NLS/NLP Activity Report (AWS/Kendra) |
[cp:scripting key='NavigationTier' parentsystemname='KendraSnapshots' /] |
Document or File Viewer for PDF |
[cp:scripting key='PdfViewer' sourcetype='Attribute' format='<style>#pdfContainer {{width:auto !important; height:1700px !important;}}@media only screen and (max-widt |
Document or File Viewer for MS/Excel |
[cp:scripting key='FileViewer' sourcetype='Attribute' format='<p><a href="{0}" target="_blank">View File in Browser</a></p> |
Document or File Viewer for MS/Word |
[cp:scripting key='FileViewer' sourcetype='Attribute' format='<p><a href="{0}" target="_blank">View File in Browser</a></p> |
Datasources - Timeout script control |
[cp:scripting key='DataSource' dataId='XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' id='NameofReportorFunction' commandtimeout='210' /] |
Data Transformation - Glean all TEXT from any file or document |
[cp:scripting key='FileReadAllText' preferHtml='false' filepath='FullName' /] |
Data Transformation - Take Screenshots of Websites (when importing an Excel Spreadsheet of URLs) |
[cp:scripting key='ScreenCapture' overwrite='true' urlcolumn='URL' namecolumn='Name' viewportheightcolumn='Height' viewportwidthcolumn='Width' viewportdelaycolumn='Delay' /] |
Data Transformation - Auto Create Taxonomy against file folder structure while ingesting records |
[cp:scripting key='Taxonomy' name='RelativeDirectoryName' action='generate' roottaxonomyid='ENTER_YOUR_PARENT_TAXONOMY_GUID_HERE_FOR_THE_NEW_TREE_TO_BE_BUILT_UNDER' /] |
Data Transformation - Convert each file or document to HTML |
[cp:scripting key='FileReadAllText' preferHtml='true' filepath='FullName' /] |
Data Transformation - Moving files into Centralpoint |
[cp:scripting key='FileAction' action='copy' Destination='{0}\Root\Uploads\Public\Documents\{2}{3}' FilePath='FullName' Format='/Uploads/Public/Documents/{2}{3}'/] |
Data Transformation - Parse Specfic Data from XML |
[cp:scripting key='GetValue' name='Attributes' source='cpCollectionXml' xmlnode='ResultsHeaderContent' /] |
Data Transformation - Parse data between any two values |
[cp:scripting key='FileGetHtmlBetweenTags' index='2' filepath='FullName' Start='ENTERPREFIXHERE' End='ENTERSUFFIXHERE' format='{0}' removeHtml='true' trimString='true' /] |
Data Transformation - Glean HTML from Web/URLs |
[cp:scripting key='ParseWebpageContent' name='Links' target='3' /] |
Data Transformation - Trim any field of certain characters |
[cp:scripting key='Column' name='Name' replacetext='_' ReplaceWith=' ' /] |
NLS Search Suggestions - Getting Partial Copy without HTML |
[cp:scripting key='Column' name='RTFEditor1' truncate='256' removemarkup='true' /] |
NLS Search Suggestions - Getting Full Copy without HTML |
[cp:scripting key='Column' name='RTFEditor1' removemarkup='true' /] |
NLS Search Suggestions - Convert Any Guid to Name |
[cp:scripting key='Module' selectionmode='Multiple' valuecolumn='Title' name='TenantsA' navigationitemsystemname='TenantsA' export='true' /] |
NLS Search Suggestions - Convert Taxonomy(ies) to Name(s) |
[cp:scripting key='Taxonomy' name='Taxonomy' valuecolumn='Name' selectionmode='Multiple' export='true' /] |
Showing the Root URL of the site |
https://[cp:scripting key='CurrentUrl' domainonly='true' /]/ |
Watermark (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtWaterMark' /] |
View Details (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='ViewDetails(Container.DataItem,"View Event Details","CssClassNameForLink")' /] |
Pagination (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtPagination' /] |
Login Username |
[cp:scripting key='LoginUsername' /] |
Download Hyperlink (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='DownloadHyperlink("Download Issue", false, "", "", "")' /] |
Package Icon (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='PackageIcon()' /] |
Document Icon Column (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='DocumentIconColumn(Container.DataItem, "ColumnName", false, 25, 25)' /] |
Qless Wait Time |
[cp:scripting key='QlessWaitTime' /] |
Related Manuals (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='RelatedManuals("This policy related to:{0} ", "{0}", ", ")' /] |
Html Label |
[cp:scripting key='HtmlLabel' attributename='Title' group='cpsys_DefaultGroup' /] |
Form Discounts |
[cp:scripting key='FormDiscounts' id='FormDiscounts' format=' |
Before Edit Attribute (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='BeforeEditAttribute("EmailChanges", " |
Mobile Emulator |
[cp:scripting key='MobileEmulator' /] |
Taxonomy Proximity Search (Control) |
[cp:control key='TaxonomyProximitySearch' cpsys_src='/Modules/Template/Common/Results/TaxonomyProximitySearch.ascx' /] |
Taxonomy Expander (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtTaxonomyExpander' taxonomyClassName='cpweb_Taxonomy' expanderClassName='' /] |
Form Domain Validator |
[cp:scripting key='FormDomainValidator' defaultValue='* does not have a valid domain name.' /] |
Check Un Check All (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='CheckUnCheckAll("/Console/Integrations/Centralpoint/Resources/checked.gif", "/Console/Integrations/Centralpoint/Resources/unchecked.gif")' /] |
Dashboard Edit Record |
[cp:scripting key='DashboardEditRecord' errorMessage='Sorry, You do not have access to update this record.' group='cpsys_DefualtGroup'/] |
Date Time Now Format |
[cp:scripting key='DateTimeNowFormat' Format='MM/dd/yyyy' /] |
Open New Window |
[cp:scripting key='OpenNewWindow' /] |
Table Of Pages (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='TableOfPages("", "", "", "", "", "")' /] |
Sponsored Searches (Control) |
