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Centralpoint Update 8.4.50

Date of Update: Monday, August 11, 2014  
Feature Summary
ContextListFilter CpScript This new CpScript was created to filter a DataSource by a list of values collected using the new ContextListColumn CpScript in the Results View (#2) > Item Content of a module. As the module designer renders rows the ContextListColumn CpScript will create a list of values from the column entered and the ContextListFilter CpScript. This list of values can be used to render a SQL filter where a field is IN that list of values. This is commonly used to swap a comma separated list of DataIds rendered from a custom data list box attribute with HTML generated by a data source.
ExtScrollBar CpScript The related plug-ins (jquery.mCustomScrollbar.js, jquery.mCustomScrollbar.css, and jquery.mousewheel.min.js) have been upgraded to the latest version.
FormTextBox CpScript A new DataWatermark parameter has been added. When it contains a value it will be added to the text box as a watermark and a “cp_watermark” CSS class will be added to the HTML element for styling.

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