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Centralpoint Update 8.5.2

Date of Update: Monday, September 14, 2015  
Data Transfer Audience CpScriptA new ReturnIdOnly property has been added. When set to 'true' the script will return the Audience Id without the IsCda or IsConsole properties attached.
Content > Code SamplesThis new module was created to manage source code samples and demonstrations.
ViewCodeSnippet CpScriptThis new CpScript takes an attribute system name and renders the contents using source code formatting.
Design > Data SourcesA new 'Link Title to Record' attribute has been added when Formatting > Formatting Options = 'Timeline'. If you have included the DataId and AutoNumber fields in Attributes > Select Command the Title will be automatically linked to the related record.
Development > All Modules > Search & ReplaceWhen Module = 'Search All Modules' a new Excluded Modules attribute appears with Data Transfer and Data Broadcast selected by default. Search and replace over these modules should be considered carefully because it can cause the execution of records scheduled to execute once.
Content > Generic Enhanced A - ZA new Dynamic Attribute Population module property has been added. When enabled it allows you to map the contents from custom attributes into standard attributes that are stored in relation fields. This change permits a higher level of customization of generic attributes and will provide more options for performance improvements in existing generic enhanced modules.
Development > All Modules > Create Template RecordA new Create Template Record Utility has been added. It can be used to generate an Admin > Template Gallery record from an existing record using its Data Id. The generated template gallery record can be sync'd if created in a Development site or used to recreate a record in a client site.
Site Architecture > NavigationCpScripting is now supported in the Header Tags > Keywords attribute.
ExtCodeView CpScriptThis new extender CpScript takes a jQuery selector and formats the contents of the selected element using source code formatting.
Content > EventsAn issue that caused Saturday's events to be excluded from the Week View has been resolved.
NavigationTier CpScriptA new {6} constant has been added to the Format parameter. It will add the text 'child-of-parent-selected' if the current page is a descendant of that parent.
Design > Dynamic Tab DisplayThis module has been updated to support 20 tabs. Tab Type = 'jQuery Accordion' option has also been updated to support a 'tab' query string variable. If you put ?tab=2 in the URL it will open up the accordion to the second tab.

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