Centralpoint Update 8.11.42
Date of Update: Monday, August 15, 2022
Feature |
Summary |
Admin > Properties > Aspose: Word Documents Extract Embedded Objects? |
Generic Enhanced module properties support HTML extraction from an uploaded Word Document and transfer the HTML to a module attribute. Set this to Enabled to extract embedded objects within the Word Document. This will save to the embedded object to the file system and link the object within the HTML to the file. This option applies only to the extracted HTML inserted into the attribute and does not alter the source document. Upon release, .xml extensions are the only supported object file type. Additional extensions will be researched upon request. |
CpScript FormUniqueFieldValidator |
Supports a TargetDataIdControlToIgnore='' property. The value of this property expects the ID of the form control holding the DataId value passed in the processing tab. Use this property to allow the existing record to use the unique value. For example, if the record being modified is allowed to contain the unique value, you would use this field so a user does not get stuck on the validator. |
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