occurred after changes were made to this module in the parent site. This problem will not be officially repaired until version 8.0.24.
    • A new utility called “SQL Non-Query” has been added to Master > Development > Utilities. This utility allows us to execute non-query SQL statements on one or more database within a master with a single button click. This is commonly used for debugging and situation resolution. It is a non-reversible, highly technical utility that should only be used by experienced Centralpoint developers.
    • A bug in the Roles and Users modules has been repaired that caused the checkboxes displayed on the grid views to return an error when clicked.
    • A bug in the login form has been repaired that caused the enter key press event to submit the search instead of the login form when the search occurred before the login form on the page and used an image button for submission.
    • The file upload button maximum file size has been increased to 50 megabytes.
    • We are releasing a new sync feature that allows us to execute custom methods during an update installation or sync. With this feature we can modify the structure of the database or file system beyond the sync’d elements and even add new sync’d elements within an update release. If the site being sync’d is more than one version behind its parent, the updates will all occur in order when the site is sync’d. These methods will also be executed when a backup from an older version is restored and sync’d to the current version.
    • We have added a way to manually download update packages due to problems some servers have had downloading the archive file. After update version 8.0.23 has been successfully installed, subsequent updates will provide instructions to manually download the update archive in Development > Process Log when the automated download fails.
    • A bug that caused the image resizing component to fail on 1 pixel images has been repaired.
    • The new Design > Styles > Global > Drop Shadow attribute allows us to add a drop shadow (glow) to a static width site by simply enabling the feature, entering the width, and uploading three images.
    • A new script has been added to CpScripting called FormStateAction and has been documented in the help file. It allows the execution of custom actions on form state objects.
    • The CpScripting UserInfo script can now return a list of users RoleIds.

    Mon, Nov 2, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.22

    • The “Hidden Features” module configuration now has two new values: “Form: Save Draft Button” and “Form: Save/Finish/Restore Button (Disable)”. These values are used to create a read only module by disabling the save button and/or the save draft button.
    • The Members and Site Architecture > Administrators modules have been updated to more clearly clarify the difference between these two modules. The Accessible Audiences attribute now always display two checkboxes, web site and console, regardless of the users audience posting mode personalization setting. There is also new header text that describes that checking the second (right hand) checkbox will cause the user to become a console administrator and move them from Members to Site Architecture > Administrators. The same changes have been made to Admin > Roles.
    • The installation tool has been modified so that it does not activate all scheduled tasks upon installation. Previously, some custom scheduled tasks developed for one server were enabled on other servers. We can now determine which scheduled tasks should be enabled by default in a new installation.
    • We have added progress notification to our bulk copy methods used to import data into modules. Previously, when a large amount of data was imported into a module it executed without notification. Now you can be notified after a specified number of records so that you know that the process has not stalled.
    • Security exceptions caused by URLs that are not activated within the parent master or uber console now send an email to serveradmin@oxcyon.com and Admin > Settings > Error Notification Email instead of reporting an error to uber. The error message displayed has also been modified to alert the user to contact the site administrator.
    • It was determined that the Design > Styles > Sub Nav > Font Color attribute was not being utilized by the site navigation. To repair this problem the system name of the attribute was changed which will cause the attribute to lose its value after the sync. This should not cause any changes to the existing sites since the value was not utilized in the first place.
    • A bug in the Aliases implementation has been repaired that prevented aliases from being deleted once a site was moved from one server to another. The same fix was applied to Keywords, Triggers, and Console Navigation.
    • Centralpoint authentication in all consoles and web sites has been modified to store and reference the user’s unique identifier (UserId) instead of their user name. We’ve also add a database level distinction between local users, authentication within Centralpoint, and users that are created by integration authentication sources. This allowed us to remove the unique validation from the user’s email address and change the unique validation on the user’s name so that it only requires uniqueness within local users. These changes were made to support users from different authentication sources that may have the same user name. All features of all users modules have been affected by this change.
    • The web site CleanUp utility that is executed by the sync or manually using Development > Utilities has been updated to remove orphaned records from the survey submission tables. It has also been updated to reapply all necessary file system permissions during the sync, update, and scheduled executions.
    • The Admin > Global Login module has been completed including the Centralpoint and Active Directory authentication sources. Until new authentication sources are created, all web sites will continue to use Centralpoint authentication. The details of this module are outlined in the help file: http://www.aranon.net/Integrations/Centralpoint/Articles/Article.aspx?id=2f4049f7-190a-4b1d-837d-ace72cdfa56f.
    • The Surveys module suite is officially released.
    • The StayWell integration and module suite is officially released.
    • Forms > Dashboard Modules now allows you to select either a web site navigation item or a standard module as the source. This will allow you to create dashboards containing modules that don’t have a web site user interface or navigation reference.
    • Forms > Forms > Processing now supports custom integrations via the Integration Type attribute. We have also completed the Pay Flow Pro (PayPal) integration.

