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Centralpoint Update 8.1.1

Date of Update: Monday, August 29, 2011  
  • All Centralpoint class library components have been updated to target the .NET Framework 4.
  • The Centralpoint.Web.ExtensionMethods.Redirect method has been updated to use the new ASP.NET 4 HttpResponse.PermanentRedirect method instead of manually executing a permanent redirect using HTTP headers.
  • The Centralpoint.Web.IsMobileDevice method has been updated to use the new browser definitions included in ASP.NET 4. This new implementation utilizes the ASP.NET browser definitions to determine which browsers are mobile as opposed to a hard coded list within Centralpoint.
  • The integrated AJAX Control Toolkit has been upgraded to the latest .NET Framework 4 version from July 2011.
  • The integrated RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX has been upgraded to the latest .NET Framework 4 version from July 2011. This upgrade will primarily affect the RTF Editor and File Upload controls found throughout Centralpoint. A full list of changes made since the last update in late 2009 can be found here: http://www.telerik.com/products/aspnet-ajax/whats-new/release-history.aspx.
  • The master web.config file will be updated to prevent HTTP Request Validation errors that began after the upgrade to ASP.NET 4.
  • All Admin > Properties > * Properties File attributes have been updated to provide file upload buttons instead of text boxes and validate the uploaded file as CpCollection XML. This change eliminates the need for server access to update User, Audience, Taxonomy, Ecommerce, and Resource properties.
  • The Data Transfer Column CpScript has been updated to support an EmptyValue property. An empty string will be returned when an EmptyValue is provided, it matches the script’s DataType, and it is equal to the calculated value. Do not use this property when you require the script to return a data type other than String because an empty string may be returned instead of the desired data type.
  • A new Page Type attribute has been added to the Advertising > Sponsored Keywords module. All existing records have “All Pages” selected for backward compatibility. The Page Type attribute contains an option called Nav Groups that works like the same option in the Advertising > Advertisers module. It allows you to include the sponsored keyword only on navigation items in the selected Nav Groups.
  • The TaxonomyTree CpScript has a new property called ShowRelatedTaxonomies which is used to show only taxonomy items that are related to the current record being displayed on a Details View (#3).
  • New ProximityFilter and ProximitySort CpScripts have been created to implement a proximity search from within a custom SQL statement like in a Data Source.
  • A new AutoProximitySearch CpControl has been developed for use on the Results View (#2) only. It is designed to retrieve an address from a cookie and automatically trigger a proximity search based on the value stored in that cookie.
  • A new CookieValue CpScript has been developed to return the value stored in a cookie.
  • All HTTP Cookie updates have been modified to reference the current cookie in the Response object when possible instead of creating a new Cookie. This change was made to prevent problems with the old implementation that did not arise until the ASP.NET 4 update.
  • All system CAPTCHA controls have been reviewed to ensure that empty submissions have been considered.
  • The Active Directory Global Login has been updated to take additional steps to prevent LDAP injection. Any custom global logins using LDAP paths or filters should be manually updated to utilize the new LdapDNEscape and LdapFilterEscape methods in the AuthenticationSources class.
  • A new CSS class has been added to each column (TD) in a user’s personal dashboard to support custom formatting of each column. These classes are named cppdb_DashboardContainerN where N is the column number.

See Full History of All Updates