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Centralpoint Update 8.11.56

Date of Update: Monday, March 13, 2023  
Education > Courses > Module PropertiesThe CeCourses module now supports module properties & module triggers that exist in the Enhanced modules for Word/PDF file Apose methods and Data Cleaner.
UserId AttributesA new UserId Attributes module configuration has been added to all modules. It can be used to configure the system to populate a new lookup table (cpsys_UsersInDataCurrentAttributes) to improve the performance of module, custom and data source filters over attributes containing a comma separate list of UserIds (data list boxes). All system functions and features (data sync, data transfer, forms management, client console, etc.) have been updated to automatically maintain this table.
ReverseHyperlink CpScriptSupports a new SearchType parameter. When set to '1' the script will search the attribute for a given Pattern and replace it with a PatternUrl. If you set the PatternUrl to a module search and include `gotofirst=1` in the query string it will link directly to the first search result.

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