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Developer Tools & Utilities

Data Governance & Cleaning - Automate Metadata & Security EnrichmentData Governance & Cleaning - Automate Metadata & Security Enrichment
Thursday, March 23, 2023
Centralpoint's Data Cleaner (otherwise known as Data Goverrnance) collaborates seamlessly with Centralpoint's Data Transfer utility, automating metadata and Taxonomy assignment for your content. This empowers the transformation of any information that lacks proper metadata. Regardless of the information type—raw data from databases like Oracle, IBM, SQL Access, Excel, and documents such as PDFs, MS Word, or Excel—Data Cleaner ensures metadata and Taxonomy application to each record upon import. This proces...
Centralpoint (Multi-Tier) Taxonomy Pre-Import ToolsCentralpoint (Multi-Tier) Taxonomy Pre-Import Tools
Friday, March 23, 2018
This tool, found under both Import Utilities and Tools (within the client console) is a powerful way to convert your data into multi tiered taxonomy, which will ready your records for import. It was designed to assist Oxcyon staff (initially) when receiving large sets of client data, which needed to have a taxonomy built 'around it'. In this video you will see examples of why it is important, and how to use it to make your information (records, documents, products, anything), become almost instantly, search able records, organized by taxonom...
Centralpoint SAML 2.0 Deep LinksCentralpoint SAML 2.0 Deep Links
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Centralpoint supports SAML 2.0 to support Deep links for authorized users who are logged in. You will find the Deep Links module under the Admin section of your client console. SAML 2.0 empowers you to broker authentication of your logged in members, so they may access other SAML 2.0 compliant applications with a single click (eliminating the redundancy of logging in again).
Centralpoint Data EnrichmentCentralpoint Data Enrichment
Monday, December 28, 2015
Centralpoint's Data Cleaner (otherwise known as Data Governance) collaborates seamlessly with Centralpoint's Data Transfer utility, automating metadata and Taxonomy assignment for your content. This empowers the transformation of any information that lacks proper metadata. Regardless of the information type—raw data from databases like Oracle, IBM, SQL Access, Excel, and documents such as PDFs, MS Word, or Excel—Data Cleaner ensures metadata and Taxonomy application to each record upon import. This process...
Centralpoint Password HashCentralpoint Password Hash
Monday, January 14, 2013
This tools was designed to Hash encrypt any password. Simply enter your password into the first box and click hash. It will then provide you the hashed version of your password. This is a rarely used, but powerful tool for senior developers only to troubleshoot password related issues. 
, This tool can be found under the Development section within the Client Console, under 'Utilities'. Log in the Client Console, click on development, and search for this tool within this page. You can also ask your production manager to turn on t...
Centralpoint Taxonomy Crosswalk and Extract Centralpoint Taxonomy Crosswalk and Extract
Monday, January 14, 2013
This tool allows you to summon the SQL Query (or command) for any Taxonomy within the site. This Query can be used to import into another site. (Example: You have developed an amazing and deep taxonomy, which you may want to extract so that you can import it into another site exactly as it was). This is a very powerful tool that allows you to import tiered taxonomy into Centralpoint. This tool supports no more than 3 columns (or 3 tiered taxonomy) (per import). This tool currently requires that your first tier be named 'Client Specialty...
Centralpoint Dynamic ScriptsCentralpoint Dynamic Scripts
Monday, January 14, 2013
Centralpoint's Dynamic Scripts module allows you to retrieve data from any module and then format it as a CpScript to be placed anywhere on your site. For example, if you want to feature the Top Five news articles and Top Four events on your homepage (in descending order), the Dynamic Scripts tool empowers you to create individual scripts for each, and then place them anywhere on your homepage. You can control the record count, sort order, CSS, and anything you need to easily create dynamically serving ..., This tool can be found under the D...
Centralpoint Initialize New WebsiteCentralpoint Initialize New Website
Monday, January 14, 2013
This tool would only be used in the case of multi portal development, within a Master Enterprise environment. Since Centralpoint leverages rapid application development, this means a newly created site was created by another site (it's parent). This suggests that records found in the creating site may need to be flushed and cleaned prior to the launch of the new site (although not always the case, should you want records to be preserved). Should you want to flush all values, and ensure a clean deployment, this tool  will DELETE all...
Centralpoint Clear SearchCentralpoint Clear Search
Monday, January 14, 2013
Over the course of time all of the searches conducted within your site are saved. This tool would be used to flush all previous saved search routines in your site, allowing you to re calibrate the relevance of more recent searches being made. This tool was created to prevent  'previously searched keywords' from the database, putting you in charge of when you want to re calibrate those keywords searched. Note: You would like not need to use this unless you are capturing search terms from unwanted users to your site (profanity or bot...
Centralpoint Error Reporting & MonitoringCentralpoint Error Reporting & Monitoring
Monday, January 14, 2013
Error Reporting is managed in two locations, first within the Client Console of each individual Centralpoint Portal and also at the Uber Console, by Oxcyon. 
Centralpoint Backup Web SiteCentralpoint Backup Web Site
Monday, January 14, 2013
This tool will provide a full back up of your site's database (within SQL), and will also back up all related site files used within your site. To adjust the 'Maximum Backups', you must go to the Centralpoint Master Management Console. If you do not have access to your Master Management console, kindly contact your hosting or network administrator.