    Sun, Oct 11, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.21

    • A site property has been added at Admin / Properties / Web Site Default Page Redirect with two options: Standard (301), Screen Scrape (No Forms). The default value of this property will be Standard (301), meaning that all sites will revert to redirecting to “/Main/Home.aspx”. This change was made when it was found that the screen scrape implementation does not work with forms. If you have a site that does not use forms on the home page and they do not want the redirect, you can change this setting immediately after the site is sync’d. The redirect from the default page to the home page was also changed to a 301 redirect.
    • Web Site (Data) Roles: The entire implementation of roles selected using the Roles attribute in standard modules in the client console has changed.
      • The role system name has been removed from the URL everywhere in the site. The system URL is now formatted as follows: /AudienceSystemName/SiteMapItemSystemName[/DocumentIdentifier].aspx.
        • The Public and Private role system names are still supported in the URL for backward compatibility.
        • Search and replaces should be executed after the next sync to remove /Public/ from the content of each web site. The following searches should be executed using Development > All Modules and Site Architecture > Module Designer, because the latter is not a standard module.
          • For each audience in your site you should search for “/AudienceSystemName/Public/” and replace it with “/AudienceSystemName/”.
          • For each audience in your site you should search for “/AudienceSystemName/Private/” and replace it with “/AudienceSystemName/”.
          • Search for “RoleInfo” and if it exists as a part of a CpScript the reference should be removed. Pages no longer have a concept of a current role, therefore, the RoleInfo CpScript will no longer work.
        • The systems URL generation tools have been rewritten to generate the new system URL.
        • All custom URL references have been individually rewritten to utilize the new format.
      • The system login and logout features have been updated to only set the users authentication status instead of setting the users current role. All references to a user’s current role have been removed from the system.
      • The role names have been updated to more adequately display the system roles and their special functionality.
        • Everyone: All Users
        • Public: Logged Out / Anonymous Users
        • Private: Logged In / Authenticated Users
      • Authenticated users will now also see a combination of all of the content posted to any of the custom roles to which they have access. For example, if a user has access to the custom roles Sample 1 and Sample 2, their navigation (and content) will display data posted to Everyone, Private, Sample1 or Sample2 when the user is logged in (authenticated).
        • The IsInRole SQL function references have been updated accordingly.
        • CpContent’s role filter generation has been updated using the new implementation. All references to this method have been reviewed and rewritten where necessary.
        • CpCache has been rewritten to only cache public content. Private content is no longer cached because it is different depending on the current users roles. All direct references to CpCache have been reviewed and rewritten where necessary.
        • The standard module Home View (#1) taxonomy display containing content has been rewritten to filter and cache appropriately.
        • The web site search has been updated to implement role filtration appropriately for single module search and multiple module searches.
        • All references to module abstracts have been updated to utilize role filtration appropriately.
        • The resource HttpHandler has been rewritten to utilize role filtration appropriately.
      • The Role attribute has been removed from the Site Architecture / Home Pages because all audiences must have one and only one home page. They cannot have different home pages based on the users roles or authentication (logged in) status.
      • The site map has been redesigned so that there is only one site map per audience. This site map is filtered to display a different navigation based on the current user’s permissions.
      • Site Architecture > Audiences > Company has a new attribute called “Accessible Roles”. This allows you to designate that an audience will only be accessible to users with a specific role or roles. This will cause the filtration of the AudienceMenu CpScript and will force users visiting inaccessible audiences to be redirected to the login.
      • The page security and the initialization of context items have been rewritten. Navigation items, documents, and audiences are now verified using the new role implementation and users without the appropriate permissions are redirected to the login.
      • Design > Styles: The Role attribute in this module has been limited to Everyone, Public, and Private. This was done to support client side caching of the style sheet for performance reasons. Each audience can now have a one design (Everyone), or separate Public and Private designs.
    • When the Integration Id attribute is used in a module, a document can now be accessed with the following URL: /AudienceSystemName/SiteMapSystemName.aspx?iid=IntegrationId. This is primarily utilized in integrations like Staywell to prevent URL translation to auto numbers. The canonical URL meta tag is also properly implemented in this scenario.
    • Development > All Modules (AKA: Admin > Search All Modules): Has been updated and now includes working Delete Records, Search & Replace, and Attribute Changer features.
    • Database modifications have been made to support the Survey Manager module suite.
    • All Site Map related modules (Site Architecture, Site Architecture > Home Pages, Site Architecture > Navigation) have two new attributes which are hidden by default using module configuration: Browser Title & Navigation Display Name. Any sites that have submitted custom module configuration in any of these modules may see these attributes by default due to their customizations. The old attribute “Name as it appears on site” attribute has been renamed “Title” and will be used when values are not entered into “Browser Title” or “Navigation Display Name”. The title attribute is also used as the title in the page content when the Page Type attribute is set to HTML.
    • The “Audience Display” selector in standard module grid views has been modified. When a selection is made it filters the records by audiences on which the document will display as opposed to audiences in which the document is editable. This prevents a problem where you could not use the selector to filter by the Main audience because all records are always editable in the main audience.
    • The Media Manager popup within the editor now displays the “Click here to replace the file associated with this resource.” link when the administrator has access to the Design > Media Manager module.
    • Attribute names displayed in the form view of all modules are now underlined when the attribute name is linked to a help file (Tool Tip URL).
    • You can now change your Account Settings > Personalization > Display System Names to “Yes” to see attribute system names in parenthesis after the attribute name on standard module update pages in the client console: “Attribute Name (AttributeSystemName):”. This personalization option also enables audience, taxonomy, and role system names in the standard module selectors.
    • Uber now treats HttpRequestValidationErrors by automatically posting them to the web sites error console. These errors protect the sites from attacks and can be reviewed in the web site console to determine the number of attack attempts or accidental occurrences that can be avoided.
    • It was recently discovered that if a user disables the audience navigation item using the Site Architecture > Audiences > Console Navigation attribute, they may not be able to enable it again. To remedy this problem we’ve added a backdoor into the audiences module for Ancestor Admins only. If you are an Ancestor Admin and you visit “/Console/Audiences.aspx?sitemap=off” you will see the audiences module even if it is disabled in the current audience console.
    • All Users (Members, Site Architecture > Administrators, etc.) modules in the client console have been updated so that administrators can initialize other users passwords. Users who are ancestor admins or in the role “Admins” can set or change a users password and choose whether the initial password is stored in plain text and/or email to the user.
    • We’ve increased the command timeout used by the search on the client console module list (grid) view. Previously, this search timed out after 1.5 minutes and it now has 5 minutes to complete. This change is required only for “All Attributes” search over modules containing a very large number of records.
    • The web site cleanup process executed in the sync and manually using utilities has been enhanced with more debugging tools. Due to these new tools we have improved the file permission monitoring and timeout values.
    • The module selector utilized in Site Architecture > Module Designer and other modules has been updated to include the System Name “Name (SystemName)”. This was added because we have a few situations where the same name is used for two modules that appear in different places in the navigation.
    • The ImportBatch method developed for custom imports now supports data from multiple modules within a single batch. This will make custom imports more efficient, and will be beneficial for future tools that utilize bulk imports.
    • Forms Management now has the ability to use a format string in the FormStat CpScript.
    • Dynamic Scripts has a new ‘Video’ feature. This can be found in ‘Fields’ tab. It will allow you to specify what attribute in your module is capable of uploading a video file. It will then auto-detect what it is and show it in your scrip accordingly.
    • New module ‘Media’ located at Content > Media. This new module picks up where Video Library has left off. It enables you to manage any sort of media files and display them automaticaly. This new module can phase out ‘Video Library’
    • New CpScript called ‘MediaItem’ that works with the new Media Module. It allows you to pass it a LegacyId or a DataId and return a single media item. This can be placed anywhere on a site. See the Scripting help file for more details.
    • New CpControl ‘RelatedMedia’ that works with the new Media Module. This control will work in the Module Designer on any module. Allowing you to display links to the media items or display the actual media items. There are many different ways to display the data. Please see the Module Designer help file for further information.
    • New CpScript ‘TaxonomyList’ that takes a taxonomy system name, and the module system name and will display all the children of the taxonomy type specified in a list of links. Please see the help file for more information.

