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Centralpoint Update 8.0.43

Date of Update: Tuesday, September 7, 2010  
  • Login.aspx has been updated to support URL encoded query string variables within its URL query string variable.
  • An overlap in the cache keys for the issues view and the current issue script has been repaired. The cache keys for all modules has been updated to be more specific and reduce the chance of this problem in the future.
  • The sync process now excludes Root/SiteMap.xml. This file will not be copied or deleted by the sync or update.
  • CpScripting now supports commenting by placing "//" at the beginning of the script key. For example [cp:scripting key='//BreadCrumbTrail' /] will not be displayed, but can be left in the client console. It is highly recommended that you do not use HTML comments to remove scripts.
  • The Clean Up stored procedure executed by the master has been optimized to run faster and more efficiently. This change will improve the performance of the sync process on sites containing a large amount of data.
  • Site Architecture > Navigation now contains an attribute called "Link Audience" that displays when you select the HTML, Module, or Resource page types. It is also in the Home Pages module, but may not function as expected. It is used to display a navigation item in multiple audiences, and control the link so that it always points to the same audience. Selecting the default value (Current Audience) will make the link always reflect the user's current audience as it does now. Selecting a specific audience will cause the link to point to that audience, even when the user is in a different audience. Keep in mind that this attribute controls the link when it is generated by the system, but does not affect the security around the navigation item. When you manually enter a link to the navigation item in an accessible audience other than the Link Audience the page will successfully render.
  • The Taxonomy attribute that is included in most modules has been updated to display a maximum of 20 items instead of 10 by default.
  • The web site and module searches support the minus and plus characters to exclude or include all results containing the following word respectively. This caused a problem when searching for a word containing a dash because it was treated as a minus forcing it to exclude a portion of the word you were looking for. The search criteria parser has been updated so that a minus is treated as a dash when it is contained within a word and a minus only if it is before a word.

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