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A 45 minute video to help your team plan and prepare your Centralpoint Enterprise Information Management ahead of your kick off meeting with Oxcyon. In this video, we discuss information management, governance, and how to maximize the re-usability of your content through your many channels. this video will help you see your enterprise (big picture) including the many (cascading) Audiences, Sites, Channels, and Roles of users you need to serve.

Centralpoint supports agile development through it's Toolbox. The Centralpoint toolbox empowers users to call on any feature needed, and drag and drop it on to the page for use. These items could be form fields, or functions like Google Maps, Proximity Searches, Printer Friendly Icons, Related Content, anything. In this way, Centralpoint provides you with all of the tools you need to create your user solutions almost in a paint by numbers way. This is also helpful when you have multiple sites, wherein one site's functional design differs from others. Using Centralpoint's Toolbox you can easily cater to the needs of each audience or microsite, re-using the same functional elements pulling from the central data store. 

Centralpoint Toolbox also allows you to create your own code (Css, Formatted HTML, Web Service calls, anything) giving you a re-usable toolbox to drag and drop from whenever you need. 

Today's TV monitors and kiosks are wifi enabled. This means that you can treat any monitor as a channel to broadcast information. Whether it be Emergency Room wait times, Cafeteria menus, calendars, or even live Tableau or BI reporting (to the conference room monitor for the board), Centralpoint can help you. Here, Centralpoint treats each of your many monitors as extensions (or websites) under your omni channel, digital experience platform, Centralpoint. Simply give any monitor the homepage of that address, and it will be streaming whatever you have tagged for it to appear. Instead of designing those (websites) around what you would expect from a desktop, instead apply CSS which makes them look like a television program, timing what content appears when. If you have touchscreen monitors, which are now affordable, let us convert it into an interactive kiosk for forms submissions, surveys, or allow them to search your products or staff via touchscreen.

Centralpoint for digital signage extends your digital strategy beyond your enterprise portal, website or mobile apps. It empowers you to manage rich multimedia (via video, overlays and dynamic content) targeted to specific locations within your organization. Whether you support a nationwide chain of hospitals, restaurants, hotels or retail locations, Centralpoint can streamline your digital signage strategy.

Centralpoint's in line Edit View, empowers its users to easily view and manage any element which is serving to the page they are on. This feature is only available to administrators of the Client Console, and demystifies each page, explaining where everything is, and how to access it within one click. When you click on the items found on the page, it will return you to the Client Console, where that element can be managed. 

Centralpoint Data Sources allow you to display dynamic content anywhere you desire on your site. This tool enables you to speak directly to Centralpoint's database (or others) to determine the type of content you want available, creating mobile content. For example, let's say while users are reading a news article, you want to display all related products immediately to the right of the article. This is where a data source comes into play. 

All content modules within Centralpoint can be e-commerce enabled. This means that if you wish to sell anything -- a record, a video, or an online course -- you can. Of course you can manage a product catalog where users can shop, add items to their cart, and check out, but you may want to make records e-commerce enabled you never before thought possible. You may wish to sell one report amongst hundreds of others that might be free. In this way, you determine what is sold and at what price. Any module can be ecoomerce 'enabled'. When a module is enabled, each record added, has an additional E-Commerce tab, to control such things as price, image, dim weight...allowing you to sell any record in your site (from a document, video, to a product). When a record is ecommerce enabled, and has a price (for purchase) it will automatically appear in the search results, and the record view, complete with an ADD TO CART feature.

Centralpoint's Digital Experience Platform serves as an omnichannel Knowledge Management and content management ecosystem. This universal platform caters to organizations of all sizes and industries. It streamlines information flow from your business through distributors to end users (B2B2C), and reciprocally tracks user actions (C2B2B). It's a groundbreaking User Experience Platform causing a major shift in enterprise content management and portal domains. Discover more about our innovative approach that reinvents the wheel.

Creating an organizational chart showcasing all enterprise audiences is effortless. Simply generate a new record within your Client Console's Admin section. This tool provides three jQuery views: Centralpoint Wheel (Traditional), Centralpoint Sunburst Wheel (latest version), and Treeview. Selecting a view alters its rendering. Once the record is created, clicking the View link displays your visual enterprise mind map. Place this link anywhere on your site to offer users an insightful perspective.

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