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Centralpoint Update 8.4.56

Date of Update: Monday, November 24, 2014  
Feature Summary
Design > Data Sources CpScripts are now allowed in the Raw Html Formatting Option for Styles and Scripts.
Design > Styles New Hide When Empty attributes have been added to the Left and Right tabs. Selecting Yes will dynamically remove the section from the HTML when it contains no Content, Advertisers, or Navigation. New Global > Scripts and Misc > Forms CSS Class attributes have also been added. The Misc tab is only available if you are using the Default site type.
ExtGoogleAutoComplete Extender CpScript This new extender script has been developed to show valid addresses when typing into a textbox. A new Property, Add Query String, has been added to the Design > Data Sources > Formatting Option > Google Map, Google Maps (Results View) CpControl, Google Maps (Details View) CpControl, Audience Google Map CpControl, and Site Architecture > System Pages > Audience in order to add a query string parameter to the Google Map library to work in conjunction with this script.
JPlayer CpScript This new script can be used to render an audio or video player when provided the path to a file. Please check the Scripting help file for information on how to use this script.
NavigationTier CpScript New ShowHiddenPages & ShowNavGroups properties have been added. These properties have been documented in the Scripting help file.
ReadSessionValue CpScript A new Format property has been added to this script.
SiteMapInfo CpScript New Id and JObject Properties have been added to this script. They can be used to add a JavaScript variable to the page called cpsys.CpScripting, and the resulting value of this script will be added to this variable instead of writing it directly to the page. It will be accessible using the provided Id in the following format: cpsys.CpScripting.SiteMapInfo.YourId.

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