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Centralpoint Update 8.7.23

Date of Update: Monday, February 19, 2018  
Feature Summary
Select Command Builder & Forms Select Command Builder Significant changes have been applied to the "Item Content" output and overall usability of these tools.
Advertising > Search Redirect A new Type attribute has been added to support a new Search Keywords feature. When the searched keywords match keywords in one of these records the results page will automatically redirect the user to the provided URL. Importing a large number of records into this module may negatively impact the performance of the site search.
SystemFilter CpScript This script now supports new filtering options: audience='OnlyUserAudience' (ignores records tagged to "All Audiences"), date='PendingOrArchived' (displays records with a start date in the future or an end date in the past), and role='OnlyUserRoles' (excludes Everyone, Public, Private).
Data Transform > Data Transfer A new Destination Use Console Utilities attribute is available when Destination = Standard Module and Destination Method = Incremental (Insert/Update). Enabling this option typically causes each insert and update to take at least 3 times longer to complete. When enabled the console utilities web service will be executed to update or insert records which includes all triggers executed during normal module submission. This will eliminate the need to re-submit existing records or include data transfer scripts to simulate trigger execution.
ProgressBar CpScript The default styles have changed.
Master > Development > Process Monitor A new Abort column has been added to the grid displayed when processes are running. Data Transfer processes will display a Try link in this column while executing. Clicking this link will attempt to abort the process by intentionally throwing an exception. This may result in partial process execution which can lead to unexpected results.
UserInfo CpScript The script has been updated to return values from any attribute under the Personalization tab.
Content > Generic Enhanced A - FF A new Keyword Generator module property has been added which works in coordination with Data Transform > Data Cleaner records with Type = Keyword Generator . It can be used to generate keywords based upon the number of occurrences of provided words in the records other attributes. It will overwrite the value of the Keyword Generator Attribute upon each submission even if no keywords are generated.
FormAudience and FormTaxonomy CpScripts These scripts have been updated to fully support the Width parameter.
Design > Data Sources The Formatting > Formatting Options = Carousel > Make Images Links attribute now has a third option called Module which will allow you to automatically link the image to its details view.

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