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Centralpoint Update 8.11.82

Date of Update: Monday, May 13, 2024  
Admin > Properties > Aspose File Name MethodA new site property named "Aspose File Name Method" is available. This is used for files extracted from Word documents for HTML purposes with Aspose.Words. The default method may present issues with browser cache or when files are moved from one site to another. Using the hashed method will prevent these problems due to unique names per file.
Form Workflow SystemPagethis page will let you load the form and populate fields using a fid query string.
Script Generator > Algolia AutoCompleteA new attribute labeled "Description Has Results Url?" is available. By default, when the description within results is clicked, it sends users to the Search URL. Set this to Yes to have the description share the same URL has the results link; which by default is the Details View URL of the record.
Web API > Upsert Data From Site on Same ServerA new system API is available that is intended for use between two sites on the same server that are supposed to be the same. The most common use case would be for a Staging site that moves data to a Production site. The API will move Attributes data from records and also files referenced within the data. The API searches the document content for files referenced in the /Uploads/ directory and the system's resources module, /Resource.ashx. It will only move files found within the records sent in the request. There is detailed documentation on API parameters when setting up a Web API record that uses this new method.

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