    Sun, Sep 13, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.20

    • Master / CMS / Navigation has been updated to merge the system attribute collections in the default Attribute, Configuration, and Property displays. This means that when we add a new system attribute it is available for modification in the navigation item even if the module has never been re-submitted.
    • The Email Address attribute is now editable in all client console Users modules like Members and Site Architecture / Administrators.
    • It was discovered that the web site left hand navigation did not properly utilize or cascade its styles. We have made many changes to these controls to properly display the background colors, padding, links, and more. Due to these changes you may notice differences in the link color and text padding of your navigation items. The left navigation should be inspected immediately after the site is sync’d and any changes can be resolved using Design / Styles / Navigation & Sub.
    • A bug found in the screen scrape used to render the home page without the file path has been repaired.
    • Design / Styles / Navigation & Sub Nav have four new attributes each: Selected Background Color, Selected Background Image, Selected Font Color, and Selected Font Decoration. These attributes can be used to apply style to navigation items that are currently selected and the ancestors of the currently selected item.
    • The “Only On Home Pages” option in all “Visible” attributes in the Design / Styles module has been repaired.
    • The Color Picker used for many attributes in the client console has been repaired and now supports both a Web Pallet and RGB Sliders.
    • A bug in the login page has been repaired that prevented the login redirect from taking you back to the previously viewed document.
    • The module designer has been reprogrammed to retrieve the code path (Attributes.xml, MultiView.xml) from the code path of the current navigation item as opposed to generating it using the navigation item system name. The benefit of this is that it will cause modules that use the same code path to also use the same module designer attributes.
    • The Design / Styles / Left / Width attribute now supports an empty value. Leaving this attribute empty will cause the left hand navigation to dynamically resize to the width of the largest item within.
    • A problem has been resolved in the Advertising / Advertisers module which caused records with a Start Date set in the future to display before their start date was reached.
    • Advertising / Advertisers has a new attribute called “Show On Details View” that is only available when the Page Type is set to “Taxonomy Specific”. This attribute allows you to exclude an advertisement from the details view even when the related taxonomy is assigned to the document. This change caused changes to this modules relation and therefore will force the relation to be rebuilt during the next sync. You should manually monitor the next sync on any sites that have a large number of records in this module. If the relation rebuild is successful the records will appear normally in the module after the sync. If the records disappear from the module after the sync the module can be repopulated by an Oxcyon developer.
    • The Development / Errors module has been updated in all consoles including changes to the error reporting. Some of the changes include new web site specific errors that can be deleted from all consoles, and a Delete button on the details view. We’ve also added an Email button on the details view and cleaned up the email notifications. The errors reported to Uber now include additional details like state collections and more user information, and the Development sites no longer report errors.
    • Centralpoint.Web.Cms.User.Delete has been overloaded to support a new parameter named “filter”. This parameter allows custom user imports to delete a subset of users before executing. The filter will be executed over cpsys_Users in the web site database and all string values should be properly encoded.
    • Web site backup creation has been updated so that when multiple sites are backed up and one backup fails the other site backups continue. The failed backup is also reported to Uber and to the Admin / Settings / Error Notification Email.
    • A bug in the Uber console that caused an error when the Articles RSS feed was retrieved without a ChannelId has been resolved.
    • Advertising / Ad Tracking / Banners has been updated to support audience and/or role filtration when Advertising / Ad Tracking / Zones / Audience Filtration Enabled and/or Role Filtration Enabled is set to “Yes”. Enabling these features may have a negative effect on your sites performance when used with a large number of banners.
    • The Admin / Properties / Google Maps API Key attribute has been added. It is currently used in the Marketplace module suite.
    • We’ve added a new attribute called “Taxonomy Category Children Visible” to Site Architecture / Module Designer / Home View (#1) / Taxonomy Display / Categories. It allows you to hide the children and show only the parent taxonomy types on the modules Home View (#1).

    Sun, Aug 23, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.19

    • We have updated the web site and module search criteria parser to return more relevant results when multiple word searches are executed.
    • The sites default page has been updated to use a screen scrape rather than a redirect to display the sites home page. This results in the address bar remaining www.yoururl.com as opposed to changing to something like www.yoururl.com/Main/Public/Home.aspx. A canonical URL meta tag has also been added to ensure proper search engine optimization.
    • We’ve added a new Users class to our CMS library. This class supports bulk imports and individual inserts and updates in the Users table. The Users table contains all Centralpoint users like Members and Site Architecture / Administrators.
    • A bug in the page base class caused the site map to load with the wrong audience in some situations. To address this we’ve moved the https check from before the users audience is changed to after. This has resolved the issue.
    • A bug in Master / CMS / Modules has been repaired that caused custom attributes to be lost when a module was saved after being copied and viewed using the OK button in the JavaScript popup.
    • Master / CMS / Modules / Copy Module has been updated to copy the modules relations and predicates instead of creating default relations and predicates as if it were a new module.
    • Some descriptions in the Master / CMS / Relations module were improperly generated by the system. The descriptions have been repaired and will be sync’d and generated properly in the future.
    • Our update build process now excludes some unnecessary folders to make the installation packages smaller and faster. It has also been enhanced to use a single site (Quality Control) for both the update and install packages.
    • A bug has been repaired that caused the submission of a web site in the master console to clear custom properties submitted via the web site Admin / Properties module.
    • Admin / Properties / Web Site Time Zone is a new site property that controls the time zone of dates displayed on the front end of the web site for anonymous users. For dates to display properly it is important that administrators set their time zone using Account Settings / Personalization / Time Zone before creating, updating, or importing content in the client console. When data is created the dates are converted from the administrator’s time zone to UTC. All logged in web site or client console users will see dates and times in their personal time zone. This new site property is used to control the time zone of data for anonymous web site users. It is also used as the default time zone for new users created in the client console.
    • The Page Options… / Module Configuration, Module Properties, and Module Defaults have been updated to refresh the current module when saved so that the changes are applied immediately.
    • The Design / Media Manager module now allows the source file to be replaced. This will replace the file everywhere the resource was used throughout the site. Just click “Click here to replace the file associated with this resource.” within the File attribute of an existing resource. When the Save button is clicked after uploading a new file the source file, content type, and extension are automatically updated with information related to the new file. Clicking Cancel after saving a new file will not cause the resource to revert to the old file. You may want to copy the original file first; because once a new file is uploaded the original file is not retrievable. Also be aware that changing a resource from one file type to another may cause problems related to the HTML used to reference the resource. For example, broken images will appear if you change a resource from an image to a word document and the resource was referenced in an IMG HTML tag.
    • The standard left hand sub navigation now includes styles identifying the level of sub navigation. This can be used with a custom cascading style sheet to apply different styles to each level of sub navigation. All sub navigation contains the cpsty_SubNavigation and cpsty_SubNavigationText styles controlled by Design / Styles / Sub Nav. Additionally, the first level of sub navigation contains cpsty_SubNavigation1 and cpsty_SubNavigation1Text, and levels 2 – n contain a similar class where 1 is replaced with current sub navigation level number.
    • We’ve added Auto Number to the default list of searchable fields in all client console module grid views. Adding this field to the default searchable fields means that it will only apply to modules that do not have a custom list of searchable fields. Searchable fields are customized using module configuration which can be set in Master / CMS (Modules and/or Navigation), or the client console (Page Options / Module Configuration).
    • The image resizing class used for both file based and resource image resizes has been rewritten. It is no longer dependent upon Microsoft’s thumbnail generation method. Resized images are no longer blurry and now render transparent GIFs properly except in browsers that do not support transparent PNGs (like IE6). We have also included a file system based cache to reduce the system resources required for image resizing and the risk of denial of service (DOS) attacks.
    • The ability to control the length of time that the users is not allowed to submit the form has been added to forms management. This can be controlled using the Prevent Multiple Submissions, Intervals, and Interval Value attributes.
    • The Forms Management / Dashboard modules have been completed.
    • New beta Ad Banners reports have been added under Ad Tracking, but have not yet been stress tested.
      • Banners Per Announcer (HTML, Excel, CSV)
      • Banner Expiring Dates (HTML, Excel, CSV)
      • Zone Activity (HTML, Excel, CSV, Charts)
      • Banners Activity Per Zone (HTML, Excel, CSV, Charts)