Note: This is highly used tool, by anyone and is typically a good idea to run this prior to any major work you do to your website (massive data imports, or any type of major enhancements ...
Centralpoint CrosswalksCentralpoint Crosswalks
Monday, January 14, 2013
The Centralpoint Crosswalks tool (typically a script) found within the Module Designer is a great illustration as to why you need a centralized and comprehensive platform to manage your content. Crosswalks provide cross-references to related information within your site, putting all of the information at your fingertips. By leveraging Centralpoint's taxonomy and WYSIWYG object-oriented programming, you are able to automatically suggest and recommend related information for virtually any page you manage. , This tool can be found under th...
Centralpoint Export SQL BuilderCentralpoint Export SQL Builder
Monday, January 14, 2013
This tool typically used by senior developers, allows you to see the SQL Query for any module in your site. By selecting any module, it will provide the complete SQL Statement for all records from that module. This Query can then be used to create Data Sources, Data Transfers, or to build any report.
It has been optimized for use within Data Transfer, and although it could be used for reporting or others tasks (to filter record sets), it is not optimized for those purposes.

, This tool can be found under the Development sect...
Centralpoint Extract Sharepoint DocumentsCentralpoint Extract Sharepoint Documents
Monday, January 14, 2013
When migrating or extracting documents 'from' Sharepoint this tool is essential to retreive and restore binary images and documents. It will allow you to create a new file structure of all documents (previously in Sharepoint) into a new file directory, wherein files will no longer be binary. From this new directory, typically imports are run in order to migrate these records into Centralpoint. This would be a tool used by senior developers.

Note: This tool will mimic the file directory previously maintained in Sharepoint (including ...
Centralpoint Clean Up WebsiteCentralpoint Clean Up Website
Monday, January 14, 2013
This tool will clean your web site, file system and database. It will audit files no longer referenced in the database and delete them, it will also run complete database maintenance routines, restart any (saved items in) cache memory, and restart the entire website application. Note: This is a good tool to use, if there is ever some performance anomoly on your website, based on some spike in traffic, or if you feel like some activity on the site has slowed it down in some way. ..

This tool can be found under the Developme...
Centralpoint Global Login SSOCentralpoint Global Login SSO
Monday, January 14, 2013
Centralpoint's Cross-Forest Single Sign-On (SSO) extends support to various authentication methods, including AD (Active Directory), ADS, LDAP, LDAPS, SAML 2.0 (Okta, Ping, Symantec), Windows Authentication, oAuth, and Open ID (Twitter, Salesforce, Google, Facebook), all available right out of the box. This comprehensive support ensures secure authentication for all your diverse users—employees, partners, customers—from a central and unified point. This feature operates as a secure hub, enabling the secure distribution of information an...
Centralpoint URL RewriteCentralpoint URL Rewrite
Monday, January 14, 2013
URL Rewrite permits Web administrators to easily replace the URLs generated by a Web application in the response HTML with a more user friendly and search engine friendly equivalent. Links can be modified in the HTML markup generated by a Web application behind a reverse proxy. URL Rewrite makes things easier for outbound response content and headers rewriting with outbound rewrite rules that work with HTTP request and response headers and with IIS server variables.