[cp:control key='SponsoredSearches' cpsys_src='/Modules/MarketplaceDirectoryA/Common/Results/SponsoredSearches.ascx' /] |
VCard Link |
[cp:scripting key='VCardLink' /] |
Document Shell Tree |
[cp:scripting key='DocumentShellTree' /] |
Taxonomy List |
[cp:scripting key='TaxonomyList' /] |
Form |
[cp:scripting key='Form' /] |
Next Week (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='NextWeek("Next")' /] |
Attribute Image |
[cp:scripting key='AttributeImage' /] |
Query String |
[cp:scripting key='QueryString' /] |
Policy File Output Link |
[cp:scripting key='PolicyFileOutputLink' /] |
Taxonomy Content (Control) |
[cp:control key='TaxonomyContent' location='top' /] |
Mask Credit Card (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtMaskCreditCard' showCharacters='4' /] |
Table Shell |
[cp:scripting key='TableShell' type='open' /] |
Mobile Decrease Text Size |
[cp:scripting key='MobileDecreaseTextSize' /] |
Results Rating (Control) |
[cp:control key='ResultsRating' cpsys_src='/Modules/Template/Common/Results/ResultsRating.ascx' /] |
Appointment Link (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='AppointmentLink("/Main/FormTest.aspx?fid={0}", "Request an appointment", " - {0} ")' /] |
Form Track Changes |
[cp:scripting key='FormTrackChanges' /] |
Page Nav (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='PageNav("", "", " >", "")' /] |
Format Start And End Dates |
[cp:scripting key='FormatStartAndEndDates' /] |
Policy Version Number |
[cp:scripting key='PolicyVersionNumber' /] |
Audit Trail Attribute (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='AuditTrailAttribute(Container.DataItem, "Created", "UserName", "Created by {0}")' /] |
Module Drag Tree |
[cp:scripting key='ModuleDragTree' /] |
Form Payment |
[cp:scripting key='FormPayment' /] |
Form Compare Validator |
[cp:scripting key='FormCompareValidator' DefaultValue='* Error Message.' /] |
Mcc Mail Column |
[cp:scripting key='MccMailColumn' name='Title' /] |
Attribute File Output Link |
[cp:scripting key='AttributeFileOutputLink' /] |
Audience Google Map (Control) |
[cp:control key='AudienceGoogleMap' cpsys_src='/Modules/Template/Common/Details/AudienceGoogleMap.ascx' /] |
Form Paged List Box |
[cp:scripting key='FormPagedListBox' /] |
Book Bag Link |
[cp:scripting key='BookBagLink' /] |
Audience Menu |
[cp:scripting key='AudienceMenu' /] |
Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracker |
[cp:scripting key='GoogleAnalyticsEcommerceTracker' /] |
Mobile Navigation |
[cp:scripting key='MobileNavigation' location='Top' /] |
Mobile Add This |
[cp:scripting key='MobileAddThis' accountid='' /] |
Tooltip (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtTooltip' /] |
Form Get Image Geotag |
[cp:scripting key='FormGetImageGeotag' /] |
Single Column Order By (Control) |
[cp:control key='SingleColumnOrderBy' cpsys_src='/Modules/Template/Common/Results/SingleColumnOrderBy.ascx' /] |
Form Text Box |
[cp:scripting key='FormTextBox' /] |
Authorize Net Generate Fingerprint |
[cp:scripting key='AuthorizeNetGenerateFingerprint' /] |
Map Link (Control) |
[cp:control key='MapLink' cpsys_src='/Modules/Template/Common/Details/MapLink.ascx' /] |
Cycle Media Files |
[cp:scripting key='CycleMediaFiles' /] |
Taxonomy Tag Cloud |
[cp:scripting key='TaxonomyTagCloud' /] |
Mcc Navigation |
[cp:scripting key='MccNavigation' /] |
Suggesta Change Link (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='SuggestaChangeLink("Suggest a Change")' /] |
Saml Login Button |
[cp:scripting key='SamlLoginButton' /] |
In Quicker Appointment Times |
[cp:scripting key='InQuickerAppointmentTimes' /] |
Get Revisions From Word Document |
[cp:scripting key='GetRevisionsFromWordDocument' /] |
Taxonomy Tree |
[cp:scripting key='TaxonomyTree' /] |
Form Discounts |
[cp:scripting key='FormDiscounts' id='FormDiscounts' format=' |
Form Years List Box |
[cp:scripting key='FormYearsListBox' /] |
Form Info Attribute Value |
[cp:scripting key='FormInfoAttributeValue' id='Title' /] |
PDFIcon |
[cp:scripting key='PdfIcon' /] |
Form Label |
[cp:scripting key='FormLabel' /] |
Page URL |
[cp:scripting key='PageURL' AddAudience='true' /] |
AJAXData Source |
[cp:scripting key='AJAXDataSource' writeJsOnce='true' executeDsOnce='true' /] |
Child Audience Info |
[cp:scripting key='ChildAudienceInfo' /] |
Cart Info |
[cp:scripting key='CartInfo' /] |
Register Unmanaged Script Include |
[cp:scripting key='RegisterUnmanagedScriptInclude' /] |
Date Selector (Control) |
[cp:control key='DateSelector' cpsys_src='/Modules/Events/Common/Calendar/DateSelector.ascx' /] |
Expand Text Area (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtExpandTextArea' /] |
Issue Year Nav (Control) |
[cp:control key='IssueYearNav' cpsys_src='/Modules/PubArticles/Common/IssueYearNav.ascx' separator=', ' /] |
Convert File To Pdf |
[cp:scripting key='ConvertFileToPdf' /] |
Auto Login Test Link (Control) |
[cp:control key='AutoLoginTestLink' cpsys_src='/Modules/Education/Common/Details/AutoLoginTestLink.ascx' /] |
Properties |
[cp:properties key='' /] |
Form Payment Diversified Check Solutions |
[cp:scripting key='FormPaymentDiversifiedCheckSolutions' id='DCS' test_mode='true' /] |
Dynamic Scripts |
[cp:scripting key='DynamicScripts' /] |
Extended Video (Control) |
[cp:control key='ExtendedVideo' cpsys_src='/Modules/VideoLibrary/Common/ExtendedVideo.ascx' /] |
Taxonomyby Package |
[cp:scripting key='FormTaxonomyByPackageValidator' group='cpsys_DefaultGroup' DefaultValue='* Your Package can have up to {0} Categories.' /] |
Form State Value Is In List |
[cp:scripting key='FormStateValueIsInList' /] |
File Output |