    Sun, Aug 9, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.18

    • The standard file upload popup window will now verify that the upload subdirectory exists and create it if it does not.
    • A bug that caused the current search criteria entered into a search box to be duplicated has been repaired.
    • The client console has a new page that can be accessed by the URL “/Console/CpCollection.aspx?sn=ConsoleNavigationSystemName”. This page will display the XML used to generate the attributes displayed for the given console navigation item. It is assumed that the console navigation item relates to a module. This was developed for use with the new Custom Attributes module configuration, but has been designed for many other uses in the future.
    • Master / CMS / Modules now contains a new control validator named “XML Validator”. This allows us to validate an attributes value to determine whether it contains valid XML. It also allows us to validate the XML against a custom schema or define a collection type to validate the xml as a Centralpoint collection, or more specifically an Attribute, Configuration, or Property collection.
    • A bug in the code used to allow URL based navigation items to point to virtual rewritten URLs has been detected and repaired. The bug caused URLs containing query string parameters to return an error when included in the navigation.
    • A new module configuration called “Custom Attributes” has been added to all modules. Remember that you must be an Ancestor Admin to select the “Module Configuration” option from a standard modules “Page Options…” selector. Ancestor Admins are users logged into a web site with an account that was created in the sites Master or Uber console.
      • You may use this configuration to upload an XML file that will be used to customize the modules attributes. New attributes may be added and existing attributes may be renamed, textually modified, or reordered. Some changes are prohibited and will be undone during the attribute merge. Moving required attributes out of the “Attributes” group is prevented because it causes validation problems. If the original attributes are modified after custom changes have been made, the changes may not be reflected in the modules attributes because the site will still use the custom attributes.
      • The words “existing attributes” in the new configurations header text are linked to a new tool that allows you to view and save the modules current attributes XML.
      • When uploading custom attributes the uploaded file is validated to ensure that it meets the requirements of an attributes XML file. It must be a valid CpCollection XML file and the first group node must have an id of “Attributes”.
      • When ecommerce is enabled, custom attributes are merged before the ecommerce attributes. Custom attributes should not contain ecommerce attributes (prefixed with cpsys_Ecommerce).
      • New attributes added using Custom Attributes can only be used on the Site Architecture / Module Designer / Details View (#3). They do not exist in the relation, and therefore, cannot be displayed in repeated data like search results without first being added to the actual module, its relation, and implemented accordingly.
      • To test this feature just click the “existing attributes” link and use the save icon in the upper right hand corner of the popup to save the attributes XML as a file on your desktop. Then open the new XML file and change it, ensuring that it keeps the UTF-8 encoding. I suggest you change the name of some of the attributes and maybe copy an existing attribute and paste it in again, but be sure to change the id of the property node which must be unique within the entire file. Then upload the modified XML file using the Custom Attributes “File Upload” button and save the module configuration. The module’s attributes should now reflect the uploaded customizations.
    • Numerous errors were being reported when an audience/role combination had more than one home page. In this scenario only the first home page is accessible. The implementation has been modified so that when this occurs a 404 error will be displayed on the site and an error will not be report to Centralpoint.
    • The “Mobile Web Site Search” help file has been updated to include an onKeyPress event in the search text box. When included this event will allow the enter key to trigger a search when the users cursor is in the text box.
    • The script time out in the Admin / All Modules module has been increased to support sites with more data, however, in this case the script may take a long time to load.

    Sun, Jul 26, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.17

    • We now have the ability to populate a forms management control (text box, etc.) from a record in the database. First, the user viewing the form must be logged into the site (not anonymous). Second, the page must be loaded with the query string variable “fdid=GUID” where GUID is the DataId of a record in the site. Finally, the defaultValue parameter of the form control CpScript should contain the following value: cpsys_Constant:DataInfo:AttributeSystemName. AttributeSystemName is the system name of the attribute in the data document retrieved using the DataId passed in the query string.
    • The search control enabled from Site Architecture / Module Designer has been updated for compatibility with the order by, page size, and page controls. The query string based search has also been updated to support these controls.
    • The Module.Page class has a new event called LoadSearchCriteria to assist in the development of custom searches, and a new property called ResultsTitleStartsWith for alpha-numeric searches.
    • The web site “Clean Up” utility has been enhanced to remove orphaned sub-directories from the Uploads/ModuleViews folder. This folder occasionally contains folders that are orphaned by deleted records in Site Architecture / Module Designer.
    • The “Grid Disabled Checkboxes” module configuration is typically used to prevent users from deleting specific documents. The delete button on the details view of a document is now disabled when the document’s DataId is included in the grid disable checkboxes module configuration.
    • The JavaScript alert that informed users when their browser does not support PNG transparencies has been removed. The consoles uses PNG transparencies and may display differently in browsers that do not support them. IE 6 does not support PNG transparencies.
    • We can now detect rewritten paths in Site Architecture / Navigation / Page Type / URL. This attribute now supports root relative rewritten URLs that relate to files that don’t actually exist in the file system. You no longer need to use fully qualified URLs in this situation.
    • The Admin / Settings module has a new section called Machine Key. This section is used to manually set or dynamically generate View State and Decryption keys for the application. These keys are primarily used for encrypting form data and cookies. Please note that new keys should be generated using this tool whenever a new site is created from scratch. This change will prevent view state and “Client is disconnected” errors from occurring when the application is restarted and a user posts a form that was created before the application was restarted. It will also help us in the future to set up web farms.
    • The web services used to insert and update content have been updated to maintain the version’s creator and an accurate audit trail when called from the front end of the site.
    • The client console site map provider has been updated to resolve synchronization issues caused by multiple users logging into the same audience for the first time at the same time. These errors presented themselves with the message “An item with the same key has already been added.”
    • We added a new global control called Alphabet Navigation for use in Site Architecture / Module Designer. See the module designer help file for more information.
    • Forms Management has been improved to maintain the historical versions of a document that is managed from the front end of the site.

    Sun, Jul 19, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.16

    • All references to modified, cached DataTable DefaultViews have been modified to use DataRow arrays to avoid synchronization issues that may occur under heavy traffic.
    • The web site member login feature has been repaired so that active member accounts can access private data. The private role does not have to be selected from the member record in the client console. The member only has to have an active account in the module with private access to the current audience.
    • The text displayed in Parent Item attribute of the Site Architecture and Site Architecture / Navigation modules has been updated to include the system name of the parent item. This change was requested to resolve issues caused by unique navigation items with the same value in the Title attribute.
    • The Advertising / Sponsored Keywords implementation has been updated to support keywords that exist in an elements data and child elements. Previously, this situation could cause invalid replacements within element attributes.
    • The web site backup, restore, and deployment features of the master console have been updated to support system name validation and the sync number contained in the version number. The cpsys_Execute SQL Login Server Roles have also been modified to include the dbcreator to repair a bug in the web site restore function.
    • The resource HttpHandler has been updated to remove reusability and enable output caching. This should reduce the number of client disconnect errors that occur.
    • Previous caching issues in the the RelatedData CpScript required changes to the data retrieval implementation. These changes caused the sort order feature to stop working. The sort order feature of related data has been repaired to work with the new data retrieval method.
    • Design / Styles / Navigation / Navigation Type / Only Display Selected has been re-implemented. Previously, it only displayed children of the currently selected navigation item regardless of its location in the tree. It now works like Open When Selected, except once a first tier navigation item has been selected it does not show first tier items and only shows descendants of the currently selected first tier item. It is an Open When Selected navigation excluding the first tier navigation once a first tier navigation has been selected.
    • The master console scheduled tasks timeout value has been increased to 1 hour. Scheduled tasks running longer than 1 hour will fail to complete.
    • The RelatedData cp:control used in Site Architecture / Module Designer has a new property called Filter. This property is a little tricky to use but is documented in the module designer help file. The purpose is to retrieve related records over a subset of a modules data.
    • Three new user controls have been developed for use in the Marketplace module suite, but can be included in any future module development. They include InquiryCheckBox, InquiryButton, and InquirySelectAll which are all documented in the Module Designer help file. These controls are specifically designed for use in Site Architecture / Module Designer / Results View (#2) when the module has implemented an Inquiry Basket.
    • Advertising & Advertising / Advertisers
      • The execution of these elements has been moved later in the page lifecycle to support their dependency on data populated during post back. This includes search results and taxonomy selections. This change may cause unexpected results in the page display and functions, therefore, this module should be monitored closely.
      • The Page Type attribute has a new option called “Taxonomy Specific”. This option allows you to select the module (Site Architecture / Module Designer) and Taxonomy on which you would like the advertisement to display. This is based on the taxonomy selected via a category view (Home View) module search (Results View) or the current document (Details View). Clients with a custom Module Configuration or Properties submitted via the client console for these modules may require changes to make the Taxonomy attribute visible and multi-select. This change requires a complete rebuild and repopulation of the relation for this module during the next sync. Clients with a large amount of data in these modules should monitor the next sync closely.
    • A bug in the editor control caused the “Media” icon to display even when the editor did not allow resources. This problem has been resolved and when an editor does not allow resources the “Media” icon is replaced with the Image, Flash, Media, and Document Manager icons which can be used for file uploads.

