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Centralpoint Update 8.11.31

Date of Update: Monday, February 14, 2022  
Feature Summary
CpScript ReportQuestionsRelatedByTaxonomy A CpScript is available which works when a site has the "Questions In Reports Relation Enabled" module property enabled within Education > Reports. This script has many options and will return data from the site which relate to CeQuestions by taxonomy matches between the question and website data. A practical use case would be to direct users to website data that may help them with questions they answered incorrectly. This CpScript is supported by any page that uses a report ID query string. It is also functional in the email attributes within Education > Configuration records if there is a need to email the related website data to users after they submit a test.
Education > Reports > Module Properties There is a module property named "Questions In Reports Relation Enabled". Enable this property to create a relationship from report records to the questions the user answered when taking their test. This feature provides a means to generate reports showing how users answered questions. For example, reports that show which questions were within the users test when they took it and if the questions were answered correctly or incorrectly. When the attribute is enabled, there is another data point that is optionally enabled. This is controlled by the "QuestionData Column Enabled" module property. The QuestionData column holds JSON with additional details of the question at the time the user took the test. It will provide details of the question type, question options, and how the user answered the question. There is no system functionality associated to this column. Its benefits are for debugging or for use within a custom project.
Content > Generic Enhanced A new Content Block Extractor module property has been added to all generic enhanced modules.
Data Sources: Charts (Advanced) The Vertical Bar, Horizontal Bar, and Line chart types now support multiple data sets for each axis rendered in the chart.

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