[cp:scripting key='FileOutput' /] |
Navigation Tier |
[cp:scripting key='NavigationTier' parentSystemName='Home' /] |
Bookmark This Page |
[cp:scripting key='BookmarkThisPage' image='DesignInfo' text='Bookmark This Page' /] |
Toggle View (Control) |
[cp:control key='ToggleView' text='Settings' /] |
Pager (Control) |
[cp:control key='Pager' recordcountvisible='false' /] |
Audience Info |
[cp:scripting key='AudienceInfo' attributesystemname='Name' /] |
Download Attribute (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='DownloadAttribute(Container.DataItem, String.Empty)' /] |
File Output Authenticate |
[cp:scripting key='FileOutputAuthenticate' /] |
Form Taxonomy |
[cp:scripting key='FormTaxonomy' /] |
Reverse Hyperlink |
[cp:scripting key='ReverseHyperlink' systemName='BodyCopy' /] |
Module Search Accordion Menu |
[cp:scripting key='ModuleSearchAccordionMenu' /] |
Module Drag Accordion |
[cp:scripting key='ModuleDragAccordion' /] |
Increment Id |
[cp:scripting key='IncrementId' startNumber='1' FileName='counter' padNumber='4' CreateHiddenField='false' /] |
Form Update Module Record |
[cp:scripting key='FormUpdateModuleRecord' /] |
Policy Word Add In Download |
[cp:scripting key='PolicyWordAddInDownload' /] |
User Subscriptions |
[cp:scripting key='UserSubscriptions' id='UserSubscriptions' /] |
Download Link Column (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='DownloadLinkColumn(Container.DataItem, String.Empty)' /] |
Query String Insert |
[cp:scripting key='QueryStringInsert' /] |
Form Pattern Validator |
[cp:scripting key='FormPatternValidator' DefaultValue='* Error Message.' /] |
Mcc Mail Attribute |
[cp:scripting key='MccMailAttribute' name='Title' /] |
Media To Image |
[cp:scripting key='MediaToImage' /] |
Form State Addition Calculations |
[cp:scripting key='FormStateAdditionCalculations' /] |
Form Keyword Manager |
[cp:scripting key='FormKeywordManager' /] |
Form Payment Trust Commerce |
[cp:scripting key='FormPaymentTrustCommerce' id='TrustCommerce' TestMode='true' /] |
Cart Download Digital Items |
[cp:scripting key='CartDownloadDigitalItems' /] |
Get Mobile Icons Url (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='GetMobileIconsUrl(Container.DataItem,"")' /] |
Taxonomy Search |
[cp:scripting key='TaxonomySearch' /] |
File Output Zip Files (Control) |
[cp:control key='FileOutputZipFiles' cpsys_src='/Modules/PoliciesAndProcedures/Common/Results/FileOutputZipFiles.ascx' /] |
Tableau Method Links |
[cp:scripting key='TableauMethodLinks' /] |
Comments (Control) |
[cp:control key='Comments' /] |
Page Size (Control) |
[cp:control key='PageSize' /] |
Get Cookie Value |
[cp:scripting key='GetCookieValue' /] |
Dashboard Save And New Form Button |
[cp:scripting key='DashboardSaveAndNewFormButton' ButtonType='formbutton' DefaultValue='Save+New' /] |
Register Scoped JQuery Ui Theme |
[cp:scripting key='RegisterScopedJQueryUITheme' /] |
Highlight Keywords (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtHighlightKeywords' /] |
Orbital Chase Paymentech |
[cp:scripting key='OrbitalChasePaymentech' id='ChasePaymentech' TestMode='true' /] |
Edit Mode |
[cp:scripting key='EditMode' /] |
Record Check Box (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='RecordCheckBox(Container.DataItem)' /] |
Form Template Attachment |
[cp:scripting key='FormTemplateAttachment' /] |
Current Issue |
[cp:scripting key='CurrentIssue' CoverDisplay='0' TitleDisplay='0' Align='center' /] |
Contact Now Button (Control) |
[cp:control key='ContactNowButton' cpsys_src='/Modules/MarketplaceDirectoryA/Common/Results/ContactNowButton.ascx' ImageUrl='' AlternateText='' /] |
Edit Mode Visual Editor |
[cp:scripting key='EditModeVisualEditor' /] |
Email Form (Control) |
[cp:control key='EmailForm' /] |
Search Terms Cloud |
[cp:scripting key='SearchTermsCloud' /] |
Redirect |
[cp:scripting key='Redirect' /] |
Translate |
[cp:scripting key='Translate' /] |
Form Audience |
[cp:scripting key='FormAudience' /] |
Form Payment Point And Pay |
[cp:scripting key='FormPaymentPointAndPay' id='PaP' TestMode='true' /] |
Related Data |
[cp:scripting key='RelatedData' /] |
Dynamic Tab |
[cp:scripting key='DynamicTab' /] |
Mask Form Input (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtMaskFormInput' /] |
Copy Form Input Values |
[cp:scripting key='CopyFormInputValues' LabelTest='Shipping address is the same as billing.' Version2='true' /] |
Display Current Week (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='DisplayCurrentWeek("dateFormat")' /] |
Contact Link (Control) |
[cp:control key='ContactLink' cpsys_src='/Modules/MarketplaceDirectoryA/Common/Results/ContactLink.ascx' /] |
Module Tag Could |
[cp:scripting key='ModuleTagCould' /] |
Content Swap (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtContentSwap' /] |
Login Status |
[cp:scripting key='LoginStatus' /] |
Auto Complete Redirect (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtAutoCompleteRedirect' /] |
Download Check Box Select All |
[cp:scripting key='DownloadCheckBoxSelectAll' /] |
Search Query String |
[cp:scripting key='SearchQueryString' /] |
Password History Validator |
[cp:scripting key='PasswordHistoryValidator' group='cpsys_DefaultGroup' PasswordHistoryValidationLimit='5' DefaultValue='The password you entered has already been used within your |
Character Limit Counter (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtCharacterLimitCounter' CharactersLimit='255' TextAfter=' characters left.' /] |
View Code Snippet |
[cp:scripting key='ViewCodeSnippet' /] |
Version List (Control) |
[cp:control key='VersionList' /] |
Search Modified Policies (Control) |