    Mon, Jun 15, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.14

    This update is a patch for 8.0.13 which was the contained changes to the page base class that caused an error when audiences were changed via the URL.  It also optimizes the media manager HttpHandler.

    Sun, Jun 7, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.15

    • Two new instance methods, RandomNumber and RandomString, have been added to the application based Management class. The old Page and Utilities.General versions of these methods have been removed and all references have been updated to use the new Management versions. This change has been made to prevent duplicate random numbers from being generated by separate instances of random number generators called within the same second.
    • All SQL bulk copy implementations have been updated to include “using” statements to ensure proper object closure. They have also been reviewed and implement the new Management.Locker to protect against synchronization issues when deletions are followed by bulk copies.
    • All client script registrations using the script manager have been updated to reference the current page as opposed to the current control to prevent duplicate script and style inclusions when the same control is included on the page more than once.
    • Development / Errors modules have been enhanced including additional error details and grid and update features in the Uber console.
    • Development / Utilities / Application Trace now also manages the compilation mode and custom errors elements in the web.config file. When enabling the application trace the compilation mode is set to debug and custom errors are turned off. This will allow module designers to turn on tracing while working on module views and see real error messages on the site. It will also aid Oxcyon developers when debugging live sites.
    • Master / CMS / Navigation has been updated to prevent changes to the selected module after the navigation item has been submitted. This change was made to prevent issues introduced when the document XML contains a different ModuleId than the navigation record.
    • The web site version numbers have been updated to include a fourth number that keeps the sync count since the last update install or build. This number is most valuable when determining whether a site can be moved from one server to another.
    • Administrators and Limited Administrators will now see a new feature called “Restart Application” located below “Clear Cache” in the client console. This feature will restart the web site application not only clearing the console based cache but resetting all application variables and clearing all custom cache objects. It will also force the lead generation cache to be recorded to the database. The side effect of this feature is that the web site and client console will load more slowly until the site has been precompiled and the cache restored. This feature may also prematurely terminate long running web site or client console processes.
    • The query string variable used by Admin / Error Messages / 404 Redirect has been changed from cpsys_error=1 to cpsys_redirect=404 to prevent the display of the word “error” in the query string. This variable prevents the system from entering an infinite loop when executing a 404 redirect set up in the Admin / Error Messages module.
    • The RTF Editor has been updated to encode script blocks when in design mode. This will prevent scripts from executing in design mode, therefore, will prevent client console JavaScript errors caused by editor scripts.
    • All Telerik controls have been upgraded to the Q1 2009 SP2 release. This includes the changes listed here: http://www.telerik.com/products/aspnet-ajax/whats-new/release-history/q1-2009-sp2-version-2009-1-527.aspx. We primarily utilize the RadEditor, RadSpell, and RadUpload controls.
    • Proper validation has been added to all module properties and configuration views available via the Page Options selector.
    • A new module property called “Browser Title Included Items” has been added to Site Architecture / Navigation. It is a checkbox list including the following items: Audience, Document, Module, and Site Map Item. It allows you to select which items are included in the browser’s title bar for all navigation items.
    • The Module Details View (#3) HTML has been updated to link to the canonical URL when accessed via a URL other than that specified by the Document Identifier module property for the current module. This has been implemented in accordance with the specifications outlined here: http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2009/02/specify-your-canonical.html. The intention is to improve search engine optimization when the same content is accessible via multiple unique URLs.

    Sun, Jun 7, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.12

    This update is a patch for 8.0.11 which was the first update to contain error reporting on the HttpHandlers.  This combined with the Response.End caused an large number of exceptions to be thrown by the system.

    Thu, May 21, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.13

    • Site Architecture / Module Designer / Initialize / Module has been modified to remember missing items. This allows users who do not have access to a module to update a design for that module without receiving an error message. It is still recommended that administrators with access to the module designer have access to all modules.
    • Dynamic search forms containing a custom PostBackUrl are now supported on pages containing other forms. Previously, this scenario would prevent the other forms from submitting properly. These changes also included updates to the URL rewrite HttpModule so that we now fully support cross page post backs.
    • The web site search SQL function has been modified to prevent duplicate records displayed when a record contains a searched keyword in more than one related taxonomy. It has also been modified so that search results where the criteria is found in the Title are ranked higher than when it is found in other attributes.
    • A problem has been resolved which caused modules to disappear from client consoles when the Uber group selections for the web site were incorrect. Previously you could select module groups for a web sites that were not accessible to the master. When an unpredicted master event occurred these invalid selections were removed making modules disappear. The selectors are now filtered properly so that the invalid selections cannot be made.
    • Most references to Response.End() have been replaced with ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest() to prevent early termination exceptions from being reported in the Development / Errors modules.
    • All SqlSiteMapProviders have been updated to prevent an error that was recorded in the Event Viewer when the OnSiteMapChanged event was triggered without an active HttpContext. Unnecessary caching has also been removed from the providers.
    • The system has been updated to return a 404 error when an end user enters a URL containing an audience or role system name that does not exist.
    • Dynamically generated login URLs have been updated to include the new audience in the path as opposed to the query string. The role must remain in the query string so that the Login page itself is loaded in the Public role.
    • The lead tracking application has been updated to prevent the insertion of leads with null UserIds.
    • The Resource (Design / Media Manager) HttpHandler has been completely rewritten for efficiency and to address “Server Too Busy” errors.
      • The “Server Too Busy” errors have been resolved by removing the Response.Close call after Response.TransmitFile as described here: http://www.improve.dk/blog/2008/03/29/response-transmitfile-close-will-kill-your-application.
      • Caching has been built into the handler including automatic expiration via the media manager module.
      • Additional response headers have been added to resolve browser support issues.
      • The class has been optimized for performance, memory management, and concurrency.
    • All references to application state have been checked for proper use of locks to prevent issues with concurrency under high traffic situations.
    • A problem with Master / Deployment / Synchronize that caused a JavaScript error when more than one site was included in the sync has been repaired. This JavaScript error caused you to lose track of the sync after the first site and forced you to manage the sync using the Process Monitor.
    • Abstract views of documents in all modules previously redirected you to the home page of the module. This has been repaired so that abstract views display the appropriate content from the module designer.
    • An advanced locker system has been implemented into the Management class for synchronization over page based code. This system allows us to lock sections of code like the ad banner click counter to ensure accurate counts.

