Centralpoint files U.S. Patent reinventing Email

Patented DITA-based email software promises productivity gains as time spent sending/replying to emails is slashed, errors are eliminated, and collaboration is simplified.
CLEVELAND, Sept. 27, 2016—The average knowledge (office) worker uses it 13 hours a week, or 650 hours a year (assuming two weeks’ vacation),1 and yet email technology hasn’t changed much in the 20 years it’s been around—until now, with the introduction of the Centralpoint Email Portal, a patented DITA2 -based email interface by Oxcyon, Inc., a user experience platform (UXP) vendor as recognized by Gartner, Inc., a leading provider of technology research to global technology business leaders. The Oxcyon introduction is expected to help organizations recoup nearly half the time now spent by knowledge (office) workers sending and replying to emails.
As the newest version of the Centralpoint UXP, the software validates user identity; unifies disparate email and enterprise content management silos; and delivers email via other third-party providers such as Microsoft Exchange, Google, Hotmail, Centralpoint’s secure email (whose message body does not leave the server), other custom systems, and SMTP.
The release of the Centralpoint DITA Mail Portal ensures that emails with elements (traditional or DITA-created files), when reopened, are current. For example, if a user authors a document, which includes a reference to a product and its price, and upper management changes the price of the product the next day, the document will be updated for the sender or recipient without anyone touching that document again.
By making possible the effective management of content and data access, and by serving as a central repository of references to third-party systems, the software enables time spent on emails to be slashed. Files and send/reply messages are assembled and authored leveraging DITA. Users can drag and drop data sources (bits of information) from Centralpoint and/or other systems to assemble and send emails using intuitive menus appearing in the email interface. This makes it possible for document updates and data sources to be tethered live to the author and recipients.
Furthermore, the menus are personalized for each user according to the user’s job function and role. These capabilities are expected to enhance ease-of-communication and facilitate greater collaboration within organizations. The software also provides standard responses for any situation and for international clients using their languages. Equipping users with the data elements they need to assemble new emails or error-free responses in seconds ensures governance over corporate communications, thus eliminating the need for a review process in most cases.
“Our patented DITA assembly of messages make email the collaborative tool it should have always been,” declares Samuel Keller, Oxcyon founder, CEO, and inventor of the Centralpoint technology. “As it turns out email is both the problem and the solution.”
The portal’s many capabilities include support of web services, mobile devices, DITA document creation (Word, PDF, PPT, XLS), integration with back office systems, on premise or cloud installation, central management of digital assets, business intelligence, data transfer or transformation of legacy mail, and even gamification. For more or to see it, visit http://www.oxcyon.com/email
1Report: The Social Economy, Unlocking Value and Productivity Through Social Technologies, McKinsey Global Institute
2DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture) is an XML (Extensible Markup Language) data model for authoring and publishing.