[cp:control key='SearchModifiedPolicies' CriteriaLabelText='' /] |
Set Resource Link File Extenstion |
[cp:scripting key='SetResourceLinkFileExtenstion' /] |
Search Query String Text Box Population (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtSearchQueryStringTextBoxPopulation' /] |
Tiered Attribute Subset |
[cp:scripting key='TieredAttributeSubset' /] |
Form Jpeg Exif Data |
[cp:scripting key='FormJpegExifData' /] |
Form Upload |
[cp:scripting key='FormUpload' Type='None' CreateParentSubFolder='false' /] |
Issues |
[cp:scripting key='Issues' /] |
Dynamic Custom Tab |
[cp:scripting key='DynamicCustomTab' /] |
Form Payment Virtual Merchant |
[cp:scripting key='FormPaymentVirtualMerchant' id='VirtualMerchant' test_mode='true' /] |
Proximity Search Handler (Control) |
[cp:control key='ProximitySearchHandler' cpsys_src='/Modules/Template/Common/Results/ProximitySearchHandler.ascx' /] |
Download Check Box Column (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='DownloadCheckBoxColumn(Container.DataItem, "ColumnName")' /] |
Cp Link Button (Control) |
[cp:control key='CpLinkButton' /] |
Parent Audience Info |
[cp:scripting key='ParentAudienceInfo' attributesystemname='Name' /] |
Preview Rtf Editor |
[cp:scripting key='PreviewRtfEditor' /] |
Icon (Control) |
[cp:control key='Icon' type='AddThis' /] |
Radio Button Un Check (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtRadioButtonUnCheck' /] |
Form Google Url Shortener |
[cp:scripting key='FormGoogleUrlShortener' id='GoogleUrlShortener' /] |
Configuration |
[cp:configuration key='' /] |
Register Startup Script |
[cp:scripting key='RegisterStartupScript' /] |
Ad Banner Manager |
[cp:scripting key='AdBannerManager' /] |
Package Title (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='PackageTitle()' /] |
Modal Popup (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtModalPopup' /] |
Authorize Net Generate Invoice Number |
[cp:scripting key='AuthorizeNetGenerateInvoiceNumber' /] |
Taxonomy Tree (Control) |
[cp:control key='TaxonomyTree' /] |
Single Survey Question Result |
[cp:scripting key='SingleSurveyQuestionResult' /] |
Event Brite Register Button |
[cp:scripting key='EventBriteRegisterButton' /] |
Export Policies In Manual Link (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='ExportPoliciesinManualLink(Container.DataItem, "Export Policies in this Manual", "/Console/Integrations/Centralpoint/Resources/downloadpolicies.png")' /] |
Light Box Media Files |
[cp:scripting key='LightBoxMediaFiles' dataid='' /] |
Flyout Menu (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtFlyoutMenu' /] |
Dashboard Script |
[cp:scripting key='DashboardScript' /] |
Four Column Audience Drop List |
[cp:scripting key='FourColumnAudienceDropList' /] |
Calculate Target Date For Assignment |
[cp:scripting key='CalculateTargetDateForAssignment' /] |
Inquiry Check Box (Control) |
[cp:control key='InquiryCheckBox' /] |
Module Page Overrides (Control) |
[cp:control key='ModulePageOverrides' /] |
Text Area Line Break Replacer (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtTextAreaLineBreakReplacer' /] |
Education Certificate Link |
[cp:scripting key='EducationCertificateLink' /] |
Read Page Items Value |
[cp:scripting key='ReadPageItemsValue' PageItemName='FormResults:ReceiptNumber' /] |
Order By (Control) |
[cp:control key='OrderBy' /] |
Add Letter To Unordered List (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtAddLetterToUnorderedList' /] |
Form List Box |
[cp:scripting key='FormListBox' systemType='Module' /] |
Get Comments From Word Document |
[cp:scripting key='GetCommentsFromWordDocument' /] |
User Voting |
[cp:scripting key='UserVoting' /] |
Taxonomy Group Header |
[cp:scripting key='TaxonomyGroupHeader' /] |
Dynamic Feeds |
[cp:scripting key='DynamicFeeds' /] |
Scroll Bar (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtScrollBar' /] |
Module Drag Accordion Search |
[cp:scripting key='ModuleDragAccordionSearch' /] |
Form Year Display |
[cp:scripting key='FormYearDisplay' /] |
Html Output |
[cp:scripting key='HtmlOutput' html='' /] |
Form Captcha |
[cp:scripting key='FormCaptcha' /] |
Inquiry Select All (Control) |
[cp:control key='InquirySelectAll' /] |
Form Submit Web Request |
[cp:scripting key='FormSubmitWebRequest' /] |
Basket (Control) |
[cp:control key='Basket' cpsys_src='/Modules/MarketplaceDirectoryA/Common/Results/Basket.ascx' /] |
Savings Calculation |
[cp:scripting key='SavingsCalculation' /] |
List View (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='Centralpoint.WebSite.Modules.Events.Calendar.ListView("List")' /] |
Populate Address Info (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtPopulateAddressInfo' /] |
Details Link To Viewer (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='DetailsLinkToViewer("View CAD File", "", "")' /] |
In Quicker Facility Times |
[cp:scripting key='InQuickerFacilityTimes' /] |
Password Strength (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtPasswordStrength' /] |
Custom Bread Crumb Trail |
[cp:scripting key='CustomBreadCrumbTrail' /] |
Form Editor |
[cp:scripting key='FormEditor' /] |
Change Font Color (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtChangeFontColor' /] |
Form Auto Save |
[cp:scripting key='FormAutoSave' /] |
Popular Searches (Control) |
[cp:control key='PopularSearches' cpsys_src='/Modules/Template/Common/PopularSearches.ascx' /] |
Registration (Control) |
[cp:control key='Registration' cpsys_src='/Modules/Events/Common/Details/Registration.ascx' /] |
Form Update User Date |
[cp:scripting key='FormUpdateUserDate' /] |
Record Counts (Control) |