You will want to upload an Excel spreadsheet here which must contai...
Centralpoint Remove Values from Form ResultsCentralpoint Remove Values from Form Results
Monday, January 14, 2013
Centralpoint forms capture a result each time the form is submitted. These form results can be deleted in the client console, relative to any form. (Example, select form results, and you are free to delete all previously submitted forms). This tool is designed to assist clients who have collected data (in form results), which you may need to remove WITHOUT deleting the entire form result record (Example: Should you accidentally collect credit card or social security numbers within a form, when compliance does not allow that), you may ne...
Centralpoint Sponsored KeywordsCentralpoint Sponsored Keywords
Monday, January 14, 2013
Centralpoint's Sponsored Keywords, also known as Reverse Hyperlinks, link words after the web page has rendered. One hyperlink could create potentially thousands of live instances on your pages! This module is used to create a list of terms that will be linked -- without manually linking each term --  when they render on the website. The terms will be highlighted on the site and when a user hovers his/her mouse pointer over each one, the entry's content will be displayed. 
Centralpoint Data AggregationCentralpoint Data Aggregation
Monday, January 14, 2013
Centralpoint boasts exceptional Data Transformation tools that automate the aggregation of data from diverse sources. It facilitates both indexing and ingestion of both structured and unstructured data. This encompasses the capability to gather information from a variety of systems (such as SQL, Oracle, IBM, XML, JSON, CSV) as well as files from folders (like PDFs, Word documents, images, videos).

Moreover, these tools offer Data Mining to automatically classify each record and assign the appropriate metadata and Taxonomy upon impor...
Centralpoint URL EncodeCentralpoint URL Encode
Monday, January 14, 2013
This tool allows you to take any URL and have it encoded properly. (Example: sometimes a url may contain certain spaces or values which do not render it correctly for the web browser). This tool will ensure that your URL be friendly to any web browser, should it contain unusual charcters. Enter a string in the text box below and click encode to prepare it to be added to a query string variable. 

, This tool can be found under the Development section within the Client Console, under 'Utilities'. Log in the Client Console, cl...
Centralpoint Records CountCentralpoint Records Count
Monday, January 14, 2013
This tool will enumerate all records found within your site, and give you a count of the number of records found in each area. This is a very helpful tool to give you a quick snapshot of how many records are in use within your site. The second line item in the report shows records in the DATA CURRENT table, which would represent live records found within your website. The remaining categories show ancillary records (like clicks, leads (impressions), audiences, taxonomies, members, etc.

, This tool can be found under the Developm...
Centralpoint Delete TaxonomyCentralpoint Delete Taxonomy
Monday, January 14, 2013
Because taxonomy supports N-Tiered relationships this means that should you ever want to delete a taxonomy tree, or individual taxonomy terms, you would need to do so manually, indvidiually, until all nodes of that taxonomy tree were deleted. This tool was created to allow all taxonomy items under a particular parent to be deleted in one fell swoop. Without this tool, each taxonomy found under the parent would have to be deleted manually, and individually and be time consuming. 

Note: You will want to confirm that the taxonomy ...
Centralpoint IP ManagementCentralpoint IP Management
Monday, January 14, 2013
Centralpoint's IP Management blocks or automatically authenticates users based on their IP addresses. The "IP Address/Range" attribute is a string comprised of four parts, separated by dots(.). Each part can be either a single byte (1-255), a star (*), or a byte range (x-y). A star is shorthand for the byte range, 1-255. The "Action" attribute allows you to input directions to dictate events when a user in the given IP range accesses the site. If "Block" is selected, the user will be blocked from accessing the site at all...
Centralpoint Clean Upload DirectoryCentralpoint Clean Upload Directory
Monday, January 14, 2013
This is rarely used tool, which eliminates all previously uploaded files into the directory (like images, documents, files). It would be a tool to use, when creating or setting up a new site, to ensure that no remaining files uploaded to the previous (or creator site) is present. 

