Centralpoint's Social Media Mashup module allows you to manage all of your social media accounts from a singular, central point. In this way, you can see all social media activity (or chatter) at a glance, able to filter by outlet to see activity on each one. This module requires that you enter your ID and API Key for each, so that Centralpoint may merge it all into one unified report. This report may also be filtered by Audience (and role), allowing you to have all social media (for the parent company), as well as individualized report for each subsidiary or brand that you oversee.
This is also ideal for manufacturers who want to monitor the activity of their re sellers or dealers who represent their brand. We encourage manufacturers to consider gaining this consent from their distributors in an effort to monitor and preserve their brands. It is also possible to consider using this feature for your employees (given their consent to privacy waivers) which would allow you to monitor the brand of each employee who represents your company. This type of reporting would be limited to brand sensitive organizations (wherein their staff could potentially tarnish the corporate brand, and is striclty limited to the privacy/consent forms you would have in place with your employees.) Centralpoint's, out-of-the-box social media integration includes:
Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube, Pinterest, Vimeo and Instagram.(Other may be added). Additionally, Centralpoint integrates with Slack and Yammer (in addition to these providers, for purposes of live reporting, data sources, and/or import of data from these sources.
Centralpoint is recognized by Gartner as a Digital Experience Platform. Centralpoint offers the most robust module gallery out of the box, including integration with Active Directory, SAML, and supports Multichannel websites, Data Transfer, Data Mining, Automated Retention Policy Management, and Dynamic Document Assembly. Centralpoint is updated bi-weekly, via a pull update whether on premise or installed in the cloud guaranteeing all users stay up to date with the best digital tools available in the market.