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Centralpoint Update 8.4.47

Date of Update: Monday, June 23, 2014  
Feature Summary
Account Settings When Personalization > Default Sort Order is set to 'Last Modified Date', all module grid view sorting has been updated to consider the record creation date. Previously new records would show up at the end of the list in system Modules because they had been created but never modified.
AjaxControlToolkit Removal This update will remove the AjaxControlToolkit integration from Centralpoint in favor of jQuery and jQuery UI. The latest AjaxControlToolkit upgrade has been reviewed and it provides little benefit over jQuery and JQuery UI, includes 8 additional integrations, and requires changes to the system ScriptManager object. All system features that depended upon the AjaxControlToolkit have been rewritten to use jQuery and jQuery UI. The sync will modify the Root/web.config file by removing the AjaxControlToolkit from configuration/system.web/pages/controls. If you have any custom code or My Modules that utilize this integration you can keep it as a custom integration by adding "/Bin/AjaxControlToolkit.dll" to Admin> Properties > Sync Exclusions in each site before updating or sync'ing. This will prevent the removal of the DLL, prevent the web.config changes, and will protect the integration from future sync's and updates.
Content > Homepage Items This new content module content has been designed maintain homepage slideshow and presentation elements.
FormAddToCartButton CpScript New VerifyPrice, VerifyPriceType, and Event parameters have been added to this script. Setting VerifyPrice to the system name of the price attribute will prevent the button from being displayed when the price is set to 0. The VerifyPriceType parameter sets whether the system name relates to an attribute or a column. These new parameters have been documented in more detail in the Scripting help file.
GeneratePasswordHash Data Transfer CpScript A new UseDefaultValueOnUpdates parameter has been added to the Data Transfer GeneratePasswordHash and GeneratePasswordHashSalt CpScripts. When set to true the selected column's value will be used on inserts and the existing record's value will be kept on updates. GeneratePasswordHash also now supports a DefaultValue parameter which is used when the value cannot be found.
ModulePageOverrides CpControl New page base class render event override properties have been added: TitleOverride, MetaDescriptionOverride, and MetaKeywordsOverride. These new properties have been used to extend this control to support the following new parameters: HomeTitle, HomeMetaDescription, HomeMetaKeywords, ResultsTitle, ResultsMetaDescription, ResultsMetaKeywords, DetailsTitle, DetailsMetaDescription, and DetailsMetaKeywords. The use of these properties has been documented in the Module Designer help file.
Rating CpControl This control has been rewritten using jQuery instead of the AjaxControlToolkit.
TaxonomyProximitySearch CpControl The ZipCodeWatermark property has been rewritten to use jQuery instead of the AjaxControlToolkit.
Web.Config Changes This update will audit all Root/Web.Config files for duplicate PoliciesAndProcedures.ashx HTTP Handler references and remove the duplicates when they exist. These duplicates were created on Windows Server 2003 installations as a result of update version 8.4.11. No side effects have been reported, but the duplicates are being removed for consistency.

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