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Centralpoint Update 8.6.22

Date of Update: Monday, August 29, 2016  
Feature Summary
Procedure Manuals > Policies > VersionList CpControl This control supports new properties that allow you to restore a version if you are in the appropriate role.
FormHiddenField CpScript A new UseNewGuidAsFormResultDataId parameter has been added. This parameter only applies when the DefaultValue parameter is set to cpsys_newguid. It will use the generated DataId for the form results record when set to true.
AjaxDataSource CpScript A new WriteJSOnce parameter has been added to prevent the JavaScript from writing to the page multiple times when multiple AjaxDataSource CpScripts render on the same page. This is most beneficial when these scripts are included in Results View (#2) > Item Content and Data Sources > Formatting > Item Content attributes.
FormTrackChanges CpScript This new script is intended for use in Forms > Processing > Module Submission > Field Map. It can be used to populate an attribute in the resulting record with the changes that occurred in other attributes during the form submission.
FormButton and FormImageButton CpScripts A new Alt parameter has been added to control the alternative text of the button.
Master > Content > Scheduled Tasks This module now displays the scheduler execution interval above the grid at the end of the Warning in bold. A new 'Replace File Names' option has been added to the Job attribute. It will match a regular expression to find all files in specified directory and rename them accordingly. Master console on ScheduledTasks.aspx page show interval_Minutes from CentralpointAgent.exe.config. to let people know on how often task are running
Mobile Support for Drag and Drop All built in drag and drop CpScripts now support touch screen devices.
RestoreVersion CpScript This new script was created to add a button to a Data Source column that can be clicked to restore a previous version of a document. IT was intended for use in dashboard displays. It requires that the Data Source contains a VersionId column.
FormUpload CpScripting A new Replace property has been added force resource uploads to replace an existing resource when one exists instead of adding a new one. Another new ReplaceRoles property has been added to enable users to update the roles related to an inserted or updated resource.
ExtModalPopup CpScript A new SelectorType property has been added to point the jQuery selector that finds the click target to a class as opposed to an ID.
Date/Time Searches The system has been updated to support MM/DD/YYYYtoMM/DD/YYYY formatted keywords in all Date/Time searches. When the keyword is provided in this format and the search has been defined as a DateTime search and it will generate a filter to return records from the beginning of the first date to the end of the second date. Time components may also be included in the provided dates to provide a more specific search when matched on the entire phrase. This change affects both front end and client console date/time searches.
Form CpScripts Currently the DefaultValue property of any form CpScript can be set to 'cpsys_Constant:FormInfo:AttributeSystemName' to default the control to a value in an existing record. This constant automatically detects when that value is a Date/Time value and does a conversion from UTC. You can now format the DefaultValue like 'cpsys_Constant:FormInfo:string:AttributeSystemName' to force the system to treat the attribute as a String and prevent the date time conversions. A new FormResult constant was also added to the DefaultValue parameter: 'cpsys_Constant:FormResult:Company'.
ExtHighlightKeywords CpScript A new SelectorType property has been added to point the jQuery selector that finds the keywords to something other than a textbox control.
ReadPageItemsValue CpScript This new script was created to display stored in the ASP.NET Page.Items object. It is often used during custom development.
MccMailCount CpScript This new script was created to display the number of messages in a Mail folder. The script designer will automatically configure it to display the number of unread messages. This option only works when Mail > Configuration is in use, the user is logged in on the front end of the site, and has set up their Mail account.

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