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Centralpoint Update 8.4.46

Date of Update: Monday, June 9, 2014  
Feature Summary
Account Settings The following system modules now utilize Personalization > Default Sort Order like standard modules: Admin > Roles, Development > All modules, Design > Media Manager, Development > Console Navigation, Development > Keyword Lists, Members, Site Architecture > Administrators, Site Architecture > Audiences, Site Architecture > Module Designer, and Site Architecture > Taxonomy. This change has also been applied to the following Master modules: Admin > Private Labels, Admin > Roles, Admin > Users, Content > Scheduled Tasks, Content > Web Sites, Deployment > Web Sites, CMS > Keyword Lists, CMS > modules, CMS > Navigation, and CMS > Relations. Title and Publish Start Date attributes will be replaced with the closest related attribute when necessary. Changes to Account Settings may require you to log out and back into the console.
Admin > Global Login New Server Request Username & Password attributes have been added when Source = “Active Directory” and Windows Authentication (Single Sign-On) = “Enabled”. These credentials are used when the server itself accesses a URL in the site to generate a PDF.
AjaxControlToolkit Removal An update released in the near future will remove the AjaxControlToolkit integration from Centralpoint in favor of jQuery and jQuery UI. The latest AjaxControlToolkit upgrade has been reviewed and it provides little benefit over jQuery and JQuery UI, includes 8 additional integrations, and requires changes to the system ScriptManager object. All system features that depended upon the AjaxControlToolkit will be been rewritten to use jQuery and jQuery UI. When the integration is removed the sync will modify the Root/web.config file by removing the AjaxControlToolkit from configuration/system.web/pages/controls. If you have any custom code or My modules that utilize this integration you can keep it as a custom integration by adding "/Bin/AjaxControlToolkit.dll" to Admin > Properties > Sync Exclusions in each site before the integration is removed. This will prevent the removal of the DLL, prevent the web.config changes, and will protect the integration from future sync's and Updates.
CAPTCHA Images A new Captcha.ashx HTTP Handler has been implemented and used to replace all system CAPTCHA images. This update will trigger an automatic change to all Root/Web.Config files which adds the new HTTP Handler registration. The old WordVerification.ashx HTTP Handler has been depreciated, but retained for backward compatibility.
CurrentUrl CpScript An issue with this script related to URL rewrites has been resolved.
Education > Reports The Certificate attribute has been changed to an updateable RTF Editor control.
ExtAttributeSwitch CpScript This new extender CpScript was created to toggle the visibility of multiple container HTML elements based on the selection in a list box or radio button list. It was primarily designed to switch on or off form elements based upon a parent form control.
File Upload Controls A bug was found on some servers related to the recent changes made to standard file upload controls. When a file was uploaded it did not inherit the permissions of the Uploads folder. It would render properly when resized, but would return an error if accessed directly in the browser. This update includes a patch to repair this bug.
Form Control CpScripts The "cpsys_Translate:" prefix is now supported in the DefaultValue, PleaseSelect and AddListItems parameters of the following CpScripts: FormListBox, FormCascadingDropDownList, FormMobileLoginButton and FormRadioButtonList.
Form Validation CpScripts New ItemToEnable and ItemToEnableOnValue properties have been added to the following validators: FormRequiredFieldValidator, FormRangeValidator, FormPatternValidator, FormCompareValidator, FormLengthValidator, FormUniqueFieldValidator, and FormRegularExpresssionValidator. They allow you to enable and disable the validator based on the value of a parent control, and were designed to work in coordination with the new ExtAttributeSwitch CpScript.
MobileAddToHome CpScript This new CpScript has been created to show a pop-up on mobile devices asking the user to “Add To Home”. Different pop-up options have been provided for Apple or non-Apple devices. The default styles of these pop-ups can be overridden with custom CSS.

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