[cp:control key='RecordCounts' cpsys_src='/Modules/MarketplaceDirectoryA/Common/Results/RecordCounts.ascx' /] |
Pdf Viewer |
[cp:scripting key='PdfViewer' format='View PDF' /] |
Auto Complete (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtAutoComplete' /] |
Form Audience Proximity |
[cp:scripting key='FormAudienceProximity' event='OnDataBinding' audiencetype='Column' /] |
Proximity Filter |
[cp:scripting key='ProximityFilter' /] |
Cart Purchased Items |
[cp:scripting key='CartPurchasedItems' /] |
Results CADPreview (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='ResultsCADPreview(Container.DataItem, "Preview CAD File", "", "")' /] |
Context List Column |
[cp:scripting key='ContextListColumn' event='OnDataBinding' /] |
Closest Distance (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='ClosestDistance(Container.DataItem)' /] |
QRBar Codes |
[cp:scripting key='QRBarCodes' /] |
User Info |
[cp:scripting key='UserInfo' attributesystemname='Email' /] |
Stay Well Subtopic Attribute |
[cp:scripting key='StayWellSubtopicAttribute' /] |
Additional Info Link (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='AdditionalInfoLink("View additional information", " - {0} ")' /] |
Stay Well Navigation |
[cp:scripting key='StayWellNavigation' /] |
Google Auto Complete (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtGoogleAutoComplete' /] |
Form Cascading Drop Down List |
[cp:scripting key='FormCascadingDropDownList' /] |
Email Access |
[cp:scripting key='EmailAccess' dataid='' /] |
Insert Click |
[cp:scripting key='InsertClick' /] |
Default Standard Navigation |
[cp:scripting key='DefaultStandardNavigation' /] |
Tab Content |
[cp:scripting key='TabContent' /] |
Zip Files Download Button |
[cp:scripting key='ZipFilesDownloadButton' /] |
Form Range Validator |
[cp:scripting key='FormRangeValidator' Type='Integer' DefaultValue='* Error Message.' MinimumValue='1' MaximumValue='1000' /] |
Compare Button (Control) |
[cp:control key='CompareButton' cpsys_src='/Modules/MarketplaceDirectoryA/Common/Results/CompareButton.ascx' /] |
Column Image |
[cp:scripting key='ColumnImage' /] |
Results Icon (Control) |
[cp:control key='ResultsIcon' cpsys_src='/Modules/MarketplaceDirectoryA/Common/Results/ResultsIcon.ascx' /] |
Date Picker (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtDatePicker' /] |
Workflow (Control) |
[cp:control key='Workflow' cpsys_src='/Modules/Template/Common/Details/Workflow.ascx' /] |
Embedded Video |
[cp:scripting key='EmbeddedVideo' filePath='' /] |
Audience Home Page Link |
[cp:scripting key='AudienceHomePageLink' /] |
Suggesta Change Link Word Add In (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='SuggestaChangeLinkWordAddIn("Suggest a Change", "")' /] |
Taxonomy File Explorer View |
[cp:scripting key='TaxonomyFileExplorerView' /] |
Authorize Net Get Form Response |
[cp:scripting key='AuthorizeNetGetFormResponse' /] |
Logo Thumbnail (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='LogoThumbnail()' /] |
Change Value On Javascript Action (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtChangeValueOnJavascriptAction' /] |
Personalization |
[cp:personalization key='' /] |
Aliases |
[cp:aliases key='' /] |
Change Request Workflow User Name (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='ChangeRequestWorkflowUserName(Container.DataItem, "{0}")' /] |
Step View (Control) |
[cp:control key='StepView' cpsys_src='/Modules/PoliciesAndProcedures/Common/VersionsDetails/StepView.ascx' /] |
Education Test Link |
[cp:scripting key='EducationTestLink' /] |
Register Managed Script Include |
[cp:scripting key='RegisterManagedScriptInclude' /] |
Authorize Net Set Form Data Id |
[cp:scripting key='AuthorizeNetSetFormDataId' /] |
Change Request Workflow Modal Popup Email Changes (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='ChangeRequestWorkflowModalPopupEmailChanges(Container.DataItem, "VersionDetails", "Details", "N/A")' /] |
Related Media (Control) |
[cp:control key='RelatedMedia' cpsys_src='/Modules/Template/Common/Details/RelatedMedia.ascx' /] |
Month View (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='Centralpoint.WebSite.Modules.Events.Calendar.MonthView("Month")' /] |
Policy Preview Word Document |
[cp:scripting key='PolicyPreviewWordDocument' /] |
Form Image Button |
[cp:scripting key='FormImageButton' /] |
Media Item |
[cp:scripting key='MediaItem' /] |
Stay Well Subtopic Next Content Div Id |
[cp:scripting key='StayWellSubtopicNextContentDivId' /] |
Calculation (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtCalculation' id='Calx' /] |
Date Time Offset |
[cp:scripting key='DateTimeOffset' /] |
Restore Version |
[cp:scripting key='RestoreVersion' /] |
Round Corners (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtRoundCorners' /] |
Stay Well Subtopic Title |
[cp:scripting key='StayWellSubtopicTitle' /] |
Taxonomy Navigation |
[cp:scripting key='TaxonomyNavigation' includeParentSystemName='false' /] |
Structured Data Organization |
[cp:scripting key='StructuredDataOrganization' /] |
Survey Manager |
[cp:scripting key='SurveyManager' /] |
Form Hidden Field |
[cp:scripting key='FormHiddenField' /] |
Copy Form Values |
[cp:scripting key='CopyFormValues' id='FormValues1' TestMode='true' /] |
Policy Type (Control) |
[cp:control key='PolicyType' /] |
Form Required Field Validator |
[cp:scripting key='FormRequiredFieldValidator' DefaultValue='* Required Field.' /] |
Tableau Chart |
[cp:scripting key='TableauChart' /] |
Form State Geo Coding |
[cp:scripting key='FormStateGeoCoding' /] |
Form Word Add On Add Document Properties |
[cp:scripting key='FormWordAddOnAddDocumentProperties' /] |
Mobile Icons Get Button (Control) |
