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Centralpoint supports content editing, including support for rich text with HTML and style (CSS) enforcement.

Centralpoint supports Rich Text HTML (WYSIWYG Editing) as well as CSS Enforcment. The CSS (of each site's design) is managed within the Design module, and in turn the 'templates' work with these CSS 'classes', allowing for global site wide design changes (should you want to at any time) from the 'top down'. Additionally, because of the multiple (ancestor) website management, Design/CSS may be invoked across one, some or all sites (top down). This allows you to share CSS/Design for any multi site environment in any way that you may want to. The Design also supports (start and end date) suggesting that if you wanted to have designs automatically change over a period of time, you could. (Note: Certain items like images (uploaded) or content entered (of any type) will be enforced by the CSS to support approprirate output not only for Desktop view (but also "Responsively" for Mobile (iphone/droid/potrait/landscape). This means that the Design & CSS consider 'all devices'. The Design/CSS will also factor in such things as ADA Compliance, SEO Optimization, and optimized 'Page Insights' (from Google).