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Centralpoint Update 8.7.8

Date of Update: Monday, July 10, 2017  
Feature Summary
FormUpdateModuleRecord CpScript This new script will retrieve data from session and based on passed parameters will update records created by Module Submission before the Web Request/Response is called.
ReadSessionValue CpScript A new ParseJsonString parameter was added to dynamically parse basic one level JSON strings stored in session state.
ModuleDragTree CpScript A new TaxonomyRootOverride parameter has been added. When provided it overrides the taxonomy root configured in the module's properties.
ExportPoliciesInManual CpControl A new OnlySelectedPolicies parameter has been added to display the control when no ManualId is present. Not all options will be available if you choose Yes.
Design > Data Sources Two new module properties have been created to control the text displayed in the CAPTCHA dialog displayed when generating PDFs.
FormGetImageGeoTag CpScript This new script will extract location data when it exists in a photo file (typically newer JPG files).
Data Transfer GetImageGeoTag CpScript This new script will extract location data when it exists in a photo file (typically newer JPG files).
Tools > Replace Old URL A new Generat ALL URL's Report File attribute has been added.
SQL Server The database server level 'optimize for ad hoc workloads' configuration option will be set to 1 to help relieve memory pressure by not allowing the plan cache to become filled with compiled plans that are not reused. If you maintain other databases on the same server and would prefer not to apply this configuration change you should change it back to 0 manually after installing this update.

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