[cp:control key='MobileIconsGetButton' cpsys_src='/Modules/MobileIcons/Common/Details/MobileIconsGetButton.ascx' /] |
Related Link (Control) |
[cp:control key='RelatedLink' cpsys_src='/Modules/MarketplaceDirectoryA/Common/Details/RelatedLink.ascx' /] |
Resource Drag Accordion Search |
[cp:scripting key='ResourceDragAccordionSearch' /] |
Check In Button |
[cp:scripting key='CheckInButton' /] |
Mobile Email This Page |
[cp:scripting key='MobileEmailThisPage' /] |
Mobile Navigation 2 |
[cp:scripting key='MobileNavigation2' /] |
Keyword Manager |
[cp:scripting key='KeywordManager' /] |
Query String Taxonomy Filter |
[cp:scripting key='QueryStringTaxonomyFilter' names='' format='AND {0}' /] |
Dashboard Module |
[cp:scripting key='DashboardModule' bPaginate='true' sPaginationType='two_button' bFilter='true' bSort='true' bInfo='true' bLengthChange='true' iDisplayLength='100' bJQueryUI='fals |
Form Audience Proximity Order By |
[cp:scripting key='FormAudienceProximityOrderBy' /] |
Word Add In Download |
[cp:scripting key='WordAddInDownload' /] |
Form Check Ownership Of Course |
[cp:scripting key='FormCheckOwnershipOfCourse' /] |
Version Details Attribute (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='VersionDetailsAttribute("EmailChanges", " |
Calendar Date (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='CalendarDate("m")' /] |
Sticky Element (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtStickyElement' /] |
Week View (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='Centralpoint.WebSite.Modules.Events.Calendar.WeekView("Week")' /] |
Private Labeling |
[cp:privatelabeling key='' /] |
Form Event Seats Remaining Validator |
[cp:scripting key='FormEventSeatsRemainingValidator' /] |
Display Selected Date (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='DisplaySelectedDate(Container.DataItem,"MMMM yyyy")' /] |
Basket Link (Control) |
[cp:control key='BasketLink' cpsys_src='/Modules/MarketplaceDirectoryA/Common/BasketLink.ascx' Icon='/Integrations/Centralpoint/Resources/Basket.gif' /] |
Audit Trail (Control) |
[cp:control key='AuditTrail' cpsys_src='/Modules/Forms/Results/AuditTrail.ascx' /] |
Cp Item Content (Control) |
[cp:control key='CpItemContent' /] |
Form Data Transfer Execute Now Progress Popup |
[cp:scripting key='FormDataTransferExecuteNowProgressPopup' id='FormDataTransferProgressPopup' /] |
Single Survey Question Result |
[cp:scripting key='SingleSurveyQuestionResult' /] |
Letters As Index (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='LettersAsIndex(Container.DataItem)' /] |
Structured Data Website |
[cp:scripting key='StructuredDataWebsite' /] |
Version Info |
[cp:scripting key='VersionInfo' attributesystemname='Title' /] |
Form Payment Authorize Net |
[cp:scripting key='FormPaymentAuthorizeNet' id='AuthorizeNet' TestTransaction='true' /] |
Mail To Link |
[cp:scripting key='MailToLink' bodyId='' /] |
Doc Scores |
[cp:scripting key='DocScores' /] |
Contact Button (Control) |
[cp:control key='ContactButton' cpsys_src='/Modules/MarketplaceDirectoryA/Common/Details/ContactButton.ascx' /] |
Mini Calendar |
[cp:scripting key='MiniCalendar' /] |
Dita Specialized Element |
[cp:scripting key='DitaSpecializedElement' /] |
Form Format Months |
[cp:scripting key='FormFormatMonths' /] |
Alpha Nav (Control) |
[cp:control key='AlphaNav' /] |
Mobile Increase Text Size |
[cp:scripting key='MobileIncreaseTextSize' /] |
Message List (Control) |
[cp:control key='MessageList' /] |
Export Policiesin Manual (Control) |
[cp:control key='ExportPoliciesinManual' /] |
Display Signatures |
[cp:scripting key='DisplaySignatures' AttributeSystemName='Signatures' /] |
Item Hyperlink (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='ItemHyperlink(Container.DataItem, true, false, false, "", "", "","",true)' /] |
Dashboard |
[cp:scripting key='DashboardScript' /] |
Design Info |
[cp:scripting key='DesignInfo' attributesystemname='Name' /] |
Read Session Value |
[cp:scripting key='ReadSessionValue' SessionName='' /] |
Proximity Sort |
[cp:scripting key='ProximitySort' /] |
Display Day In Current Week (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='DisplayDayInCurrentWeek("daysToAdd", "dateFormat")' /] |
Omniture |
[cp:scripting key='Omniture' /] |
Advertising Search Redirect Drop Down List |
[cp:scripting key='AdvertisingSearchRedirectDropDownList' /] |
Media Elements Tree |
[cp:scripting key='MediaElementsTree' /] |
Closest Distance Attribute (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='ClosestDistanceAttribute(Container.DataItem, "Attribute", "{0}")' /] |
Site Map Info |
[cp:scripting key='SiteMapInfo' attributesystemname='Title' /] |
Form Add To Cart Button |
[cp:scripting key='FormAddToCartButton' carturl='/Main/Cart.aspx' /] |
Authorize Net Generate Sequence |
[cp:scripting key='AuthorizeNetGenerateSequence' /] |
Navigation Section Menu |
[cp:scripting key='NavigationSectionMenu' /] |
Cpsys Memory (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtCpsysMemory' /] |
Code View (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtCodeView' /] |
Form State Action |
[cp:scripting key='FormStateAction' /] |
Google Map Popup (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='GoogleMapPopup(Container.DataItem, "LinkText")' /] |
Event Order By Multi Day First |
[cp:scripting key='EventOrderByMultiDayFirst' /] |
Attribute Switch (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtAttributeSwitch' /] |
Test Link (Control) |
[cp:control key='TestLink' cpsys_src='/Modules/Education/Common/Details/TestLink.ascx' /] |
Fancy Box (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtFancyBox' /] |
