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Centralpoint Update 8.6.5

Date of Update: Monday, December 21, 2015  
Feature Summary
jQuery & jQuery UI Versions Admin > Properties > Header Tags > jQuery & jQuery UI Versions has been updated so that you can test the Beta (next) version before it is released as the Stable version in the following update. Please test all custom jQuery and jQuery UI features by switching to Beta after installing this update then switch back to Stable once testing has been completed. If you are using the Design > jQuery UI Themes module you may have to create new themes for testing and switch back afterward.
ExtCodeView CpScript This script has been updated to repair a problem caused when anchor tags exist without an HREF property.
ExtAutoComplete Extender CpScript A new FilterIsFullTextIndexed property has been added which will filter out records with the IsFullTextIndexed attribute set to 0.
ExtFlyoutMenu Extender CpScript This new extender script creates a fly-out menu given the HTML id of a UL tag. This can be used in conjunction with the HtmlNavigation CpScript.
ExtStickyElement CpScript Added a new MaxTop property which can be used when you want to create a fixed element on a page with a fixed header.
TaxonomyGroupHeader CpScript Fixed browser compatibility issues with older versions of IE.
FormCheckboxCollectionHiddenField CpScript This new script creates a FormHiddenField to store the values for a check box collection.
Members New Contact > GeoCode and Auto Update GeoCode attributes have been added to this module. When Auto Update GeoCode is set to Yes the Contact address attributes will be used to generate a GeoCode and overwrite the value in the GeoCode attribute. The cpsys_Users table has also been updated to include GeoCode, Longitude, and Latitude fields to support these new attributes. All system features that update or insert users have also been updated to maintain values in the new fields.
TaxonomyFileExplorerView CpScript This new script displays a Taxonomy folder view that sends you to the Results View (#2) for a Taxonomy search when a folder is selected.

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