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Centralpoint Update 8.0.11

Date of Update: Monday, May 11, 2009  
  • It was recently discovered that web site backups did not contain folders that began with the string “Temp”. This caused problems with Template and Templates folders when moving sites from one server to another. This problem has been resolved.
  • A bug has been repaired that caused the bread crumb trail to display HTML navigation items twice. It was introduced by the change that allowed HTML navigation items to be managed using the module designer.
  • A method to generate a taxonomy filter retrieving ALL taxonomy items in a list as opposed to ANY of the taxonomy items has been added to the CpContent class. The primary purpose of this method is to facilitate a new attribute in the Dynamic Scripts module, but it will have many applications in the future.
  • Additional exception handling has been added to the Sync and Update methods so that errors that occur are recorded in the master’s process log.
  • A bug that caused an error in the client console grid view when searching “All Attributes”, then clicking a sort arrow has been repaired. The patch required changes to a large majority of the modules. If a client is using a custom Module Configuration they may still have this problem. If this occurs we will have to update the custom Module Configuration, including the relation table name in field references in all sort expressions.
  • The bug has been repaired that caused an exception in the client console when a user submitted a record that displayed on the last page of records in that module. The exception displayed when a record was opened by user A, then user B deleted records in the module causing the page that user A was on to become invalid, then the user A submits the record. When this scenario occurs the user is redirected to page 1 of in the same module after the records data is successfully submitted.
  • A bug has been repaired that caused an exception in the Publishing / Articles module when a search was executed over the Data Id field. It affected all modules adding JOIN clauses to the module grid using the “Grid Join Clauses” module configuration. The Data Id search field is now supported by all modules.
  • All Telerik controls have been upgraded to the Q1 2009 SP1 release. This includes the changes listed here: http://www.telerik.com/products/aspnet-ajax/whats-new/release-history/q1-2009-sp1-version-2009-1-402.aspx. We primarily utilize the RadEditor, RadSpell, and RadUpload controls. The focus of this upgrade is support for Internet Explorer 8 in the RTF Editor.
  • The client console has been updated to support Internet Explorer 8 without Compatibility Mode.
  • The Design / Styles / Navigation & Sub Nav tabs have 2 new attributes each: Text Padding, Text Margin. These new attributes have been added to control the padding and margin around text based navigation and sub navigation items and do not affect image based items. They allow you to control the top, right, bottom, and left padding and margin. Padding and margin both were included because the margin will be affected by background colors while the padding will not.
  • A glitch in the lead tracking tool that caused extra hits to be collected in high traffic situations has been repaired. The number of hits recorded during high traffic situations before this update may be inaccurate.
  • The sort criteria for the Advertising / Ad Tracking / Banners module’s Hits column has been updated. Previously when the module was sorted by this column an error was returned. This fix will only apply to sites not using a custom module configuration for this module.
  • A bug in the RelatedData cp:control that prevented the proper functionality of the ItemWidth parameter has been repaired. Displaying one related data item per line can now be accomplished by setting the item width to 100%.
  • Centralpoint form state dynamic search buttons have been updated to function properly on views other than the Home View (#1) and Results View (#2) in the module designer.
  • A new attribute called “Custom Elements” has been added to the “Header Tags” tab in Structure / Navigation and Audiences. Another similar attribute called “Header Elements” has been added to Admin / Properties and affects all pages in the site. The contents of these attributes will be added to the HTML page header exactly as it is entered into the text area. They can be used to link JavaScript or CSS files and to include custom meta tags. Their contents attribute will be added in addition to the header information dynamically generated by Centralpoint.
  • Additional exception handling has been added to all HttpHandlers so their errors are reported to Uber like web pages.
  • Two new modules have been completed: Design / Dynamic Feeds and Admin / XML/RSS. Please review the help files for module details.
  • Advertising / Ad Tracking / Banners has been updated to so that ad links will not be followed by search spiders. This module has also gotten new fields used to limit the number of hits or clicks that an ad can have before it is automatically removed. A bug in this module has been repaired that was causing deleted users to show up in the Advertiser attribute.
  • A bug in the RTF Editor site links tool has been repaired to correctly set the link target.
  • Support for multiple email addresses has been added to Forms Management / Forms / Workflow / CC & BCC.

See Full History of All Updates