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Centralpoint allows for faceted search and relevant search suggestions.

Yes, Centralpoint provides 'suggested matches', relevance 'scoring' and even the ability to control when users search 'x', to redirect them right to the record you want them to, (which could be an individual record, or a collection of suggested options). We call this tool 'Search Redirect', which allows you to customize beyond the customization of the the 'search relevance weighting'. So here we see two types of conditions to control 'relevance' (as we like to say, search 'relevance' is 'relative' (to 'who' is searching 'where' (in which microsite). This means that you can set up 'presumptious' relevance weighting rules, and then 'highly specific search term suggestions and redirections' based on what users search. Most importantly is the abilty for us to TRACK everything searched (by hits, popularity (rating), and 'NO RESULTS FOUND' (our favorite). If you think about it, tracking the dead ends, and automatically prompting you to 'take action to redirect those deadends' solves any search complaints from anyone.