Centralpoint Update 8.0.13
Date of Update: Friday, May 22, 2009
- Site Architecture / Module Designer / Initialize / Module has been modified to remember missing items. This allows users who do not have access to a module to update a design for that module without receiving an error message. It is still recommended that administrators with access to the module designer have access to all modules.
- Dynamic search Forms containing a custom PostBackUrl are now supported on pages containing other Forms. Previously, this scenario would prevent the other Forms from submitting properly. These changes also included Updates to the URL rewrite HttpModule so that we now fully support cross page post backs.
- The web site search SQL function has been modified to prevent duplicate records displayed when a record contains a searched keyword in more than one related Taxonomy. It has also been modified so that search results where the criteria is found in the Title are ranked higher than when it is found in other attributes.
- A problem has been resolved which caused modules to disappear from client consoles when the Uber group selections for the web site were incorrect. Previously you could select module groups for a web sites that were not accessible to the master. When an unpredicted master event occurred these invalid selections were removed making modules disappear. The selectors are now filtered properly so that the invalid selections cannot be made.
- Most references to Response.End() have been replaced with ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest() to prevent early termination exceptions from being reported in the Development / Errors modules.
- All SqlSiteMapProviders have been updated to prevent an error that was recorded in the Event Viewer when the OnSiteMapChanged event was triggered without an active HttpContext. Unnecessary caching has also been removed from the providers.
- The system has been updated to return a 404 error when an end user enters a URL containing an audience or role system name that does not exist.
- Dynamically generated login URLs have been updated to include the new audience in the path as opposed to the query string. The role must remain in the query string so that the Login page itself is loaded in the Public role.
- The lead tracking application has been updated to prevent the insertion of leads with null UserIds.
- The Resource (Design / Media Manager) HttpHandler has been completely rewritten for efficiency and to address “Server Too Busy” errors.
- The “Server Too Busy” errors have been resolved by removing the Response.Close call after Response.TransmitFile as described here: http://www.improve.dk/blog/2008/03/29/response-transmitfile-close-will-kill-your-application.
- Caching has been built into the handler including automatic expiration via the media manager module.
- Additional response headers have been added to resolve browser support issues.
- The class has been optimized for performance, memory management, and concurrency.
- All references to application state have been checked for proper use of locks to prevent issues with concurrency under high traffic situations.
- A problem with Master / Deployment / Synchronize that caused a JavaScript error when more than one site was included in the sync has been repaired. This JavaScript error caused you to lose track of the sync after the first site and forced you to manage the sync using the Process Monitor.
- Abstract views of documents in all modules previously redirected you to the home page of the module. This has been repaired so that abstract views display the appropriate content from the module designer.
- An advanced locker system has been implemented into the Management class for synchronization over page based code. This system allows us to lock sections of code like the ad banner click counter to ensure accurate counts.
See Full History of All Updates