The template file shows an example (only) of how you would name your media files (images or documents (pdf, doc, xls, ppt, jpg, png, etc.). By uploading this new excel file, ALL previous media files will be deleted and only these will remain. You will...
Centralpoint Modules Export SQL BuilderCentralpoint Modules Export SQL Builder
Monday, January 14, 2013
This senior developer tool allows you generate the SQL Query (command) for all fields relative to Taxonomy or Audiences. Taxonomy and Audiences are considered System modules (not containing ordinary content), and hence require this tool to extract data from any of these modules. , This tool can be found under the Development section within the Client Console, under 'Utilities'. Log in the Client Console, click on development, and search for this tool within this page. You can also ask your production manager to turn on the 'Tools' secti...
Centralpoint Reset ClicksCentralpoint Reset Clicks
Monday, January 14, 2013
Clicks is a table in Centralpoint's database which records the click of each page (Only in the event you are using clicks.aspx for those modules or pages which you will want to track). Without clicks you will not have the business intelligence to determine each page's access and for logged in members (who has clicked on which page). 

This tool will delete all clicks found in this database, and reset them all to zero. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you back up your website prior to executing this tool. Note: Deleting these record...
Centralpoint WorkflowCentralpoint Workflow
Monday, January 14, 2013
Centralpoint's Workflow module allows you to manage the various workflow steps involved with online form submissions. Whether it is a simple one-step approval process or it involves multiple parties to each approve the document at different intervals, Centralpoint Workflow allows you to manage the process every step of the way. The Workflow module works in concert with the Forms Management module, routing individual forms through the appropriate workflow. , This tool can be found under the Development section within the Client Console, ...
Centralpoint Replace Old UrlsCentralpoint Replace Old Urls
Monday, January 14, 2013
When migrating client from older Content Management Systems, the URL query string often differs. This tools is designed to replace any old URL schema with new URL schemas, which could be found within the Body Copy of any webpage. (Example: You may have an old webpage which was imported in from another system, and within the body of that webpage, you have hyperlinks which point to your older url (website). This tool allows for all references to be changed en masse upload. 

Note: It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you back up your web...
Centralpoint Design StylesCentralpoint Design Styles
Monday, January 14, 2013
Centralpoint Design Styles allow you to maintain your website styles, classified by Audience and Role, to render distinctly designed websites. These styles primarily relate to colors, fonts, images, and other design elements. The global attributes are always available, but the majority of this module's attributes are controlled by the Site Type. Centralpoint styles support your own CSS, but allow you to manage all of your CSS in a way that can be re-used on your other websites., This tool can be found under the Development section withi...
Centralpoint Module Geo CodesCentralpoint Module Geo Codes
Monday, January 14, 2013
Although Centralpoint supports a trigger to automatically determine a record's geo code on submission and/or during import, sometimes the values become outdated, and/or it is not available at the time of import or data entry. This tool allows you to retroactively apply geo codes to any records, within a module, based on certain files (like street, city, state, zip), in which to determine each record's geo code and apply that to the record. Here you would select your module, define which fields should be used to determine the geo co...
Centralpoint Integration with SalesforceCentralpoint Integration with Salesforce
Monday, January 14, 2013
Centralpoint integrates with Salesforce users to welcome -- and authenticate -- them to your website. The website login has been equipped to handle multiple internal and external authentication sources (global logins). These authentication sources only work with the website; they are not utilized in console logins. When a user logs into the site's front end, this module is queried for live records and authentication is attempted using the entered username and password.

This is managed via Cen...
Centralpoint Organization Chart or "Wheel"Centralpoint Organization Chart or "Wheel"
Monday, January 14, 2013
Centralpoint's Digital Experience Platform serves as an omnichannel Knowledge Management and content management ecosystem. This universal platform caters to organizations of all sizes and industries. It streamlines information flow from your business through distributors to end users (B2B2C), and reciprocally tracks user actions (C2B2B). It's a groundbreaking User Experience Platform causing a major shift in enterprise content management and portal domains. Discover more about our innovative approach that reinvents the wheel.

Centralpoint Data Sources & ReportingCentralpoint Data Sources & Reporting
Monday, January 14, 2013
Centralpoint Data Sources allow you to display dynamic content anywhere you desire on your site. This tool enables you to speak directly to Centralpoint's database (or others) to determine the type of content you want available, creating mobile content. For example, let's say while users are reading a news article, you want to display all related products immediately to the right of the article. This is where a data source comes into play. This deep dive video shows all features of data sources, This tool can be found under the Development s...
Centralpoint Restart Web SiteCentralpoint Restart Web Site
Monday, January 14, 2013
This tool will restart your application at the IIS level. This will result in removing all website (server side cache), and flush your site of all current sessions. Note: Upon revisitng your website (front end) after executing this tool, you may notice a slight delay. This is a result of the recompilation of your site, code, and cache. As you click around the site, you will see it speed up.

