Feature |
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Admin > Properties
New Administrators Console Navigation Default and Administrators Accessible Audiences Default attributes have added. They control the default values of the Site Architecture > Audiences > Console Navigation and Accessible Audiences attributes respectively.
Client Console
The "Page Options..." selector now contains a "More Audiences" section when you are logged into one audience console and you have access to others. It allows you to change audiences more easily than the Audience Tree. It only displays audiences that include the current navigation item and are accessible to the current administrator. It does not include the current audience and does not render when in the Main audience console.
Design > Data Sources
The Data Source > Twitter > Twitter Type > User TimeLine option now automatically generates hyperlinks around URIs that exist in the tweets.
Design > Data Sources
A new Google Maps option has been added to Format > Formatting Options. When selected it provides the attributes required to generate a Google Map containing markers for each location in the data source.
Design > Dynamic Tab Display
A new Add Break Tags attribute has been added when Tab Type = jQuery Tab. When enabled this feature adds two HTML BR elements before the content panels.
ExtLightBox CpScript
This script was created to open related content in a lightbox popup.
FormTextBox CpScript
A new RequiredFieldErrorMessage parameter has been added to this script. When it contains value the system will automatically add a FormRequiredFieldValidator which relates to the current FormTextBox and displays the provided error message when the form is submitted without a value in the text box.
HTML Language Declaration
A language attribute has been added to the HTML element of all web site and console pages according to http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-html-language-declarations. On web site pages the language is defined by the Site Architecture > Audiences > Global > Culture attribute if Culture Override if it is not set to None. Otherwise, it is defined by the Admin > Properties > Globalization > Culture.
HtmlImage CpScript
A new script created to render an HTML IMG tag where the SRC and ALT attributes can be set using Plain Text, Attribute, or Column values. It is the first script to work with attributes and columns and to support multiple attribute/column values at the same time. It is also the first in a new line of HTML scripts that render all CpScript parameters directly as HTML attributes. It has been documented in the Scripting help file.
jQuery & jQuery UI Versions
Admin > Properties > Header Tags > jQuery & jQuery UI Versions has been updated making the previously Stable version Legacy and the previously Beta version Stable. If your sites are still using the Legacy version you should not install this update. If you discover problems after the update is installed you can switch to Legacy giving you time to resolve the problem then change back to Stable. If you are using the Design > jQuery UI Themes module it is recommended that you regenerate your themes on the latest version by following the instructions under the Theme attribute of each record.
Members & Administrators
The Reset Password feature has been updated to display a JavaScript alert and prevent the password from being reset when the user's account is locked. This change has also been applied to Master > Admin > Users.
Site Architecture > Module Designer > Events
The Calendar Month View now has two new attributes for Next and Previous Image Alt Tag text.
VersionList CpControl
This control only works in the Procedure Manuals > Policies module designer. It has been updated to support the following values: CreationDateText, CreatedByText, ApprovedByText, TitleText, and ChangesMadeText.