Search Term (Control) |
[cp:control key='SearchTerm' cpsys_src='/Modules/Template/Common/Results/SearchTerm.ascx' /] |
Form Signature |
[cp:scripting key='FormSignature' id='Signature' RequiredFieldErrorMessage='* Required. Please Sign.' Width='350' Height='90' /] |
Add To Calendar |
[cp:scripting key='AddToCalendar' /] |
Authorize Net Generate Time Stamp |
[cp:scripting key='AuthorizeNetGenerateTimeStamp' /] |
Form Payment World Pay |
[cp:scripting key='FormPaymentWorldPay' id='WorldPay' TestMode='true' currencyCode='USD' /] |
Details View Next Previous Buttons |
[cp:scripting key='DetailsViewNextPreviousButtons' /] |
Column If Else |
[cp:scripting key='ColumnIfElse' event='ondatabinding' /] |
Policies And Procedures Accordion |
[cp:scripting key='PoliciesAndProceduresAccordion' NavigationItemSystemName='' /] |
Form Credit Card Validator |
[cp:scripting key='FormCreditCardValidator' defaultValue='* Please enter a valid credit card number.' /] |
Dashboard Modules |
[cp:scripting key='DashboardModules' /] |
Build Record Url |
[cp:scripting key='BuildRecordUrl' /] |
File Output Checkbox (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='FileOutputCheckbox(Container.DataItem)' /] |
View Selector (Control) |
[cp:control key='ViewSelector' cpsys_src='/Modules/Events/Common/Calendar/ViewSelector.ascx' /] |
Progress Bar |
[cp:scripting key='ProgressBar' /] |
Data Table Value |
[cp:scripting key='DataTableValue' /] |
Dynamic Navigation |
[cp:scripting key='DynamicNavigation' dataid='' /] |
Cart Debug |
[cp:scripting key='CartDebug' /] |
Data Source |
[cp:scripting key='DataSource' /] |
Change Request Form (Control) |
[cp:control key='ChangeRequestForm' ApproveImagePath='' DeclineImagePath='' /] |
Form Event Registration Cancel Seats Remaining |
[cp:scripting key='FormEventRegistrationCancelSeatsRemaining' /] |
Audience Selector |
[cp:scripting key='AudienceSelector' /] |
Photo Flip From Metadata (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtPhotoFlipFromMetadata' /] |
Taxonomy Selector (Control) |
[cp:control key='TaxonomySelector' cpsys_src='/Modules/Events/Common/Calendar/TaxonomySelector.ascx' /] |
Column |
[cp:scripting key='Column' name='Title' /] |
Bread Crumb Trail |
[cp:scripting key='BreadCrumbTrail' /] |
Stay Well News By Integration Id |
[cp:scripting key='StayWellNewsByIntegrationId' /] |
Resource Upload Word Add In (Control) |
[cp:control key='ResourceUploadWordAddIn' cpsys_src='/Modules/PoliciesAndProcedures/Common/DetailsSuggestAChange/ResourceUploadWordAddIn.ascx' /] |
Design Switch |
[cp:scripting key='DesignSwitch' /] |
Form Combine Form State Values |
[cp:scripting key='FormCombineFormStateValues' /] |
Form Radio Button List |
[cp:scripting key='FormRadioButtonList' systemType='Module' /] |
Site Map Header Name |
[cp:scripting key='SiteMapHeaderName' /] |
File Output Check Box Select All (Control) |
[cp:control key='FileOutputCheckBoxSelectAll' cpsys_src='/Modules/PoliciesAndProcedures/Common/Results/FileOutputCheckBoxSelectAll.ascx' /] |
j Query Accordion |
[cp:scripting key='JqueryAccordion' /] |
Form Navitgation Item Selector |
[cp:scripting key='FormNavitgationItemSelector' /] |
Render Script Based On Value |
[cp:scripting key='RenderScriptBasedOnValue' /] |
Accordion (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtAccordion' headerClass='' contentClass='' /] |
Multi Format (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='MultiFormat(new string[] { Attribute("Image"), CurrentInfo.Title }, " |
Chart (Control) |
[cp:control key='Chart' cpsys_src='/Modules/TableauCharts/Common/Details/Chart.ascx' /] |
Mobile Print Page |
[cp:scripting key='MobilePrintPage' /] |
Taxonomy Meta Tag |
[cp:scripting key='TaxonomyMetaTag' /] |
Check If Element Is Empty (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtCheckIfElementIsEmpty' /] |
User Inactivity Timer |
[cp:scripting key='UserInactivityTimer' /] |
Form Unique Field Validator |
[cp:scripting key='FormUniqueFieldValidator' DefaultValue='* Error Message.' /] |
Dynamic Jump Menu |
[cp:scripting key='DynamicJumpMenu' /] |
Policies Html View (Control) |
[cp:control key='PoliciesHtmlView' /] |
Change Cookie Value (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtChangeCookieValue' /] |
Staywell Subtopic Splash Component |
[cp:scripting key='StayWellSubtopicSplashComponent' /] |
Change Request Workflow Current Users |
[cp:scripting key='ChangeRequestWorkflowCurrentUsers' /] |
Media Item (Control) |
[cp:control key='MediaItem' cpsys_src='/Modules/Media/Common/Details/MediaItem.ascx' /] |
Change Date By Days |
[cp:scripting key='ChangeDateByDays' /] |
OAuth Login Button |
[cp:scripting key='OAuthLoginButton' /] |
Current Url |
[cp:scripting key='CurrentUrl' /] |
Message Form (Control) |
[cp:control key='MessageForm' /] |
Form Length Validator |
[cp:scripting key='FormLengthValidator' DefaultValue='* Error Message.' /] |
Get Session Value |
[cp:scripting key='GetSessionValue' /] |
Form State |
[cp:scripting key='FormState' /] |
Form Mobile Login Button |
[cp:scripting key='FormMobileLoginButton' group='Login' defaultValue='Sign In' /] |
Galleria Media Files |
[cp:scripting key='GalleriaMediaFiles' /] |
Resource Drag Accordion |
[cp:scripting key='ResourceDragAccordion' /] |
Mcc Module Drag Accordion |
[cp:scripting key='MccModuleDragAccordion' /] |
Dynamic Tab Display |
[cp:scripting key='DynamicTabDisplay' /] |
Inquiry Button (Control) |
[cp:control key='InquiryButton' /] |
Resource Drag Tree |
[cp:scripting key='ResourceDragTree' /] |
Related Documents (Control) |
[cp:control key='RelatedDocuments' cpsys_src='/Modules/Template/Common/Details/RelatedDocuments.ascx' /]] |