This tool can be found under the Development section within the Client Console, under 'Utilities'. Log in the Client Console, click on deve...
Centralpoint Database Table LookupCentralpoint Database Table Lookup
Monday, January 14, 2013
Centralpoint's Database Table Lookup allows you to review any database within Centralpoint to better understand its table structure. This can help you clearly understand any integration, or it can simply demystify how all of the information is stored within Centralpoint. It is helpful to see it from the database perspective, and this utility allows you to do just that., This tool can be found under the Development section within the Client Console, under 'Utilities'. Log in the Client Console, click on development, and search for this tool w...
Centralpoint Form State DecodeCentralpoint Form State Decode
Monday, January 14, 2013
This tools was created in order to take any encoded form state string, in which to decode. Enter the encoded form state string and click decode. This would be strictly for developers. 
Note: Form state stores information about a form, their controls and their values. That information is encrypted, which is why we developed this tool....allowing to decode the form into an unencrypted format, including its values. 

, This tool can be found under the Development section within the Client Console, under 'Utilities'. L...
Centralpoint Restore VersionCentralpoint Restore Version
Monday, January 14, 2013
This rarely used tool allows you to restore ALL records, within any individual module, by user ID. Here you would enter in the GUID of the user id, select your module, and all records will be restored back to when that particular User ID, had last modifed them. (Example: A new employee edits a number of your records incorrectly over a period of time, and you want to restore en masse back your original versions). 

, This tool can be found under the Development section within the Client Console, under 'Utilities'. Log in the ...
Centralpoint Service KeyCentralpoint Service Key
Monday, January 14, 2013
This tool is used when generating a web service. A service key is unique to each server, and considering that you could have multiple service keys involved regarding numerous web services, this tool allows you to generate a unique, and secure service key whenever you need one. 
This tool can be found under the Development section within the Client Console, under 'Utilities'. Log in the Client Console, click on development, and search for this tool within this page. You can also ask your production manager to turn on the 'Tools' sec...
Centralpoint Application TraceCentralpoint Application Trace
Monday, January 14, 2013
Application Trace, when enabled will track any page loaded on the front end of the site, including the application 'trace'. This tool, when enabled, will show the incremental page load steps, including times. It is typically used to isolate a problem within any page's load. As with page tracing generally, you can view trace information at the bottom of individual pages. Alternatively, you can use the trace viewer (Trace.axd) to view trace information collected and cached by ASP.NET when tracing is enabled. Be sure to turn off Application Tra...
Centralpoint  Reset HitsCentralpoint Reset Hits
Monday, January 14, 2013
If you would like to reset hits, ratings or clicks on any particular record, please enter the comma separated list of GUIDS, and execute. To remove clicks on any of these records (in addtion to hits and ratings, please change the value of -1 to zero (0). To obtain the GUID for any record in your site, simply open that record in the console, and then (top right/drop down) click on View/Hide Properties, and you can copy the Data ID (not the module ID) into this comma separated value box. Additiionally, may add -1 to exclude Hits or Ratings (ex...
Centralpoint Reset Module ConfigurationCentralpoint Reset Module Configuration
Monday, January 14, 2013
This tool is rarely used by senior developers if the module configuration was faulty and need to be reconfigured. This tool will allow you to bring the configuration to the default
This tool can be found under the Development section within the Client Console, under 'Utilities'. Log in the Client Console, click on development, and search for this tool within this page. You can also ask your production manager to turn on the 'Tools' section of your client console. When this is done, each tool will appear individually within the console, ...
Centralpoint Re-populate RelationCentralpoint Re-populate Relation
Monday, January 14, 2013
Relations allow certain fields to carry with that record, when being searched. (Example: The details view of any record contains all fields in the relation, but some fields are excluded only within the search results (for performance). Sometimes new fields are added to modules, which have not been considered in the intial relations during the module's creation. This tool allows for any new fields added to the module to be considered, having those relationships rebuilt. 

, This tool can be found under the Development se...