    Thu, May 21, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.11

    • It was recently discovered that web site backups did not contain folders that began with the string “Temp”. This caused problems with Template and Templates folders when moving sites from one server to another. This problem has been resolved.
    • A bug has been repaired that caused the bread crumb trail to display HTML navigation items twice. It was introduced by the change that allowed HTML navigation items to be managed using the module designer.
    • A method to generate a taxonomy filter retrieving ALL taxonomy items in a list as opposed to ANY of the taxonomy items has been added to the CpContent class. The primary purpose of this method is to facilitate a new attribute in the Dynamic Scripts module, but it will have many applications in the future.
    • Additional exception handling has been added to the Sync and Update methods so that errors that occur are recorded in the master’s process log.
    • A bug that caused an error in the client console grid view when searching “All Attributes”, then clicking a sort arrow has been repaired. The patch required changes to a large majority of the modules. If a client is using a custom Module Configuration they may still have this problem. If this occurs we will have to update the custom Module Configuration, including the relation table name in field references in all sort expressions.
    • The bug has been repaired that caused an exception in the client console when a user submitted a record that displayed on the last page of records in that module. The exception displayed when a record was opened by user A, then user B deleted records in the module causing the page that user A was on to become invalid, then the user A submits the record. When this scenario occurs the user is redirected to page 1 of in the same module after the records data is successfully submitted.
    • A bug has been repaired that caused an exception in the Publishing / Articles module when a search was executed over the Data Id field. It affected all modules adding JOIN clauses to the module grid using the “Grid Join Clauses” module configuration. The Data Id search field is now supported by all modules.
    • All Telerik controls have been upgraded to the Q1 2009 SP1 release. This includes the changes listed here: http://www.telerik.com/products/aspnet-ajax/whats-new/release-history/q1-2009-sp1-version-2009-1-402.aspx. We primarily utilize the RadEditor, RadSpell, and RadUpload controls. The focus of this upgrade is support for Internet Explorer 8 in the RTF Editor.
    • The client console has been updated to support Internet Explorer 8 without Compatibility Mode.
    • The Design / Styles / Navigation & Sub Nav tabs have 2 new attributes each: Text Padding, Text Margin. These new attributes have been added to control the padding and margin around text based navigation and sub navigation items and do not affect image based items. They allow you to control the top, right, bottom, and left padding and margin. Padding and margin both were included because the margin will be affected by background colors while the padding will not.
    • A glitch in the lead tracking tool that caused extra hits to be collected in high traffic situations has been repaired. The number of hits recorded during high traffic situations before this update may be inaccurate.
    • The sort criteria for the Advertising / Ad Tracking / Banners module’s Hits column has been updated. Previously when the module was sorted by this column an error was returned. This fix will only apply to sites not using a custom module configuration for this module.
    • A bug in the RelatedData cp:control that prevented the proper functionality of the ItemWidth parameter has been repaired. Displaying one related data item per line can now be accomplished by setting the item width to 100%.
    • Centralpoint form state dynamic search buttons have been updated to function properly on views other than the Home View (#1) and Results View (#2) in the module designer.
    • A new attribute called “Custom Elements” has been added to the “Header Tags” tab in Structure / Navigation and Audiences. Another similar attribute called “Header Elements” has been added to Admin / Properties and affects all pages in the site. The contents of these attributes will be added to the HTML page header exactly as it is entered into the text area. They can be used to link JavaScript or CSS files and to include custom meta tags. Their contents attribute will be added in addition to the header information dynamically generated by Centralpoint.
    • Additional exception handling has been added to all HttpHandlers so their errors are reported to Uber like web pages.
    • Two new modules have been completed: Design / Dynamic Feeds and Admin / XML/RSS. Please review the help files for module details.
    • Advertising / Ad Tracking / Banners has been updated to so that ad links will not be followed by search spiders. This module has also gotten new fields used to limit the number of hits or clicks that an ad can have before it is automatically removed. A bug in this module has been repaired that was causing deleted users to show up in the Advertiser attribute.
    • A bug in the RTF Editor site links tool has been repaired to correctly set the link target.
    • Support for multiple email addresses has been added to Forms Management / Forms / Workflow / CC & BCC.

    Sun, May 10, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.10

    • The MobileNavigation CpScript has been updated so that items with a Type of Image will display the Selected Image when the current item is visited and when a child (or descendant) of the current item is visited.
    • The Dynamic Scripts module has a new attribute called “Skip Count” which allows you to prevent the display of the first n records retrieved. You could, for example, display records 5 – 10 by setting the skip count to 5 and the top count to 10.
    • The Dynamic Scripts module has two new Image Display positions: Title Left and Title Right.
    • All Users modules in all consoles have been updated to prevent the email from being sent containing the users password when the user is created with the Locked Out attribute set to Yes. This change was made for the Advertising / Ad Tracking / Announcers module, so that you could create Announcers (Users) to track information without sending them their password via email.
    • A Target column has been added to all module relations and is now available in Site Architecture / Module Designer using [cp:column key=”Target” /]. This cp:column has been added to all Module Designer defaults, but it must be added to existing records manually. This should be done in all Quality Control sites so that newly created children contain the appropriate targets. This new column has also been implemented into the web site search, related data, taxonomy record display, dynamic scripts, and the current issue CpScript.
    • A summary column has been added to all module relations and is now available in Site Architecture / Module Designer / Home View (#1) using [cp:column key=”Summary” /]. It was previously available only in the Results View (#2) because it was in the WebSiteSearch relation.
    • Two new modules have been added to the Content category in the Client Console: News and Video Library.

    Thu, Apr 30, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.9

    • The Admin / Error Messages module has been rewritten addressing a couple of issues. First, the application has been redesigned to support errors generated by non-.NET Framework pages. This requires some manual setup that is outlined in the Error Messages help file. Next, the error message has been updated to display on the offending URL as opposed to redirecting to Error.aspx.
    • The FormUpload CpScript has been updated to allow uploads from anonymous users. These users are permitted to upload a restricted set of file extensions, and the type property of the CpScript should be used to further restrict the files that can be uploaded. Allowing anonymous users to upload files means that anyone can upload files into any site as long as the file uses one of the supported extensions.
    • A FormEditor CpScript has been added for use in Forms Management. Refer to the Scripting help file for a description of how to use this CpScript.
    • The RelatedData cp:control has been updated to include a new OrderBy property. This propery has been documented in the “Module Designer” help file in the “Related Records” section.
    • A new query string variable named “fields” is now supported by all modules. It allows query string based field searches similar to those used in the Home View (#1). Adding the fields query string variable to the module home view URL will automatically execute a search over the given field. The variable value must be set in the following format: “TableName.FieldName:FieldValue”. The search will be executed using a LIKE statement.
    • A change has been made to the Leads and Management application objects that will cause them to be created late if they are not created during the Application.OnStart event.
    • The addition of FormState caused a bug where query string based searches were no longer compatible with the paging, sorting, or ordering controls. These features have been re-implemented to look for the values in the query string whenever form state is not in use. When form state is used the query string variables will be ignored.
    • Additional exception handling has been added to the Lead generation tools to prevent application level errors from breaking the site and to report Errors to the Admin / Settings / Error Notification Email when they occur.
    • The Uber Control, Uber, and Master code has been updated to prevent “Maximum Request Length Exceeded” errors that were related to the file upload within the editor.
    • The Development / Errors modules in Uber, Master, and Web Site consoles have been updated to HTML encode the display of URLs. This is intended to prevent hacking attempts recorded in errors from affecting these consoles. Due to this change the URLs are no longer hyperlinked and must be manually inspected and copied for use.
    • New CMS tools have been created for use in custom imports into Keyword Lists.
    • A new module property called “Module Design” has been added to Site Architecture / Navigation & Homepages. You can now create a record in Site Architecture / Module Designer for your homepages and/or navigation and use these module properties to select the new records. The new module designer records can be used to add header text, footer text, email forms, taxonomy, etc. to homepages and navigation items when the Page Type is set to HTML.
    • The RTF Editor's Site Links dialog paging problems and broken links have been repaired.
    • A new CpScript has been added called CurrentIssue. This script is intended to display the top 1 current issue and has been documented in the Scripting help file.
    • A new attribute called Caption has been added to all Generic modules.

