Document or File Viewer for PDF
This Centralpoint Script will display the function of Document or File Viewer for PDF. Simply copy and paste it where you would like it to appear, within any page (navigation, record, form, data source, homepage) or area of your project. Please note some scripts are designed to only serve particular areas of your projects. Please see below for any restrictions for this script.
[cp:scripting key='PdfViewer' sourcetype='Attribute' format='<style>#pdfContainer {{width:auto !important; height:1700px !important;}}@media only screen and (max-width : 1500px) {{#pdfContainer {{height: 800px !important;}}}}@media only screen and (max-width : 600px) {{#pdfContainer {{height: 600px !important;}}}}</style><div id="pdfContainer"></div><script>$(function(){{var options = {{enableDownload:false, hideControls: cpsys_Apossharecpsys_Apos,pageMode: 1}};var flipBook = $(cpsys_Apos#pdfContainercpsys_Apos).flipBook(cpsys_Apos{0}cpsys_Apos, options);}});</script>' source='FileUpload1' /]