Oxcyon employs a "Train the Trainer" approach, ensuring your key stakeholders receive training and recording these sessions for your convenience in training others. Training can range from basic instruction on content entry to empowering your local
Development team to construct new tool suites within Centralpoint. Our objective is to equip you with enough training and expertise that you can independently handle various tasks if you choose to.
Centralpoint training is streamlined due to its intuitive user interface. It can easily be conducted through online web conferencing and we provide supplementary online training tools. Developed for non-technologists, Centralpoint employs point-and-click,
Drop technology, making training focused on specific functions of more intricate tools. A significant portion of Centralpoint's tools can be utilized by anyone familiar with basic functions like copy and paste. We often record the web-based training sessions we provide, allowing you to reference them in the future. This proves particularly valuable in cases of staff turnover or the addition of new team members. Once our comprehensive training concludes, you're provided with step-by-step how-to links, enabling you to train others or carry out tasks on your own. Should we offer ongoing support for these services, we are happy to provide them.
Training is tailored to the unique needs and objectives of each client. Although the introductory training is uniform, emphasis might shift towards specific
modules depending on their importance to your project. Given the diverse verticals we cater to, training subtly differs for each client and can focus solely on the
modules they use. Naturally, the number of
modules you employ correlates with the extent of training required. Additionally, we encourage you to explore our
Deep DIve training videos available online.