    Thu, Apr 16, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.8

    1. The cpsys_DataCurrent_Select stored procedure has been rewritten to allow NVarChar(MAX) length strings in the fields, columns, joins, where, and orderby parameters. This was implemented to solve problems caused by searches containing a large amount of criteria.
    2. The web site search has been updated to remove duplicate Structure / Modules records. Duplicate records occur when two Structure / Modules records have the same Module selected. The first record alphabetically is used based on the related Structure / Navigation record Title.
    3. The Generic module implementation has been changed to utilize 10 unique Generic modules as opposed to many Generic console navigation items relating to a single Generic module. This will cause data entered into any Generic module to appear in Generic A. If you were using any of the other Generic modules you should enable Generic A and change any generic aliases to Generic A. This change has also caused the loss of all custom Module Configuration data saved in the Generic modules. Module Configuration customizations must be recorded manually before the sync and reapplied manually after the sync.
    4. The sync process has been updated to exclude the Design folder in each web sites local folder. This will allow us to place documents in this folder related to a sites initial design and build. These files will not be overwritten by the sync and will be included in backups. Please use this folder instead of placing files or folders in the web sites local folder. A web sites local folder is the folder prefixed with “cpweb_”.
    5. A bug in the system has been repaired that caused custom module configurations to be ignored when the module was displayed in a data keyword list before the module itself was loaded.
    6. In standard modules the system is designed to ensure that console access in the main audience is always selected. This is intended to prevent a situation in which a record is inaccessible in all consoles. The Users and Roles modules utilize the standard audience selector with this feature disabled. After extensive tracing we’ve found and repaired a bug in the system that caused console access in the main audience to be added while deleted items are removed from the selector.
    7. Development / Errors modules have been repaired in Uber, Master, and Client Consoles. Previously errors containing HTML caused the display to break and/or would not display the error correctly. All message displays have been HTML encoded to display the HTML portion of the error when necessary.
    8. When an audience/role combination contains no related record in Design / Styles the web page will now display properly. The default design record, which has a disabled delete checkbox, will be used regardless of the audience, role, etc. selections. The system trace is used to record this situation if debugging is necessary.
    9. A note has been added to the client console view of a document’s historical versions to warn that the user that created a historical version is actually the user that made the changes to the document resulting in the generation of the historical version. It is not the user that created the content that was shown in the historical version. The person responsible for the content in the historical version can be found by looking up the earlier update in the audit trail.
    10. The client console navigation has been updated as follows. Please note that categories in the client console that display modules do not redirect to those modules. Instead, they are set up as a separate navigation item pointing to the same module. They are effectively another module and can be updated, managed, modified, enabled, and disabled separately. This means that if you disable Site Architecture / Navigation for a user they can still create navigation items unless you also disable Site Architecture.
      1. Structure => Site Architecture: Like Site Architecture / Navigation
      2. Admin / Administrators => Site Architecture / Administrators
      3. Site Architecture / Module => Site Architecture / Module Designer
      4. Site Architecture / Home Pages => Site Architecture / Homepages
      5. Form Manager => Forms Management: Like Forms Management / Forms
      6. Admin / Members => Members
      7. Advertising / Banner Management / Advertisers => Advertising / Advertisers
      8. Advertising / Banner Management => Advertising / Ad Tracking
      9. Advertising: Like Advertising / Advertisers
    11. A bug that caused the Attribute script to display improper data in Site Architecture / Module Designer when used with the DataInfo property has been repaired.
    12. The TaxonomyTree cp:control that is typically displayed on the module Details View (#3) is now supported by all module views. It has gotten two additional properties to support this change: WebSiteSearch and CurrentDataInfo. These controls have been documented in the client console help file titled “Modules” in the section titled “Related Taxonomy”.
    13. An attribute has been added to Structure / Modules / Home View (#1) called “Taxonomy Display Descriptions”. This attribute is only available when Taxonomy is utilized by the module and enabled using the “Taxonomy Display” attribute. This attribute can be used to hide the taxonomy descriptions. Hidden taxonomy descriptions are still searched by the module and web site search, but will not be indexed by search engines.
    14. Advertising / Sponsored Keywords has two new attributes: Url & Target. When a URL is provided the sponsored keyword will be linked to the URL using the selected target. Please remember that sponsored keywords are a client side implementation. They have little effect on the server load, but may not appear until sometime after the page has loaded depending on the client’s computer and browser. They are not intended for use as primary navigation items.
    15. Additional CpScripts have been added for use with Forms Management. The FormCaptcha CpScript was developed to add CAPTCHA validation to ensure that forms are not submitted by machines. The FormUpload CpScript was developed to allow file uploads. Visit the scripting help file for a description of all CpScripts.
    16. Design / Dynamic Feeds now allows any attribute in the selected module to be used in the 'Custom Order' attribute.

    Wed, Apr 1, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.7

    1. RTF Editor attributes that allow resources were previously doing a case sensitive replacement from /Console/Resource.ashx to /Resource.ashx when a document was saved. When the editor changed to XHTML compliant after the last sync it began converting all styles to lowercase. Because of this change the replacement had to be redeveloped without the case sensitivity. I have also added a replacement for /Console/Uploads/ to support standard file upload within the editor.
    2. When a web site search was executed, navigation items would be returned that were orphans (descendants of inaccessible or deleted items). When visited, these orphans would return a 404 error. The web site search now filters out these orphaned navigation items when searching a single audience, but this problem must be managed manually when using the new Search All Audiences web site search described later.
    3. A problem that caused “Ambiguous Column Name…” errors when searches were executed in some modules in the client console has been repaired. This repair has been made separately for several modules and fields.
    4. A bug that prevented the Structure / Navigation / Header Tags attribute from working properly has been repaired.
    5. All Telerik controls have been upgraded to the Q1 2009 release. This includes the changes listed here: http://www.telerik.com/versionnotes.aspx?id=1728. We primarily utilize the RadEditor, RadSpell, and RadUpload controls.
    6. A new parameter has been added to the FormListBox and FormRadioButtonList CpScripts and documented in the Scripting help file. The parameter is called DataFilter and only works when the SystemType is set to TaxonomyTier. The purpose of this property is to only display taxonomy items that have been selected in data. You can enter the system name of the console navigation item (module) containing the data, or enter cpsys_CurrentModule to have the system automatically generate the table name using the current module.
    7. The dynamic search controls that are used to generate the Structure / Modules / Home View (#1) search have been modified so that multiple form items that relate to the taxonomy of the module will be treated as separate fields. Previously all taxonomy fields were treated as a single field (Taxonomy) which caused searches to return results that were in any of the selected taxonomy. Even if this taxonomy was selected using different form items. Separating these form items causes the search to AND the different taxonomy form controls.
    8. Structure / Audiences / Company has a new attribute called Search All Audiences. This new attribute has been added to instruct an Audience’s web site search to search all audiences as opposed to only the current audience. Please read this attributes header text carefully before use.

