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Centralpoint Update 8.4.10

Date of Update: Monday, November 26, 2012  
Feature Summary
Data Transfer The Column CpScript has been updated to return the reader’s default value instead of the writer’s when the column doesn’t exist or returns a null value.
Procedure Manuals A new policies and procedures module suite has been created.
Surveys > Questions The Surveys column in the client console grid view now links to a popup window containing all related surveys.
Telerik RadControls The integrated Telerik RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX have been upgraded to the latest version from December 2012. This upgrade will primarily affect the RTF Editor and File Upload controls found throughout Centralpoint. A full list of changes made since the last update in October 2012 can be found here: http://www.telerik.com/products/aspnet-ajax/whats-new/release-history.aspx
RTF Editors The ConvertToXhtml content filter has been removed from the Telerik RadEditor to prevent unwanted source changes added in the latest update.
Column CpScript The Name parameter now supports an expression (cpsys_Attributes:SystemName) to retrieve attributes that are not returned as columns in the select command or relation. The SystemName portion of the expression should be replaced with the System Name of the attribute in the related module. If an attribute does not exist with the given System Name the script will return an empty string. This expression requires that the select command returns the DataId or Attributes column. Standard Module Designer > Home View (#1) and Results View (#2) > Item Content attributes already support this expression using the DataId column in the relation. Data Sources require that the Select Command attribute includes one of these columns manually, and the Attributes column is recommended for better performance. The Select Command Builder has also been updated to automatically include the Attributes XML column when All is selected under Additional Attributes. Using this expression may cause a decrease in performance due to a database query used to retrieve attribute XML, but returning fewer records per page can improve its performance. The performance is most significantly affected by the first attribute retrieved, and is not significantly affected by retrieving multiple attributes with one select command. Adding and sync’ing columns via Master > CMS > Relations is still the most efficient way to make attribute values available in a select command or relation.
ExtDatePicker CpScript TargetId and TargetClass parameters have been added.
Data Sources An IE 7 issue with the Paged Data List formatting option has been repaired.

See Full History of All Updates