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Centralpoint Update 8.11.80

Date of Update: Monday, April 15, 2024  
Data Transfer > Searches (Destination Type)A method has been written that allows Data Transfer to write to the cpsys_Searches tables. The cpsys_Searches.Criteria has increased to NVARCHAR(1024) and a new TINYINT column cpsys_Searches.Type has been added. The purpose of this enhancement is for sites with custom pages that require specific Reporting and do not automatically write to cpsys_Searches. The system manages these tables from default system search pages, so please consult with your Oxcyon point of contact before using this tool.
FormCondtionBuilder CpScriptThis new script generates SQL which can be processed into any module that accepts it. SQL should be written or reviewed by qualified professionals. This dynamically generated SQL may not perform well and could cause problems for the entire site or even other sites on the same server.
Scheduled Tasks > Most Popular In Data CurrentA new system table named cpsys_MostPopularInDataCurrent will be released to website databases, along with a scheduled task from the master application to manage this table. The purpose of this is for console admins to be able to produce efficient queries with cpsys_MostPopularInDataCurrent for UIs that need to render "Most Popular" content; which is content most viewed via cpsys_ClicksLog or cpsys_Leads.
Admin > Hospital Price TransparencyThis module has been extended to support dynamic /sitemap.xml files per domain.  The XML file will render different content per domain based on the records setup in this module.  "Hospital Price Transparency" files was the first problem use-case this module addressed. If using this module for multiple purposes or only /sitemap.xml files, it is recommended to alias the module accordingly within the console. The system name for this module is "Routing Handlers".  Please read the help file prior to using this module as it requires a change to the site's web.config file.

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