    Sun, Mar 22, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.4

    The previous update build errored out during the installation package build.  The bug was located and repaired and this update will now be used for the initial installation.

    Fri, Feb 6, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.5

    Bugs were found in the last update that prevented the client console login screen from loading with a company logo.  The bug fixes were included in this package for the initial installation.

    Fri, Feb 6, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.6

    1. The Design / Mobile Navigation / Include DHTML Menu (Yes) / Menu Content attribute now supports CpScripting. This may be problematic because mobile navigation is a CpScript itself.
    2. All CpScript C# code dynamically generated by Structure / Modules and inserted into the dynamically generated ASPX pages have been redeveloped using a custom control to prevent the script from executing unless it is visible on the page.
    3. Historical versions of documents in the client console are no longer deleted after being restored. A restored version is now maintained as the current document and in its original place in the document history.
    4. The Design / Styles / Sub Nav font related attributes have been repaired. Be aware that the font related attributes don’t apply to the links in the sub nav. To control the font of the links you must use the link related attributes.
    5. The Advertising / Advertisers / Page Types attribute now has a new option: All Pages. This allows you to create an advertisement that will display on all pages within an audience/role. Note that you may also use the Navigation Specific page type to display an ad on the specified navigation items and/or home pages.
    6. Structure / Modules grid view now has a Display column for the Display Status of the record like standard modules.
    7. The Ad Banner Manager module suite has been completed. Since new modules are always sync’d as disabled, you will have to enable all of the modules in the suite using the Master console.
    8. The RTF editor has been updated to convert its content to XHTML during submission. After the sync all important content should be opened in the editor and resubmitted to allow the XHTML conversion. This is particularly important for QC sites and the content that will be replicated in many sites.
    9. The Audiences default in all modules was previously set to All Audiences. This caused a bug in audience consoles other than the root audiences preventing them from selecting individual audiences and allowing them to post to audiences other than their own. This bug has been repaired by changing the default value to the current audience when the user is logged into an audience other than the main audience. This same feature has been added to the Taxonomy and Resources custom modules.
    10. The taxonomy module audience filter has been added to the module Home View (#1) taxonomy display.
    11. Centralpoint form state has been implemented and supported by many new CpScripts all prefixed with the word Form. Visit the scripting help file for a description of all of the CpScripts. These form controls can be used in coordination to create a custommodule search. To do this all form controls must be added to the page with the same Group including a FormButton with the FormAction ExecuteSearch.
    12. Module searches now detect when only one result is returned and redirect to the details view for the given result.
    13. Centralpoint.WebSite.Controls.ColumnCreator is the class we use to take a data set and display it in the given number of columns. This control has been enhanced to support a RepeatDirection (Vertical, Horizontal) property.
    14. All CpSystem Info objects (Navigation, Audience, Role, Relation, KeywordList, ModuleViews, Taxonomy, etc.) have been overloaded for retrieval via an Id or SystemName.
    15. CpScripting error handling has been rewritten so that errors are displayed in red where the script would typically be displayed. This should allow administrators to debug some problems without contacting programming.
    16. Documents updated on the front end of the web site now contribute to the documents historical versions. The audit trail has also been updated to include when documents are created or updated in this manner.
    17. A bug in the system has been repaired that prevented you from removing a newly selected value in Module Defaults.
    18. Master / CMS / Navigation now supports multiline values when updating Defaults, Configuration, and Properties.
    19. Module configurations containing double delimited lists (Grid Columns, Grid Searchable Fields) have been redesigned to support XML. These changes are backward compatible with the old double delimited lists and the existing values have not been modified. Among other things, this allows us to support complex SQL statements in grid columns gaining flexibility and performance.
    20. Uber and Master management of aliases now HTML encodes the terms. This allows us to alias HTML blocks in addition to simple strings.
    21. All hierarchical modules (like Structure / Navigation) have been updated to no longer display an error (Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.) when you try to search a Guid field with an invalid Guid. Now the search will only return records with a null value in the Guid field. If this problem occurs in other modules we can easily add this feature.
    22. Master / CMS / Modules now supports a numeric ordering control to make it easier for module developers to reorder existing attributes.
    23. The attribute compare validator now supports data types which allows us to ensure that a value is a number or a date without validating the range of that number or date.
    24. The panel control (attribute data type) now supports a property to HTML encode a value on render. This allows us to display XML content in the console.
    25. Keyword Lists that start with HTML comments in the text will not display the comments, but will still use them for ordering.
    26. A new master property has been added to enable or disable backups during sync’s. This property is disabled by default because backups are created nightly by default, but it can be enabled using Master / Admin / Properties / Enable Sync Backups.
    27. Master / Development / Web Sites has been updated to display an error message when a backup file is used to create a site with the same name as the backed up site. SQL does not allow you to restore a site under the same name as a backup file, therefore, we have adopted the convention of adding a numeric value to the sites system name representing thenumber of times the site has moved servers.
    28. A gap in the Uber security has been repaired. Previously, when consoles were run on more than one host invalid hosts would be accessible as long as a valid host was accessed whenever the Uber security check executed.
    29. The list of master hosts within the Uber console now includes the web site to which the host is related.
    30. All global XML and XSD files have been collected from the various consoles and moved to the Centralpoint Integrations folder. All references to these files have been repaired and many application settings related to these files have been removed. This change has been made to prevent a problem that could have occurred when a change is made to one of these files and sites are not updated/sync’d. In this scenario the sites that are not updated/sync’d would have referenced the new files instead of the old resulting in unpredictable bugs and errors.
    31. A series of alignment and padding issues have been resolved that may cause some issues with existing designs. Once these bugs have been worked out they will not appear again, but for the time being we just have to fix them as they occur.
    32. The Physician Directory module has been completed. Since new modules are always sync’d as disabled, you will have to enable all the module using the Master console.
    33. The Dynamic Scripts module has been completed. Since new modules are always sync’d as disabled, you will have to enable all the module using the Master console.

    Fri, Feb 6, 2009

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.3

    Includes major beta enhancements including template attributes, new modules, and improved user integration.

    Thu, Sep 11, 2008
    Sat, Jan 1, 2000

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.1

    This update package coincides with the beta release of the uber console.  The uber console is now live on www.aranon.net.

    Sat, Jan 1, 2000

    Centralpoint Update 8.0.2

    Initially the master console and web site consoles were compiled.  This caused problems with the deployment of a backed up web site from the development server which did not have a compiled console.  It also caused the update package to be very large because the date comparison did not work with the compiled files.  Due to these problems the update and install build has been updated so that these consoles are no longer compiled.

    Sat, Jan 1, 2000