Custom Proximity Search (Control) |
[cp:control key='CustomProximitySearch' cpsys_src='/Modules/MarketplaceDirectoryA/Common/CustomProximitySearch.ascx' /] |
Click Tracking (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtClickTracking' /] |
Article List (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='ArticleList(Container.DataItem, "4", "Root", "titleCssClass", "summaryCssClass", "moreLinkCssClass", "moreText", "showMore", "showSummary", true, "Title")' /] |
Form Data List Box |
[cp:scripting key='FormDataListBox' /] |
Form Checkbox Collection Hidden Field |
[cp:scripting key='FormCheckboxCollectionHiddenField' /] |
Proximity Search (Control) |
[cp:control key='ProximitySearch' /] |
Module Content Tree |
[cp:scripting key='ModuleContentTree' /] |
Lightbox (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtLightbox' /] |
Form Regular Expression Validator |
[cp:scripting key='FormRegularExpressionValidator' DefaultValue='* Error Message.' /] |
Character Limit Counter (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtCharacterLimitCounter' CharactersLimit='255' TextAfter=' characters left.' /] |
Search (Control) |
[cp:control key='Search' /] |
In Network (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='InNetwork("In Network", "Out of Network")' /] |
Current Search Query String (Control) |
[cp:control key='CurrentSearchQueryString' cpsys_src='/Modules/Template/Common/Results/CurrentSearchQueryString.ascx' /] |
Google Analytics Event Tracker |
[cp:scripting key='GoogleAnalyticsEventTracker' /] |
Facebook Share Page |
[cp:scripting key='FacebookSharePage' /] |
Media Files |
[cp:scripting key='MediaFiles' /] |
Dynamic Custom Ext Accordion |
[cp:scripting key='DynamicCustomExtAccordion' /] |
Previous Week (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='PreviousWeek("Previous")' /] |
Form Button |
[cp:scripting key='FormButton' defaultValue='Submit' /] |
Form Address Info |
[cp:scripting key='FormAddressInfo' version='V2' /] |
Html Navigation |
[cp:scripting key='HtmlNavigation' id='site-nav' /] |
Form Payment Pay Pal |
[cp:scripting key='FormPaymentPayPal' id='PayPalPayflowPro' testMode='true' /] |
Mcc Mail Count |
[cp:scripting key='MccMailCount' searchfield='isread' search='false' /] |
Form Remove Form State Uploads |
[cp:scripting key='FormRemoveFormStateUploads' /] |
Education Program Certificate Link |
[cp:scripting key='EducationProgramCertificateLink' /] |
Staywell Subtopic Url |
[cp:scripting key='StayWellSubtopicUrl' /] |
Thumbnail Viewer (Control) |
[cp:control key='ThumbnailViewer' cpsys_src='/Modules/MarketplaceDirectoryA/Common/Details/ThumbnailViewer.ascx' thumbnailwidth='100' thumbnailheight='0' largeimagewidth='250' larg |
Html Img |
[cp:scripting key='HtmlImg' /] |
Other Records (Control) |
[cp:control key='OtherRecords' cpsys_src='/Modules/MarketplaceDirectoryA/Common/Details/OtherRecords.ascx' /] |
Rating (Control) |
[cp:control key='Rating' /] |
Form Orbital Chase Paymentech |
[cp:scripting key='OrbitalChasePaymentech' id='ChasePaymentech' TestMode='true' /] |
Fire Default Button |
[cp:scripting key='FireDefaultButton' /] |
Hits (Control) |
[cp:control key='Hits' /] |
Form Reduce Seats Remaining |
[cp:scripting key='FormReduceSeatsRemaining' /] |
Google Maps (Control) |
[cp:control key='GoogleMaps' cpsys_src='/Modules/MarketplaceDirectoryA/Common/Results/GoogleMap.ascx' /] |
Authorize Net Response Page Url |
[cp:scripting key='AuthorizeNetResponsePageUrl' /] |
Custom Form Items |
[cp:scripting key='CustomFormItems' /] |
Results Link To Viewer (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='ResultsLinkToViewer(Container.DataItem, "View CAD File", "", "")' /] |
JPlayer |
[cp:scripting key='JPlayer' playerId='player' controlId='control_player' /] |
Parametric Taxonomy Navigation |
[cp:scripting key='ParametricTaxonomyNavigation' /] |
Attribute By Package (Control) |
[cp:control key='AttributeByPackage' cpsys_src='/Modules/MarketplaceDirectoryA/Common/Details/AttributeByPackage.ascx' /] |
Cookie Value |
[cp:scripting key='CookieValue' /] |
Version Attributes (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='VersionAttributes("AttributeSystemName", "Header:{0}")' /] |
Taxonomy List (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='TaxonomyList(Container.DataItem, "cssClass", "{0}", true)' /] |
Droppable (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtDroppable' /] |
Mobile Icons Attribute Replace Cp Scripts (DataBind) |
[cp:databind key='MobileIconsAttributeReplaceCpScripts("MobileBodyCopy","")' /] |
Table (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtTable' bPaginate='true' sPaginationType='two_button' bFilter='true' bSort='true' bInfo='true' bLengthChange='true' iDisplayLength='25' bJQueryUI='false' bProc |
Mobile Add To Home |
[cp:scripting key='MobileAddToHome' /] |
Signature Control (Control) |
[cp:control key='SignatureControl' cpsys_src='/Modules/Template/Common/Details/SignatureControl.ascx' AttributeSystemName='Signatures' /] |
Form Imaging |
[cp:scripting key='FormImaging' /] |
Current Date |
[cp:scripting key='CurrentDate' /] |
Column Link |
[cp:scripting key='ColumnLink' /] |
Back To Top |
[cp:scripting key='BackToTop' button='' /] |
Web Api Internal Token |
[cp:scripting key='WebApiInternalToken' /] |
Form Move Records To Another Module |
[cp:scripting key='FormMoveRecordsToAnotherModule' /] |
Form Email Domain Validator |
[cp:scripting key='FormEmailDomainValidator' defaultValue='* not a valid domain name.' /] |
Attribute |
[cp:scripting key='Attribute' systemname='Title' /] |
Redirect On Timeout (Extender) |
[cp:scripting key='ExtRedirectOnTimeout' /] |